Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Loss ❯ Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1

Why can't I remember?
It should all be so clear to me but it's not.
I want to remember.
I hate that I forgot.
No matter what I do I can't get it back.
What's true?
What's a lie?
What can I believe?
Part of me wants answers.
But the other part of me wants me to forget.
I don't know why.
Is my past that bad that I shouldn't remember?
I want to know.
I need to know!

The others, they won't help me.
I know them though.
Does that mean that there's something they want to hide from me?
Or is there something they want me to hide from?
The truth?
My past?
Who I am?
Why won't they tell me?
Why won't they help me?

I need to know who I am!

My name - Heero Yuy, that's what they keep calling me. The name seems familiar, but it's somehow new to me at the same time! I need to know why! Why won't they help me?

There are things that I can do that I don't understand why. They gave me a computer to 'play with'. When he came back, he said I had hacked into the Sanq kingdom security system. I don't know what I did, or how I did it, but they seemed pleased with me. And an incident last week confused me even more.






'What the hell was that?'

I was in a deep sleep when I had the dream.

'Who was she? What was that machine?'

There were two things that I hadn't recognised.

'What does it mean?'

I want to find someone, talk to them about it. Getting out of bed I throw on a shirt and head out the room. I don't know where I'm going. I just follow my feet. Looking around, I can't help but wonder why I'm here. I don't recognise this place. I can tell that it's a huge room, even though the lights are off.

'Where am I?'

I turn around to find the lights. Even though I don't know where I am, I know this is where I need to be. I find the light switch and flip it on. Bright lights come on, blinding me momentarily. Then I see it!

'Am I dreaming again?'

'What's happening?'

The lights turned the large room into a storage area for the machines in my dream.

'What are they?'

'These are mobile suits called Gundams` a voice said.

Turning around, I notice Duo leaning against the doorframe. Trowa is standing inside the room. He continues speaking.

'These are the machines we used to end the wars.'

'Gundams?' I ask. It's more of a question then a statement.

'Yeah, you wanna see Zero? Duo asks.

'Zero?' I say.

Duo stands up straight and walks past me. He gestures for me to follow him, and I do. We walk further into the room. That's when I see it!

'Wing Zero!'

'Huh, How'd you know it's whole name?' Duo asked.

This question confused me.
'What? You told me.'

'No, he only told you it was called Zero.' Trowa said.

This made me uncomfortable. For some reason, at this point I wanted to be inside the Gundam. Suddenly, the front of Wing Zero opened up and a long cable lowered down.

'What's going on?' I asked.

'Well, it looks like Zero wants you to get in!' Trowa answered.

Duo looked at Trowa and then at me. It seems that he is just as confused at this as I am.

'It's alright' Trowa assures me.

'He just wants you to go inside'

I look over at Trowa, then towards Duo. Duo looks at me expectantly. I look up at the Gundam, Wing Zero. The open hatch beckoning me to enter. Slowly, I walk up to the cable and hold on to it. Unconsciously I allow my foot to slip into the loop at the bottom and I tug lightly on the cable. The cable starts to retract, slowly lifting me off the ground and towards the entrance. From this point onwards, I forget about everything. The only thing I know is that I need to be inside Wing Zero. The only thing I feel is a force drawing me in. The only thing I have is Wing Zero!

As I lower my body down into the seat, I finally feel alive.

Now what do I do? The thing with Zero, that was a week ago. Inside the suit, I finally felt I was close to the answers. But, I couldn't handle it. It hurt. The pain was too much for me. I was too weak! But I have to try again. I have to succeed. I'm going to try again. TONIGHT!!!

He tried to stop me. He knew what I was thinking.

'I have to go. I need to do this.' I tell him.

'Heero, I'll help you remember what you need to. Going into Zero, it might be dangerous.'

He's worried about me. He thinks I'm too weak to do it again. I suppose he's right but I have to prove him wrong. I have to prove to myself.........

'I'm going, whether you think I should or not. I have to!'

'Heero...' He's still trying to stop me.

I had to say something. 'Duo, I'll be fine.'

With that, I decided that I shouldn't stay any longer. Looking up to Zero, I watched as the canopy opened and the cable lowered down.

'Heero, Please. It's not safe!'

I had to ignore him. If I didn't he would probably keep trying to talk me out of it.
He would probably succeed.