Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Justice and a Virgin ❯ One-Shot
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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var myfontsize = 12; var myfonttype = 'Verdana'; var nn = 1; if(parseInt(getCookie('myfontsize')) > 0) { myfontsize = getCookie('myfontsize'); } function updateFontSize(direction) { if(direction == 'u' && myfontsize = 8) myfontsize--; if(myfontsize = 8) { setCookie('myfontsize',myfontsize); if(nn) document.getElementById('storytext').style.fontSize = myfontsize + 'px'; else = myfontsize + 'px'; } } Home » Anime » Gundam Wing/AC » Justice and a Virgin storyid: 625957 - font size: +plus : -minus
Author: Milk and Apples - NC-17 - English - Romance/Drama - Reviews: 6
document.write(''); Title: Justice and a Virgin
Author: Malfoy
Archive: (My site); if you want it, lemme know.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: 2+4, 13x5, 5x4
Warning: Lemon, yaoi, angst (of course), bastardization by Treize and Duo, rape, OOC? Don't like it, then don't read the darned story.
Notes: Some parts may not make sense or seem weird.
***-indicates POV Change
"Duo?!" I utter his name in protest of his sudden but not unexpected movements.
I am forced to the wall and he looks me in the eye as if wondering who Duo was. He reassures me that there is nothing to worry about while I am with him. His eyes seem full of darkness, his body following more his mind than his heart. His lips pressed harshly to mine with hunger for sex. My sex.
He jerks away from me painfully, "I am no longer the one whom you call Duo. I am Shinigami. Your Shinigami," his voice rasps.
He kisses me again and thoughts start flowing through my head. Consequences. I think of the results of doing this with Duo. He may never wish to see me or speak to me again. He may fall madly in love with me and I might hate him or vice versa. What will the others say? What will they think? Do they even have to know? I pull away from the kiss with the thought that I will probably just humiliate myself by doing this.
I look into those violet eyes of my lover. There is still darkness but there is something else too. I see a bit of hurt.
"I don't take 'no' for an answer," he says and pushes me on the bed.
"Duo?!" My words almost like a cry, a whimper from a scared child. Maybe that's all I am, all I will be, the scared li'l Quatre. I try to get away from him but he crawls on top of me and holds my hands above my head. I cry out his name again.
He uses that moment to put his tongue in my mouth. Duo kisses very harshly, it almost hurts. He rocks his hips over mine and rips my shirt off of me. Buttons fly across the room, and his finger nails rake my skin.
"Get off of me, now!" I yell. Tears start to form in my eyes and fall to the sheets.
He ignores my plea and continues to rock his hips into me. He begins to suck my neck very hard. Gods the pain is almost too much to bare.
"Get off of me. Stop, please stop," I try to push him off of me but he has too much strength over me now.
"Duo?! Kuso. Kono baka," Wufei had come into the room.
Shinigami looked up and got off of me, he slowly let go of my hands. I quickly got up and ran to Wufei. There was and angry glare in his eyes directed toward Duo. Wufei took me in his arms. I felt my body shaking against him. My head was buried against his chest, tears soaking his tank top.
"I trusted you. I didn't want it like this, you know that," I say to Duo, tears now streaming down his own face.
"You should be ashamed of yourself, damn you," Wufei put and arm around my shoulders and we start to walk to my separate room.
"Quatre, I'm sorry, please," I hear Duo call out as we leave him.
Wufei holds me close to him while we walk down the hall together. Wufei opens the door to my bedroom. It is simply decorated and ridiculously neat. In the far right corner is my bed which is right next to the windows that line the wall. At the foot of the bed is a chest with the memories of my father inside. Beside the bed is a small, square table with a lamp on top and a small drawer. The drawer contains nothing special, just photographs of special people in my life. Beside the table is a small but a reasonable sized chest of drawers that holds my clothes and secret stuff I don't want anyone to see.
We enter the room and he walks me over and sits me down on my bed. He then goes over to the drawers and gets me a shirt. He hands it to me with a small smile on his face. I can't help but smile back.
"I trusted him. I loved him. But now . . . I don't know if I can do either of those anymore," I say not really directing it at Wufei.
He sits on the bed beside me and I put the shirt on, he buttons it up. I like the way his hands feel against my skin. They're rough but soft at the same time. I watch him finish buttoning my shirt, his face rarely seems to change expression when the others are around. He's always had the soft, calming looks in his eyes when he's with me. Toward everyone else he seems blasé, he shows no emotions to them. When it's just us, he lets everything show, he tells me what's on his mind. Wufei and I have always been sort of close. He's always been protective of me. So . . . it wasn't surprising when he was the one to get Duo to listen.
"Thank you," I tell him, he looks me in the eye and puts his hand on my cheek.
"No one should be allowed to hurt you and I won't let them. Just forget about Duo, ok? He's a great fighting partner but that's about it. He shows no compassion toward the people he loves." Wufei kisses my forehead softly.
He stands up and leaves the room. I smile as I watch him leave. I feel free when Wufei is around, feel like I can to anything. I've always known him to care about me and I trust him more than anyone in the world. But there are two things holding me back from being with him: 1) Duo 2) Treize.
