Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyou ❯ Kiga ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thank you goes to: Linda, for the plot bunny, and Kaiyora, for repeatedly making me hurry up and finish this.

And, just on the side, I made Trowa French, I just think it fits him.

This is Kiga, meaning daily life, and it's the sequel to Kikyou (homecoming)


~*~ Change of POV

Trowa woke first that morning, not such and unusual occurrence, but what was less than usual was that all of the five boys were lying in the same bed, curled up with their limbs seemingly knotted together. Moving with his usual catlike grace, Trowa snuck out of bed without waking the others. He borrowed a pair of Quatre's shorts, the blonde wasn't that much smaller after all, and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. They'd be getting up soon and knowing Duo he'd be terribly hungry after his mission the night before.

He mixed eggs with a bit of milk and powdered paprika for the omelettes, cut up some bananas and apples to mix with cereal and was just about to grab a few oranges from the fridge when he felt someone grab his hips and grind an unmistakable erection against his behind.

Realizing this couldn't be anyone but another pilot he moaned and reflexively pushed back as his shorts grew tighter by the second. He closed the refrigerator and poised his hands on its flat surface to balance himself as his head spun with the sudden lack of blood.

After a few seconds he was spun around but his eyes slid shut under the welcome assault to his lips he didn't get a decent look at his *attacker*. Their tongues battled fiercely for as long as they could go without breath and when the other finally pulled back, Trowa recognized Quatre's half-naked form standing before him.


Duo slowly awoke at the lack of warmth behind him and noticed, as he rolled over, that both Quatre and Trowa were gone. On the other side of the room, arranging his hair in front of the mirror, stood Wufei.

"Where do you think you're going?" Duo asked, beckoning Wufei over.

The Chinese boy turned around, facing Duo, and raised an eyebrow.

"Downstairs of course. Barton is preparing breakfast."

"And Q-babe is downstairs too, let them have some private time, Wu-kins." He pouted playfully, "and besides, I was hoping to continue what we started last night."

Wufei walked over to where Duo sat, cross-legged and tangled in the sheets he'd partly pulled off Heero, who was still sleeping with an unreadable expression etched on his face.

"Continue what we started?" Wufei straddled the other's lap, throwing a glance at Heero, who now had a tiny smile playing across his lips. "Like this you mean?"

He smirked briefly before nipping a path from Duo's chin to his ear. The longhaired boy moaned quietly and shivered when gentle hands skimmed down his uncovered back. He jerked at the touch to the ticklish area just above the crack of his ass.

"Wufei, stop that," his breath hitched as the tickling continued, "I'm seri-i-ious `Fei, don't do that!"

Wufei placed a tiny kiss just above Duo's collarbone. "Me? I didn't do anything…"

The brunette gasped as a tongue trailed all the way down his back.


Quatre self-consciously ran his hands down his exposed chest, winking seductively at Trowa, whose eyes were wide under his mussed bangs. He took a small step forward and pressed himself flush against the taller boy, his lips parted slightly with his increased breathing.

"Quatre? What is this?"

The blonde smiled, a lot less innocent than usual, and frankly, it turned Trowa on like nothing else ever could.

"This, Trowa, is called seduction, don't tell me you don't know what that is." He moved to suckle on one of Trowa's nipples.

"I…oh god…I, don't stop."

Pulling back slightly, Quatre chuckled and blew softly onto the dusky patch of skin, causing the nipple to come completely erect.

"I don't ever intend to stop Trowa." He bit down lightly, "never."

Trowa stepped back and leaned back against the fridge, letting his entire control slip. He craned his neck when Quatre moved his talented mouth there and his hips bucked when cool hands slid under the waistband of his boxers. The cloth was quickly removed and Quatre sank easily to his knees to come face to face with Trowa's arousal. He immediately took its head in his mouth and suckled enthusiastically.


Heero eagerly tasted Duo's skin; applying gentle pressure with his tongue on every sensitive spot he could find, nuzzling where shoulder and neck met and teasing Duo's ticklish spot one last time before resting his head on zero-two's shoulder.

"Heero? That you?" Asked Duo, sighing languidly as his eyes closed under Wufei's skilful ministrations.

"Of course it's him. Such a playful streak, Yuy, didn't know you had it in you." The Chinese one said, his eyes travelling over the gloriously naked and very handsome body of the Wing pilot.

