Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Just Seperation ❯ Just Seperation ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: Aravis Tarkheena

Disclaimer: I don't own them, and I don't have them hidden in my basement, I do however have 4 brothers and a sister if anyone would like one of them, you can have them for free, especially the boys. I've been trying to sell them for years and all I've succeeded in doing is scandalize a number of old women who didn't think it was nice of me to try and sell my little brother to them in the Farmers Market. I still have no idea why…

Notes: First GW fic, please don't hate me if it sucks, I'm sorry if it's choppy, I don't like choppy fics and I hope this doesn't turn into one. The name is really dumb and I'll probably change it later, but incase you hadn't caught on it's a play off the opening theme Just Communication and when I first thought about it I thought it was terribly clever, but the more I think about it the more I realize that it's just plain dumb, so I also apologize for that. Also if you'd like to archive my fic just email me.

Feedback: YES!! I LIKE LOTS AND LOTS OF FEED BACK!!!!!!!!!! My email is so email me even if you thought it sucked because I like to know if people read my stuff or if I should just stop wasting my already useless time.

Just Separation

"Transferred!?! What the hell do you mean you've been transferred?" Duo shouted

"……" Was Heero's sole response.

"Don't just stand there and "……" me. I want to know why those idiots decided to transfer you to some other base!"

"I'm not sure Duo, they just told me today right before I had to leave."

"What did you say?"

"What could I say?"

"Try: Fuck You I'm not leaving!"

Heero suppressed the small smile playing at his lips as he looked at his irate koibito, he was kind of cute when he got all angry, and it felt good to Heero to have someone who actually cared where he was and why he was there. He would miss Duo so much.

"I asked if there wasn't anyone else who could take the job and they said I was the best suited for it…"

Duo turned and looked at him, suddenly suspicious about the job that no one else could handle, sure Heero was the best, but most tasks could be dropped on to lower ranking Preventers so that Heero could be available in case he was needed for something urgent.

"What kind of work will you be doing?" Duo asked contemplating firebombing their boss's house.

"They didn't say." Heero replied cautiously, for some reason, probably the look in Duo's eyes, he began to fear for their boss's safety.

"Shit!" Duo shouted.


"Is this long term, or a permanent transfer or something like that?" Duo asked dejectedly plopping down in an armchair and looking at Heero.

"It is not indefinite itooshi." Heero said in a quiet voice and went over to Duo and cuddled in his arms, snuggling with Duo. Duo wrapped his arms around Heero and they sat in the chair in silence for a time, wondering if they could find the time to visit each other with their busy work schedules. Finally after about an hour Heero spoke up.


"Yeah Heero."

" Ai shiteru."

Duo smiled.

"I love you too Blue Eyes."

Heero smiled as well and snuggled up next to his Koi to sleep.

*Two Months Later*

"Seriously I don't think that he ever smiles and he never lightens up at all. It's like he's not really human, like it'd kill him to laugh. I've tried everything to get his attention, I mean he is gorgeous and everything, but it's like he doesn't even realize I've been hitting on him." The girl said to her friend, they were sitting together in the break room drinking coffee and talking about their boss, who had been transferred about two months ago. His name was Heero Yuy and he never smiled or laughed, and he only spoke when he had to, and even then he said as little as possible.

"I know the same thing happened to me." Said a girl with chin-length brown hair and big green eyes, her name was Tiger Lily, but everyone called her Lily. "He never even looks at you, and usually just goes Hn, if he says anything at all. But those eyes, oh those eyes. I could die in them, so intense, so beautiful."

"Yeah I know Lil, and that nose, I just want to kiss it." Said the first girl, her name was Erin, she had long black hair that she always wore down, it fell nearly to her mid-back and she was very vain about it.

Lily laughed "He'd probably kill you if you tried."

"Hey I'm not the only one who wants to, just ask Kayla." Erin said, speaking of their friend with pale white skin, crystal blue eyes and brown hair, that was even longer than Erin's.

"Yeah and don't forget Kymmie." Kymmie was their friend with blond hair and brown eyes, who also thought that their boss was very cute but was currently dating a nice girl from a magazine.

They both started to laugh, but then the door to the break room opened and the object of their discussion walked in.

Heero didn't even look at them, he just went and got a cup of water, he proceeded to put it in the microwave to heat up and reached into his pocket to retrieve the tea bag he kept there. Heero noticed that the girls were looking at the tea bag but couldn't tell what kind it was because the label was written in Japanese. As he waited for his water to be done one of the girls spoke. Erin was her name.

