Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Heero ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Kindergarten Heero
Chapter: 1/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: June 8, 2003
Genre: Shonen Ai/Yaoi, Drama, Romance, Fusion
Pairing: 1x2
Rated: R(?)
Warnings: AU, OOC, Swearing, Death (*not* one of the guys)
Archives: At Lev's Lair and at (my site) and at under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: This is a fusion with the movie "Kindergarten Cop". Blame that pic of Heero with a ferret and the fact that the "Kindergarten Cop" DVD was on a sale rack and caught my attention. Feedback is appreciated.


Slipping quickly through the crowd, Heero kept the tall redhead in sight virtually constantly. When he turned off into another section of the mall, however, Heero was suddenly left without a way to follow. The second floor promenade did not extend to that part of the mall.

"K'so!" he swore furiously. Turning, he plunged down the nearest escalator, rudely shoving through between mall shoppers. Attracting attention was bad but if he lost Khushrenada it wouldn't matter anyway. Reaching the corridor that Khushrenada had entered, he was just in time to catch a glimpse of the door to a maintenance hallway swinging shut.


"Otto, the info should be worth at least a hundred thou," the dark-haired girl insisted. "Don't let him talk you down."

"I know, Noin, I know. He's been searching for the broad for a long time, he should be glad for any news," Otto replied nervously. "But it ain't safe pushin' Khushrenada too hard. And all we know is which school the kid's goin' to and that the missus don't look so hot, and even that info's none too recent. It's not like we've got real concrete details to give'im."

"Just remember, stick to the story. You were there on a deal by yourself and I don't know anything about this," Noin reminded him. "We just want a little something back since Zechs dumped me and fired you after he hooked up with Khushrenada. It was pure dumb luck that I recognized Khushrenada's ex in that little hick town and you tailed her to the school. Just wish we'd got a picture of the damn brat and her to prove it; he'd pay bigger bucks if we did."

The rattle of a doorknob being turned interrupted before Otto could reply. "Get in there and don't make a sound," he ordered in a harsh whisper, shoving Noin towards a pile of boxes. "He said for me to come alone or he wouldn't pay, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah," Noin grumbled, ducking out of sight.

"You say that you have news about my family?" a cultured, smooth voice said.

Noin peeked around the edge of the crate to confirm that it was indeed Khushrenada. 'As if I could ever mistake that bastard's snooty voice,' she thought, glaring furiously. It was all his fault that Zechs dumped her. Him and his sexy voice and fancy house and big promises. 'All he wanted was Zechs in his bed. No, correction, "Milliardo" in his bed, Zechs Merquise is not a suitable name for the companion to an Eastern European "aristocrat" but "Prince Milliardo Peacecraft" of the nonexistent kingdom of Sanc *is*...' No matter that the "aristocrat" in question was a drug-dealing sleazeball with umpteen arrests and not a single conviction on his record.

"Yeah, I do," Otto answered, his voice half belligerent, half nervous. "Was makin' a delivery for Tsuberov awhile back and the car broke down in Oregon. While I was waitin' for it to get fixed, I saw your old lady - err, Leia, I mean - in town. She didn't look too hot, real pale and dark shadows under her eyes. Guess that ten million she took can't buy everything, huh?"

"My daughter?" Khushrenada demanded impatiently. "What about her?"

"Uh, yeah, well - I want a hundred thou, Nichols told you that, right?" Otto said anxiously.

"Yes, yes, don't concern yourself. I will see to it that you are well taken care of," the aristocrat snapped. "Now tell me about my daughter!"

"Yeah, well - I followed Leia to the school and she met the kid there. Your little girl's real cute, Mr. Kushrenada. Real cute."

"Good. That's good. Now - TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" With an obvious effort, Khushrenada drew in a deep breath then spoke again, much more softly, "Please Otto. Tell me where she is so that I can bring her home to the lifestyle that is her birthright."

"Well, I don't know where they're livin' at or what name they're usin'; they went back in the school and I couldn't hang around without drawin' too much attention. But the kid's going to Astoria Elementary in Astoria, Oregon. So where's my money?" Otto demanded.

"I told you that you would be well taken care of," Khushrenada said, reaching inside his coat. "Astoria Elementary, you said?"

"Yeah, Astoria Public Elementary, in Astoria, Oregon," Otto confirmed eagerly. His voice changed from eager anticipation to fear, "What are you - no!"