Duo won't let me break up with him. I've tried it before, but he wouldn't let me so we stay together. Wufei says it's because he doesn't like to leave a relationship without leaving his mark. He says that Duo has this thing about leaving his lovers without sex. Treize and Wufei are in some sort of weird relationship. They only see each other when we have a peace period and Zechs isn't around since Zechs and Treize have their own relationship.
Duo enters my room with a hurt look on his face, "I'm sorry, Quatre. Please forgive me. My actions were unnecessary. I should have stopped."
"Why didn't you then?" he doesn't answer me. "Duo, I can't do this with you anymore. I can't be with you."
He walks over to me and sits on the bed where Wufei did, "What?! Well, I guess I can understand. I'm such a fuck up. Please, though, please take my apology. I can't lose you, Quatre," he gets closer to me and kisses my lips, for some reason, I let him.
I leave his room to head downstairs. Making my way to the kitchen, I hear Trowa.
"Wufei, what's up with Quatre?" he asks.
"Nothing, I got it under control," I reply.
"Damn, Wufei, why the hell are you always at his call and beckon? The boy needs to learn to handle himself and he can't do that with you around."
"You know nothing. You can't understand how I feel about him. None of you can," I turn away from him, not wanting to argue with him.
"Yeah, what are you going to tell Treize? Or are you going to have them both, the way you did to me?!"
"No! I'm going to leave Treize, Zechs can have him, I don't care. I want Quatre. You know what?! I think you're jealous," I walk away and into the kitchen.
I open the refrigerator door and grab two cans of soda and close the door back. Trowa is standing there.
"I'm not jealous. I just think that you and Quatre is not such a good idea. You baby him too much; he'll never learn to be on his own with you."
"I don't baby him too much. And when he's with me he won't have to be on his own, and if he is alone when we have to fight, he can handle himself. You know that. I don't care what you think, anyway. I love Quatre." I walk past Trowa, brushing his shoulder
I make my way back upstairs to join Quatre again. Entering his room, my heart jumps. I see him and Duo kissing. My heart falls apart every time I see them like this. I turn to walk out of the room and hear Quatre say my name. I turn back around and see Duo walking toward me.
"He's all yours," Duo whispers into my ear and he leaves.
I walk over to the bed and give Quatre the extra can I have in my hand.
"It's over between us. He finally understands what I want. I want you, Wufei, I want you to be mine," he tells me with his soft, boyish voice.
"I want you too but it's going to take a while before we can be together." I kiss his forehead again.
He nods to say he understands. I sit beside him and take him into my arms. He seems so fragile. I want to hold him forever. He lays down on his back and puts his head on my lap and closes his eyes. I love it that he trusts me so much.
I feel so comfortable with him. I wish he wasn't with Treize, I wish I hadn't gotten in the relationship with Duo. Slowly, I start to drift off to sleep. He kisses my lips softly, our first kiss. It feels so right to kiss him, to be with him.
He returns my kiss with his own soft touch. His mouth is sweet. He sits up and gently pushes me to the bed. Quatre straddles my hips and continues to kiss me. I place my hands loosely but firmly on his waist. His hands caress my face. His soft tongue enters my mouth, I accept it and gently suck on it then push it out of my mouth with my own tongue. Our tongues continue to battle each other and he gently rocks his hips into mine.
He lets out a small moan into my mouth, the warmth of his breath clinging to the back of my throat. I start to untuck his shirt and continue to rub my hips over his, still kissing his soft lips. I begin rubbing my hands up and down his chest underneath his navy blue tank top. I pull away from him and try to remove his shirt but he stops me by putting his hands over mine.
"I'm sorry. I can't do this with you yet. I have to break it off with Treize first, you understand, don't you?" he asks with a faint smile on his face.
I nod to answer him. I do understand but I can't take any more teasing. It's driving me mad and I think he knows it, too. He kisses my lips and turns us over so that he is on top then gets up from the bed.
"Where are you going?" I ask, sort of feeling embarrassed, thinking that I've done something wrong.
"I'm going to talk to Treize. I want to get it over with as soon as possible," he kisses me one last time and leaves the room.
I leave Quatre's room and go to mine. Quickly I go to the opposite side of my bed. I pick up the phone and dial Treize's number. He's the one to answer. His voice has the same stern sound he uses in battle until he knows it's me. His voice then becomes softer and more caring.
"Treize?! I need to come over. I need to talk to you. Would now be good?"
"Yeah, come on over, Zechs is gone and won't be back until tomorrow," he tells me.
We hang up and I head downstairs quickly. I grab the keys to the car, leave the house and go. The time by myself gives me time to think about Quatre and what I'm going to say to Treize. I don't want it to turn into a big scene. I just want to get it over with.
Finally, I reach his mansion and I'm ready to expect the worst, that he won't accept my pleas to leave him. I get out of the car and walk up to the front door. I don't even have to knock for him to answer it.
"Ah, my boy. Come in," Treize lets me pass him and kisses my lips when I turn around.
