Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nuttin.
Warning: (later) 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 5xMeiran, angst, drama, voilence
Note: ohh.... sorry this chapter seems very short.......-_-;;

Quatre lay sprawled out on his bed a notebook infront of him. He wasn't exactly happy, nor was he sad. He didn't know what to think. He had began writing his thoughts in a journal. He had spent most of the evening in his room writing over and over about all of his feelings, thoughts and views on his life. None of it was happy. Nothing cheerful...Yet, there was one part that was happy...TROWA.

Quatre closed his notebook and dropped it to the floor and shoved it underneath his bed. He didn't want Iria to find it.

There was a knock at his door and it opened slightly."Quatre, supper is ready. come on. I made your favourite."It was Iria. She smiled her usual happy smile.

Quatre glanced at her."..No thanks... I'm not very hungry."He stared at the wall and his face expressionless.

Iria sighed."...If you say so...But if you change your mind...I'll save you some. Alright?"Quatre nodded slightly."Kay... "she muttered and shut the door softly.

Quatre got off his bed and grabbed his binder off the floor and went back to his bed and then opened it scanning through some notes he was given the past week.

The past week he had been miserable. He avoided any contact from any student and had been totally quiet. He didn't want anyone to know much about himself.

All he seemed to think about was Trowa. But...he would not have a chance. He also didn't want anyone to know about his sexual preferance.

Quatre sighed and needed to write something. He reached under his bed and pulled out his note pad and scribbled some things as there was another knock on the door.

Quatre was getting off his bed as Iria called to him."Quatre, um... someone from you're school is here to see you!"She opened the door. Quatre slammed his not book shut. Iria stood with Trowa beside her.

"T-Trowa? H-Hello."Quatre stuttered.

Trowa smiled slightly."Hey. Wondering if you wanted to go to Duo's place. He's having a aprty over there. Well... if your sister don't mind."

"I don't think I--"Quatre started but Iria stopped him.

"Quatre! I wouldn't mind if you went!It'd be great for you to go out and have some fun. Besides it's a weekend. But don't be out too late. Remember father is coming home tonight."Iria smiled sweetly.

Quatre blinked. He couldn't believe this! What was she doing?! Quatre was shocked. So shocked he was speachless. He just stood here staring blankly.

Iria continued to smile."Well, I'll let you two talk. Have fun, little brother."She turned and went back down the stairs.

Like usual Trowa stood there, his same expressionless face, and with his hands in his pockets."You comin?"

"W-well... I.... y...yes...just a minute..."Quatre went to his bed and shoved the note pad under his bed."I...guess...I-I'm ready." God.. it was as if he couldn't even talk to Trowa without stuttering or getting nervous. He walked over to Trowa.

"Ok...c'mon."Trowa walked down the stairs followed by Quatre. They went outside and got into Trowa's car.

Trowa started the car and looked over at Quatre."Sometimes Duo's parties can get out of hand, so... whenever you want to leave just let me know."Quatre nodded as he stared downward."...Don't seem so happy...are you sure you're alright? Everytime I see you you look like your miserable...not to invade your life...but you know.." If only he knew Quatre could only think.

"I...I'm sorry...but I'm fine...just... shy...I guess."

Trowa gave Quatre a hard stare."I see... well we aren't going to kill need to act like this...nevermind, I'm not good at this sort of thing."Trowa then drove off towards Duo's place.


Quatre found himself sitting on a chair in Duo's living room deafened by the sound of the music and voices. He could barely breath ith all the smoke, since alot of the people there were smoking, it just seemed to fill the entire room. He just sat utterly quiet. A bit uncomfortable since there was also drinking involved here.

He didn't know what to do. This...well... these things just weren't him. He wasn't the go out and get drunk party type. He had never imagined himself doing anything like this...It just definatly wasn't him. He HAD to get out of here.

He could not spot trowa withen the crowded room... So he just decided to wait it out in the car. At least he would rid himself of all the people.

He walked over to the car where he spotted Trowa sitting in the drivers seat. Quatre made his way to the car, opened the door and sat down in the apssanger side.

Trowa looked at the blonde."You want to leave already? It's only ten thirty..."

"I'm sorry. I just don't think I'm into this sort of't mind takin me home?"

"Hm..."Trowa took his hand and tilted Quatre's head to look him in the eyes." have nice eyes...."Quatre blinked at him as Trowa leaned closer.

"Trowa..."Quatre muttered just before he felt Trowa's lips press against his own.

Quatre was totally shocked. He couldn't believe this. Trowa was kissing him! He then felt Trowa's arm move aroundhis back and pulls him closer. He then felt Trowa lift up on his shirt.

Quatre backed away from Trowa."...stop."This was not exactly what he wanted right now. He now had his head pressed against the window as Trowa moved closer. He held down Quatre's arms."Trowa, I said stop it!"Trowa's grip loosened and Quatre opened the door, got out and slammed the door shut not looking or saying a word to Trowa. All he did was run...He had to get away from that place. He just wanted to go home where he could be alone...

What was up with Trowa? He couldn't figure it out. He didn't think Trowa was that type of a forcing person. He didn't even think Trowa liked guy's. Was Trowa just drinking. Did Trowa know he was gay...? All these thoughts! They wre begining to drive him insane.

He really did like Trowa! He then began to cry. What was he going to say to Iria and his....father. The thought just made him cry more.

He soon arrived back home where he stopped at the door way and whipped what tears flowed down his cheeks away and sighed. What to do....

Yay! Another part done! ^_^