Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ May we have a baby ❯ Choices ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Ok Ok pplz. It goes like this. I own nothing you hear, zilch niente absolutely nothing of GW. It all belongs to Sunrise and Bandai entertainment.

AN: This little story was inspired from the movie Maybe Baby. It `s the one movie I can relate to and well I find that this story is very touching to me. I myself am an IVF child and one of the earliest known in Australia. I tried to relate it more to me as much as possible, but there is a change. Duo and Hilde have twins, where as to this day I would have had a beloved sister or brother here with me but sometimes… nature takes its course and makes life harder for everyone. So I decided to make it the twin siblings that I never had. If you feel that you need to review with some constructive criticism, then I ask you all to just go easy on me. It's not everyday that I actually talk about any of this.

Well without further ado, I hope you enjoy reading this fic. You will let me know if you want more of it… ^_^ Enjoy pplz

Warnings: Well here goes… graphic sex scene, 2xHilde, 4+CB, 1+R ( I know I know, I'm anti `Lena, But I couldn't think of anyone else to go there.) 5+SP, 3+OC and 6+N (So sue me! :P)

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

The entire group in the preventer annual meeting look over to where the offending noise was coming from.

*Beep Beep*

Lady Une stoped mid sentence and look over across the table. The offending beeping was coming from the one and only Duo Maxwell. Heero glanced warningly over at his fellow pilot in saying `You very well know Une doesn't approve of phones going off in the middle of a debriefing.' Stare.

"Err… Sorry peoples." Duo apologised and answered his mobile. "Duo, I need you to come and fuck me now big boy." Duo looked somewhat surprised and hid his head down the side of the table hoping that no one could hear Hilde on the other end.

"What? Now? Hilde, babe I'm in a debriefing. Can't it wait 30 minuets?" The braided boy whispered into the phone trying his hardest not to blush to bright. Quatre, who was sitting next to him, heard what was being said clear as day and tried to stifle back his giggling. "Yes Duo, I need… Want you NOW!" Hilde retorted cutting the line.

Dup looked up from under the table once again and glanced around sheepishly. "Umm… I got to go umm… Find a root… To a problem that's in need of special fert- Err, productive investigating." (AN: Hehe nearly made a fool of himself) He nodded absently lingering for a couple of seconds unnerved about the hot blush creeping up his neck when he grabbed his notes and bolted out the building almost running over a couple of co-workers and a cleaner. He hadn't even put his helmet on as he leaped onto his bike and gunned the engine speeding off hastily onto the freeway.


Meanwhile Hilde was to busy trying to decide on something to wear that might just make the mood more erotic for when her husband got home. Ripping through her draws and closet for something that would turn Duo on even more. //No no, I don't think the purple lace is Duo's style, OH MAN What IS Duo's style god damn it. // She continued to root around in her best lace wear and linen. When she came across a skimpy black strapless bra and almost transparent matching panties. //Perfect.// She grinned evilly and awaited for her lovers arrival.


Duo kept his speed at bay, trying to go as fast as he could without getting caught by the feds. Anyone would have thought it funny if he did get caught and would have to explain why he was speeding like a bat out of hell, in saying so his response would have to be `I'm sorry officer but I have to get home to my wife because we are trying for a baby and she is ovulating now and wants her husband there to fuck her brains out.' He finally turned down his street and came to a screaming halt up his driveway skidding the bike sideways as he did.


Hilde's eyes snapped to the door knowing, from the screeching of the motorcycle tires up the driveway Duo was finally home. She giggled as she heard the front door slam and the unmistakeable `thud' as Duo tried desperately to remove his clothing while trying to make his way up the stairs. Not to mention the occasional course language that emerged from the braided boy's mouth with his pants and boxer shorts puddled at his ankles while running up the stairs. He finally made it to the bedroom door and flung it open nearly falling into the room while removing the rest of his clothes he spotted Hilde clad only in the highly erotic silk black lace that he insisted Hilde buy a few weeks back.