"Hey Heero." She ventured.

He nodded.

"How can you drink tea when there's such good coffee around?"

Heero just looked at her. She swallowed hard and tried again.

"Don't you like coffee?"

He slowly shook his head still looking directly into her eyes. He could tell that she was very nervous and a little afraid of him, but he just couldn't bring himself to say anything. He could always tell when people felt like that around him, that was how it used to be, all the time, before Duo. He missed Duo; he hadn't seen him in so long. Neither was home at the same time and the difference of hours between where they were made it even harder. They emailed each other but that was about it.

The microwave beeped and he grabbed his mug and placed the tea bag in it, holding it between his cold hands he nodded to them and left, having not said a single word.

Erin and Lily stared at the closed door.

"I get this feeling that he's not a jerk, he's just sad." Lily said.

"No." Erin said bitterly "He's just a jerk."

They finished their coffee in silence staring at the door.

Heero stalked back to his office. He was freezing. He got cold so easily, and it took him forever to warm up again, usually it required a long hot bath or some serious snuggling with Duo. He suppressed a shiver and clenched his teeth to keep them from chattering. His old beat up laptop had a message on it. Email. Heero looked at the address, it was from Duo. He smiled a bit and opened the email.

Hey Baby,

It's Duo. I just got home from work and I miss having ya here so bad, I hate sleeping in a bed with a dog and no Heero to snuggle with T_T * cries *. Any way there really isn't much going on here at all, just way too much work for one guy to handle, but that's ok because if I work I don't have much time to miss you so much. Hisoka is doing good, but he misses you too a whole lot and some times I can't remember the commands you taught him. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TRAIN HIM IN JAPANESE!?! It drives me nuts!! He just looks blankly at me like I'm some kind of idiot -__-; he probably thinks I am. He's probably like "what the hell is this fooling talking about?" I tried to get him to heel the other day while I walked him and he just sat down and licked his ass! I felt like an idiot. The only Japanese I know are the swear words you say and the things you yell when I well umm … Well you know… ^_~

So who do ya miss more? Me or your dog??" I'm just kidding. Well there really isn't much else to say than I miss you and I love you more than anything else in the world. I hope that they'll let you off your project early so you can come home. Or maybe one of us can nab some vacation days or something. I miss you and I love you and so does Hisoka ^_^

Love you lots,


Heero closed the window thinking about his koi and how much he missed him. He knew he shouldn't have been reading personal email at work but he couldn't wait until he got home to read the email. Heero needed the words from his koi like sustenance, actually since he had left Heero had lost some weight from not eating enough, but he just wasn't hungry. It wasn't like there was any one there that would notice if he was looking thin, and he didn't really have anyone he needed to impress. Besides his Preventers uniform was always too big for him, he was small and thin, and they really only made sizes for adults, and he was small for his size, and he was usually under-weight, not usually so much though. Heero was roused from his ruminations from a voice behind him.

"Yuy." It was barked like a command to a dog, Peterson spoke to everyone like that, and resented Heero even more because they brought him in on the case to make sure that Peterson didn't mess anything up. Of course they didn't put it that way, they just said that Heero was a consultant and that he would probably go on the mission in Peterson's stead because Peterson was known to have a slight heart condition. Peterson also hated Heero because he was only around 19 years old and wasn't legally allowed to work for the Preventers for another 6 years, that and he was allowed to forgo the usual 15 month training period because of his rigorous training with Dr. J and his participation in the war. Even though Heero had gone through all of that the man still saw him as a child. Heero dealt with it because he knew he could get fired if he didn't.

Heero turned and looked at the man expectantly and didn't say a word. He knew that actions like that got the man even more angry, Peterson hated it even more that Heero wasn't afraid of him like the others on the team. Actually the only other people on the team were female. If Heero was a woman he would be afraid of Peterson too, what if he decided that he was in love with one of them and tried to get them to date him. The mere thought made him glad that he wasn't a woman and that Peterson wasn't gay.

"We will have a meeting in the conference room tomorrow at 10 am, be sure to be there."

Heero nodded and turned back to his work dismissing Peterson by ignoring him. Peterson stayed there and glared at Heero. // well I guess it's time to deal with the power struggle //. Heero turned around and faced Peterson.

