Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Karaoke ❯ Kryptonite ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: [ARC]Karaoke Part 1: Kryptonite
Author: Emily,
Warnings: Well, let me just give a synopsis. It's sort of a karaoke competition, and I'd say more but I realized you can just read to find out. Um...let's just brace you for shonen ai and potentially bitchy Relena.
Comments: [Lyrics] and /thought/ and *emphasis* will be indicated as shown. Song perfomed by 3 Doors Down. Relena's POV.


/Heero's here!/ Relena's mind screamed with joy. It was an informal celebration marking three years after the war, two years after the Mariemaia debacle, and Heero Yuy was leaning against a back wall chatting casually with the other pilots.

He had changed, too. Physically he was taller and, if at all possible, Heero appeared stronger, but he acted much differently temperament wise, as well. More relaxed, less conspicuous. It was almost as if in the two years since they'd last seen each other, the Perfect Soldier within him had died, and the new Heero was used to the peace, war only a memory.

A chorus of drunken cheers interrupted Relena's thoughts. /I'd be much more comfortable back home. Why did Duo suggest we come to such a filthy hole anyway?/

It was Duo's idea that they leave the palace for the bar. He had used the excuse that the mansion was too formal and a more casual setting was preferable. Heero had nodded his agreement, so of course Relena had Pagan bring them to the nearest...entertainment complex.

The cheers were joined with catcalls and various flying food items as a particularly off-key, extremely drunk woman made an attempt at a song that was popular during the late twentieth century. The woman performed an obscene and risque dance move when she got to the chorus slurring "hit me, baby, one more time" and promptly passed out, taking a tumble off the stage, but no one took heed to the crumpled, unconscious form on the floor. They just ordered more drinks and searched for a new form of entertainment.

"What'll it be, ma'am?" the bartender asked.

/"Ma'am"? Does this man live in a cave? How does he not know who I am?/ "Uh...just a Sprite, please." Relena ignored the look the bartender gave her and thanked him. Apparently no one drinks Sprite at a bar anymore.

She reached the pilots, almost getting trampled by a few men dashing outside in a hurry, and slid into the booth next to Quatre and across from Duo. Trowa was near the window, and Wufei sat across from him on the other side. /Wait a minute.../ "Where'd Heero go?"

Duo shrugged. "We'll find out soon enough." The braided former-pilot turned his head slightly to the left, his friendly grin turning into one of manic glee. He nodded his head in the particular direction, and Relena turned to see what he was motioning to.

Relena almost had to spit her Sprite back into the glass. /That can't be...he'd never do such a thing, would he?/ Heero was standing on the stage, microphone in one hand, and seemed to be selecting a song. She tossed Duo a questioning glance.

"You'll see!" he replied, and the leader of the Sanc kingdom could have sworn she saw a gleam of something in his violet eyes. /Must have just been a lighting trick... The lights aren't that bright in here. All the bulbs are red, after all./

Heero's eyes were closed as the speakers broadcasted the first few measures of the song. Since all the songs in the karaoke machine were just the instrumental versions, the person on the stage was left to fill in the words him or herself. Relena was quite pleased with the sound that *her* Heero's voice made in song.

[I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind.
I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time.
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon.
I feel there's nothing I can do. Yeah.]

He had his eyes opened now, and Relena felt trapped in the deep blue depths, drowning in the sound of his voice in the air around her. None of the others seemed surprised at all. Wufei, Quatre, and Trowa were deep in conversation, but she couldn't make out the words over Heero's voice. Duo was watching with a smile on his face, tapping the song's beat on the table with his right hand.

[I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon.
After all I knew it had to be something to do with you.
I really don't mind what happens now and then
as long as you'll be my friend in the end.]

Relena blinked suddenly as a realization hit her. /He's singing to me. He has to be! Heero's looking right over here, and the song must be describing us. Oh, Heero.../

[If I go crazy, then, will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might.

Relena couldn't help but smile. This was his way of admitting how he really felt for her. It had taken him more than three years to confess how he felt for her, and now he was sharing his feelings so openly and publicly. Relena felt pride blossoming in her chest. Not only is Heero attractive, smart, and determined...he's sweet, kind, and romantic, as well.

[You call me strong; you call me weak, but still your secrets I will keep.
You took for granted all the times I never let you down.
You stumbled in and bumped your head.
If not for me then you'd be dead.
I picked you up, put you back on solid ground.]

/I can't believe I doubted his feelings for me!/ Relena looked over at Duo quickly. He happened to be looking in her direction, so she smiled warmly and turned her attention back to Heero. /At one point I thought of Duo as a threat and that he had corrupted Heero in some way to get him for himself! How desperate was I!? Heero's mine mine mine mine mine, and this only cements the fact./

[If I go crazy, then, will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might.

/Oh, Heero, I'm your kryptonite, aren't I? You're only one, true weakness because of the feelings we have for each other. I hope you speak to me after this. We have so much lost time to make up for.../

[If I go crazy, then, will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might.
Kryptonite. Yeah!]

Everyone in the bar was clapping along with the beat, and Duo whistled between his fingers, joining in with everyone's clapping and mouthing along with the words. /Heero has been looking in our direction the whole time. Surely he has been singing to me. That is why he accepted my invitation. That is why he agreed to go to this dive at Duo's suggestion./

[If I go crazy, then, will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my super human might.

Relena got up right when Heero slid the mic back into its stand. /I have to talk to him!/ Then she got an idea. A secretive smile slid across Relena's face. /Two can play at this game./ She changed her trajectory and went to the stage with the karaoke box as her goal.


End Part 1