Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro Ikusano ❯ Dream Lover ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's note: Here is a litle explaination of the symbols I use
... thought ....
* * switching from GW world to Sm world * *
*~ dream start.
*-* time passing in dream
---- time passing in any world
() author comments.
Ikusano Ranmyaku: Dream Lover?
Usagi had awaken early that day, even though it was Saturday and spring break.
Dressed in a dark blue summer dress, she had stuffed herself full of odangos for breakfast.
" Usagi-chan, Rei-san is on the phone for you." Her mother hollered from the other room.
Dumpling head headed for the living room in her two-story house. She picked up the phone with a quiet voice.
It wasn't as happy or as cheerfully annoying as it was usually.
" Rei-chan? Moshi Moshi! Nanigoto desu ka?" Usagi asked, wondering faintly if Rei had some dream to the affect Usagi herself had had.
" Iie, everything is not fine. Usagi-chan, can you get Minako and Luna to come down to the shrine? I really need to speak with you all."
The shinto priestess seemed worried, but excited under the fear.
" Sure. You get the others, ok?" Usagi hung up on Rei before she had a chance to respond.
" Ikuko-mama! I'll be gone for a while." Usagi cried from her room, looking for Luna.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
" Wu-man! I had the coolest dream last night! A really kawaii girl was my sister in a weird sort of fashion. She had short blue hair and eyes, was about twelve and really liked Hilde.I called her Ami-chan."
Duo Maxwell came strolling into the Colony L4, where the whole team was gathered as the Winner estate. He was poking at Wufei, trying to get him to listen.
" Ha! Leave me alone you onna look-a-like!" Wufei said, turning around and giving Duo a glare that could shock a male dog into labor. Wufei managed to smack him before he took off.
" Heero! Save me!" Duo-san ran right behind Heero but heard his tired and over used line " Omae o Korosu." Whimpering, he hid behind Trowa who was sitting on the other side of the living room.
" Well, I also had a dream about a little girl. Her name was Rei and she had the prettiest violet eyes I had ever seen. Her hair was longer than any I had ever seen and was pitch black. She was very polite too."
Quatre claimed, coming into the living room. He had never spoken about a girl like that. Duo simply gaped at him.
" Do you have a crush on this girl? The girl in my dream couldn't have been younger than 12. Ya know, she was kind of cute the other way. But..." Duo trailed off when he got the look the others were giving him.
Quatre was shocked, Heero disgusted, Wufei mumbling about how Onnas were weak, and Trowa..Trowa had no real expression, but something in his eyes was like ick.
" Duo, she's twelve!"
" She's not even a onna yet!"
" That's sick."
"What? She is! I'm only four years older!If she was twenty and I was twenty-four you guy wouldn't have a problem with it! So Heero, Wu-Man. Did you guys have dreams to?" Duo said hastily, changing the subject.
" I had a dream.." Heero said, his melonchalic tone driving Duo insane.
"'s not of your business." Heero then left the room.
...Usagi. Bright. Young. Beautiful in her own way.Innocence..the very picture of it. She must have been ten in that dream...
I wonder if I'll see her again...
Trowa calmly watched Quatre and Duo argue. He then glance at Wufei, who seemed to be thinking about something deep. ...Minako. Bubbly, fun, bold. Something about her makes me feel happy. She can't be more than a figure of my
imagination, but I feel she is real, older than I saw her, but real..
" You cannot be thinking things like that about girls! It's not proper at all!" Quatre was yelling at Duo, something he rarely did.
" Quatre, lighten up! It was a dream! D-R-E-A-M. I doubt she's even that old." Duo came back, dark eyes blazing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
" I had a weird dream last night. It felt so real. I don't know what it was about totally but there was this guy in it. I called him my onii-san."
Rei, Minako, Makoto, Ami, and Usagi where all sitting in the room, discussing the visions that came to them last night.
" He had pale blonde hair, light blue eyes, about our age. He seemed troubled about something. In the dream I couldn't have been older than nine."
Rei was deep in thought, not quite able to recall all of the dream.
