Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss the Sky ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Kiss the Sky
Author: Freya-sama
Pairing: Duo/Heero
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Theme: #10 - Eyes
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing
Word Count: 138
I saw a miniscule hint of sorrow flicker in the dim light of his cockpit, which differed from any other expression I'd ever seen him wear. Since the day we'd met at the port, he just had a wild, untamed look about him. With the tips of his hair flickering in the wind as he aimed the barrel of his gun straight forward, I caught a glimpse of those stone-blue eyes, which didn't transcribe anything more than his objection; shoot the enemy down.
This time was different. I caught a glimpse of his eyes again just as he was boarding his Gundam to the battleship Libra, and he seemed disconsolate. That flash of sorrow, however, drained from his eyes as he closed his cockpit, and he was off in a flash, to kiss the sky with his mask.