Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Knowledge is Power ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Darkening Dreams: This is going to be my first Multi part that is actually serious! Yeah! Anyway, please review!


Disclaimer: I do not own, I never will!



Knowledge is Power





DUO MAXWELL, hated the rain, it seemed to make things worse than they had to be. With the grey clouds covering the sun, sending the chill water down to earth, that was swallowed up by the ground, and his clothes, Duo wore ratty jeans, with holes in the knee's, a white tank top, with a green plaid shirt over it, the sleeves were rolled up past his elbows, and his golden brown hair, which was now soaking, was held back in its customary braid.


Duo crouched down behind two trash cans that held him from sight, which was good, he needed cover for this mission to work; Duo's gold police badge could not be seen, but that was for caution, there was no way he needed to let the pervert know that they were there. Duo sneaked a look over the top of the trash cans. The house looked like any other house in any other suburban neighborhood, in any other city that just happened to be on Earth.


The house was two stories tall, but there was a basement below ground; the outside was painted in a dark green blue color, with a wrap around porch that was painted white. Event he mailbox matched the house. But, the windows had boarded with wood from the inside so that no one could see in, but, Duo suspected that it was for the victim's protection from the outside world.


The victim was sixteen year old Crysteen Haussler; her father had been an OZ general, but after the war, he had disappeared and settled down, even going so far as to change his name. The Father did not hide anything from Detective Maxwell when he went to question him about his daughter. Duo had the sneaking suspicion that the kidnapper was a supporter of the rebels; that would explain why he kidnapped the girl.

"02 in place, everyone check in," Duo ordered, he had to wait for a second before the other police officer's replied over the ear frequencies; there was a total of thirty-five officer's, including Duo himself, it might have been over-kill, in fact, Duo had been sure that he could have handled the situation himself. Just sneak in and get the girl out without the pervert finding out. But, he had been over ruled, and so, he had to deal with the un-trained officer's.


Duo looked down at his watch, "Five minutes," he said, more to himself than he did to anyone else, it was five minutes to get into place and wait for the time where the pervert would come home to his `Bride'.



Duo and the other Officer's waited, they were primed and ready. Duo changed his position so that the pervert couldn't see him when he came into the drive, the old chug-bug, that was the guy's car, pulled up into the driveway, and Duo wasn't surprised that it was an old man in his mid-fifties. The man stepped out of his car, he was dressed in a suite, he worked for a corporation that dealt in over the counter drugs.


Once the man was two feet from the car, Duo jumped out in front of him, his 55. caliber automatic not wavering as he pointed it at the guy's face.


"Mr. Hanley, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Crysteen Haussler," Duo said.

"You had better hope that she is in one piece, otherwise you ain't gonna have a fun time in prison," Duo said as he made the man turn and spread himself on the ground, Duo knew that he was dangerous; The other officer's, meanwhile, had busted down the front door of the house and were currently searching for the girl.


Duo handcuffed the man, glad to at least be a little more safe around him; he was carrying wicked looking needles with clear liquid in the syringe; Duo didn't know what the drug did, but he really did not want to find out.


"Detective Maxwell!" someone shouted. Duo stood.

"Yeah?" Duo asked.

"We found her," Officer Zoya Wynter, a young man around twenty, came running up to him. He had black hair that was cut in a military fashion, and wore the normal uniform of an officer.

"We found her," he said.

"AND?" Duo prompted.

"She's dead, her wrist was slit, we believe that she committed suicide," Zoya replied.

"Take the corps to the coroner, and make sure that she hasn't been raped," Duo replied. He then sighed…'Chalk it up to a big fucking `Mission Failed' Maxwell,' Duo tolled himself as two officer's had the arrested man on his feet and were walking him to the back of a police car. Duo put his gun in his shoulder holster, and walked to the house. He always hated having to look at scene's such as these.