Peterson was tall and a bit on the thick side with big beefy arms that probably weren't a lot of muscle, he was taller than Heero even when Heero was standing, but as Heero was sitting Peterson towered over him, when Peterson noticed he looked smugly down at Heero who merely raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not leaving until I get a verbal answer." Peterson said haughtily. By this time all the other members of the team were looking on silent. Heero stayed seated looking at Peterson for a moment examining him as one might examine paramecia in a microscope Peterson began to fidget. After a few moments Heero stood and looked Peterson in the eye.

"Why would I be late for a meeting I set up myself?" Heero inquired slowly and calmly in his slightly accented voice, his face and eyes were blank as he looked at Peterson.

Peterson stuttered a bit before he managed to choke out "Well maybe if you talked a little instead of being silent all the time maybe we wouldn't have these mix ups."

"Non verbal communication works just as well as verbal. Perhaps you should try it sometimes, you talk enough as it is, and most of the time you don't know what it is you're talking about. Now get back to work or I will have this reported as a break time and you won't be paid for it."

Peterson turned red and walked away as Heero looked after him saying nothing, but following Peterson with his eyes. After Peterson had turned the corner he looked at the girls who were still watching him, he nodded and sat down to his computer to drink his tea and finish his work. As he did so he reflected on his colleagues.

They all lived in the same building and in close quarters as well, no one had to share rooms but the rooms they had were small and they had to share the bathroom with each other, and the common room with the television and the phone. They also shared the kitchen but they usually weren't home at any time to make anything real to eat. There was too much research to do and only the girls really got on well with each other, Peterson and Heero were outcasts, Peterson because he was an intimidating jerk and Heero because he didn't really say anything. Basically everyone knew exactly what everyone else was doing all the time. The only way Heero could talk to Duo privately was on his computer, and that wasn't very intimate at all. Heero missed the sound of his koi's voice and wondered when this stupid mission would be over so he could go home and curl up in his itooshi's arms and fall asleep nice and warm with Duo on one side and Hisoka on the other. He would call Une tonight and see what the deal was and when he off the mission and could go home.

Wait… then she might tell Duo how thin he had gotten and Duo would rush over and… Heero thought about Duo rushing over and babying him and the idea didn't sound that bad at all. It was settled then, he'd call Une and get the hell out of there as soon as he possibly could.

"Another month!?!" Heero almost shouted at the vidscreen as Une's disapproving glare feel down upon him. He was immune to this glare because he often used it himself.

"Yes about another month, but we're not sure it could take more or less. It really all depends on the person we're looking for and when he decides to move." Une affirmed, a bit taken aback by how thin Heero had become, she could tell even through his uniform no less. Duo would not be please and she wasn't either, she had developed affection for the stalwart pilot and wanted him healthy and as happy as he could be considering what he had been through. Evidently it was Duo who kept him healthy and happy, she would see that they stayed together from then on, but for now she needed Heero for this mission.

"You said it would only be two months threes months ago." Heero accused, looking at her with an expression on his face that used elements of an angry deadly assassin and an accusing hurt teenager. He was both and probably the only person in the world who could pull that look off effectively Une mused.

"I know Heero, but it will just be a little longer and then you can go home." Une said looking at Heero and knowing he was sad and lonely. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Dijabu." Heero said tiredly, "I know that it is not your doing." He ran his hand through his messy hair and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles, looking for all the world like a tired child playing dress up in his parents good suits rather than the trained Preventer he was. He sighed.

"I suppose I'll speak to you later Une."

"Yes, and Heero…" He looked up at her his blue eyes so lonely it almost killed her to look into them. She turned away.


"Please eat more, you look so thin…" She said not looking at him, she knew if she saw his eyes it would kill her. Heero's eyes told the story of his life and the hurt he went through and when ever she looked into them she just wanted to hold him tight on her arms and keep him safe from everything. That's why she could never look into them, she'd drown in them, they were so sad and lonely, like a lost child. So engrossed was she in thinking about those deep Prussian blue eyes that she nearly missed his reply which cut through her nearly as much as those eyes.

"Hai, arigauto. Ja." Was his reply and he cut the connection.

Une sat and reflected on the conversation. Few people knew it but Heero only really spoke Japanese when he was terribly tired or angry (that she knew of). This mission was probably taking more out of him than he let on if he forgot to speak to her in English. She hoped that once he got back to Duo everything would go back to the way they were before.

Une sighed and went back to work, but she couldn't keep the picture of Heero looking like a tired lost little boy out of her head for the rest of the day.


Heero worked on his project in his room, he was so tired and would have to wait a whole month more before he could see Duo. A month seemed like a really long time to wait. Heero couldn't really sleep with out Duo around, he needed Duo to guard his back while he slept, and to make sure his food was ok. Duo was going to be very worried when he saw how thin Heero had gotten. All Heero wanted was for this guy to move and to move fast.

