Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Revenge ❯ Paris, France ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Sorry this took so long. ::laughs nervously::

Disclaimer: I don't own GW.

*~*Love and Revenge*~* Chapter four- Paris, France

Shhrrooomm went the Jet 8071 on the runway of Paris's main airport. Marisa and Heero parked the jet inside a secret storage place and a worker started to run up to him.

"Hey! What are you guys doing? You can't do that!"

"We're with the U.S.P.I.A., section 8." Marisa said as she and Heero showed the worker their badges.

"Oh, I'm sorry…I just didn't expect such young people to-"

"That's ok, we get that a lot, now please excuse us." Marisa said as she and Heero made their way away from the worker and out of the building.

They stopped at a payphone to make reservations at a hotel nearby.

"Looks like we'll have to share a room." Heero said hanging up the phone.

"Oh…um…that's ok." Marisa said as she quickly looked away. They both blushed slightly.

"So…don't we need to get there in time for Noin's report?" she said.


"So, how are we going to get there? I mean it's too far to walk."

Heero looked around and spotted a car.

"Follow me." He said as he started running towards it. Marisa followed.

'So we're going to hotwire a car are we? Heero you're one of a kind.' Marisa thought.

"Get in." he said.

They got in the car and in a matter of seconds they sped off.

"It's 1:45 now. Noin supposed to contact us at 2:00."

"Don't worry, we won't be late. I've never been late before and I don't plan on starting now."

"Humph, hotshot." Marisa muttered.

"I heard that."

"Huh?" Marisa said surprised.

When they reached the hotel, they checked in and hurried up to their room. Heero logged onto the computer just in time. Noin popped onto the screen.

"This is Noin. Hello Heero, Marisa."

"Hello Noin." Marisa said.

"I am reporting to tell you where to go next. There is a train station not far from here. It's about ten miles from your present location. It is the Paris train station number 12369. There is one run that where it can lead you to the secret building where you can find the information. The train leaves at midnight tomorrow. Here is where the building is located."

Noin's picture shrunk a bit and a picture of what looked like a salt mine popped up.

"Hmmm…looks like a salt mine." Heero said.

"It does look like it, but it's not a salt mine. It's only a cover-up for the building." Marisa explained.

"When the train gets about half-way through the tunnel, you'll see an African mask. Get off and slide the mask to the left and there'll be a button. Push the button and a secret passage will lead you into the building. From there, I think you'll find your way."

Heero nodded.

"This Noin signing off."

The screen went blank and Heero turned off the computer.

"Well, I'm starved. You wanna grab something to eat?" Marisa asked.

"Might as well."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever you want it to mean." Heero said walking out the door. Marisa rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." Marisa said as she followed him into the elevator.

They got off the elevator and went to the mini-Panda Express downstairs. They got in line and ordered their food. When they sat down, Marisa started looking out the window. After a couple minutes of staring Heero finally said something.

"You know, your foods getting cold."

"Oh, thanks for telling me. I just love the outdoors, and the scenery here is just beautiful." Marisa said.

"Mmm hmm." Heero said, returning to his food.

'She's grateful for the beauty of the outdoors,' Heero thought, 'not many people are like that. I respect that in a person.'

"Would you like to take a walk or see a movie or something?" Marisa asked.

"Maybe some other time." Heero said getting up.


Heero saw how much she wanted to take a walk, but they needed their rest.

"Look," he said, turning towards her, "We need our rest, but I promise that someday we'll take a long walk, ok?"


Heero turned and blush.

'What's this feeling? I've never felt like this before. Does it have to do with…her?' Heero thought as he dumped his trash into the garbage can. Then he glanced at Marisa.

"I'll be upstairs ok?" he said.

"Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes."

He walked into the elevator and pressed the button to go up.

'Why am I feeling this way?' he thought.

Marisa was watching the sun set behind the trees.

'I love the scenery here. I guess I'm just used to seeing the stuff around the White House. I wonder if Heero appreciates this too?'


'What a beautiful scenery,' Heero thought looking out the room's window.

~*Halls of the hotel*~

'Why do I have this strange feeling? Does it have to do with…Heero?' she gasped.


Marisa went in the elevator and headed up. When she opened the door, she saw Heero looking out the window.

'He does appreciate it.' She thought.

Heero turned around.

"I didn't hear you come in." he said.

They both crossed the room and wound up on each side of the bed.

"So…who gets it?" Marisa asked.

"You're the lady, so it would be impolite if I took it. I'll sleep on the floor."

"But still…"

"Believe me I can handle it." He said.

"Ok then. Would you like me to call room service and ask for some blankets?"

"No, we need to spend as little money as possible. I'll be fine."

