Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Revenge ❯ Joining Forces ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Um…I don't know what to say…

Disclaimer: I don't own GW

**~~**Love and Revenge**~~**

~Chapter Two-Joining Forces~

"You want us to have partners?" Duo asked, "Who do think we are, babies?!?"

"No, but I think it would be wise for your to have someone back you up. These places are heavily protected and could wipe you out, if you're the only one there." Lady Une explained.

"Besides, Sally, Lady Une, and I need to stay here and train the others." Noin said.

"Agent 06 through 010 reporting in ma'am." Said a voice.

"Hey those sound like-" Duo started

"Come in." Lady Une interrupted.

The door slid open…

"Girls!!!" Wufei and Duo screeched.

"You want a bunch of weak onnas to back us up! Injustice!" Wufei shouted.

"Hey watch your language!" Alyssa said enraged.

"Who did you expect a bunch of BOYS." Marisa said with a smirk on her face.

"These are our top students in our class. They are heavily trained in hacking into computer systems, military battles, and their own gundams."

"Their own gundams?!"

"Yes, Sea Goddess, Black Swan, Love Demon, Firey Hope, and Noble Slayer."

"Well those girlish names sure do fit you guys." Wufei said

Marisa and Jennifer both growled.

"Oh, how silly of me. I haven't properly introduced you guys. Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei, this is Marisa Rokuno, agent 06, Jennifer Seiben, agent 07, Anna Otte, agent 08, Kristin Kyuu, agent 09, and Ayssa Zehn, agent 010."

"Yeah, whatever." Wufei said as he rolled his eyes.

"Wufei…" Quatre whispered trying to stop Wufei.

Wufei just rolled his eyes again as the others remained silent.

"Ummmm… girls would you please excuse us?"


"Why don't we put our ears to the door and listen?" Kristin suggested.

"Oh, I love it when you think sneaky." Marisa said as they put their ears to the door to listen.

"How dare you treat those girls with disrespect!" Lady Une shouted.

"But their girls." Duo said.

"You haven't even seen what they're able to do." Sally said.

"The only way I'll let a girl be a partner with me is if she beats me to a battle. One on one." Wufei said.

"Fine you can battle with Alyssa. Her special is sword fighting."

"Oooo, it looks like you battling with Wufei." Jennifer said.

"Humph… we'll see who the real 'girl' is." Said Alyssa, determined to beat Wufei.

"Fine have it you way. You can battle against the girls, but your wasting your time. I wouldn't have picked these girls if I didn't think they were suitable partners." Lady Une said.

"Girls I think you can enter the room again." Noin said.

The girls reentered the room. This time Anna looked at each of the gundam pilot's faces. When she looked at Trowa she let out a little gasp. 'His eyes…there's something about his eyes…so…calm and peaceful. Suddenly she saw her brother's face. There just like…Alexei's!

"Girls, the gundam pilots feel that they have a right to battle with you in order for you to become their partners. Just think of it as a test, ok?" Lady Une told them.

"Paging equipment manager. Please bring agent's 06 through 010 their weapons. And for 06, 07, 09 bring an extra set." Sally said over the P.A.

"You will be provided with weapons, Heero, Duo, and Quatre." Lady Une explained.

"Wufei you can use your sword, and Trowa can use his gun."

"Don't you think a gun is a little risky?" Quatre asked.

"My girls can handle it." Lady Une replied stiffly.

'Maybe these girls are tougher than we expected.' Quatre said to himself.

"Gundam pilots, you may now choose your battle partners now." Lady Une said.

'Who ever picks me I'm going to show them that I'm not some "weak girl"' Marisa thought.

'Please, please don't let that guy pick me. It'd be like fighting against my brother.' Anna thought.

'I hope that cute guy with the braid picks me.' Jennifer thought and started to secretly smile.

'….' Kristen thought.

'I'm gonna kick that Wufei's butt! How dare he say we're weak!' Alyssa thought.

Wufei chose to fight with Alyssa, and Noin lead them into the fighting chamber. They had big Samurai-like swords and wasted no time fighting. Heero chose Marisa and gave him a set of tri-tip swords, just like hers.

Duo picked Jennifer and handed a whip to him, which was her weapon as well. Jennifer just smirked. Quatre thought Kristin was a worthy opponent and handed him a laser sword.

'You've got to be kidding me. Fighting this guy will be such a sinch, but don't let your guard down. He's not a gundam pilot for nothing.' Kristin thought.

Anna had her head down, praying that Trowa wouldn't pick her. When she lifted her head, everyone had already picked their partner and were already in the chambers fighting.

'Oh no,' she thought 'this must mean…'

Trowa stood in front of her and handed her, her weapon (which were the num chucks).