"You know what I want Big Boy, a triple scoop essence of Duo Maxwell with hot HARDening chocolate on top with a sweet juicy glazed over cheery on the side." Duo smirked willingly as the seductive tone in her voice and could feel himself HARDening in an instant. She knew very well that this sort of talk always managed to turn him on, even in the weirdest places to have mind blowing, kinky, pleasurable sex. Duo thought back to the time when they did it on the top level of a double-decked bus, too slow to get the sex crazed occupants home. Thank god that they were the only ones aboard.

He stalked up to the bed and laid down on top of his seductively horny tigress and proceeded to kiss her senseless as he took the usual position after ridding her of the bra and panties. He rested his arms on either side of her head as she reached around to find his braid and released it having the mass of hair flow all about them.

"Duo… skip it, just plunge that rock hard dick of yours in my cunt right now or I will fuck you myself." She breathed rather heavily knowing that she was getting Duo in the mood for sure, as she could feel his reaction near her opening.

"You get what you want baby, you always do. Her comes the Duo express with chocolate, cherries and a special triple scoop." He laughed invading her at the same time. He groaned and grunted as he began a forceful rhythm of ramming in and out of her, sucking at her neck and leaving tiny bit marks. Hilde threw her head back and arched into his thrusts moving with and against him.

"Oh, Oh DUO Yes. Duo, oh my god… Ahhh… yes Duo … Harder Duo, FASTER." She begged as Duo complied slamming into her with every bit of energy he had. Effectively bringing them closer to the pleasure they both sort to obtain.

"Hilde… Oh Hilde… Keep … talking … dirty… you know… that's what… I …Like." Duo said with each trust into her tight warmth. His cock pulsating in her he was determined to make her reach orgasm first then he would follow so he angled his thrusts and slamming her into the bed as it rocked into the wall, thumping loudly and the bed rocking back and forth.

"Duo… Give it to me, HARDER. FASTER." She exclaimed.

"That's it babe give me your worst. Make me proud." He finished off with her shouting his name several times and yelling cuss words until she finally screamed out loud, squeezing her inner muscles around Duo's hard pulsating shaft thus sending Duo off on edge into oblivion.

Together they lay there panting heavily from the `activities'. "You scream louder every time babe. I like that, turns me on for you." He smiled at her and pulled her into a loving embrace kissing the tip of her nose seeing her smile happily.

"Oh Duo, that was WILD." "Lets hope that this time it works." Hilde willed. "Hilde, babe even if we don't get to have a child, I'm just thankful that I have you." Hilde began giggling. "What you laughing at now?"

"I'm just thinking about what I said to you on the phone, did anyone hear us talking?"

Duo grinned impishly. "Umm… well let's just leave that issue well alone because I know I'm going to hear it from Lady Une about having my phone on during a meeting. She doesn't take kindly to sudden interruptions." They both began to laugh while wrestling playfully on the bed and engaging in another pleasurable round of lovemaking. This time it was more passionate and long lasting.


"Hilde? You ok babe?" Duo knocked on the door finding that Hilde had been in there for quite some time and seemed to have been sobbing a bit too. "Yeah, I'm fine. Apart from having my period." She sobbed grown rather angry that once again they had failed to fall pregnant. Duo grimaced and begged for Hilde to come out and talk about it. There was a pause and the door opened reviling a very distort and upset Hilde.

"Babe, I'm sorry. We can only try hunny." He began hugging her closely and rubbing her back and shoulders soothing her as much as he could to calm her down. "All hope is not lost my dear. We can go see Dr. Philips again if you want?"

"I'm not going back to that crack pot." She sobbed softly. "Duo?"


"There is one more me option I want to give a shot at." Hilde perked up a little bit and gazed into Duo's eyes. "You're not giving up?"

"No silly, there's a always IVF treatment." She placed her hands on his chest and looked down for a brief second.

"IVF? What's IVF?" Duo questioned unsure of the term for he had not heard of it before. "IVF stands for Invitro Fertilisation. It's been around for quite some time but I still want to give it a go."