" I also had a dream something to that affect. I was in a house on something called a colony in outer space. I was bird watching, when a young boy about fifteen came into my room. I called him Duo-san. He had remarkably long hair for a boy. It was chestnut brown and hung back in a braid. He had dark eyes, always expressing his feelings. He was very open and seemed to be in love with a girl named Hilde. She had violet or indigo hair, and was very nice.
She made me laugh. I was about eleven or twelve."
Ami added, telling the others about D-baka.
" Oh oh oh I had a dream too! A guy was writing in his journal. I remember him telling me not to read it. I was maybe ten in this dream. He was really hot with spiky green-brown hair and dark blue eyes. He called me shisuta..sister and wouldn't tell me a bed time story. Demo he did talk with me about a guy named Duo. I called him Niisan too, but his name was Heero. He seemed kind, but cold and withdrawn too."
Usagi piped up, catching the others interest.
" So the dreams could be connected? Minako, Makoto, did you guys have dreams?" Usagi poked the girl nearest to her, who seemd to be asleep.
" Mina! Minako wake up."
" Oh oh..we were discussing dreams right? Well my dream was like yours, but mine seemed different. Trowa had messy brown hair and emerald eyes. Tall lean and cold, he was way too withdrawn. I was in a circus with a silent clown called Trowa. I'm not sure if that was his real name, but I seemed afraid of a girl called Catherine. I was trying to keep
Trowa from leaving to go to colony L4. He mentioned something about Quatre and going to see him."
Rei snapped up her head.
" Quatre, that was his name. These dreams could be connected. Makoto, what about yours? We all had one, so did you?" Rei asked her daydreaming friend.
" Mako?"
" Mako!"
" MAKO!"
Minako poked her best friend, who was day dreaming about her Wuffie. Mako-chan jumped, turned to Minako and glared at her. " Well did you have a dream?" Minako said, grinning like a fool.
" Yes yes I had a dream! I was fighting with some one who called me onna. I don't know why I didn't beat the hell out of him, but I seemed to dote on him. He had raven black hair, dark eyes...seemed chinese. He was incredibly strong. He was kind in a detached sort of way. I managed to bring him down with a high knee kick. He said something about a girl called Sally. Then I made him lunch. He was really cute and mysterious.. His name was Wufei. He looked like my sempai."
The others face vaulted in the classic anime style.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
" Heero, Am I bothering you? I need to speak with you." a voice floated out to the boy walking through the halls. He turned to see the Princess Relena. Heero gave her a cold assessing glance and turned back to thinking. Relena smiled, used to his coldness.
" Heero, I need to speak with you about a girl called Serenity. Someone came to me in a dream, calling her self the time gaurdian, Sailor Pluto. She said that something was about to happen, something that could disrupt the flow of time and destiny. Tell me, have you been having dreams about a girl called Usagi?" Relena asked, malicious thoughts behind the caring mask.
The boy in question lifted a brow but said nothing. He turned from her to walk to the living room again.
" I fold!" Voices, both angry and excited, came to his ears. He walked into the room only to find the remainder of the boys playing poker. Duo was winning, evident by the large pile of coins and money in front of him. Wufei, mad at Duo for taking his money, slammed his hands down on the table.
" This game is for weaklings. It is not honorable at all!" He stood up walked over to the door at left. But he did not see Relena, who had followed Heero and promptly ran into her. " Baka Onna!Get out of my way!" Wufei hissed in a low, dangerous growl. He pushed her aside and headed down the hall.
" Ha ha Wu-man! I have you money and Quatre's!" Quatre simply shrugged and left also, going to sit on the couch to watch the rest of the game. Heero sat next to him.
" Tell me Heero, what was your dream like? Did you have an imouto in it to? " Quatre asked his friend, knowing Relena was behind him.
" Hai. She was called Usagi. She had gold blonde hair and sapphire eyes. She was too young to be of much use. Omae o korosu, Relena. Leave." Heero looked at her with cold prussian blue eyes. They were angry, and detached. She knew he might not hesitate this time and decided to leave.
" Alright, Heero. But Usagi will visit you and she will cause havoc in everyone she meets." That prediction brought unease to Duo and Quatre, but the rest where unaffected.