"I don't want to stay here long," I tell him, "I just want to get this over with."
"Well then, what's on your mind?"
"You may think it was stupid of me to drive up here to tell you this but I don't think it's right not to do it face to face. Treize, I don't think we should see each other anymore," I tell him.
"Oh really?" he gets closer to me and kisses my lips, "Why is that? Has the sex gotten you bored? Or has the idea of sleeping with a taken man finally gotten to your whole justice thing?" he puts his hands on my waist and kisses my lips again.
I pull away from him quickly, "It's none of those, just I've found someone else and I care about him more than anyone. He deserves my full attention."
"Well, just who is this great person? Is it Heero or maybe you've gone back to Trowa or you've gotten into the dear Shinigami."
"It's Quatre," I reply to him, his left hand still on my side, his right brushing against my chest.
"Oh, the innocent one. Never thought he'd be your type. I guess there's a lot I don't know about you. Too bad you're leaving me. But you know? Before you leave me, I have to have you one more time. Just for good luck in the future," he starts to untie my pants and kiss my neck teasingly. He licks it in my most sensitive places.
"Oh yeah? Says who?" I ask in a sort of nervous, raspy voice.
"Me of course," he pulls away long enough to answer.
He finishes untying my pants and then lifts up my shirt and starts kissing my chest, then my stomach. He nips it with his teeth in places. I swallow hard, feeling him explore my body. He starts to pull down my pants.
"Stop," I tell him, "I don't want to do this."
"Yes you do. Look, you're getting a fuckin' stiffy. You want to do this, and now!" He kisses my dick through the fabric my boxers.
"No! I don't! Stop," I keep telling him to stop even though by doing so would cause major pains in my lower region.
He starts to remove my boxers and I pull away from him. I want to save this for Quatre.
"Come on, Wufei. You know you want to," he turns me around and pushes me to the wall.
I hear sounds of him unbuckling his belt and I try to get away from him but he holds me to the wall. He holds my hands above my head and pulls down my boxers. Then, without lubrication or anything, he penetrates me.
"No!" I scream out as I feel the pain shoot through my body.
His free hand is feeling my cock, I guess he's trying to get me to come or something but it's not working. All I feel is pain on top of pain. His breath on the back of my neck is warm and uninviting. He begins to push in and out of me at a slow pace but it's still not comfortable. He kisses the back of my right shoulder and speeds up the pace, making it more uncomfortable. My cock is no longer hard. Not from coming but just from losing the mood. The pain just worsens the more he does it. I can feel my flesh being rubbed off and my eyes welling with tears.
Treize had never been rough with me before. Things had gone so smoothly. I guess this was his way to release anger, but damn, why? When he finishes, he pulls out of me and dismisses me. I put my clothes back on quickly and leave.
I get back in my car and speed off to the safe house. It hurts me to sit but if it means getting back to Quatre then I don't care. For some reason though, I enter the house and instead of going straight to Quatre, I go to my room to think over what I'm really doing. I think of why I ever got into the relationship with Treize and didn't start one earlier with Quatre. I wind up falling asleep with my face soaked in tears.
I see him when he returns at dawn. He looks as if his whole world has been turned upside down. He walks past me. He isn't really concentrating on where he is going, he seems lost. I just let him go, I figure he has some things he needs to work out on his own.
"Looks like lover-boy is giving up already," I hear Duo say behind me, he laughs.
"Shut up. He just broke up with Treize. He needs to be by himself for a while."
Duo tries taunting me with thoughts of Wufei giving up on me. I just walk away from him believing what I know and that is that Wufei and I belong together.
Leaving him alone for the day, I finally decide to go see how he's doing. First, I knock on the door, when he doesn't answer, I open it and let myself in. He is asleep, his beauty is highlighted at this moment, everything flows into the next. I pause to watch him sleep then move closer to him. First, I kiss his forehead, then his lips . . .
I awaken to the feeling of soft, tender kisses trailing down my chest, I know they're Quatre's kisses. I move my hands to the back of his head and guide him to my lips.
Softly, I kiss his lips then pull away, "How'd it go with Treize?" I ask.
"I don't really feel like talking about it," he tells me and pulls my head down to his for another kiss.
I slide his shirt up over his stomach. I straddle him on the bed and kiss his neck then I pull his shirt off of him. He closes his eyes and lets me take over. I kiss his collar bone then down the middle of his chest. I sit on my knees and remove his shoes, kiss his left foot then move back up his body. I lick his front from his pants' line to his neck, circling his belly button with my tongue. His moans of pleasure begin to be released. I kiss his lips softly but quickly. I then begin to suck his neck lightly and unstraddle him. Slowly, I move my right hand down his stomach and I work to untie his pants. Then put my hand down them and begin to caress his cock. He moans softly as I touch him.
He hand feels so soft against my cock. So good. I can't help but thrust upwards. Then, I feel him remove my pants. I open my eyes, he is still fully dressed.
"You're wearing far too many clothes. Out of them now," I say huskily, my voice quiet but harsh.
I sit up slightly and unbutton his pants quickly.