"Yeah but what's it entail?" Duo once again questioned as he sat on the edge of the bed watching Hilde go to one of the draws on the other side of the room and come back with a green binder folder and handed it to Duo. He opened it up and flipped through a couple of the pages skimming over the text briefly.

"It basically says that we undergo a special treatment that will ensure us pregnancy to about 95% chance, right now I'd say we are at 20% chance." Duo was still reading and nodded to Hilde's statement. "95% sounds to good to be true." Then he saw it, the total sum of the treatment. "HOLY SHIT, Two grand to have a kid you got to be kidding me. Hilde, babe we just don't have the money right now to pay for this."

Hilde smiled meekly and reached under the bed. "Now Mr. Maxwell, that's where you're wrong I have a sum of $1,400 here." Duo's eyes widened as if to say where on earth did all that come from. "I have been putting away a little bit of money in the kitty and also I sold some stuff my great grand mother passed down to me. Don't worry Duo I don't regret it. I want to do this, it means a lot to me if we undergo this treatment."

"I was thinking that you could possibly see if Quatre could loan us $600 and we just pay him back for it. Please Duo just ask him, for us? I'm sure he wouldn't disagree."

Duo pulled her closer to him and hugged her tightly, really not wanting to let her go. He knew that Quatre would be a good pal and loan them the money. But it was just the fact that he didn't want to see his little Hilde being hurt anymore than she already was.


It was a week later and Duo had finished his business with the Preventers and the Missions that were assigned to him, he finally had time to himself and Hilde. The midnight haired woman was up stairs asleep when Duo went into the study and called up Quatre's number on the vid phone. As expected, Quatre answered it. "Duo, Hi how are you?"

"I'm fine Quatre but have a little favour to ask of you."

"Yeah sure what is it mate?" Quatre smiled.

"Err… Well it's like this dude, Hilde and I … well, you know how we're like trying for a baby and all, right? Well, just wondering if we could have a loan of $600 to help pay the rest of the cost involved for IVF treatment. It's the only option left open for us to successfully have a child." He paused for a minuet. "But what I'm worried about is why we have been so unsuccessful."

"Duo, my friend I'd be glad to lend you the money and don't worry about paying me back. Just as long as you get a child out of it is all I want to know. But I go ask Iria about this problem you're having, she might very well know having a PHD and also the fact that she to is an IVF child. I thought I was, but soon learnt that I was the only child out of all my family conceived naturally. But as a result my mother died while giving birth to me."

Duo frowned at the thought of what could surely happen to Hilde if this ever happened. "God Quatre, I'm so sorry man. I had no idea that-"

Quatre shock his head. "It's ok Duo, it was no ones fault and just something that happened. And stop thinking that sort of thing could or will happen to Hilde because it won't, you hear me. The only reason my mother died was because there was always a defect about giving birth in space and besides; I was a tough little grunt too. That's what Iria tells me anyway."

"You're right Quatre, I shouldn't be thinking of such things and thank you my friend. This means so much to us that you help us out here and I promise you, we will have a child and you will be an uncle. You have our word." Duo waved to his friend and closed the line content and relieved that the whole problem was now sorted out.


The day had come fairly quickly as Duo and Hilde made their way to the hospital to begin their treatment. Instead of going to Dr. Philips again, they found a new physician with a higher degree in PHD. Dr. Baine was a rather witty man indeed and Duo enjoyed gas bagging with him and practically ranting on about nothing in particular when Hilde jabbed him in the side in saying for him to `shut his trap'.

"Well Hilde, Duo I guess we should start. Nurse would you please take Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell to day clinic please."

The nurse motioned for Duo and Hilde to follow her to the ward when Duo stoped mid track, turned around to face the good doctor. "Doc. Maybe you could answer this for me? Is it true that one of us or even both of us may be infertile and that's why we haven't been able to have a baby?"

Baine moved from his desk and placed comforting hands on Duo and Hilde's shoulders. "It is a fact that there is some infertility in both of you, but I assure you that this treatment will up you're chances of successful pregnancy to 10 times the higher rate than you are now. I seen many couples come here and fall completely worried about not being able to conceive naturally and believe me it's not been easy to tell someone that there is a significant reason as to why they can't have any children, usually it is due to a defect in the gene pool. Please, you have to have confidence. Both of you, now you must get going and I will be with you as soon as I can."