"Hn." Heero absentmindedly trailed one finger down Duo's side and as the longhaired boy shivered, Wufei took advantage of the situation to push him back onto the bed. Heero had already conveniently moved out of the way. Together, Heero and Wufei started to literally ravage Duo. They pinched, nibbled, licked and kissed his entire torso and upper thighs. Occasionally they would pause in their constant caresses to kiss each other with the same passion they used against Duo, the touches between them only serving to further arouse them all.

Several minutes later found them all panting, chests heaving, arousals hard as rocks and the look in their eyes nothing but pure unadulterated lust.

Duo made the first move by lightly grasping Wufei's manhood, gathering the pearly substance on its tip and, spreading it over two of his fingers, slowly inserting his index finger into Heero's puckered opening.


Steadily taking more of his lovers cock in his mouth, Quatre let his hands roam freely over Trowa's bronzed skin in an attempt to find his every sensitive or weak spot. He found his goal easily as the other shuddered at the lightest teasing touch to his hip. Trowa moaned and clenched his fists even as the blonde was pulling back, giving only tiny licks and kisses.

Quatre calmly rose and stood on his toes to deliver a small kiss to Trowa's heated cheeks. He then circled his arms around him and cupped his behind, rubbing his own erection against Trowa's bare leg.

"Hmmmm, why don't we take this a little further?"

He lead Trowa to the kitchen table and pressed him against it, forcing him, with several kisses that left them both breathless, to gracefully bow backward until he was almost lying on top of dark polished wood.

Words wouldn't really come to him, not with Quatre flicking his nipples and teasing his cock, but he still tried.

"Quat, what if - aaaaaah - what if they walk in on uu~uuus?"

Smiling sweetly as he fingered Trowa's balls, Quatre sighed. "They would have to join us of course."

The image of what would happen if the three other pilots all walked in came to mind and Trowa's hips bucked lightly.

"Wouldn't be so bad, would it?"

Quatre stepped back a little, his hands lingering on Trowa's slender body as long as possible, his watchful gaze not missing the sigh and tremble that overtook the Heavyarms' pilot. He blew him a little kiss and loosened the drawstring on his own, now very restrictive, sweatpants. His erect member leapt free from its confines, the short friction forcing a strangled moan out of him. He walked back up to Trowa, raised himself onto the table and straddled the French boy's quivering legs.

"A lot better already, don't you think so, Trowa?" The way he spoke the last word was an entire seduction on its own.


Duo slid one finger in and twisted it slowly, his hold on Wufei not relenting. Heero arched his back gracefully, his whimpers easily turning to loud moans and his huskily asking for more and harder. Wufei grinned as he wrapped his callused hand around the Japanese boy's cock and stroked him roughly, only a few times as he was quick to crawl around Duo, kissing him sloppily while passing, and taking a comfortable seat between Heero's thighs.

Both let their hands wander freely over their victim's heated skin, his moans and pleas now becoming begging sobs as each flick of his nipples, each fleeting touch to his penis brought him closer to the edge and further away from coherent thought. Every muscle in his taut body melted to puddles when Duo added a second digit to the pleasant intrusion and expertly hit Heero's prostate.

"Ah-haaaaaa, yesss…" Heero leaned heavily against Wufei, his breathing harsh and the spots before his eyes flashing brighter with Duo's every small thrust. He pushed back against Duo's fingers, three of them now, and circled his arms around Wufei's neck. Number five responded in kind by wrapping one arm around Heero's thin waist and reaching out with the other arm to gently pull Duo closer by his long, unbound hair.

Duo lost his balance and half fell, half stumbled against Heero's backside. His fingers slipped out of Heero's heat and Heero let out an exasperated noise, not for long, however, as Wufei crawled completely on top of him, melding their bodies together. They kissed passionately again, grinding their bodies against each other, not letting any touch go to waste and all in all making quite the picture for Duo to enjoy. This one was feeling just a tad left out, though, and quickly made up for that by running his hands down the globes of Wufei's ass, eliciting moans from the pretty boy as he arched his back into the touch.

"Hmm…feeling a little sensitive, `Fei?"

The Chinese boy moaned and flipped himself off Yuy to stare up at Duo with eyes tinted a pure onyx in his lust. He reached up and pulled him down for an eager kiss, thrusting his hips up at the same time, searching relief from the tension building within him. A warm, soft hand wrapped around his member and, tearing his lips away from Duo's for less than a split second, he saw that Heero was crawling on top of him this time.