"Wufei?!" he says, sort of in protest to me.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. But if you want we can stop," I pause and look into those beautiful baby blue eyes of his.
"No, this is fine," Quatre kisses my lips again then pulls away and unbuttons his shirt.
I trace a finger down his chest and lay back on the bed. He then removes my boxers and kisses my naked cock. It's my first time with Quatre and I don't feel nervous at all . . .
The nervousness is making it hard to concentrate. This is my first time with anybody but I'm glad it's with Wufei. I love him so much.
I take his cock in my mouth and lick the head. I'm no stranger to doing this, I did it numerous times to Duo when we were together, but only I was the one doing it when I was with him. I lick the underside from base to the slit in the head. He moans loudly.
My hands grab the sheets under me and my hips thrust into him. I put one hand on the back of his head and run my fingers through his hair. He has such a talented mouth. My cock is then engulfed and sucked by him. Everything he's doing feels extremely good.
"Don't stop," I tell him.
He flicks his tongue over the opening and then circles the head. He gently nibbles the tip, this gets me the best. My greatest sexual fantasy is coming to life right before me. I thrust in and out of his mouth, my hands grip tighter onto the sheets, pulling them off of the mattress. I try to hold out a little longer, the sensations coursing through my body are absolutely wonderful. My body shakes as I release myself into his mouth, yelling his name. Suddenly, all thought is gone and all I know is the feeling of the orgasm.
His cum is sweet, not bitter like Duo's was a lot of the time. I take it all in. I kiss his cock once more then sit up on my knees and remove my unbuttoned shirt. Then I kiss his stomach, chest and neck on my way back up to his lips. I'm scared but ready for what is ever to come tonight.
Passionately we share our kisses, I can tell we're far from finishing. He turns me on my back and straddles me, he thrusts his naked hips into mine.
It felt good rubbing my bare cock against his bulge in his pants. I start trailing kisses that barely touch his skin down his chest. I move farther down his body and unzip his and remove his pants then throw them in the pile at the foot of the bed. I begin to move back up his body and stop at his boxers. I nibble his cock through the fabric and kiss it. His whimpers are so soothing to hear.
"Wufei?" he asks.
He sits back up on my hips, "What is it?" he asks calmly.
"Will it hurt?" I ask him, a little embarrassed.
"The orgasm? Do they hurt?"
"No," he says softly, he puts a hand on my cheek, "If it does let me know and I'll stop. Ok?"
I nod and he gives me a small smile. He leans over and kisses my fore head. He then lays beside me and rubs his hand down my chest. He licks my left nipple and guides his hand over my boxers. He moves down my body and removes my boxers, my nervousness has disappeared and I'm anxious to finally experience my first orgasm.
He touches my naked cock and I jump. I love the feeling of his hand on my sensitive flesh. He circles it with his hand and gently squeezes it then moves his fingers over the tip. I couldn't help but moan, it feels so good. He starts to rub his hand up and down my length, quickening the pace every-so-often. His mouth, kissing my chest an teasing my nipples.
"Don't stop!" I yell out.
He moves from my chest to my lips then to my neck. He sucks on a spot below my left ear. His hand keeps working my length and I let out a hi-pitched whimper as I come close to coming. Followed by a quiet scream as I feel the orgasm take over my body. Wufei moves back to my lips, kissing me very passionately.
"Are you okay?" I ask, taking his seed into my hand.
He nods with a smile on his face.
"I want to take you. It will hurt for a second but it will be worth it," I tell him and he nods again as if he understands.
I use the collected cum and lubricate him with it. I put one finger into him and he gasps. His flesh tightens and his muscles tense. I sit up and move myself in front of him.
"Relax, it's better if you do. I don't want to hurt you."
His muscles and flesh soon are calm and I put a second finger in him. Then, when I think he's ready, I remove my fingers and put his legs around my waist, positioning him for entering him. His muscles tense up again and he whimpers a little. I start to have second thoughts about this part of it. Then, his muscles calm again and he pushes into me, trying to get me deeper into him. I pull out a bit and plunge back in, deeper and deeper I go into him with each intrusion. He has gained his erection again and I hold on to it and rub it slowly. He jumps when I brush against the spot inside him and begins to thrust into me.
I can't explain how it feels with him being inside of me. He is so gentle and doesn't go too fast or too slow. His hand moving up and down my shaft gives me double pleasure. His breathing is getting faster as we both get close to the second orgasm of the night. I start to wonder if the other guys can hear us and if they can, what's going on through their minds. Then things get clouded and he yells my name and I release another hi-pitched moan. We both come, his seed being released deep inside me; mine being released over the both of us. He collapses on top of me and I kiss his forehead. He is still inside of me but moves when it gets uncomfortable.
"Arigatou," he says then kisses my lips.
"For what?" he asks me, sort of puzzled.
"For being here, for existing. I love you," I reply.
"Anatawa watashi no aisuru," he says, "no one could replace you."
I kiss his lips, putting my tongue in his mouth. He is my most prized possession, Treize is nothing compared to him.
'Why can't every guy be like Wufei?' I ask myself, but I guess if everyone were no one would know what perfection was.