Duo nodded and followed the Nurse and Hilde out to the Day Clinic where Hilde was placed in a bed and made put a white gown on with no backing and only the thin ties at neck and mid back and not to mention the paper hat. Duo smirked and began giggling as Hilde turned around to put the hat on giving Duo the perfect sneak preview of her ass. "Nice ass Hilde." She spun around and playfully whacked him on the back of his head. "Ooow."

"Serves you right for looking you little hentai thing."

"Now Mr. Maxwell." The nurse came in and handed Duo a small plastic jar. "There you go." Duo looked on puzzled. "Errr… Right and this is for?"

The nurse laughed and motioned for Duo to follow her. "That there is for you to fill, you understand?" Duo nodded as he finally caught on. He was put in a white room with a couch, TV, chair and sink. "Be sure to fill it as much as you can ok. Here." She handed do a couple of magazines and a video. The nurse shrugged. "If all else fails, watch the video." She finished as she closed the door and left Duo to it.

Duo glanced at the jar. He wasn't exactly in the mood, more worried about Hilde than anything. He know that Hilde was going to be going through hell and back with this treatment but if it ensured them a child he would do all he could to make her happy.

"Ok buddy," He pointed out to his crotch. "I need you to help me out a bit here. I need you to fill this jar for mamma Hilde." Anyone would think odd if a guy was caught talking to his dick, strangely enough men do. Yet his `buddy' made no attempt to comply. He zipped through the pages of the magazines finding that some of the images were quite erotic but nothing that he hadn't seen before. Porno magazines were just about all that Duo read, but after he meet Hilde he took down all the pin ups he had in his garage. Being as Hilde didn't approve of them.

"Ok, let's get a look at this video." Duo murmured as he pressed play on the VCR and watched a very `interesting' scene of two guys banging up a chick. He thought that was ok, he could feel himself getting a little hard but it wasn't enough. He wanted to hear language and lots of dirty mouths so he hast forward it to half way and found exactly the type of thing he was looking for. "Oh yeah now that's what I'm talking about." His erection was now straining in his pants as he watched an orgy consisting of three chicks and four guys. He zipped down his pants and released his straining erection and began to stroke it. He continued on for a few minuets really not paying an attention to the video, but instead thinking of all the times Hilde and him had made love in the most wildest and kinkiest of ways and places. He stroked faster and harder pretending it was Hilde stroking him when he felt him reaching his goal. He grabbed the jar and expelled his essence into the jar. "Oh Hiiiildeee."

Duo cleaned up and went back to the ward where Hilde was and handed the nurse the jar. "That enough for ya?" The nurse went wide-eyed at the deposit. "Nice, I think that's enough." Duo smirked.

"If you want more…"

"No, no that won't be necessary. Thank you Mr. Maxwell." The nurse left the area and then another two nurses came in with a trolley. "Ok Mr's Maxwell time to go night night." Hilde nodded and lay down on the bed with Duo at her side hand in hand. The nurses worked quickly in preparing Hilde for the general anaesthetic the placed a small band on her wrist that Duo was holding and Hilde seemed to be a little worried about what was going on. "Duo?"

"Shh, it's alright Hilde. You're going to be fine."

"Has she been under general before?" One of the nurses asked Duo. "No! She hasn't."

"Ok. Hilde just try to relax ok, I promise you won't feel a thing." She reassured the woman as she penetrated her arm with the bung and taped it to her arm securely, then took a needle and popped it into the bung as the other nurse placed a mask over her face to breath in as they found that Hilde was more than just frightened but on the verge of hyperventilating. "Hilde we need you to calm down, take long shallow breaths, I'm not going to inject unless you slow you're breathing just a little more."