Noin stuffed the heel of her hand in her mouth and bit down to silence her instinctive outcry as a gun went off. The sound was faint but Otto's body crumpling to the floor left no doubt as to what had taken place. Noin jerked back completely behind the crates and huddled, shivering in shock. She'd never expected Khushrenada to stoop that low. She'd always despised him for stealing Zechs away from her but she'd never actually thought he was *dangerous*!

"I told you that you would be well taken care of, Otto," Khushrenada said disdainfully, brushing a few microscopic specks of dust from his coat as he tucked his gun out of sight. He stepped over the body and walked calmly away, cutting through the storage area to dispose of his gun in a trash compactor before re-entering the commercial section of the mall.


Heero slipped into the last storage area off of the hallway. This *had* to be where Khushrenada went; he hadn't been in any of the previous ones. "Shimatta!" he swore as he rounded the corner and spotted the body on the floor. 'Too late...' A faint sound sent him hurtling through the stacks of boxes and crates. "Freeze! Police!" he barked sharply. The instant of hesitation in response to his order was all he needed to grab the arm of the woman he found and drag her back out to the body.

"It wasn't me, I didn't do it, I swear!" she babbled frantically.

"It was Khushrenada, wasn't it?" he demanded in a low growl.

"Yes..." she admitted. She yelped in startlement an instant later as Heero jerked her over to the body and handcuffed her to it. "No! You can't do this!"

"Hn." Heero took off towards the shopping part of the mall at a run. He knew exactly where he would find Khushrenada. 'Got you this time, you bastard...' he thought in grim satisfaction. His dogged persistence of the past few years was finally going to pay off. He might not have managed to nail Khushrenada on the narcotics charges but at least the slimeball wouldn't find murder quite so easy to get out of. Not when he had an actual witness.


Treize entered the beauty salon and calmly strode towards the back of the establishment. He bent and kissed Milliardo's cheek.

"That was quick," Milliardo observed, turning the page of the magazine he was holding. "Did you learn anything worthwhile?"

Treize stepped out of the stylist's way and seated himself in another chair, swivelling it so that he could watch the stylist at work. He so enjoyed watching an artist create a masterpiece.

"Manicure, Mr. Khushrenada?"

Treize held out one hand languidly. "I might as well, since it appears that it will be a while before Milliardo is ready to depart."

"Well? Did you learn anything worthwhile?" Milliardo repeated with a slight frown.

"Don't frown; it causes wrinkles," Treize chided. "Yes. They are in Astoria, Oregon. Mariemaia is attending school - a *public* school - there," he said distastefully.

"Astoria? I've never heard of it."

"Just a little hick town, I suppose," Treize said dismissively. "It doesn't matter. She won't be there for long."


Milliardo's question was abruptly cut off by a shout of "Freeze! Police! Hands over your head, Khushrenada!"

Treize sighed heavily. "Yuy, Yuy, Yuy," he began.

"Stand up and put your hands above your head!" Heero ordered.

Treize rolled his eyes and stood but left one hand in the bowl it was soaking in.

"Hands *up*!"

"Really, Detective Yuy, even someone as uncouth as yourself must realize that it is incredibly poor manners to interrupt a man in the midst of his manicure..." Treize complained.

"*UP*, Khushrenada!"

Sighing and shaking his head slightly, Treize raised his other hand. "I hope you're happy now, Detective Yuy. You've made me make a terrible mess out of this lovely young lady's wonderful manicure," he observed. "So what is it this time? Jaywalking, perhaps? Or has my chauffeur neglected to pay a parking ticket?"

"Try murder," Heero answered. "You just shot and killed a man less than ten minutes ago."

"Oh, *murder*. That *is* a new one..." A faint tinge of unease drifted through Treize's mind. How had Yuy found out so soon? 'He must be tailing me again...' He continued to smile sardonically while swearing silently in several languages. "And just how long do you think this - trumped-up - charge will stand? A few hours? A whole day perhaps?"

"Oh, it will last longer than that," Heero promised with satisfaction. "I have a *witness*."

As mall security charged into the salon, temporarily drawing Yuy's attention, Treize gave Milliardo a meaningful glance. Milliardo smiled at him sweetly and nodded very slightly. "I'll call Pargan and get him on the case immediately," the younger man assured Treize. "We'll have these trumped-up charges dismissed in no time."

And if not - well, Treize knew that Milliardo knew what to do. His companion hadn't been chosen for looks alone, after all. He *did* have a first-class brain in that beautiful head of his. And a ruthless streak strong enough to match his own.