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var myfontsize = 12; var myfonttype = 'Verdana'; var nn = 1; if(parseInt(getCookie('myfontsize')) > 0) { myfontsize = getCookie('myfontsize'); } function updateFontSize(direction) { if(direction == 'u' && myfontsize = 8) myfontsize--; if(myfontsize = 8) { setCookie('myfontsize',myfontsize); if(nn) document.getElementById('storytext').style.fontSize = myfontsize + 'px'; else = myfontsize + 'px'; } } Home » Anime » Gundam Wing/AC » Justice and a Virgin storyid: 625957 - font size: +plus : -minus
Author: Milk and Apples - NC-17 - English - Romance/Drama - Reviews: 6
document.write(''); Title: Justice and a Virgin
Author: Malfoy
Archive: (My site); if you want it, lemme know.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: 2+4, 13x5, 5x4
Warning: Lemon, yaoi, angst (of course), bastardization by Treize and Duo, rape, OOC? Don't like it, then don't read the darned story.
Notes: Some parts may not make sense or seem weird.
***-indicates POV Change
"Duo?!" I utter his name in protest of his sudden but not unexpected movements.
I am forced to the wall and he looks me in the eye as if wondering who Duo was. He reassures me that there is nothing to worry about while I am with him. His eyes seem full of darkness, his body following more his mind than his heart. His lips pressed harshly to mine with hunger for sex. My sex.
He jerks away from me painfully, "I am no longer the one whom you call Duo. I am Shinigami. Your Shinigami," his voice rasps.
He kisses me again and thoughts start flowing through my head. Consequences. I think of the results of doing this with Duo. He may never wish to see me or speak to me again. He may fall madly in love with me and I might hate him or vice versa. What will the others say? What will they think? Do they even have to know? I pull away from the kiss with the thought that I will probably just humiliate myself by doing this.
I look into those violet eyes of my lover. There is still darkness but there is something else too. I see a bit of hurt.
"I don't take 'no' for an answer," he says and pushes me on the bed.
"Duo?!" My words almost like a cry, a whimper from a scared child. Maybe that's all I am, all I will be, the scared li'l Quatre. I try to get away from him but he crawls on top of me and holds my hands above my head. I cry out his name again.
He uses that moment to put his tongue in my mouth. Duo kisses very harshly, it almost hurts. He rocks his hips over mine and rips my shirt off of me. Buttons fly across the room, and his finger nails rake my skin.
"Get off of me, now!" I yell. Tears start to form in my eyes and fall to the sheets.
He ignores my plea and continues to rock his hips into me. He begins to suck my neck very hard. Gods the pain is almost too much to bare.
"Get off of me. Stop, please stop," I try to push him off of me but he has too much strength over me now.
"Duo?! Kuso. Kono baka," Wufei had come into the room.
Shinigami looked up and got off of me, he slowly let go of my hands. I quickly got up and ran to Wufei. There was and angry glare in his eyes directed toward Duo. Wufei took me in his arms. I felt my body shaking against him. My head was buried against his chest, tears soaking his tank top.
"I trusted you. I didn't want it like this, you know that," I say to Duo, tears now streaming down his own face.
"You should be ashamed of yourself, damn you," Wufei put and arm around my shoulders and we start to walk to my separate room.
"Quatre, I'm sorry, please," I hear Duo call out as we leave him.
Wufei holds me close to him while we walk down the hall together. Wufei opens the door to my bedroom. It is simply decorated and ridiculously neat. In the far right corner is my bed which is right next to the windows that line the wall. At the foot of the bed is a chest with the memories of my father inside. Beside the bed is a small, square table with a lamp on top and a small drawer. The drawer contains nothing special, just photographs of special people in my life. Beside the table is a small but a reasonable sized chest of drawers that holds my clothes and secret stuff I don't want anyone to see.
We enter the room and he walks me over and sits me down on my bed. He then goes over to the drawers and gets me a shirt. He hands it to me with a small smile on his face. I can't help but smile back.
"I trusted him. I loved him. But now . . . I don't know if I can do either of those anymore," I say not really directing it at Wufei.
He sits on the bed beside me and I put the shirt on, he buttons it up. I like the way his hands feel against my skin. They're rough but soft at the same time. I watch him finish buttoning my shirt, his face rarely seems to change expression when the others are around. He's always had the soft, calming looks in his eyes when he's with me. Toward everyone else he seems blasé, he shows no emotions to them. When it's just us, he lets everything show, he tells me what's on his mind. Wufei and I have always been sort of close. He's always been protective of me. So . . . it wasn't surprising when he was the one to get Duo to listen.
"Thank you," I tell him, he looks me in the eye and puts his hand on my cheek.
"No one should be allowed to hurt you and I won't let them. Just forget about Duo, ok? He's a great fighting partner but that's about it. He shows no compassion toward the people he loves." Wufei kisses my forehead softly.
He stands up and leaves the room. I smile as I watch him leave. I feel free when Wufei is around, feel like I can to anything. I've always known him to care about me and I trust him more than anyone in the world. But there are two things holding me back from being with him: 1) Duo 2) Treize.
