Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love's Death ❯ Poem Story ( Chapter 1 )
It isn't supposed to rhyme so get over it! I just hope you all like it
and tell me what you think!
Lost and alone
I cry tears of blood
My love had gone,
But not by choice.
A figure came,
Dark in the shadows.
A knife in hand
He snuck into our home.
In the kitchen was I
Cooking like always
For love was baked
And served to him at every meal.
He snuck passed me
Unnoticed and unwanted.
Why he let me live
Only he would know.
The theif made his way
Up the stairs
Down the hall
To the room my love and I shared.
Their was no scream
No cry of pain.
My lover was dreaming
In slumber sweet.
Good for him
I say this now.
For my lover was filled
With honor and justice.
To have cried out
That would not have been good.
For his soul would wonder
In want of regained honor
But on justice
This is yet another matter
For I will avenge my love.
Justice will be made!
His friends of four
I sought advise
To find the killer
I would need their help.
But only one had time for me.
The one who always befriended me.
A braid so soft
And cobalt eyes.
He showed me comfort
And helped me out.
These feeling he gave to me
I have no doubt.
Feeling I knew
Were always there
But never expressed
My heart went elswhere.
Three months pass
And we grow closer.
Nights were dreamless
Days were hard
As we searched
For the clues of my lovers death
That saddly,
Were not there.
My love was gone
I was close to defeat.
Justice, I feared,
Would never be served
Till one day
My friend called with news
That he may have found
The most important of clues.
I hung up the phone,
Rushed out of the place
That he and I once shared
Quick to where my friend said to go.
To his appartment
I went.
Said hello to the fish
As I always did
Before calling out:
"Duo where are you?"
He called
From his room
Beconing me there.
Not so unusual
I went and stopped
At the doorway.
He was sitting
On his bed,
Kinfe in hand
Tears in his eyes.
There he confessed
In sobs hard to hear
But clear
Was what he said
That it was he
Who Was the one
Who killed my lover
Who stole his life.
Tears began
To pour forth
From my sad eyes
As he began to tell of his feelings
Towards me
That had grown
Through the years.
Of his hatred
Towards my Chang
He told to me
Before holding the blade
At his throat.
This act
I would not allow
For in our time together
I felt for him as well.
I lept forward
Grabbing the knife
Before he could harm himself.
But in doing such
His throat
The knife did slit.
His eye wide
his last word was "Love"
I sat there
On the bed
Looking at his corps
My mind whirling
As this would be
The second love
Lost to me
But by my hands
That now held
The blade which now
I use to join them
My two loves.