"Ok… Well, we have some time left. It's only 6:30." Marisa said.

"I'm going to clear the charges for staying here." Heero said.

"I guess I'll just lie here then." Marisa said collapsing on the bed.

After Heero cleared the charges, the two went to sleep.


Marisa woke up with an empty stomach.

"Looks like I need a midnight snack." She said, heading out the door.

When she came back with her cup of pudding she heard something. She looked at Heero who was making a shivering noise.

"There's no sense in him freezing to death, especially in a hotel."

She took a blanket from her bed and placed it on him; then she took one of her pillows and placed it under his head. Heero stopped shivering. Marisa climbed into bed and ate her pudding.

'What a beautiful night,' she thought.

*~The Next Morning~*

Marisa woke up around nine in the morning. She looked down at the foot of her bed and saw that Heero was gone.

'He must have gone down to eat breakfast,' she thought.

She changed into her clothes and went downstairs.

"I think I'll go to the coffee place down the street," she said to herself.

When she got to the coffee shop, she saw Heero sitting at a table, near a window.

'I didn't expect to see him here.' She thought as she went inside and ordered a frappacino and a scone. When she got her order, she went over to where Heero was sitting.

"Can I sit here?" she asked.

Heero nodded.

"Thanks." She said, sitting down.

There was a long silence. About halfway through their meal, Heero commented,

"I see you really like the scenery here."

"Yeah, I especially like it here. Paris is one of the most beautiful places in the world."

"Hmmm I think so to."

"I'm glad we've found something in common besides being gundam pilots."


"So…are you going to do anything after this?" Marisa asked.

"No, I'm just going back to the room. What about you?"

"I'm going to explore. I'll be back around 7:30. You know how you can see the Eiffel Tower from our hotel room?"


"Well tonight, there's going to be a surprise of lights on the tower at sundown."

"I'll be watching."

"Good you shouldn't miss this."

They finished their meals and went their separate ways.

~*Hotel Room #702*~

'If I'm going to work with Marisa, I should at least know more about her,' Heero thought.

He hacked into some files and came up with her profile.

"Hmmm, lets see…Marisa Rokuno born A.C.182…height 5'1"…ooh parents…" his eyes widened, "Zechs Marquise aka Millardo Peacecraft and Lucrezia Noin! Well, like I said before she does look like Noin. I think I know why they put her under the care of…General Mako Rokuno. If I remember correctly, Zechs and Noin were friends with him during military training. When Noin had Marisa, she knew she'd get an automatic discharge from the army. Having no where to go, she left Marisa on General Rokuno's doorstep, thinking that he would be the best father for her because of their past and the fact that he already had four kids of his own. Hmmm, It shows here that Marisa started training under the U.S.P.I.A. and under the training of Lady Une, Noin, and Sally Po. Well, it's no wonder that Noin seems to give Marisa motherly attention sometimes...and I wonder if I should tell her? No, I'll wait till the time is right…or until Noin tells her. This would come as a great surprise to Marisa. I'll wait…hmmm it's just about time when the sun would set." Heero said, looking out his window.

~*Eiffel Tower*~

'I can't wait till sundown! Although I wish Heero was here to see it with me,' Marisa thought.

*10 Minutes Later*

'It's just about time,' she thought.

She heard a car pull up behind her and a car door close, but paid no attention to it until a voice behind her said,

"Only five minutes left."

She turned around.

"Heero? I thought you were watching from the hotel room."

"I said I'd be watching, but I didn't say where I'd be watching from."

"Oh. Well, I glad you're here."

A man rose up on top of a platform and said,

"Welcome! Welcome! I'm so glad there is such a great audience tonight. And now we'll start the countdown for the Eiffel Tower Light Spectacular…and we have fireworks for an extra surprise! This spectacular is beginning in…. 5…4…3…2…1!"

Suddenly, a burst of red, blue, and purple fireworks went off into the air and an array of bright lights shown from the Eiffel Tower. Everyone was in a state of awe watching the fireworks go off. Even Heero had his jaw dropped slightly at the sight of it. While watching the spectacular, both Marisa and Heero felt a small burst of emotion go off inside each other. Heero looked at Marisa and a soft smile appeared on his face. And even though Marisa was looking at the fireworks, she saw him out of the corner of her eye and felt a connection start between them.

When the ceremony ended, Marisa and Heero called for a taxi and left. While looking out the window, she saw a shooting star.

"Heero, look a shooting star."

"I see."

Without saying a word to each other, Heero and Marisa both made a wish saying that they hoped to spend the rest of their lives together.