Duo won't let me break up with him. I've tried it before, but he wouldn't let me so we stay together. Wufei says it's because he doesn't like to leave a relationship without leaving his mark. He says that Duo has this thing about leaving his lovers without sex. Treize and Wufei are in some sort of weird relationship. They only see each other when we have a peace period and Zechs isn't around since Zechs and Treize have their own relationship.
Duo enters my room with a hurt look on his face, "I'm sorry, Quatre. Please forgive me. My actions were unnecessary. I should have stopped."
"Why didn't you then?" he doesn't answer me. "Duo, I can't do this with you anymore. I can't be with you."
He walks over to me and sits on the bed where Wufei did, "What?! Well, I guess I can understand. I'm such a fuck up. Please, though, please take my apology. I can't lose you, Quatre," he gets closer to me and kisses my lips, for some reason, I let him.
I leave his room to head downstairs. Making my way to the kitchen, I hear Trowa.
"Wufei, what's up with Quatre?" he asks.
"Nothing, I got it under control," I reply.
"Damn, Wufei, why the hell are you always at his call and beckon? The boy needs to learn to handle himself and he can't do that with you around."
"You know nothing. You can't understand how I feel about him. None of you can," I turn away from him, not wanting to argue with him.
"Yeah, what are you going to tell Treize? Or are you going to have them both, the way you did to me?!"
"No! I'm going to leave Treize, Zechs can have him, I don't care. I want Quatre. You know what?! I think you're jealous," I walk away and into the kitchen.
I open the refrigerator door and grab two cans of soda and close the door back. Trowa is standing there.
"I'm not jealous. I just think that you and Quatre is not such a good idea. You baby him too much; he'll never learn to be on his own with you."
"I don't baby him too much. And when he's with me he won't have to be on his own, and if he is alone when we have to fight, he can handle himself. You know that. I don't care what you think, anyway. I love Quatre." I walk past Trowa, brushing his shoulder
I make my way back upstairs to join Quatre again. Entering his room, my heart jumps. I see him and Duo kissing. My heart falls apart every time I see them like this. I turn to walk out of the room and hear Quatre say my name. I turn back around and see Duo walking toward me.
"He's all yours," Duo whispers into my ear and he leaves.
I walk over to the bed and give Quatre the extra can I have in my hand.
"It's over between us. He finally understands what I want. I want you, Wufei, I want you to be mine," he tells me with his soft, boyish voice.
"I want you too but it's going to take a while before we can be together." I kiss his forehead again.
He nods to say he understands. I sit beside him and take him into my arms. He seems so fragile. I want to hold him forever. He lays down on his back and puts his head on my lap and closes his eyes. I love it that he trusts me so much.
I feel so comfortable with him. I wish he wasn't with Treize, I wish I hadn't gotten in the relationship with Duo. Slowly, I start to drift off to sleep. He kisses my lips softly, our first kiss. It feels so right to kiss him, to be with him.
He returns my kiss with his own soft touch. His mouth is sweet. He sits up and gently pushes me to the bed. Quatre straddles my hips and continues to kiss me. I place my hands loosely but firmly on his waist. His hands caress my face. His soft tongue enters my mouth, I accept it and gently suck on it then push it out of my mouth with my own tongue. Our tongues continue to battle each other and he gently rocks his hips into mine.
He lets out a small moan into my mouth, the warmth of his breath clinging to the back of my throat. I start to untuck his shirt and continue to rub my hips over his, still kissing his soft lips. I begin rubbing my hands up and down his chest underneath his navy blue tank top. I pull away from him and try to remove his shirt but he stops me by putting his hands over mine.
"I'm sorry. I can't do this with you yet. I have to break it off with Treize first, you understand, don't you?" he asks with a faint smile on his face.
I nod to answer him. I do understand but I can't take any more teasing. It's driving me mad and I think he knows it, too. He kisses my lips and turns us over so that he is on top then gets up from the bed.
"Where are you going?" I ask, sort of feeling embarrassed, thinking that I've done something wrong.
"I'm going to talk to Treize. I want to get it over with as soon as possible," he kisses me one last time and leaves the room.
I leave Quatre's room and go to mine. Quickly I go to the opposite side of my bed. I pick up the phone and dial Treize's number. He's the one to answer. His voice has the same stern sound he uses in battle until he knows it's me. His voice then becomes softer and more caring.
"Treize?! I need to come over. I need to talk to you. Would now be good?"
"Yeah, come on over, Zechs is gone and won't be back until tomorrow," he tells me.
We hang up and I head downstairs quickly. I grab the keys to the car, leave the house and go. The time by myself gives me time to think about Quatre and what I'm going to say to Treize. I don't want it to turn into a big scene. I just want to get it over with.
Finally, I reach his mansion and I'm ready to expect the worst, that he won't accept my pleas to leave him. I get out of the car and walk up to the front door. I don't even have to knock for him to answer it.
"Ah, my boy. Come in," Treize lets me pass him and kisses my lips when I turn around.
"I don't want to stay here long," I tell him, "I just want to get this over with."
