Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Medieval Mischief ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's Note: I was in the mood to write a lemon. I couldn't get it out of my head. I hope you guys like it. My muses and I worked really hard on this. Though if you asked them they'd probably deny it.

Warning: This is yaoi. Yes, I said yaoi. PWP but when you think about it there is sort of a plot, but not really. . .It's also AU and like all my stories I fear they'll be OOCness. I find it fun when they act not like themselves but not too much not like themselves where it's weird. This just happens to be my first threesome, so it really won't be all that great. And there are some certain action that I haven't yet written before this. O.o' Yes well read on.

Quatre looked up from his knelt position in front of his father who was at the moment looking down at him. He had already decreed that he was now a knight and that as such he was a man. However, that wasn't where it ended. Now he was required to prove his masculinity. He was to go looking for death and danger and come back home alive and with the scars to prove his struggles. His stomach sank at the thought that he would most likely not survive whatever task his father set out for him.

"The task I have chosen for you, my son, is one bestowed upon only the best of knights.", the king began, his face set in a stern frown, "So it is with great hesitation that I give this mission to you."

"Your will is my command, my king.", Quatre responded respectfully, "I will accept whatever task you set before me with honor and pride."

"Then rise, my son, and accept this sword."

Quatre did as was told, his shaky hands reaching out to accept the sheathed weapon his father held out for him. He looked down to it with awe, recognizing it as his father's own blade. It was being passed on to him, his father was hoping he would use this sword to battle with; to win. He lifted aquamarine eyes to his sire, the man giving him a sad but proud smile.

"Prince Quatre.", the king began, "Your task is to slay the villainous dragon of the Eastern lands."

At the words Quatre's stomach sank, onlookers gasping in shock and his mother beginning to bawl at the news. The dragon of the East? No one survived the dragon of the East. He looked to his father with scared and pleading eyes, but the man's face was set in a stern frown. That was his decision and he would not be swayed.

"Your Majesty.", an advisor began, coming to his aid, "The dragon of the East is ruthless. No warrior has survived him. Not even the great warrior who named himself Death. He was mercilessly ruined. The same will befall your only son."

"My word is final!", the king exclaimed, the court falling silent, "Quatre will leave in an hour's time for the East. He will challenge the dragon and he will win."


"I have said all that I wish to say.", the king interrupted before the advisor could begin again, "The court is dismissed. Quatre shall prepare for his departure."

Quatre, still shocked beyond all else, stood in his place. Lax hands barely held on to the heavy weapon and he watched as his now hysterical mother was dragged from the room. She was begging for her son to be spared, to not be sacrificed so willingly to the monster. His father merely ignored her, turning away and leaving the throne room without a second glance at his son.

The blond prince soon followed, slowly exiting the room, his face still blank and body moving of its own accord. Perhaps his mother was right and he was nothing more than a sacrifice to soothe the beast. There was only one way that he was going to find out.


Perched atop his horse, Quatre looked down at his mother, who was still sniffling as she gripped her son's hand, touching it to her lips in a parting kiss. This was the last that she would ever see of him, the last time she would get to hold him, for now he was being sent to his death. She was gently dragged away, Quatre's eyes traveling to his silent father, who only averted his gaze from the prince. He couldn't bear to look at him, knowing that he was sending his only son and heir to unavoidable doom. There was nothing he could do. His son's masculinity had been questioned, he was the subject of many a cruel joke and the king would have it no longer. He would prove his son to be the man he truly was. That he was not one of those shameful men. . . he let his mind stray. He did not want to think on it.

With his wife cradled against him, he looked to the knights who stood by the large gates of the surrounding castle walls. His nod was their signal to open it and the doors parted, greeting them with the winding pathway that led toward the dark forest that would be his son's shelter for the night during his travel. The sun would be setting soon. Quatre would have only an hour's riding at best, he would need to make camp before it grew too dark.

"Go now my son.", he said, his voice strained and weary, "Go before it is too late. Slay the dragon and return to me."

Quatre fought back the tears that were stinging his eyes, as he looked at his parents. His father had yet to look at him and he turned away then, not wanting to linger on the man any longer. He was being sent to his death, all because word had reached his father's ears of what he was. The king was ashamed and now. . .now he was sending his own son to danger to prove himself a real man. Yet, Quatre knew that his father didn't want him to return. Even though it was paining him to send his only son and heir away, he knew that Quatre's death would lift the heaviness of shame from his father's mind.

So to please his king Quatre would leave, he would go and fight the dragon, though he had every chance to just run away and never look back. No, he would not be a coward and give more timber for those that questioned him to use against him. He was honor bound to fulfill the task set before him. With his head held high, Quatre looked out over the horizon at the journey that lay before him. It was time that he get going.