Hilde heard and concentrated on her breathing. She tasted something icky and strange in the air that she was breathing through the mask. `Happy gas' "Man this stuff tastes disgusting" She murmured and hearing Duo laugh. Her breathing had slowed and absently rubbed her fingers together in the hand that Duo was holding. She couldn't feel anything. Where was Duo? "My arm. It's gone numb." Duo looked down and sore that her arm was pretty much limp.

"That's good. Nearly finished." The nurse was still slowly injecting into her arm. Then suddenly her back arched and Hilde's head lolled back and forth and side-to-side as her body began to go completely limp. "Duooo." She slurred as her eyes closed and fell into a deep sleep.

The nurse removed the needle and wheeled the trolley away as they moved the bed with Hilde on it into theatre.

The procedure had gone according to plan and Duo was pleased to see her egg and his sperm that had been united in a Petra dish earlier and were now being injected straight into the womb. He had not let go of her hand at anytime and watched on as doctor Baine went about his work. Duo's eyes drifted to ultra sound view of her womb on the TV screen. He saw the needle poking and prodding around until Baine was satisfied with the positioning of the needle and injected there soon to be child into Hilde's body.

At last the procedure was complete. Well that half was anyway. Hilde had a long tiring journey ahead of them, both willing to give it all they had to make it work.


Hilde was now three months pregnant and relieved that the IVF was working for them. And for that she was very grateful. Today Duo and herself were going back to the hospital for an annual monthly check up and an ultrasound to see if their baby was to be a boy of a girl.

All turned out that it ended up being a boy AND a girl. "TWINS, Oh Duo this is so exciting. I love you." Hilde purred and kissed Duo as they made their way back to the car. "I love you to Hilde, I always will love you and our little ones." Duo replied.


In the passing months Hilde was filling out as it became apparent that for sure she was carrying twins. "So have you decided on names for them?" Catherine chirped from across the diner table. "Well Hilde and I decided on Pricilla and Christopher would fit just nicely." Duo blurted out proudly.

"And when are you due Hilde." Asked Relena. "I would say, Hehe… Any day now."

"Don't speak too soon." Heero contradicted.

The dinner was being held at Quatre's mansion in honour of Quatre and Catherine's engagement. The whole gang was there from Wufei and Sally, Heero and Relena, Trowa and his fiancée Crystal, Noin and Milliardo, Une and a few others mostly Quatre's sisters. All had been going well until Hilde began feeling a little akward and found that she could no longer eat her food. As she began to sit up a sharp pain hit her through out her body as she felt a watery like substance trickle down her leg. "Oh no."

Duo turned his head and saw Hilde squint her face and instantly was by her side and holding her steady. "HILDE? Baby?" She began breathing rather heavily and the others all rushed to Hilde's aid. Hilde, although knowing that she was now in labour knew that there was no real need for the horde of them to be fussing so over her.

"It's alright guys, calm your selves, I'm fine see." "Now Duo, help me to the car. Catherine, call the hospital and ask for a Dr. Baine."

About half an hour later Hilde and Duo had arrived at the hospital and the nurses were already there waiting for them. Also Heero, Relena, Catherin, Quatre, Trowa, Crystal, Wufei and Sally came along of course in Quatre's mini van and waited in the waiting room. Hilde was in her room with Duo holding her hand the whole time as another contraction set in and felt as though her insides were being ripped out with a red hot poker.

"Aaaahh Fuckin hell Duo this fucking hurts." She whimpers having a death grip on Duo's hand. "Hilde, babe. It'll be ok, I'm here I'm not leaving you for a second."

"You better not!" She yelled as the contraction began to subside.

It had been about six hours now and the whole gang in the waiting room were almost fast asleep except Heero and Quatre who were wide-awake. Quatre, only cause with his empathic abilities he could sense the immense amount of pain coming from Hilde. Heero, because he hardly slept at all being a soldier and trained assassin, but also decided to keep Quatre company. Heero glanced across at Wufei and Sally snuggling up to each other, which were a very rare occurrence, especially between those to. The couple that ninety nine percent of the time would be sputtering insults at each other. His thoughts were cut off as he heard an ear piercing scream and a range of curses been yelled from down the hall. No drought that was Hilde.

