Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Long Time To Cry ❯ Long Time To Cry ( Chapter 7 )
I am sooooooo tired, but I am writing this… but this chapter isn't for anyone in particular. It's just… a chapter… **sigh** I'll start `giving' chapters to people tomorrow, maybe…. It's hard to write a chapter a day, even if they're so small ^^;; **whines**
Alright, I have a strange question: has anyone read a fanfic… where Duo was put in this machine, and OZ made it so that there was an alternate reality in that machine… where he was a normal teenager, and Heero was his boyfriend… and Gundams did not exist. When he started talking about them to the gang, they just stared at him and said he had had too many drugs in a party the night before, or something, and that he was fantasizing about being the pilot in the manga… and they showed him the manga, and all the stuff was the same, except it wasn't the G-boys as the pilots; it was other people…. And well eventually Duo was released from the machine, but he wanted to go back into it even once he was saved, because he missed having Heero as his lover… Heero found out, and then they became a couple in real life… Does this ring any bells? If anyone knows the name/author of the fanfic… please tell me **giant chibi pleading eyes**
Okay, and on with the show!
Duo nearly died of frustration when the woman knocked on the door, and, wonder of wonders, he was sent sailing back under the seat. Damn. No research for him. Leave it to the woman to wonder why Heero had two laptops out.
"I've come to collect your meal, sir." She said by way of explanation, and picked up the trays carefully…
Now, many things can be blamed for what happened next. It could have been fate… it could have been that the woman's feet had been bothering her, and she looked down… maybe Duo shifted, and it caught her eye. Maybe she was looking to make sure she wasn't missing any garbage… whatever the reason, she looked down, and with a shriek, dropped the remains of dinner.
"Y…yuy-san! There is a man under the seat!"
"Fuck." Duo said, oh-so-eloquently.
"Hn." Heero agreed.
Now, let it be understood that Releena was very, very possessive of what she believed to be `her' Hee-chan, as would any girl in their right mind. (Seriously. If you had the power to do so, wouldn't you chain him to your side…?) Unfortunately, this meant that every staff member that would be working with Heero had been trained to recognize Duo…
The stewardess pulled out something in a shining, metallic flash, and not even Heero had time to react before cuffs were snapped onto Duo's wrist.
"Duo Maxwell." She said, as if that explained the reason the cuffs were necessary… "Duo. I can't believe you got past… Damn. Releena will not be pleased." She yanked on the cuffs, and Duo glared - he didn't want to try and kill her, but he didn't want to submit.
She pulled him out, past the curtain-door, leaving Heero sitting in a state of semi-shock among the remnants of the tray of lunch.
Duo shivered. Only Releena could find such a damned uncomfortable cell… And keep him there. She knew, of course, about his `talents'… she had had him strip-searched and his braid undone and searched also, revealing 27 hairpins that he had hidden for the sole purpose of emergency lock picking.
He leaned his head back against the cold stones of the wall. Cold. Cold. Everything was cold. And no one came. That was the worst part; in all other prisons he had been in, there had always been others. Or someone to come and talk to him; someone to come and ask him questions, or even smack him around a little. But there was no one. It was as if he had just vanished off of the face of the earth, and no one could be bothered to visit him anymore. The only proof that the world outside still knew he existed was the fact that whenever he woke up, a meal would be sitting there. A disgusting, barely edible meal, but a meal nonetheless, proving that someone acknowledged his existence.
He wondered. He wondered what Trowa and Quatre and Wufei… and everyone would think, when he didn't send them word, and disappeared suddenly. He wondered what Releena had done to keep everyone away. He was pretty sure that he had rights… that weren't being attended to. There was no trial. No anyone. Just him, and the chains, and the meals that appeared, and the cold stayed together in this cell.
There were never changes of clothes brought. It was rather unhygienic, he reflected, but chained to the wall as he was, he wouldn't have been able to get a shirt over his head anyhow. He felt dirty. And cold. Everything always came back to being cold.
And the corner, for reasons which are best left unsaid, smelled horrible.
He didn't like this place… Much longer without anyone to talk to… and he might just go insane.
"What have you DONE to him?" Heero demanded, shaking Releena…
"He is my guest. I put him in his own little… room." She seemed almost smug. "You should never have tried to take him home with you, love. I don't like him. And I don't think he likes you much, either, or he would have come up to visit."
Heero snorted. What the hell? She was a wonderful diplomat when it came to matters of state, but she sucked as a liar. She had, however, unconsciously given him a piece of information, whether or not it was true… Duo was `up' somewhere. Otherwise, Heero reasoned, he could not logically come `down' to see them. He dropped Releena, realizing that shaking her was useless - the obsessive girl would never give him a straight answer.
"I'm going to visit him, then." Heero calmly informed her, eyes dangerous, "Care to tell me where I might find him?"
"He isn't interested in you, Heero. Why chase after him? I love you. Stay with me."
Heero felt the need to be violently ill.
"Why wouldn't he be interested in me?" It was a rather vain thing to say, but he knew it was true; Duo was hardly `disinterested'.
"You know perfectly well why." Releena's eyes glittered oddly, and the malice that the press never saw in the `pacifist' was in full view now, "You spent three years with a woman. He doesn't want you back."
Heero glared, but said nothing, daring her to continue.
"Oh, he did at first," She studied a perfectly manicured pink nail, feigning nonchalance, "But once he got here, he said… `You know what? I don't know why the fuck I tried to get Heero. I just don't want him anymore. The feeling is gone.' Really. That's what he said. And he is staying in my guest room, with Izzy, the maid. He likes her, you know."
Heero took a slow breath, trying to control himself… it wasn't wise to kill when everyone would know it was you. While he was perfectly capable of escaping imprisonment, he would rather avoid the issue entirely. He'd kill her later. For now, he'd just endure her.
"You're lying."
"I'm not, actually…" Releena's mouth quirked up slightly, "I can show you the tape, if you want…"
And out of her pocket, she pulled a small, black tape-recorder, pressing the little green `play' arrow.
The words that came out were choppy and strange, but most definitely Duo's voice. Heero, who had knew that voice so well… screaming in ecstasy, howling in anger, yelping in pain… he knew that voice. It lived in his dreams, haunting him whenever it's owner was inaccessible to Heero. And because he knew that voice so well… he was surprised to discover that the voice on the tape recorder was, in fact, Duo's.
" You know what?" The Duo-voice crackled, "I don't know why the fuck I tried to get Heero."
Heero's insides clenched. No… This was some sick trick. This wasn't…
"I just don't want him anymore."
Heero tackled Releena, who was unprepared, and fell down in her surprise. The little black machine skid across the floor, and kept on playing to the suddenly silent room.
"The feeling is gone."