" You mean those girls or at least yours, is real?" Quatre asked, his eyes wide and shocked. Heero looked at him and shook his head.
" No. She can't be real because I made her up.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
That evening, after a four hour long marathon of video games, cookies, and manga, and a sailor meeting, Usagi came home exhausted. She had to sneak into her own house, because it was around ten o' clock and past her curfew. But she just couldn't get past her mother who was standing in the living room horribly angry.
" A little while, huh? To bed, Usagi Tsukino, now!" Ikuku did not look happy. She glared at her mother the whole time she went up the steps to her room.
" I'm going to be in so much trouble tomorrow! Ahh man!" Usagi got ready for bed, ignored the sleeping Chibi-Usa already there and fell asleep.
< br> A teenage girl walked into the house she had lived in for the past 6 years with her onii-san. She watched him write in his journal again, only he seemed happy and content. They were older now, and over the years Usagi had grown extremely fond of him. But not the way an imouto should be fond of her niisan. She was in love with him, but could never tell him. ...I'm his sister, though not by blood. He can only think of me in that fashion.
She had met his friends. The other Gundam pilots, Trowa, Quatre, Duo, and Wufei. But they really didn't mean anything to her. The one she didn't like was Relena. She had taken Usagi's place in Heero's household. They loved each other, in a odd way, but in a way Heero could never love her.
The past week had been pure horror. Relena had visited their mountain home every day, coming with small gifts for the shisuta. But Usagi knew this day was going to be a disaster. She could feel it. It must have been her woman's intuition. But she felt it strongly.
" Oh Heero, how much you've changed from the cold boy I first met on that sandy beach."
" Yes, the first time I met you, I knew I couldn't harm you."
the voices floated through her door from his room which was one the other side of the house. Usagi couldn't help it. She was becoming furious. This was how it was when ever she visited. Heero pushed Usagi away and Relena would laugh that annoying laugh of hers.
" Relena-hime. Aishiteru. But I have an important question to ask you. Will you marry me Relena?" Heero-san said from his room. Usagi's head snapped up. Her eyes narrowed, she grew extremely angry.
" Of course I will!"
...Of course I will. No she won't! I won't let her! That's my Niisan! That's My father, my brother, the only family I've had for the past seven years of my life...She won't ruin it for me!..
The furious bunny walked out of her room only to find Heero kissing Relena good bye.
" Heero-san, what would you like for dinner?" Usagi asked her voice mockingly pleasant. She forced a smile on her face.
After dinner, Heero began to write in his journal once more. Usagi was playing a video game on the floor beside Heero. She was playing an updated version of Sailor V on a hand game.
" Usagi, turn it down. I don't know why you play that. It's so immature. You are sixteen now, you are supposed to be a woman, doing woman's things!" He said, irritated at her, because he could sense her growing hositility for his fiancee.
" Oh bite me! Ever since you've had that sorry excuse for a girl around, hanging all over you, I've been in the back ground. Don't I even matter to you? If you loved me like you used to say, you wouldn't marry that wimp of a princess!"
Heero stood up, eyes cold and unfeeling. He looked at her and just laughed.
" You're jealous. I don't know why. You thought I loved you like I do her. You place too much importance on your self if you think I have any measure of feeling for you except that of tolerance and honor." The words were cruel, and found home in her.
" How could you! I love you, you stupid ass! She doesn't! and what she does feel can't even compare with what I feel! I know you are nearly five years older than me but it doesn't matter. And I know you have something for me, even if it is only a fondness!"
During her whole speech, she had stood up and inched closer to Heero until she was a hairsbreath from his face. She just looked at him and couldn't help herself. She kissed him hard, the the frustation and love she has had for nearly four of the seven years she had been here.
She was insatiable, demanding more from him. She probably had shocked him, but she didn't care. All that mattered was the now, the pleasurable, sensational, beautiful now. Usagi's hand snaked up to the back of his head to deepen the feeling.
Usagi shot out of bed, her hand reaching up to the lips that had just taken someone else's in a ravaging onslaught.
