Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss 'n Tell ❯ Kiss 'n Tell ( One-Shot )

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Kiss 'n Tell
A GW Yaoi Poem by Ryn-chan

Duo kissed Hiiro and nobody knew
'Cept Hiiro and he's kissing Quatre, too
Quatre's got Trowa and Wu Fei in his pocket
But Duo's the only on rockin' the closet

Wu Fei's having nightmares and can't get to sleep
While Duo took Hiiro without missing a beat
Trowa's got Quatre pinned down in the shower
Much to the delight of the Arabian flower

Hiiro and Wu Fei are sleeping around
Duo and Quatre still can't be found
Trowa's exhausted and is sleeping all day
No one to fuck with if he'd wanted to, anyway

Daylight sends Duo to bed with 'Fei in his wake
Proving again their passion's not fake
Quatre and Trowa are something to behold
However this leaves Hiiro out in the cold

With Wu Fei and Trowa mixing it up in the kitchen
Duo is running for Hiiro and his bitchin'
Quatre is the one with whips and chains on the side
Keeping the other G-boys fit to be tied!