When they got to their hotel room they took a two-hour nap and woke up around 10:30. Marisa turned the alarm clock off and woke up Heero. They got ready and called a taxi to take them about half a mile away from the train station. They didn't want anyone finding out exactly where they wanted to go. What Marisa and Heero didn't realize was that they were an hour late, do to daylights savings time, which just happened to change that day. Marisa heard the sound of what she thought was a train and they both hurried towards the sound to check it out.

"Damn, we're too late. There's no way we can catch it now. It's over the bridge." She said.

"No, let's go." Heero said, running towards the train.

"Are you crazy!"

"We have to make this ride!" Heero said thrusting the rope with a hook onto the top of the train.

"Grab on!" Heero yelled. And Marisa did, just when the rope lifted from the ground.

"Climb!" he yelled as Marisa started to climb the rope.

When she reached the top, she noticed the rope was starting to break.

"The rope is breaking!" she yelled, but Heero couldn't hear her because the wind was howling so loudly.


The rope broke, but Marisa caught Heero by the hand just in time. She help him on top of the train and Heero thanked her.


"No problem."

"Duck!" Heero yelled as a tunnel suddenly appeared over their heads. He put his weight on top of her.

"You're crushing me." Marisa squeaked.

"Oh, sorry." Heero said moving off of her a little.

Soon they entered the so- called salt mine and jumped off the train when Heero pointed to the African mask. When they were inside they saw tons of nuclear weapons and machinery.

"I wonder what they want with all this?" Marisa whispered

"We can worry about that later. All we should do is get the information and get out."

They made their way into an empty (after they knocked out the guards) control room.

"You watch the door. I'll get the info."

"Awww, I haven't done anything on the computer since we've been on this mission." Marisa protested.

"I don't have time to argue. Are you with me or not?"

"Yeah, I'm with you. I'll watch the door."

"O.K." he said, sitting down.

~10 minutes later~

"I'm almost done, but I didn't really look at what we're getting. I'm just printing out everything that has to do with B.D."


~5 Minutes Later~

"I'm done. Let's go."

"Uh, Heero, we have a little problem, look."

Heero came to the door where Marisa was and looked out the window. Apparently, the other guards from different sections of the building had finally realized that there were people in the building that shouldn't be.

"Took them long enough." Marisa said.

Heero looked around and saw the air vent on top of the ceiling.

"I've got an idea." Heero said.

He led Marisa over to where the air vent was and gave her a boost. Marisa unlatched the screws and climbed inside.

"Let down your rifle and pull me up."

Marisa did as she was told and let down her rifle. It was sort of a struggle to climb Marisa's gun, but he made it just in time because the guards had just busted the door. They could hear the baffled guards trying to figure out who could have gotten past the other guards.

"Now what?" she asked.

Heero flicked his head to the right and he and Marisa crept along the vent as quietly as they could. They kept on crawling Marisa heard to people talking. She asked Heero if they could listen in. He said no, until he heard one of the people say something about Black Dragon and Relena. They crawled their way until they were almost on top of the air vent and listened.

"So are all these nuclear weapons supposed to be sent to the Black Dragon colony?"

"Yes, we have direct orders from ex-Vice Foreign Minister Dorlian."

"Why her?"

"Because she is the head of the corporation."

Heero's eyes widened.

"Do you know why Ms. Dorlian is doing this?"

"Well, I heard that she and some other people, along with the Mafia and terrorists want to take over the Earth because it wouldn't compromise with them…"

"Oh what?"

"That's it, we don't really know. I think she wants revenge on someone. That's my gut feeling."

"Oh…you know I agree too."

"Well, who ever it is, is definitely going to pay."


The two men laughed. Heero squinted his eyes.

'This will be the last battle you fight, Relena. I'll make sure of it.'

Marisa stared at him.

'It's him. It's Heero who Relena wants revenge on…but I wonder why.'

Heero came out of his trance and pointed to Marisa to head back. When they got out of the building, they high- jacked a carpeting truck till they were about two blocks away from the airport. They got into their jet and sped off into the air. About halfway through their ride, Heero contacted Noin to let her know they were coming. When she appeared on the screen, she looked like she had been crying.

"This is Pilot01 and Agent06 contacting the U.S.P.I.A." Heero said.

"This is Noin, go ahead."

"We are about 150 kilometers in the air and are about 60 miles away."


"Noin is something wrong?" Marisa asked.

"Agent 06 I have some terrible news."

"What is it?"

"Your house has been bombed---"


"Apparently, the Mafia thought that your house was Jennifer's."

"Is everyone all right?"



"There were no survivors. I'm sorry, Marisa. I'll see you two in about an hour."

Noin disappeared from the screen. Marisa slammed her fist on the dashboard.


A small tear made it's way down her cheek and Heero silently steered the jet to the U.S.P.I.A. airport.

~*End of Chapter Four*~