Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love in My Eyes ❯ Welcome Home ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry for the long awaited chapter I hope it's worth it.

Thank you everyone for your support

Love in my Eyes Chapter 1 : Welcome Home

"Auntie Claire, where would you like this?" quatre asked holding up a tray of cucumber sandwiches. The old women motioned toward the back patio.

"Out yander, now hurry and finish ya still have ta change" nodding the young blonde sped up his pace and scurried toward the garden. His breath hitched as his surveyed the decorations. The back yard had transformed in a mer couple of hours thanks to his caretaker. Lanterns were set up every couple of feet, glass tables were set up in a buffet style manner, they were covered in various traditional and not traditional southern dishes.

Placing the sandwiches on one of the tables quatre took in the smell of the white southern jasmine.

// my favorite // smiling he took a slow languid cadence toward the main house to get ready for the party, in honor of Mr. Winners' return.

The lavishly decorated garden would serve nicely for the occasion, and would serve as a way for the Winner family to finally meet its neighbors.

// I've lived here a whole year and have never been allowed to leave the estate, I hope there are other people my age here //

Quatre huffed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Taking on a hunched posture quatre dreaded the return of his father. It wasn't that he didn't love this father... he just didn't agree with his ideas.

Topics such as war, education, and marriage all resulted in fierce arguing.

"Heaven forbid I bring up anything else... like my being..."

"Quatre!" cut off quatre broke his slow pace and broke out into a run, Auntie was calling him.


"Trowa!" no reply, Cathy banged on the oak door.

"Trowa!" a simple hmm indicated the occupant was indeed alive.
"Trowa Barton, you open this door right now or I'll..."

"You'll what?" a smug voice asked. Cathy stared agate at her brother.

"You... you..." trowa rolled his eyes

"I guess you like my outfit" trowa stated and walked by his surprised sibling.

The cream material clung tightly to his lean form, accenting the strong muscles that laid beneath the light breathable shirt. Clad in dark forest-green dress pants trowa was able to move around freely and less constricted than a traditional suit would allow.

Taking a deep breath trowa looked back at his sister, who still had her hand raised in mid-air.

"O stop it Cathy! You seen me dressed up before" A slow smile spread across the young woman's lips. Suddenly the smile became so big her eyes disappeared.

"Very nice - Trowa - very nice" she approved and wrapped her arms around her body.

"My god- you've grown"

"Cathy! Don't start that again and just go get ready!" trowa exclaimed.

The smile never leaving her face Cathy left to get dressed.

Trowa groaned // what have I got myself into now!//


The carriage came forth towards the house down the cobbled road.

The servants, Auntie, and Quatre all stood silently waiting for the arrival of their Master.

As the carriage approach the house two stable hands ran forth to aid the driver and the horses.

Quatre held his breath

// *Allah the most merciful, the great*, please let me have patience//

The door was opened by the butler and out stepped the head of the Winner house hold. Baggage was being imminently removed and greeting were issued.

As his father approached him his eyes fell to the ground.

A gentle hand brought his chin up and his blue crystalline eyes were forced to look into the taller mans fierce ones.

" Salaam Alaikum(1)" the man smiled and patted quatres head.

"As-salaam Alaikum(2) Quatre" quatre nodded and smiled.

"Welcome back Mr. Winner" Nodding toward the older woman he spoke

"Thank you Claire, I'm happy to be home here in America, I hope Quatre has done well"

"O yes Mr. Winner, very smart boy he is- ya can see how much he has grown too" smiling she pinched qutares cheeks making him blush.

"Yes of course, well come everyone let us go inside and relax and I can tell you all about my trip"



next chapter quatre and trowa meet, bringing them together in friendship - maybe something even more

Salaam Alaikum -When you enter house, greet one another with a greeting from Allah

'As-salaam Alaikum - response back