Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love in the Basement ❯ Pt. 4 ( Chapter 4 )
Title: Love in the Basement pt. 4/?
Author: DamnVespa
Pairings: 2X1, and a little 3X4 and 5XS
Warnings: Heero will probably be a little OOC.
Disclaimer: I don't own GW
"Duo can I talk to you a moment?"
"Yeah sure Sal."
They walked away from the group a little so they could have some privacy.
"Okay first thing, I want him to leave with us. I will not tolerate him staying here after we leave."
"Yeah we decided to ask him if he wanted to leave with us."
"Okay good. The next thing this boy has been grossly abused. How abused I don't know. He appears to be moderately healthy considering the circumstances. He wasn't that inclined to talk to me. Once we get him back home with us we can get him help. Until then I think we should watch him and make sure he doesn't hurt himself."
"Okay Sally I'll watch him."
"Good. I'm going to help Wufei set up where we are going to go to sleep. I need you to get Heero. He didn't seem comfortable with me maybe he will be with you."
"Okay I'll get him."
Duo walked back into the kitchen. He found Heero opening and closing the fridge with a look of wonder and puzzlement on his face.
"Hey Heero, what are you doing?"
Heero pointed at the fridge. Duo walked over and watched Heero look inside the fridge. Heero looked at Duo then pointed at the light in the fridge.
"Oh, that's a light."
"Light? Is it magic?"
"No, not magic. It's called electricity."
"No, e-lec-tri-ci-ty."
"Correct. It makes the light bulb inside turn on. I'll explain it to you later. First let's go sit down so we can talk okay?"
Heero nodded and followed Duo. Duo sat down and Heero followed suit.
"Heero would you like to come with us when we leave."
"Yeah, we are going back home. We want you to come with us."
"Back into the box?"
"What box?'
"No we don't live in the Radio. We live far away from here."
"Oh. So you are leaving me?"
"No, we want you to come with us outside of this house and go home with us."
"Leave? Outside?"
"Yep. Outside. I promise no one will hurt you if you go outside."
"Okay. I'll go with you."
"If you go you can't come back."
"Okay, I go with you. You are my prince. You saved me."
"Alright. We'll leave tomorrow. It's getting late we should all go to bed."
Duo stood and went towards the living room but noticed that Heero wasn't following. Duo turned around and saw Heero heading for the door to the basement.
"Where are you going?"
"To bed. It's downstairs."
"No, you won't be going down there anymore. You're sleeping up here with us."
Heero looked shocked. He had never slept upstairs before. Duo just took his hand and led him out to the living room. Trowa and Quatre had camped out on the couch. Wufei and Sally were on the floor near the couch. They had moved the coffee table for more room. Duo noticed a pile of pillows and covers that was left out for them. He started to make a place to sleep for them. He sat down on the cover and beckoned to Heero to sit down. Heero sat down on the covers with Duo. Duo had Heero lie down then laid down next to him. Heero scooted over until his head was resting on Duo's chest and he was holding him like a child would hold a teddy bear. Duo took his braid and pulled it in front of him. It hurt to lie on it. Heero looked at the braid in wonder. He looked like he wanted to touch it but was afraid to.
"It's okay Heero, you can touch it."
Heero beamed at him and grabbed it. Duo winced at the rough handling. Heero petted the braid and held on to it. Duo thought it was the cutest thing. He smiled at him. Heero lay there holding onto the braid but he wasn't sleeping. Duo frowned wondering why Heero wasn't sleeping.
"What's the matter Heero?"
"It's too quiet."
"Too quiet? Do you want me to tell you a story?"
Heero nodded his head. Duo smiled at him again and tried to think of a story he could tell.
"Well I don't know many stories but I can make one up. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful boy named Heero."
Heero smiled and closed his eyes listening to Duo tell the story.
"Heero lived in a castle with his evil family. This family had locked him up. Heero wished every night for someone to save him. Then one day a handsome knight named Death happened upon the castle. He rescued Heero from his prison and they went off into the sunset. To live happily ever after. The end."
Duo smiled again when he saw that Heero was fast asleep. Duo watched him sleep then fell asleep himself.
The next morning, Duo awoke to find Heero was missing. Duo immediately stood up worried that Heero was in trouble. He looked around to see if anyone else was in the room but no one was. Then he heard voices coming from the kitchen. He rushed in there when he heard Quatre warning Heero about something.
"No, Heero, it's hot you'll get hurt."
"But it's pretty."
"Yeah I know but it can hurt you. So don't touch."
Duo rushed into the kitchen to see Quatre trying to get Heero away from the stove where Trowa was preparing to cook. One of the burners was on high and Heero was trying to touch it.
"Hey everyone."
Heero immediately looked at Duo and went over to him. Quatre looked relieved. Duo sat down and Heero sat down next to him. Heero reached over and picked up Duo's braid and started to play with it. Duo just smiled and waited for breakfast.
"Heero has agreed to come with us."
"That's great. The sooner he is out of here the better."
"When did the people say they would pick us up, Trowa?"
"They said sometime this afternoon."
During breakfast they heard a car pull up to the house.
"I think the people who are supposed to pick us up are here. Come on Heero let's go outside to greet them."
Heero's eyes lit up at the thought of going outside. Duo took Heero outside while everyone else cleaned up the mess from breakfast. When Heero and Duo got outside Heero looked in amazement at the outside. They heard a choking sound and turned to look at the people walking up to the house. Heero tensed and hid behind Duo. He grabbed onto the braid and wouldn't let go.
"Umm hi are you the ones who were supposed to pick us up."
"You let the Demon out!"
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