"It's not as if I'm going to kill you. Just think of it as a test." He whispered.

"It's not that…"


"It's something else."

"C'mon guys," Lady Une said, "better get this going."

Trowa and Anna left the room into their chamber.


Clash! Clash! The swords of Alyssa and Wufei went.

"Why is it, when you saw we were girls, you acted so surprised and said we were weak?!"

"Because women are weak and the weak shouldn't be fighting."

"Weak?!" Alyssa yelled as she lunged forward and made the two swords clash again.

'This hard to admit but, she is very strong. Stronger than I expected.' Wufei thought.

'If I defeat him, then I will be able to work with him. C'mon Alyssa give it all you've got. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Don't blow it!' she thought as she retreated back from a strike sent by Wufei.


The tri-tip swords of Marisa and Heero were going crazy cutting and slicing. Trying to defeat the other opponent was much harder than Heero expected.

'They sure did train her well, but not well enough.' Heero dived into Marisa, nearly escaped and wound up with a cut on her upper left arm.

'So this is Heero Yuy?' Marisa thought, 'the one who saved planet earth from destruction. I won't be the one to lose!'

Heero dived again; Marisa did a flip over his head and cut him along the cheek.

'She looks a lot like a mixture of Noin and someone else…Maybe it's just me.' Heero thought as tried to dodge Marisa's attacks.


"I must say, you are very good with the whip," Duo said, "I have about seven cuts now, but you won't stop me."

"Of course, a gundam pilot of your ability should have ten-thousand cuts, and still be battling." Jennifer replied.

She flicked her wrist, and another cut appeared on Duo's leg. She flicked again and this time, the whip wrapped around Duo's wrist. He took hold of it and pulled it back.

"So that's eight cuts for me and three for you." Duo said as he raised his whip. He sent it flying at her, but missed because Jennifer rolled away. Duo kept trying to whip her, but Jennifer kept on rolling the other direction. She still had the end of the whip in her hand.

"Hold still will ya!"

"Nah-uh." Jennifer mumbled still rolling.

Finally, she tugged on her whip and Duo landed on his stomach. She grabbed Duo's whip out of his hand and sprung back.

"I'm not as easy to defeat as I look." Jennifer yelled as she sent her whip at Duo.

"We'll just see about that!" Duo replied.


Not much talking went on in this chamber because both Kristin and Quatre were trying to beat each other. But they also had to be careful because they were using the most powerful weapons- laser swords.

'Why could someone who seems so nice and kind be a gundam pilot?' Kristin thought.

"Iiiyaaah!" she yelled as she slashed her laser at Quatre.

Quatre barely missed having his stomach cut in half and jumped back

'Man, she's as good as I am!' he thought.

He lunged toward Kristin. Their lasers locked and each took a turn bearing down on the other.

'This guy is too weird. I must defeat him.'

'I wonder what she's thinking,' Quatre thought.


Trowa stood on the other side of the room where Anna was. A wall of bullets soared towards her as she blocked them and made them ricochet off her weapon using skilled quick maneuvering. As Trowa stood there, continuing to shell bullets at Anna, he started thinking.

'She's not fighting me as hard as she can. I know something's holding her back, but I don't know what. I wish I new what she's thinking.'

'He was too nice to me back there in the booth. That doesn't seem to be something a gundam pilot would say or do. I know I'm holding back and I know he can tell. But it's like fighting my own brother and I can't let him know that. This is a once in a lifetime chance. He's not my brother!' Anna thought and let out a scream while lunging forward. By this time Trowa ran out of bullets.

"Now that's more like it." Trowa mumbled as he pulled down his gun and pulled out his pocketknife.

He lunged forward towards Anna. She wrapped her weapon around his wrist. He held her hand back with his (the one wrapped up). Anna held back his other arm, which held a knife. Anna looked down and Trowa noticed.

'Why won't she look at me?'

~Back At the Booth~

"Wow, look at them all. They're really going at it." Sally said, observing all five chambers on a screen.

"Yes, the girls really want this mission, but the gundam pilots also want to keep their independence." Noin commented.

"But still the same, I want the girls to win. One because I want to prove that we are good trainers, and two because the gundam pilots need to learn to work with the opposite sex that are the same age and have the same abilities."

"I agree." Said Sally.

"Me too." Noin agreed.

"Oh, my gosh! Look!" Sally said pointing at chamber one, "Alyssa got Wufei on the ground with the her sword pointing at his head!"

"One down, four to go." Noin said.

I'm glad that one's over. I was the most worried about that battle.


Alyssa turned away from Wufei and folded her arms. Wufei got up and dusted himself. He stuck his hand out.

"You beat me. I give you permission to be my accomplice."