" I love Mamo-chan! What is this feeling?!"
... thought ....
* * switching from GW world to Sm world * *
*~ dream start.
*-* time passing in dream
---- time passing in any world
() author comments.
Ikusano Ranmyaku: Dream Lover?
Usagi had awaken early that day, even though it was Saturday and spring break.
Dressed in a dark blue summer dress, she had stuffed herself full of odangos for breakfast.
" Usagi-chan, Rei-san is on the phone for you." Her mother hollered from the other room.
Dumpling head headed for the living room in her two-story house. She picked up the phone with a quiet voice.
It wasn't as happy or as cheerfully annoying as it was usually.
" Rei-chan? Moshi Moshi! Nanigoto desu ka?" Usagi asked, wondering faintly if Rei had some dream to the affect Usagi herself had had.
" Iie, everything is not fine. Usagi-chan, can you get Minako and Luna to come down to the shrine? I really need to speak with you all."
The shinto priestess seemed worried, but excited under the fear.
" Sure. You get the others, ok?" Usagi hung up on Rei before she had a chance to respond.
" Ikuko-mama! I'll be gone for a while." Usagi cried from her room, looking for Luna.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
" Wu-man! I had the coolest dream last night! A really kawaii girl was my sister in a weird sort of fashion. She had short blue hair and eyes, was about twelve and really liked Hilde.I called her Ami-chan."
Duo Maxwell came strolling into the Colony L4, where the whole team was gathered as the Winner estate. He was poking at Wufei, trying to get him to listen.
" Ha! Leave me alone you onna look-a-like!" Wufei said, turning around and giving Duo a glare that could shock a male dog into labor. Wufei managed to smack him before he took off.
" Heero! Save me!" Duo-san ran right behind Heero but heard his tired and over used line " Omae o Korosu." Whimpering, he hid behind Trowa who was sitting on the other side of the living room.
" Well, I also had a dream about a little girl. Her name was Rei and she had the prettiest violet eyes I had ever seen. Her hair was longer than any I had ever seen and was pitch black. She was very polite too."
Quatre claimed, coming into the living room. He had never spoken about a girl like that. Duo simply gaped at him.
" Do you have a crush on this girl? The girl in my dream couldn't have been younger than 12. Ya know, she was kind of cute the other way. But..." Duo trailed off when he got the look the others were giving him.
Quatre was shocked, Heero disgusted, Wufei mumbling about how Onnas were weak, and Trowa..Trowa had no real expression, but something in his eyes was like ick.
" Duo, she's twelve!"
" She's not even a onna yet!"
" That's sick."
"What? She is! I'm only four years older!If she was twenty and I was twenty-four you guy wouldn't have a problem with it! So Heero, Wu-Man. Did you guys have dreams to?" Duo said hastily, changing the subject.
" I had a dream.." Heero said, his melonchalic tone driving Duo insane.
"'s not of your business." Heero then left the room.
...Usagi. Bright. Young. Beautiful in her own way.Innocence..the very picture of it. She must have been ten in that dream...
I wonder if I'll see her again...
Trowa calmly watched Quatre and Duo argue. He then glance at Wufei, who seemed to be thinking about something deep. ...Minako. Bubbly, fun, bold. Something about her makes me feel happy. She can't be more than a figure of my
imagination, but I feel she is real, older than I saw her, but real..
" You cannot be thinking things like that about girls! It's not proper at all!" Quatre was yelling at Duo, something he rarely did.
" Quatre, lighten up! It was a dream! D-R-E-A-M. I doubt she's even that old." Duo came back, dark eyes blazing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
" I had a weird dream last night. It felt so real. I don't know what it was about totally but there was this guy in it. I called him my onii-san."
Rei, Minako, Makoto, Ami, and Usagi where all sitting in the room, discussing the visions that came to them last night.
" He had pale blonde hair, light blue eyes, about our age. He seemed troubled about something. In the dream I couldn't have been older than nine."
Rei was deep in thought, not quite able to recall all of the dream.