Quatre sat himself gently on Trowa's washboard stomach and ran his hands up and down the banged boy's chest. He leaned down and bit one of the nipples in front of him.

"Hmm, you do taste so good, Trowa. Have I told you that? I could eat you alive."

He nibbled a random path on the chest beneath him and moaned when Trowa ran his warm hands down his chilled back. Slender fingers parted the pale cheeks of Quatre's ass and pulled him into a more comfortable position. The blonde leaned down, supported himself by placing his hands on each side of Trowa's chest, and nuzzled the brunette's collarbone, raising and lowering his hips at a languid pace. He raised his head to toy with Trowa's ear a little but he suddenly caught the look in that one's eyes.

"Don't bother looking for lube, I can relax perfectly without and not get hurt."

The green eyes softened and their look changed to a passionate hunger. He dragged Quatre's hips down to his, teasing the smaller one's entrance with the mere tip of his cock.

"Nnng, m-more!"

Quatre was visibly relaxing his body and Trowa sheathed himself, pushing in slowly. Once he was completely enveloped by velvet heat he slumped down onto the table to catch his breath, taking Quatre with him.

They panted and kissed the sweat of each other's brow until Sandrock's pilot suddenly sat up and demonstrated rather clearly that he was ready for some action. He pulled his legs into a kneeling position, moaning in his soft tenor, and slowly lifted himself to the point where he would lose his grip on Trowa's hard cock.

Then he slammed down again, hard and fast, and both of their voices cried out, bouncing off the walls.

Quatre smiled, his breath coming in laboured gaps. "I knew you'd like this." He gasped again when Trowa nodded and thrusted upward. He kept smiling, his eyes sparkling, as he moved his hands to Trowa's pronounced hips, pressing him down onto the table.

"Down. Don't move." The look on the supposed angel's face became perfectly wicked and he tweaked Trowa's nipples again before settling in what he deemed a comfortable rhythm.


Heero squeezed Wufei's manhood mercilessly, his cobalt eyes fixed on the Chinese's wavering gaze. He smirked and crawled into Wufei's lap, pulling Duo along so the brunette would be facing him. He kissed Duo rather forcibly, his one hand still gripping Wufei as the other slowly trailed down Duo's chest. Suddenly, he released them both, turned around and got down on all fours, leering at them from over his shoulder. Wufei was the first to move again. He crawled toward Heero, positioned himself at his entrance and rubbed his arousal against the crack of the Japanese teen's ass. They moaned in unison and Wufei's eyes shot open wide as cool, slick fingers probed at his entrance. Duo twisted and stretched Wufei easily, wrapping his other lube-slicked hands around the Chinese teen's arousal. He pumped a few times and guided him toward Heero's puckered opening, shivering as he saw them fit together smoothly.

He quickly smeared the last of the lube on his own cock, grabbed hold of Wufei's hips and moaned languorously as he took his position between Wufei's calves and entered him in a single swift move.

All three of them stopped moving for a brief eternity and then it all happened at once. Hips started moving, fingers played across strong chests and breathing escaped in laboured gasps, soft cries echoing through the room. They craved for this to never end but at the same time desired no more than their approaching climax. Duo thrusted deeply into Wufei, pulling out almost completely, only to plunge back in with an unintelligible moan. He deliberately hit Wufei's prostate, sending the teen's mind reeling, all control gone. Heero had in the mean time become victim for several hickeys, his neck and backside showing many red markings, he wasn't paying attention to those however as two hands from different owners wrapped themselves around his erection, pumping him slowly, not bringing him to release just yet.

His hips bucked and his arms started to shake, threatening to collapse under him until warm, bronzed arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer. Heero's every muscle was reduced to a puddle when nimble fingers pressed gently on the back of his knee and he shuddered in reflex, trying to envelope more of the thick cock inside of him. Wufei growled something in incomprehensible Chinese in return and thrusted harder, trapped as he was between giving and receiving pleasure.

Wufei cried out as Duo hit his prostate repeatedly and, rapidly coming closer to his peak, he began to pump Heero's cock more rapidly. Duo, in turn, reacted to the increasing motion of Wufei's hips and, as he came forcefully, dragged the others over the edge with him.