"DUO, YOU ARE DEAD YOU HEAR ME, D.E.A.D DEAD." Hilde yelled at Duo as she tried desperately to push with all the strength she could muster. "That's it Hilde keep pushing you doing fine, here comes the first one. Keep pushing we're almost there." Came Dr. Baine's encouragement as Hilde pushed with all her might and slumped back as the first of the twins came from her body and was cut loose hearing the screeching cry she took in deep breaths in preparation for the next hell raiser to come.

"Congratulations, It seems like its ladies first." The doctor laughed and handed the girl to one of the nurses to clean up.

"Hilde, you ok babe? Please tell me you still don't want me dead." Duo pleaded while laying his head on top of her head and holding tightly smoothing little kisses across her forehead. "No Duo, I don't want you dead. I didn't mean to yell like that it was just that it…" "Ahhhhhhhhh … FUCK."

"Hold on to my hand Hilde, squeeze my hand." Duo beckoned, as he knew that his son was now on the way. This time the birth had gone much easier being as she was still opened enough from the previous birth, but still killed.

"One more push Hilde, one more." "OH SHUT UP YOU QUACK-POT." She bellowed as she pushed one more time and fell back onto the bed. Along with Duo, hugging her closely and whispering sweet nothings and kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

Both new born were cleaned up and handed to Hilde as she had now regained her breathing to its normal pace and held both infants in her arms. "Oh Duo. We're parents. I love you." Hilde gasped as Duo lent in and kissed her soundly. "I love you too Hilde. I'll always love you."

"Have you picked names?" Baine was busy washing his hands and taking off his mask. "Yes, their names will be Christopher Jonathan and Pricilla Anne Maxwell." Duo and Hilde said simultaneously to the good doctor. "Hilde, babe. Is it alright if I take our two little ones to the guys out side?" Hilde smiled and placed both infants into Duo's arms. "Show off." She laughed weakly.

"You should get some rest Mrs. Maxwell. Sleep all you want now, thankful it's now all over." The nurse said as she left after Dr. Baine. "Sure, ok."

"Hey guys." Duo chirped. "Would like you to meet Christopher Jonathan and Pricilla Anne."

"OH DUO, their so cute."

"Duo you dog." Unbelievably that was Trowa's remark.

"Who would have thought the God of Death to be a father, well done baka." Heero joked, as the rest of the group continued to comment on the spawn of Shinigami.

"Have your features Duo. I think we'll have to keep the Maxwell's under surveillance from now on, right Heero?" Relena suggested. "Hn."

"Oh great, so does this make us all uncles and aunties for these two now." Wufei groaned and received a hit on the back of the head for being so rude. "Onna, what was that for?" "For being a grumble bum that's why. What all the sudden too WEAK to take on the job Wufei." Sally retorted. "Hn, not weak and you know it."

"GOOD, because you'll be in the same position as Duo is in now in about eight months time." Sally grinned.

"Onna! You mean…" Wufei began to go weak at the knees. "Yes you baka, we're going to have a baby. And if you're man enough you will stick by it." Suddenly at that Wufei fainted with a slight nosebleed. Sally laughed hysterically holding the pit of her stomach as she tried desperately to keep quiet remembering she was in a hospital as the others began to giggle madly them selves.

Duo returned back to his Hilde and found her just drifting off to sleep, but her eyes sprang open as he walked back in with their children and laid them in the two cribs beside the bed. "We'll get through this Hilde. I know we will make excellent parents. But…" He bent down and kissed her on the lips. "… I'm glade you now got what you always wanted and so am I." He kissed her again. " I know Duo, I promise to be a good mother." She yawned and before anything else was said she was fast asleep out of exhaustion.

"Sleep tight Hilde." He murmured softly and pulled the chair up to the edge of the bed, sat and laid his head down on the mattress with his hand still in Hilde's fingers entwined. Together sleeping the rest of the night away relieved that the hard part of their life journey was finally complete.


Okkies… well TBC? I dunno, you tell me! Depends on the reviews… I hope that this is worthy of some reviews… ^_^. Till next time pplz!