Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : Don't own nothing.
Warnings: (later) 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 5xMeiran, angst, drama, voilence
Notes: This is a fic idea that came to mind one day, just thought I would share it.Hope you enjoy.

Another summer had past. This ment that another school year was near. The worst thing any teenager wanted. The long hours of classes, homework, and studying had come again. It was one of thos things that were ment to be indured.

To Quatre Winner, it was pure hell. He had just changed schools. Well not exactly. He had a private tutor at home. So he rarely ever left home. His father had decided that Quatre needed to meet some kids his own age. It wasn't that his tutor wasn't good enough, no. He just wanted his son to learn some social skills with other people other than around the house.

Quatre himself was rather shy. But a very open minded and smart person. He did well with his tutors, he was a kind person, and very sweet. He grew up with twenty-nine older sisters, which he loved alot. He never saw his father much as a child and was being looked after by his eldest sister. Quatre was, well, rather feminene, which brought out another side of him. He was gay. Yes he was homosexual. He liked boys.

Although, he hid his true self to other people. Some just didn't even notice, either that or they did.He was a very small person. Short, thin, with very bright, blue eyes and beautiful blone hair. In Quatre's opinion he looked horrible.

He had told his oldest sister, Iria hoping that in some way she would be able to give him any adive or help. She reacted quite well actually. She never called him anything unnessassary nor did she disprove of his choice.

Quatre remembered that day well. It was as if a great deal of weight had been taken from him. He felt much more relaxed afterwards. Talking with Iria about it, or anything actually was never awkward or uncomfortable.

He had been nervous all day as he waited for his sister to return from work. She had been a little late and Quatre was beginning to get anxious. He wasn't sure if he could go through with it, afraid he would cause a family uproar.

Iria had soon arrived home. She sighed as she placed her purse and keys down on the kitchen table. She let out a sigh and grabbed a glass from the cubboard and poured herslef a drink of water.

She had had a long day at the hospital working with patients. But it was 7:13pm now. She was home.

Wondering where her little brother had went to in the house, since he was usually there to greet her, she began to search.He was not downstairs. He must of been in his room. She knocked on the door softly and waited.

After hearing no reply she walked in quietly. She looked in the room seeing Quatre sitting on his bed looking a bit nervous. She smiles and crossed her arms."What's up little brother?"

Quatre looked at her. He had been preparing himself all day so to tell his sister. It wasn't easy to tell someone in your family that you are gay. But he had to tell someone or he was going to go crazy. He couldn't keep it in forever. It would gradually get to him.

"What's wrong? Hm? You can tell me."She sat down on the bed."Are you feeling well?" She was always so nice to Quatre. They were really close. "I'm fine..." He replied. His boy almost trembling. This was really difficult.

Iria tilted her head."Then what is it cutie?" She messed up his hair with her hand.

He was afraid. Deathly afraid. Afraid of what reaction he would recieve from his sister. Of course he had a right to be extra nervous. No one that he knew of in his family was gay.

"Alright...If you don't want to tell me, that's ok. But if it's bothering you so that you can't even tell me...It must be awfully bad...I can't force you. Well... I must be getting us some supper."Iria sighed hoping that Quatre would open up and tell her. She got up off the bed and headed toward the door.

"Iria...I'm.....I'm gay!"He explained, feeling his body go numb and stiff. His mind was blank and his stomach ached.

Iria turned to him. She had a face full of concern."Oh, Quatre. I...I'm not sure what to tell you, or rather that what to say. Not that I think badly of what you choose but...I really, really hope you know what you're doing. If you don't I to help you out in any way. Being a doctor I know the concerns involved in this."She looked at the small boy and hoped that he would ask for advice at times.

"You....aren't mad?"He asked his head still lowered. He had a big relief let off since his sister took it quite well. He finally looked up at her."...You won't tell dad, will you?"

She shook her head."Not unless you want me to. Otherwise it's between you and me..."She sighed."You know what... I'm glad you told me. Well I better get to supper. Any requests?"She smiled.

"No, not really, anything's fine."

With that she nodded and left.

That was it. He told her. Quatre remembered that all to well. He smiled to himself as he remembered back when he told her. He was fifteen then. Now he was sixteen and his life was going to change. A new school. How was he going to adjust to this. He was wondering how people would act towards him.

In his room he sat flipping through his video game magazine and reading afew articles, he sighed. He looked at his clock on his desk next to the bed. 10:30pm. He didn't want to sleep.

He leaned over the bed and pulled a tablet of paper from under his bed as well as a case of pastel crayons. He liked to draw alot. He worked really well with pastel crayons. But like most artists they dispise their own work. He never thought he was good at much of anything he did. But he enjoyed it and drew anyway.

He held the pencil in his mouth and smudged up the pastel, mixing colors together. He stopped and looked at the picture."What am I doing...."He sighed to himself and ripped the picture out, crumpled it up and tossed it to the floor. He took the pencil from his mouth and set both the tablet and the pencil on the bed. Getting up he went into the bathroom to wash the pastel from his hand.

He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed a towel and dried his hands. Placing the towel down he turned and turned the light off to the bathroom and went downstairs. He went into the kitchen getting himself a glass of water. Iria peered her head in.

"Hey, shouldn't you be getting to bed? You have to get up early tommorow!"

"Yes. I know. I just came down to get a drink of water. I'll go to sleep once I'm done okay?"Quatre took a sip of water and looked at his sister.

"Alright then. Don't be up too long!"

"I won't."Quatre smiled and put the glass down.

Iria come into the kitchen smiling."I bet you can't wait to go to school, can you!Since all you've had were private tutors, wouldn't it be neat to go to a school?"

Quatre looked at her. He was silent for a long time. He didn't want to tell her how he felt, afraid of getting a lecture, besides he wanted Iria to be happy and not want to worry."Can't wait!" He lied.

"Great!" she giggled."Oh, I forgot to tell you that father will be home next weekend. He called my cell while I was on my way home."

Quatre nodded."A-Alright. Thanks for telling me. I'm going to go to bed now. See you in the morning."Quatre walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to his room.

He didn't 'hate' his father....No, he was just nervous to be around him. Since Quatre was brought up in a rich family growing up everything was different. Everything 'had' to be perfect. No faults were alloud when his father was present.

Quatre sat down on his bed with a sigh. He looked at the clock. It was now close to midnight. He might as well get some sleep.


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