Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Knocking on Hell's Door or Duo's Popcorn Incident ❯ Knocking on Hell's Door or Duo's Popcorn Incident ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Content: humor, shonen ai
Pairings: 3x4
Disclaimer: I don't own the G-boys or anything else that relates to them…but I can wish, can't I? ^_^
C&C welcome!

Knocking on Shinigami's Door or Duo's Popcorn Incidentby Yaoi Girl

Heero paced back and forth in front of the fire-place, as he had been doing for the past 2 hours, thinking upon every thought that popped into his mind for an upcoming mission.

As he paced, he began to gnaw on his finger and knuckles, switching hands every few minutes.

Trowa, who had been sitting on the couch for the past hour, enjoying the fire light, was growing tired of watching the spandex-clad boy walk back and forth, continually blocking the light, casting a shadow upon him. "Heero?"

The latter boy paused in his path only long enough to shoot the unibanged pilot a death glare, and then continued on.

"What's on your mind, Heero? You seem pretty tense…"

"Quiet! I'm trying to concentrate!" he barked back at Trowa.

"On what? Wearing a path in the rug? Cause if ya are, Q's gonna be pretty mad and…I think you missed a spot…" Duo remarked upon his entrance to the dimly lit room, walking over to Heero, a smirk upon his lips, and pointed at the rug.

"Shut-up, baka! No one asked for you to open your big mouth!"

Trowa and Duo glanced at each other, and then sang out loudly, "Spandex wedgie!"

Heero gave the laughing boys a death glare, who paid the 'warning' no heed, and stomped down the hall to his room, where he hoped he could get some thinking done.

The violet-eyed boy plopped down onto the couch next to Trowa, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. "Where's blondie?"

"Making popcorn," he simply replied, mask back in place.

Duo licked he chops, already tasting the butter and salt of those big yellowish white kernels in his mouth.

Trowa sighed with a slight smirk and rolled his eyes upon seeing the braided one do this.

They both sat in silence and watched the crackling fire.

That is until…

Duo's wonderful selective hearing, heard the sound of footsteps and a bowl of popcorn rattling in sync with the steps.

The braided one all but leapt over the back of the couch to steal the bowl of food from the little one. After clearing the couch hurdle, he took off down the hall towards Quatre.

The aqua-eyed boy had seen this coming well ahead of time, and had prepared another bowl of popcorn for the American.

As Duo approached at full speed, arms outstretched and ready to pounce, Quatre pointed towards the kitchen and continued down the hall to the living room.

Duo whizzed past the Arabian youth, arms still in front of him, and into the kitchen, his running stride never wavering, even as he turned the corner leading into the kitchen.

Knowing well ahead of time that Duo would do this too, he set up a 'trap' for the braided boy.

As soon as the blonde pilot heard the 'thud' of Duo's butt hitting the linoleum floor and the lyrical cursing afterward pour from the boys mouth, Quatre simply smiled and walked to the couch, his burden in hand.

"What did you do, Little One?" Trowa asked.

"Who? Me?" came the oh-so-innocent reply.

"Yes… Who else would I call 'Little One'?"

"I hope no one else! Or you'll be sleeping in your own bed tonight!"

"What was that noise?" Heero asked as he emerged from his room.

"Duo…" the blonde merely replied from the couch, eyes fixed on the fire, one hand in Trowa's.

"Like that's supposed to surprise me…" he remarked sarcastically to the pair on the couch, entering the room to join them.


"J'es?" he replied oh-so-innocently to the braided one, who now stood angrily behind the couch.

The cobalt-eyed boy sitting in the recliner burst into laughter upon looking at Duo.

"Shut-up, Yuy!" Duo screeched as he reached over the couch to grad a pillow, and then launched it at the still laughing Heero.

"Quatre…why does the kitchen smell like popcorn butter…and why's the floor so slippery…?" he asked the blonde, trying to keep his anger in check.

"Why don't you figure it out yourself genius…" he replied as he popped another kernel of popcorn into his mouth, still remaining in the same position as before.

"You mean…that yellow slippery stuff…all over the kitchen floor is…BUTTER?!?!" he huffed.

"Good job, genius!"

"So, you're saying…THAT'S WHAT I'M COVERED IN?!" he said between clenched teeth, his hands balling up into tight fists at his sides.

"Congratulations! You've now been promoted to a rocket scientist!" Trowa intervened for the blonde boy currently on the floor rolling with laughter, who was also clutching his sides in pain.

The aqua-eyed boy had finally turned around to see what the 'butter monster' looked like, after the whole genius bit.

All he seen before he hit the floor was Duo's butter caked braid hanging over his left shoulder with pieces of popcorn glued to it and a similar site on his white tee shirt and khaki pants.

Duo wasted no time in jumping over the couch, sitting on the blonde youth, who immediately started yelling for him to get off, his laughter no longer heard as he struggled.

But the braided one wouldn't budge. He was, however, tired of getting smacked.

"I'll teach you who's the prankster around here! You should know better than to knock on Shinigami's door!" With that, he began to tickle the Arabian, who quit smacking and began to giggle in defeat.

"Quit! Stop! Duo! Get off of me!" Quatre managed while laughing.

He finally gave in to the boy's pleas, and got off of him, looking down now and smiling victoriously.

But poor little Quatre didn't approve of his current state.

He was now the one caked in gooey melted butter.

"And to top it all off…" the braided one announced while snatching the bowl of popcorn from Trowa, then dumping it all over the poor Arab. "Popcorn Quatre, a la mode!"

Duo was too busy admiring his handiwork to remember the Little One's silent koi.

Hot breath being blown across his neck reminded him of this, his braid still over his left shoulder, exposing his neck to Trowa.

Wide eyed and gulping quickly, Duo leapt onto the couch, burying himself as best he could under the many pillows.

But, naturally, that wouldn't stop Trowa.

"I'll teach you to knock on my door!" Trowa stated as he jumped onto the couch, then onto Duo.

Quatre got up off the floor and helped his koi in a tickle attack against Duo.

When Duo threatened to pee, they stopped immediately, and so the pillow fight began, all thanks to…



I lost the actual ending to this…but now that I've thought of this one, I can make a sequel!