" I also had a dream something to that affect. I was in a house on something called a colony in outer space. I was bird watching, when a young boy about fifteen came into my room. I called him Duo-san. He had remarkably long hair for a boy. It was chestnut brown and hung back in a braid. He had dark eyes, always expressing his feelings. He was very open and seemed to be in love with a girl named Hilde. She had violet or indigo hair, and was very nice.
She made me laugh. I was about eleven or twelve."
Ami added, telling the others about D-baka.
" Oh oh oh I had a dream too! A guy was writing in his journal. I remember him telling me not to read it. I was maybe ten in this dream. He was really hot with spiky green-brown hair and dark blue eyes. He called me shisuta..sister and wouldn't tell me a bed time story. Demo he did talk with me about a guy named Duo. I called him Niisan too, but his name was Heero. He seemed kind, but cold and withdrawn too."
Usagi piped up, catching the others interest.
" So the dreams could be connected? Minako, Makoto, did you guys have dreams?" Usagi poked the girl nearest to her, who seemd to be asleep.
" Mina! Minako wake up."
" Oh oh..we were discussing dreams right? Well my dream was like yours, but mine seemed different. Trowa had messy brown hair and emerald eyes. Tall lean and cold, he was way too withdrawn. I was in a circus with a silent clown called Trowa. I'm not sure if that was his real name, but I seemed afraid of a girl called Catherine. I was trying to keep
Trowa from leaving to go to colony L4. He mentioned something about Quatre and going to see him."
Rei snapped up her head.
" Quatre, that was his name. These dreams could be connected. Makoto, what about yours? We all had one, so did you?" Rei asked her daydreaming friend.
" Mako?"
" Mako!"
" MAKO!"
Minako poked her best friend, who was day dreaming about her Wuffie. Mako-chan jumped, turned to Minako and glared at her. " Well did you have a dream?" Minako said, grinning like a fool.
" Yes yes I had a dream! I was fighting with some one who called me onna. I don't know why I didn't beat the hell out of him, but I seemed to dote on him. He had raven black hair, dark eyes...seemed chinese. He was incredibly strong. He was kind in a detached sort of way. I managed to bring him down with a high knee kick. He said something about a girl called Sally. Then I made him lunch. He was really cute and mysterious.. His name was Wufei. He looked like my sempai."
The others face vaulted in the classic anime style.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
" Heero, Am I bothering you? I need to speak with you." a voice floated out to the boy walking through the halls. He turned to see the Princess Relena. Heero gave her a cold assessing glance and turned back to thinking. Relena smiled, used to his coldness.
" Heero, I need to speak with you about a girl called Serenity. Someone came to me in a dream, calling her self the time gaurdian, Sailor Pluto. She said that something was about to happen, something that could disrupt the flow of time and destiny. Tell me, have you been having dreams about a girl called Usagi?" Relena asked, malicious thoughts behind the caring mask.
The boy in question lifted a brow but said nothing. He turned from her to walk to the living room again.
" I fold!" Voices, both angry and excited, came to his ears. He walked into the room only to find the remainder of the boys playing poker. Duo was winning, evident by the large pile of coins and money in front of him. Wufei, mad at Duo for taking his money, slammed his hands down on the table.
" This game is for weaklings. It is not honorable at all!" He stood up walked over to the door at left. But he did not see Relena, who had followed Heero and promptly ran into her. " Baka Onna!Get out of my way!" Wufei hissed in a low, dangerous growl. He pushed her aside and headed down the hall.
" Ha ha Wu-man! I have you money and Quatre's!" Quatre simply shrugged and left also, going to sit on the couch to watch the rest of the game. Heero sat next to him.
" Tell me Heero, what was your dream like? Did you have an imouto in it to? " Quatre asked his friend, knowing Relena was behind him.
" Hai. She was called Usagi. She had gold blonde hair and sapphire eyes. She was too young to be of much use. Omae o korosu, Relena. Leave." Heero looked at her with cold prussian blue eyes. They were angry, and detached. She knew he might not hesitate this time and decided to leave.
" Alright, Heero. But Usagi will visit you and she will cause havoc in everyone she meets." That prediction brought unease to Duo and Quatre, but the rest where unaffected.