"Well then, what's on your mind?"
"You may think it was stupid of me to drive up here to tell you this but I don't think it's right not to do it face to face. Treize, I don't think we should see each other anymore," I tell him.
"Oh really?" he gets closer to me and kisses my lips, "Why is that? Has the sex gotten you bored? Or has the idea of sleeping with a taken man finally gotten to your whole justice thing?" he puts his hands on my waist and kisses my lips again.
I pull away from him quickly, "It's none of those, just I've found someone else and I care about him more than anyone. He deserves my full attention."
"Well, just who is this great person? Is it Heero or maybe you've gone back to Trowa or you've gotten into the dear Shinigami."
"It's Quatre," I reply to him, his left hand still on my side, his right brushing against my chest.
"Oh, the innocent one. Never thought he'd be your type. I guess there's a lot I don't know about you. Too bad you're leaving me. But you know? Before you leave me, I have to have you one more time. Just for good luck in the future," he starts to untie my pants and kiss my neck teasingly. He licks it in my most sensitive places.
"Oh yeah? Says who?" I ask in a sort of nervous, raspy voice.
"Me of course," he pulls away long enough to answer.
He finishes untying my pants and then lifts up my shirt and starts kissing my chest, then my stomach. He nips it with his teeth in places. I swallow hard, feeling him explore my body. He starts to pull down my pants.
"Stop," I tell him, "I don't want to do this."
"Yes you do. Look, you're getting a fuckin' stiffy. You want to do this, and now!" He kisses my dick through the fabric my boxers.
"No! I don't! Stop," I keep telling him to stop even though by doing so would cause major pains in my lower region.
He starts to remove my boxers and I pull away from him. I want to save this for Quatre.
"Come on, Wufei. You know you want to," he turns me around and pushes me to the wall.
I hear sounds of him unbuckling his belt and I try to get away from him but he holds me to the wall. He holds my hands above my head and pulls down my boxers. Then, without lubrication or anything, he penetrates me.
"No!" I scream out as I feel the pain shoot through my body.
His free hand is feeling my cock, I guess he's trying to get me to come or something but it's not working. All I feel is pain on top of pain. His breath on the back of my neck is warm and uninviting. He begins to push in and out of me at a slow pace but it's still not comfortable. He kisses the back of my right shoulder and speeds up the pace, making it more uncomfortable. My cock is no longer hard. Not from coming but just from losing the mood. The pain just worsens the more he does it. I can feel my flesh being rubbed off and my eyes welling with tears.
Treize had never been rough with me before. Things had gone so smoothly. I guess this was his way to release anger, but damn, why? When he finishes, he pulls out of me and dismisses me. I put my clothes back on quickly and leave.
I get back in my car and speed off to the safe house. It hurts me to sit but if it means getting back to Quatre then I don't care. For some reason though, I enter the house and instead of going straight to Quatre, I go to my room to think over what I'm really doing. I think of why I ever got into the relationship with Treize and didn't start one earlier with Quatre. I wind up falling asleep with my face soaked in tears.
I see him when he returns at dawn. He looks as if his whole world has been turned upside down. He walks past me. He isn't really concentrating on where he is going, he seems lost. I just let him go, I figure he has some things he needs to work out on his own.
"Looks like lover-boy is giving up already," I hear Duo say behind me, he laughs.
"Shut up. He just broke up with Treize. He needs to be by himself for a while."
Duo tries taunting me with thoughts of Wufei giving up on me. I just walk away from him believing what I know and that is that Wufei and I belong together.
Leaving him alone for the day, I finally decide to go see how he's doing. First, I knock on the door, when he doesn't answer, I open it and let myself in. He is asleep, his beauty is highlighted at this moment, everything flows into the next. I pause to watch him sleep then move closer to him. First, I kiss his forehead, then his lips . . .
I awaken to the feeling of soft, tender kisses trailing down my chest, I know they're Quatre's kisses. I move my hands to the back of his head and guide him to my lips.
Softly, I kiss his lips then pull away, "How'd it go with Treize?" I ask.
"I don't really feel like talking about it," he tells me and pulls my head down to his for another kiss.
I slide his shirt up over his stomach. I straddle him on the bed and kiss his neck then I pull his shirt off of him. He closes his eyes and lets me take over. I kiss his collar bone then down the middle of his chest. I sit on my knees and remove his shoes, kiss his left foot then move back up his body. I lick his front from his pants' line to his neck, circling his belly button with my tongue. His moans of pleasure begin to be released. I kiss his lips softly but quickly. I then begin to suck his neck lightly and unstraddle him. Slowly, I move my right hand down his stomach and I work to untie his pants. Then put my hand down them and begin to caress his cock. He moans softly as I touch him.
He hand feels so soft against my cock. So good. I can't help but thrust upwards. Then, I feel him remove my pants. I open my eyes, he is still fully dressed.
"You're wearing far too many clothes. Out of them now," I say huskily, my voice quiet but harsh.
I sit up slightly and unbutton his pants quickly.