Heero heard the girls in the living room watching movies and it made him feel a little better for some reason, they made him feel a little safe and the noise from the TV was relaxing because Duo liked having it on too. Heero smiled a little and went back to work in better spirits, that were soon crushed by a loud bellow.

"TURN THAT SHIT OFF RIGHT NOW!!" Peterson was home and protesting the television loudly. Heero knew that the girls were too afraid of him to say anything to him and that they would end up not being able to relax and have any fun.

"Yes sir." One of the girls said meekly and moved towards the television.

"What right do you have to put that stupid thing on!?! Who said that you could? You should be working not messing around!! Turn that thing off now or I'll-" Heero cut Peterson off.

"You'll what?" Heero said in his quiet voice as he stood leaning one shoulder against the doorframe wearing some of Duo's old blue sweats and a shirt that was too big for him. He looked at Peterson through his thick eyelashes waiting for a reply.

"These girls should be working Agent Yuy and so should you! I should report you to the-" Heero cut him off again with his cool quiet voice.

"We are off duty and they are allowed to do as they please, and even when we are on duty you have no right to order them around, you are of the same rank and should treat each other as such. If you attempt to give them commands that don't come directly from me then I shall report you, do I make my self clear Peterson?"

Peterson gritted his teeth again nodded and walked to his room. The girls were all staring at Heero with awe and gratitude.

"You really should not allow him to push you around like that." Heero said in his quiet voice.

The girls could only nod, they were at a loss for words. None of them had ever seen Heero in anything besides his uniform and he looked even more beautiful in those sweats than the uniform. Heero nodded to them and turned to leave.

"Sir-" Erin began.

"Do not call me sir, I do not like it. Just Heero is fine." Erin smiled at this.

"Thank you, Heero it was kind of you to stick up for us." Heero nodded again and was about to turn when he was again stopped by a voice.

"How old are you?" When Lily realized that she had spoken out loud she turned a bright shade of red. But Heero didn't seem to mind the question.

"I do not know for sure, but the guess is around 19." They all thought about that for a time, wondering how he could not know his own birthday. Then Lily tried to laugh it off.

"Well good night then si- er.. Heero." She said with a laugh.

"Oyasumi nasi yume no yukuyu ai." Heero replied in Japanese and did a small bow, forgetting himself as he did sometimes when preoccupied.

"What does that mean?" Kymmie asked with a smile, Heero turned back with a start just realizing what he had said.

"It means sleep well and dream of eternal love." Heero said in a low and quiet voice turning a little red at the last part.

"OHHHH!! That's so pretty, does every one in Japan say that?" Erin asked excitedly.

"Umm… no `Kaa-san-… my mother, used to say it to me and my brothers and sisters."

"That's so neat! Good night to you too Heero." Lily said with another smile.

Heero nodded, he kind of liked having people smile at him again, and only Duo did it before, now he had five girls smiling at him and it made him feel less lonely. He wanted to stay with them and be with someone instead of in his room, but he was afraid to ask. // Too shy // an inner voice said to him and he brushed it off and spoke to them again in a less harsh tone than he usually did.

"Watch as long as you like and if he tries to tell you what to do again tell him to stuff it."

"Thanks we will." They all chorused still smiling and trying not to giggle.

Heero nodded again and returned to his room. He put out his light, lay in his bed and fell asleep listening to the girls happy chatter and thinking of Duo.


Heero woke to the incessant buzz of the vidphone. He was awake immediately and walked to the phone as he checked the time on the sports watch he always kept on his left wrist. It was 3:17 in the morning, must be important, he hurried to answer.

"Yuy." He answered the phone, he was the only one the phone roused. Everyone else must be a heavy sleeper he reflected.

"Heero it's Une, we've found him and you need to move now." She cut the connection and Heero ran to wake the others, it was time to go into action. He would see Duo sooner than he thought, just so long as everything went right, and he was going to make sure everything went right.


It was so cold. Heero hated being cold. It reminded him too much of… no he wouldn't think of that. He grabbed the man and began to swim. The man was in a thermal dive suit so he was fine except for the bump on his head Heero had given him to make the transportation a bit easier and sans all the struggling. Heero one the other hand was in his clothes, and the water was almost a hypothermic temperature. Heero had built up a tolerance for the cold with J, but he still hated it more than anything else in the world. And he chilled so easily and it took him forever to warm up again.