Quatre tightened his inner walls to squeeze Trowa tightly and smiled as he saw the young Frenchman completely at his mercy. They were still on top of the table, the mahogany protesting against their weight with small creaks.

Trowa squirmed underneath his lover, doing his best to keep still, but when Quatre leaned back and slid one slick finger in between the perfect globes of the brunette's ass, there wasn't much Trowa could do except for bucking wildly and gasping the blonde's name. He clenched his entrance tightly around the intrusion, but Quatre only kept smiling and pressed gently on his prostate. The banged boy's eyes flew open and, moaning loudly, he emptied himself in the blonde, his entire body relaxing under the continuing ministrations.

The Sandrock pilot slammed down onto his lover's cock a few more times and moaned in his soft voice, tensing up lightly when Trowa's tanned hands wrapped around his aching member. Their mouths joined again and their tongues battled fiercely as Trowa continued to jerk the other off, his own cock hardening again as he took in the sight of Quatre's flushed brow and sparkling eyes.

Feeling the reawakening of Trowa's member, Quatre rolled his hips slowly, losing his mind at the dual pleasure. He placed his weight on his hands, resting them next to Trowa's head as he started to ride the brunette faster and wilder.

Not losing his hold on Quatre's cock, Trowa pumped him relentlessly; his own body aching for completion again as the blonde arched his back and pulled his knees under his body. They moved in unison, their joining growing more primal as the only sound became that of their laboured breath and the slapping of flesh against flesh.

Quatre suddenly gasped and nearly lost his balance as Trowa slammed up and into his prostate several times. The French pilot rubbed his thumb across the slit on Quatre's cock one last time and when he hit his lover's prostate one last time, the blonde cried out in his native Arabic, coming into Trowa's hands with near-violent jerks of his delicate looking body. His opening tightened around Trowa's cock in erratic spasms, bringing the taller boy closer and closer to his climax until he reach his peak as well and filled Quatre with his essence again.

They collapsed on top of the table and tried to catch their breaths for a moment, the wood now creaking dangerously under their weight. His breathing still faster than it would normally be, Quatre sat up and pulled himself off of Trowa, moaning softly again as he felt the limp cock slide out of his tired body. He curled up on top of Trowa's chest, drawing meaningless patterns across his chest with his nails, occasionally flicking the dusky nipples. He eventually rose again and gave the Heavyarms' pilot a quick kiss.

"I'm going to take a shower and clean myself up a bit. Be good and continue breakfast?" He winked playfully and disappeared around the corner, forgoing the mere idea of modesty as his sweatpants were still in a crumpled heap next to one of the dark, mahogany chairs.


They collapsed pretty much on top of each other, too tired to move to more comfortable positions. Heero soon squirmed a little though, having the weight of two pilots on top of him, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle, but there were definitely more comfortable positions on a bed as big as this one. The other two shifted to accommodate him and soon they were under the warm covers, sprawled all over each other. They were lulled back into a light slumber by the sound of each other's breathing until Duo suddenly sat up, took a scrutinizing look at a handful of his hair, sniffed it carefully and nodded determinedly.

"I think I need a shower. Play nice while I'm gone, alright?" He eyed his two lovers and slipped out of bed, padding quietly to the large bathroom, where he grabbed a fluffy cream-coloured towel and turned the hot water on as he stood in front of the mirror and untangled his messy braid. As steam started to fill the room he noticed a small movement at the door from the corner of his eye. He spun around and bumped nose first into Quatre, who stood there with his hands on his hips and a tiny, suggestive smile across his lips.

"Q, what're you doing here? I was just about to take a shower and… Ah, I see."

The longhaired boy trailed one slim finger up Quatre's chest, catching several droplets of semen on his way. He licked his fingertip sensuously, eyeing the subtle, but obvious muscles on the blonde's chest and arms. He reached out then, pulling the blonde close to him before devouring his mouth greedily. They moaned as their heated skins touched and, staying in the entangled position for another moment, they felt desire return to them.

Quatre pulled back first and, breathing heavily; he smiled wickedly again, swaying his hips as he walked backward into the hot shower, daring Duo not to follow him. The brunette followed easily, hormones taking over and, as steam hid them from view, they knew they wouldn't get out until the hot water ran out. And in Quatre's houses, that took a long time.