Alyssa turned around and slowly shook his hand.

"Agent 010 and pilot 05, please report to the main control booth."

Alyssa and Wufei left. Wufei held the door open.

"After you." He said with a slight snicker.

"I don't like your sarcasm. But if you insist." Alyssa went thought the door with Wufei right behind her. When they entered the booth hardly anyone noticed; they were all watching the battles that were taking place in the other chambers.

"While I'm here, I might as well watch the others fight." Wufei said, heading towards Lady Une to watch on the screen. Alyssa decided to join him.

"Looks like Jen and Duo are about to end their battle." Sally said.


"Well, that's twenty-seven cuts now."

"Will you shut up already about that!" Jennifer said pulling back her whip.

'Man, this guy's cute but annoying!' Jennifer thought.

She thrashed it again and Duo nearly missed it. Duo now sent his whip towards Jennifer, but she dodged it. Jen sent her final blow. She whipped Duo's hand, and he dropped his whip. Then she wrapped her whip around his neck, took out her pocketknife and pointed it at his head.

"O.K, O.K., no need to get violent now." Duo said putting his hands up.


Jennifer took back her pocketknife, unraveled her whip from Duo's neck, and faced the other way.

"Hey let's put this behind us and be partners, o.k.?" Duo said rubbing his neck.

"Oh, alright, partner." Jennifer said as they shook hands and returned to the booth upstairs.


"Hey I didn't expect you two to be up here." Duo said to Alyssa and Wufei.

"So…uh…who won?" Duo asked.

Wufei shot him a look.

"Okay, then, never mind. So I guess Heero, Trowa, and Quatre are still fighting."

"Yea." Noin replied.


"Ya! Ya!"



"Don't you think we should stop, now?"

"Why? Don't you think I'm too weak to be working with you?"

"N-no, I never said that. Wufei did."


"The reason I chose you was because you looked like the toughest one."



"So…you're saying that you don't want to fight me? That there's no need to fight because you want me to be your partner?"

"Yes." Quatre said with a sigh of relief. They both put down their swords and shook hands.

"Fine." Kristin said as she left the room.

"Whew, I'm glad that's over." Quatre said wiping the sweat off his face and followed Kristin.


Marisa and Heero took turns swiping each other with their tri-tip swords.

'Man, this girl's intense.' Heero thought.

Finally their swords locked.

"Aren't you on my side?" Heero asked


"I asked you if you're on my side."

"Yeah…I guess."

"Then why are we fighting?"

"Because, you don't think I'm good enough."

"If I didn't think you were good enough, I wouldn't be battling you right now. So lets stop."


Heero and Marisa shook hands and headed back to the booth.

'I didn't expect that kind of kindness from a gundam pilot.


"So this means that only that girl and Trowa are left, huh?" Duo said.

"That 'girl' is my, Marisa, Kristin, and Alyssa's friend, Anna." Jennifer said

"Thanks…I'll remember that."


Trowa charged and Anna did a back flip, then into a double-twist, half summer-salt. Ending in the direction facing Trowa.

***************************************************************** *******

"Woah! That girl- I mean, Anna, just did a move like Trowa does!" Duo said in the booth.

***************************************************************** *******

"Where did you learn that move?"

"The circus."

'The circus!' Trowa thought.

Anna charged towards Trowa who did the same. It seemed like everything was going in slow motion. Anna hit the left side of Trowa's cheek, hard, but Trowa slashed in the middle of Anna's stomach.

*********************************************************************** *

"What happened?" Sally asked

"I think he slashed her stomach…" Noin said.

"I better tell them to get inside right away." Sally said as she pushed the button, but it didn't work.

"Damn! Stupid thing. How are we going to tell them now, we can't unlock it from the outside."

"Look," Alyssa said, "I think they've quit."

***************************************************************** *******

Trowa put his knife away and started to walk toward Anna who was trying to get up. He took her arm and put it around his shoulder, and helped her up. Anna was in too much pain to be surprised by his kind gesture.

"I'm…sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you that badly. I think you're suitable to be my partner." He said as he helped carry her out of the room.

"She's going need immediate care. Front desk, get me an ambulance now!" Lady Une shouted.

"Geez, couldn't he have taken it a little lightly?" Duo said.

"I don't really think he meant to hurt her that badly." Heero said.

By the time Trowa and Anna had reached the booth, a medical team was already there to take her.

"No, I'm fine. Really!" Anna protested.

"You're not ok. We won't get started on the mission until you get back, ok?" Lady Une said.


"Bye, Anna!" Marisa, Jennifer, and Alyssa said together as she was taken on the stretcher. Kristin just waved.

"Well, it looks like you're all one team now. You've joined forces." Noin said.

~*End Chapter Two*~