Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Long Lost Sisters ❯ Long Lost Sisters ( Chapter 1 )

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Ch. 1

The Long Lost Sisters

"Bastards!!! Don't you fucking dare fuck with Lady Shinigami!"

"Shirah, watch your back!"

The black suit swung its bladed scythe, slicing the leos into shreds, but not stopping there. The suit kept slicing and cutting down everything in its path.

"Thanks RJ, they just don't know when to quit do they..." She kept going, slicing another leo, but they just kept coming and coming, not backing dwon. Whenever they destroyed a leo, two more appeared. The numbers of them kept doubling.


"Calm down, we can't afford to loose another mission."

Something flashed up on the radar monitor in RJ's cockpit, but was ignored.

"Shirah, all we have to do is destroy the base, then we can leave. We don't have to destroy them all."

The battle was already too intense to just ignore the leos, aries and destroy the base at the same time, but they had to do it. It was their mission to destroy the base first, and then all the mobile suits.

"I'm going to fly up and see if I can shoot the base from there." RJ took off in to the sky, only making enough altitude to see her target. She aimed her suits beam cannon on the base.

"RJ!! Get the fuck down, NOW!!"

It was to late, two aries collided in to RJ's suit, knocking its aim off and missing the base.

"Look who is saving your ass now!" Shirah flew up and sliced the two aries in half, shielding RJ from them until she regained her suits balance.


"Well aren't you goin to at least thank me for savin your ass?!"

"I didn't need your help...."

She was cut short, the base had exploded an a mobile suit started to fly toward the two girls at alarming speed.

"What the fuck?! That suit looks exactly like yours...."

"Shirah, I think we should get out of here, our mission is complete."

The two suits started off, heading for the sky, but another black suit, that had come out of nowhere, blocked their way. The black suit that stop them pulled out a scythe and struck shirah's suit, knocking her mobile suit's scythe out of its hands. By that time the other white suit, that had blew up the base, caught up.

"Hey RJ, Do you know these guys?" Shirah asked while trying her best to beat the other black suit off.

"Hn. No, I have no information on there pilots." While she said this the other white suit fought and tried to hack in to her gundam but she was a little bit more quicker then him.

Pulling her beam saber out, arming herself against the other suit. RJ fought till she realixed that they had to get out before other OZ troops came.

"Shirah, we habe to leave NOW!" Informed RJ a little bit of annoyance in her voice.

As that was said Shirah had her scythe again and was fighting the other black gundam off while dodging most of the attacks form the other. She know that you couldn't beat a gundam against another gundam.

"Yeah, I know. Lets go now while we have a opening." Shirah had managed to replied, while she blocked another hit from the other black gundam.

They had the other suits backed up far enough and were now in the sky taking off to their base. Shirah monitor flashed then she heard a male's husky voice.

"Indefly yourself immediately." It was flat and monotone voice. It sent a shiver down Shirah's spine and flamed a unknown desire in her.

"RJ, What do you think we should do?" Shirah asked huskily a little bit of it cause of the battle and the sexy voice she had just heard.

"We will not respond to them. They may the enemy." Replied RJ in a monotone voice.

The first two suits took off while the other two suits went their own way.

Arriving at their safe house after securing their suits in a hidden cave.

Walking in and going upstairs to find what room they wanted. Then taking long hot shower then they got a few hours of sleep.

*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

RJ had woken up in the middle of the night. She just couldn't stop thinking where those other gundams had have come from. RJ thought that the other pilots, that had won the OZ War and AC-196, When Marimeia Khushrenda had declared war against the colonies and Earth, But the Gundams and the other mobile suits were destroyed after that. Wheren't they?

She sat up in her bed thinking, though it all confused RJ. She had thought that after the last war, that since the gundams were destroyed tand their pilots had said that they never fight again until they were needed, but peace did not last long. Then other pilots were reported missing when war was declared once more. They had needed the other pilots, but they couldn't be found. Then an underground origination had sent to soldiers to fight this war.

Her and Shirah.

She threw her legs over the side of her bed, thinking once again. She had thought that only her and Shiarh were the only ones fighting in this war. That is till two more had shown up helping them, then attacking them on sight.

Standing up and walking over to the attached bathroom and walking in, turning on the light. Turning to the sink and turned on the water, she splashed water on her face to wake herself up. Looking up in to the mirror. Her dark stormy blue eyes stared back intense and ice cold as ever were set in a beautiful soft face with a perked nose pointing upward, but not to high, and to set it off with firm yet soft rosy lips that were fixed in to a grim line.

Looking away in disgust and grab a towel to dry her face off.

Done drying her face off, she threw on a pair of faded blue jeans and a black sports bra. Walking to ther door, she decided that she would head to the kitchen to get something to ear.

Opening the door she meet a pair of sparking, violet eyes of her best and only friend from across the hall. They had grown up together trained together and though hell together.