"Wufei?!" he says, sort of in protest to me.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. But if you want we can stop," I pause and look into those beautiful baby blue eyes of his.
"No, this is fine," Quatre kisses my lips again then pulls away and unbuttons his shirt.
I trace a finger down his chest and lay back on the bed. He then removes my boxers and kisses my naked cock. It's my first time with Quatre and I don't feel nervous at all . . .
The nervousness is making it hard to concentrate. This is my first time with anybody but I'm glad it's with Wufei. I love him so much.
I take his cock in my mouth and lick the head. I'm no stranger to doing this, I did it numerous times to Duo when we were together, but only I was the one doing it when I was with him. I lick the underside from base to the slit in the head. He moans loudly.
My hands grab the sheets under me and my hips thrust into him. I put one hand on the back of his head and run my fingers through his hair. He has such a talented mouth. My cock is then engulfed and sucked by him. Everything he's doing feels extremely good.
"Don't stop," I tell him.
He flicks his tongue over the opening and then circles the head. He gently nibbles the tip, this gets me the best. My greatest sexual fantasy is coming to life right before me. I thrust in and out of his mouth, my hands grip tighter onto the sheets, pulling them off of the mattress. I try to hold out a little longer, the sensations coursing through my body are absolutely wonderful. My body shakes as I release myself into his mouth, yelling his name. Suddenly, all thought is gone and all I know is the feeling of the orgasm.
His cum is sweet, not bitter like Duo's was a lot of the time. I take it all in. I kiss his cock once more then sit up on my knees and remove my unbuttoned shirt. Then I kiss his stomach, chest and neck on my way back up to his lips. I'm scared but ready for what is ever to come tonight.
Passionately we share our kisses, I can tell we're far from finishing. He turns me on my back and straddles me, he thrusts his naked hips into mine.
It felt good rubbing my bare cock against his bulge in his pants. I start trailing kisses that barely touch his skin down his chest. I move farther down his body and unzip his and remove his pants then throw them in the pile at the foot of the bed. I begin to move back up his body and stop at his boxers. I nibble his cock through the fabric and kiss it. His whimpers are so soothing to hear.
"Wufei?" he asks.
He sits back up on my hips, "What is it?" he asks calmly.
"Will it hurt?" I ask him, a little embarrassed.
"The orgasm? Do they hurt?"
"No," he says softly, he puts a hand on my cheek, "If it does let me know and I'll stop. Ok?"
I nod and he gives me a small smile. He leans over and kisses my fore head. He then lays beside me and rubs his hand down my chest. He licks my left nipple and guides his hand over my boxers. He moves down my body and removes my boxers, my nervousness has disappeared and I'm anxious to finally experience my first orgasm.
He touches my naked cock and I jump. I love the feeling of his hand on my sensitive flesh. He circles it with his hand and gently squeezes it then moves his fingers over the tip. I couldn't help but moan, it feels so good. He starts to rub his hand up and down my length, quickening the pace every-so-often. His mouth, kissing my chest an teasing my nipples.
"Don't stop!" I yell out.
He moves from my chest to my lips then to my neck. He sucks on a spot below my left ear. His hand keeps working my length and I let out a hi-pitched whimper as I come close to coming. Followed by a quiet scream as I feel the orgasm take over my body. Wufei moves back to my lips, kissing me very passionately.
"Are you okay?" I ask, taking his seed into my hand.
He nods with a smile on his face.
"I want to take you. It will hurt for a second but it will be worth it," I tell him and he nods again as if he understands.
I use the collected cum and lubricate him with it. I put one finger into him and he gasps. His flesh tightens and his muscles tense. I sit up and move myself in front of him.
"Relax, it's better if you do. I don't want to hurt you."
His muscles and flesh soon are calm and I put a second finger in him. Then, when I think he's ready, I remove my fingers and put his legs around my waist, positioning him for entering him. His muscles tense up again and he whimpers a little. I start to have second thoughts about this part of it. Then, his muscles calm again and he pushes into me, trying to get me deeper into him. I pull out a bit and plunge back in, deeper and deeper I go into him with each intrusion. He has gained his erection again and I hold on to it and rub it slowly. He jumps when I brush against the spot inside him and begins to thrust into me.
I can't explain how it feels with him being inside of me. He is so gentle and doesn't go too fast or too slow. His hand moving up and down my shaft gives me double pleasure. His breathing is getting faster as we both get close to the second orgasm of the night. I start to wonder if the other guys can hear us and if they can, what's going on through their minds. Then things get clouded and he yells my name and I release another hi-pitched moan. We both come, his seed being released deep inside me; mine being released over the both of us. He collapses on top of me and I kiss his forehead. He is still inside of me but moves when it gets uncomfortable.
"Arigatou," he says then kisses my lips.
"For what?" he asks me, sort of puzzled.
"For being here, for existing. I love you," I reply.
"Anatawa watashi no aisuru," he says, "no one could replace you."
I kiss his lips, putting my tongue in his mouth. He is my most prized possession, Treize is nothing compared to him.
'Why can't every guy be like Wufei?' I ask myself, but I guess if everyone were no one would know what perfection was.
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