Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Letters from Duo ❯ Chapter 23
By: Mel and Christy
Warnings: Fluff, Rambling Duo
Squinting blearily at the keys, Duo finally abandoned his attempts to make the two images he was seeing link up as one, and just squinted one eye shut, typing hunt-and-peck style with his face only inches away from the keyboard. Once finished, he solemnly clicked 'check spelling' and spent five minutes slowly entering all the words the spell-checker didn't recognise into its memory before hitting 'send'.
SENT: 23:20 September 10 196AC
---message begins---
Hey Hee-chan -
I'm not going to make it to the safehouse on my own. 'Scythe and me had a bit of trouble on that last mission. I'm kind of banged up and 'Scythe is even worse. I don't think I can get the repairs that 'Scythe needs to get us home done by myself. Not to mention that I need a few sets of stitches, most in places I can't reach. I mean, I can do the ones in my leg, I suppose, but personal surgery creeps me out. Have I told you how creeped-out I was when you set your own leg on Howard's ship? Well, I was VERY creeped-out.
We're about one hour SSW of the safehouse. I've set the beacon in case I fall asleep. Wouldn't want you to go right by me or anything. And bring some aspirin. I have a killer headache.
Hope to see you soon.
P.S. Don't tell the guys. Quatre will worry.
---message ends---
SENT: 23:37 September 10 196AC
SUBJECT: Re: Ow...
---message begins---
On my way. DO NOT fall asleep. You sound like you have a concussion.
P.S. No, I won't tell anyone. And if you don't stop changing my e-mail alias to strange things, I will... think of something to do in revenge. I mean it.
---message ends---
Quatre looked up from his book, frowning slightly.
"Heero, where are you going?"
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