" You mean those girls or at least yours, is real?" Quatre asked, his eyes wide and shocked. Heero looked at him and shook his head.
" No. She can't be real because I made her up.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
That evening, after a four hour long marathon of video games, cookies, and manga, and a sailor meeting, Usagi came home exhausted. She had to sneak into her own house, because it was around ten o' clock and past her curfew. But she just couldn't get past her mother who was standing in the living room horribly angry.
" A little while, huh? To bed, Usagi Tsukino, now!" Ikuku did not look happy. She glared at her mother the whole time she went up the steps to her room.
" I'm going to be in so much trouble tomorrow! Ahh man!" Usagi got ready for bed, ignored the sleeping Chibi-Usa already there and fell asleep.
< br> A teenage girl walked into the house she had lived in for the past 6 years with her onii-san. She watched him write in his journal again, only he seemed happy and content. They were older now, and over the years Usagi had grown extremely fond of him. But not the way an imouto should be fond of her niisan. She was in love with him, but could never tell him. ...I'm his sister, though not by blood. He can only think of me in that fashion.
She had met his friends. The other Gundam pilots, Trowa, Quatre, Duo, and Wufei. But they really didn't mean anything to her. The one she didn't like was Relena. She had taken Usagi's place in Heero's household. They loved each other, in a odd way, but in a way Heero could never love her.
The past week had been pure horror. Relena had visited their mountain home every day, coming with small gifts for the shisuta. But Usagi knew this day was going to be a disaster. She could feel it. It must have been her woman's intuition. But she felt it strongly.
" Oh Heero, how much you've changed from the cold boy I first met on that sandy beach."
" Yes, the first time I met you, I knew I couldn't harm you."
the voices floated through her door from his room which was one the other side of the house. Usagi couldn't help it. She was becoming furious. This was how it was when ever she visited. Heero pushed Usagi away and Relena would laugh that annoying laugh of hers.
" Relena-hime. Aishiteru. But I have an important question to ask you. Will you marry me Relena?" Heero-san said from his room. Usagi's head snapped up. Her eyes narrowed, she grew extremely angry.
" Of course I will!"
...Of course I will. No she won't! I won't let her! That's my Niisan! That's My father, my brother, the only family I've had for the past seven years of my life...She won't ruin it for me!..
The furious bunny walked out of her room only to find Heero kissing Relena good bye.
" Heero-san, what would you like for dinner?" Usagi asked her voice mockingly pleasant. She forced a smile on her face.
After dinner, Heero began to write in his journal once more. Usagi was playing a video game on the floor beside Heero. She was playing an updated version of Sailor V on a hand game.
" Usagi, turn it down. I don't know why you play that. It's so immature. You are sixteen now, you are supposed to be a woman, doing woman's things!" He said, irritated at her, because he could sense her growing hositility for his fiancee.
" Oh bite me! Ever since you've had that sorry excuse for a girl around, hanging all over you, I've been in the back ground. Don't I even matter to you? If you loved me like you used to say, you wouldn't marry that wimp of a princess!"
Heero stood up, eyes cold and unfeeling. He looked at her and just laughed.
" You're jealous. I don't know why. You thought I loved you like I do her. You place too much importance on your self if you think I have any measure of feeling for you except that of tolerance and honor." The words were cruel, and found home in her.
" How could you! I love you, you stupid ass! She doesn't! and what she does feel can't even compare with what I feel! I know you are nearly five years older than me but it doesn't matter. And I know you have something for me, even if it is only a fondness!"
During her whole speech, she had stood up and inched closer to Heero until she was a hairsbreath from his face. She just looked at him and couldn't help herself. She kissed him hard, the the frustation and love she has had for nearly four of the seven years she had been here.
She was insatiable, demanding more from him. She probably had shocked him, but she didn't care. All that mattered was the now, the pleasurable, sensational, beautiful now. Usagi's hand snaked up to the back of his head to deepen the feeling.
Usagi shot out of bed, her hand reaching up to the lips that had just taken someone else's in a ravaging onslaught.
" I love Mamo-chan! What is this feeling?!"