"Hey, I guess we had the same idea, huh?" Shirah said, smiling at her friend.

Nodding her head oncea nd closing her door behide her as her friend threw her arm around her shoulder and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat.

The two sat across from each other in silence, but in their heads it was filled with questions. They were thinking abot the battle that happened earlier that day. Wondering where those other gundams come from? Who are the pilots of those gundams? And and are they the enemy or our ally? These kinds of questions filled their heads.

Shirah was sipping her cup of fresh brewed coffee and RJ was sitting eatting a bowl of hot noodles. Their food didn't consist of much because of their continuous moving around.

Suddenly the silence was broken.

"You really shouldn't be drinking coffee. It has too much caffeine in it." RJ said while not looking up from eatting.

"And your point is?" retorted Shirah, while she kept drinking her coffee, not caring what her friend was saying.

"You get too hyper after having too much of it." RJ replied sternly.

Shirah started laughing out loud but was soon cut short when RJ's laptop started beeping. The laptop was in the kitchen cause RJ was to beat to take it up to her room.

Both girls rushed over to the laptop that was sitting on the counter.

"Looks like we have another mission.....and so soon. Wonder what's up?" Shirah said puzzled at how a new mission had come so soon. Leaning over RJ's shoulder while reading it.

"Hn." RJ replied while reading the mission.

'Your mission is to enter in the school near by and meet your new comrades.

07 you are to enter as a male.


Leon Andrews

08 you are to enter as a female.


La' Trina Andrews

You leave 500 hours tomorrow.

They will find you.

Dr. X & Dr. Z'

"What the?!?!?!? New comrades?!" Suputtered Shirah, as RJ replied accepting the mission.

"Hn. You sound like your shocked." RJ said while turning around and stared at her comrade.

"NO! I'm not just surprised that's all. I mean, I didn't know that they had other pilots trained for this all ready this soon, at that. I hope their good as we are. That's all I got to say or else we'll have'ta kill'em for slowing us down on our missions." Shirah said turning and going to sit and sip her coffee once more.

"Aren't the two of us enough, I mean to many may cause problems."

"Hn." Was all RJ said as she shut down her laptop and unpluged it from the was then took it up stairs to pack and be ready to leave in a few hours, after all it was midnight.

Shirah rolled her eyes at her friend's back as she went up to her room.

"I wonder who our new comrades are goin' to be?" She wondered out loud in a wishper as she sat there finishing up her cup of coffee then headed to ther room to get ready as well.

Ch. 2

The Long Lost Sisters



"Damn alarm clock..." Shirah yawned and streched, the sheets sliding down her slender body. Sitting up slowly while rubbing her hand across her face, trying to wake up.

"Damn caffine....*yawn*...I stayed up too late...." Shirah yawned once again.

Glancing down at the clock on the floor which she had thrown, she knew RJ was going to be pissed.

/..Of coruse she's always pissed at me.../ Shirah sourly thought.

Getting up Shirah walked up to her full length mirror. Grabbing her hair brush and undoing her braid. She started to run the brush therw her long silky, wavy, chestnut hair. While brushing her hair she began to think.

/ Looks like I need to look good today......not only am I goin to meet new comrades, but I'm going to a new private school/ Shirah put her brush down on the dresser that was near her mirror. Running her fingers through her long hair.

/ And the whole street talk and badass self just doesn't work very well in a private school...I better hurry, RJ going to be pissed as it is..../

Looking into the mirror, smiling, Shirah decided that she would let her hair hang down. It hung down right at the end of her butt. Her bangs framed her soft smiling face. Her dark violet eyes were stunning they were what stood out the most. You just didn't see most people with violet eyes, but she knew she was special.

She then took off her over sized black t-shrit that she had slept in and slipped on the new uniform she would have to wear. Which Consisted of a white blouse and khaki flared pants.

The students were allowed to pick the clothes you wanted to wear, but they had to be khaki and white. So naturally, Shirah picked a tight blouse, which the neck line cut low, and a pair of tight, flared pants.

Picking up the gun that sat on her bedside table, she placed it in her purse along with her cell phone. Taking one quick glance in the mirror to make sure she was ready. She picked up her backpack, which all her stuff she would need and left the room, making her way to the kitchen where a very pissed RJ sat.

"You're late..." RJ said not looking up from her laptop, in which she still was clicking away on.

"I'm not late, nor am I on time, I will arive persisly when I mean too."

"You're still late." RJ aruged, Shutting down and Closing her laptop.

"Are we leaving or not?? If we are, lets go. I wanna meet these guys who think their as good as us!" Shirah snapped back smirking, pushing RJ out the door and into the car.

RJ glaring at her the whole way.

"Oh, by the way, you look hot as a guy!" Shirah playfully joked, getting into the passengers seat.

RJ just glared once more at her for a few moments, then started the car and drove to the new school they would be attending for the mission.