"I will meet this dragon of the East as you wish, father.", he said in parting, his voice hiding his hurt, "However, I will not return."

He turned then, finally meeting the king's gaze, the man unable to turn away.

"But this you already knew."
The man's breath hitched and Quatre turned away at the sign of his father hanging his head in shame. With a slight kick to his horse's side, Quatre was off, his mother wailing her goodbyes. Not once did he look back, not wanting to be tempted to turn back and hide within the safety of those walls. His life, what remained of it, was now ahead of him.


The campfire was set and his horse had been fed. Not hungry, Quatre merely sat on a fallen log, his eyes staring into the dancing flames of the campfire. His horse trilled lightly and he looked to it with a gentle smile. He was glad for its quiet company, it distracted him from thinking of what was bound to come. He had been traveling way past sunset until he was too tired to go on. From his guess he would reach the dragon's keep by sunset tomorrow. He would stop in a nearby town in the afternoon and sell the horse, knowing he would have no need for the creature when he met with the dragon. He would take the rest of the way by foot.

The shuffling of a nearby bush caught his attention and he looked in its direction, trying his best to peer into the darkness. It most likely was a raccoon or other nocturnal animal that was curious, drawn by the presence of the fire. That or someone else was wandering the forest, also drawn by the fire and possibility that Quatre would welcome them. The leaves of the tree above him began to stir and he looked up, eyes searching for whatever animal was moving about. He could find nothing there however, and his attention was drawn back to his horse who now fidgeted uneasily.

Perhaps there was a wolf nearby? That was reasonable for the creature hiding in the bushes but what of the one hidden in the tree? Quatre's hand rested on the hilt of his sword as his body tensed and readied for battle. He had never actually had to fight before. Practices with his teacher were all he had experienced. He was aware of the shuffling that was now behind him, almost silent footsteps creeping closer. When the intruder was close enough to be a threat, his sword was drawn and in an instant he was staring into colbat eyes, his sword ready to slice open the column of the stranger's neck.

The boy, now pressed against the tree, looked at Quatre in slight shock. His face was fitted with the faintest of smiles and his breathing was heavy as he had become excited by the concept that he had been caught. Quatre would have questioned, but the feeling of a crude stone blade resting against his own throat paused him. Behind him his second intruder had taken hold of him, a knife threatening to end Quatre's life if the prince chose to bring any harm to his captive. With no other choice, he released the chocolate-haired boy, sheathing his sword as slowly as possible.

Whoever was behind him pressed closer to him, the blond feeling lips brush against his ear, the knife pressing threateningly into his throat. His heart was racing now, unsure if he was excited or scared. The former of the two confused him. Why would this excite him?

"Who are you?", the voice began, Quatre shivering at the husky timber, "Who gave you permission to enter my domain?"

Quatre risked turning his head to look up into his captor's eye, mesmerized by the jade orb that reflected the flames of the campfire. The oddly shaped bang covered the second eye but Quatre could guess it was just as green as its twin. He licked suddenly dry lips, his body trembling at the contact of the firm body pressed against his.

"I am Quatre.", he announced, authority riddling his voice, "Crown Prince of Devonshire. These are my lands, I travel through them freely."

The older boy merely chuckled, Quatre feeling it rumble through the chest that was pressed against his back. He couldn't quite figure what was so funny. These lands belonged to his father and therefore belonged to him. Who did this boy think he was to lay claim to territory he didn't own?

"You may believe these lands yours, Human Prince.", the boy began, tracing the knife along the column of Quatre's neck teasingly, "But this particular part of the forest is mine and you have the misfortune of trespassing."

An arm that was wrapped around his chest in a restraining manner loosened to wrap around Quatre's waist, nimble fingers tracing the belt of Quatre's trousers. His captive's nose nuzzled his ear, before lips brushed against it, followed by teeth gently teasing. Quatre melted at the feeling, his eyes falling closed in bliss.
"Is my seduction to be my punishment?", Quatre gasped as his captor gently thrust against him.

"Who says you are being punished just yet?", a second voice put in, Quatre shivering as a second body pressed against him.

He gasped as lips pressed against his throat, his head falling back to allow them to easily ravage him. Teeth gently scraped against the sensitive skin, a small groan escaping the prince's throat at the feeling. This behavior was what his father was ashamed of, was what his father had suspected of him. Quatre couldn't help himself, although he had been sent to his death for this particular liking of his. He might as well enjoy himself before he met his death.

"Where are you traveling to, Human Prince?", the taller of the two strangers asked.

The chocolate-haired boy was far too busy letting his mouth taste every inch of skin that was available to him, his fingers already working on revealing more as they tugged at the strings of Quatre's tunic. Gathering his senses, Quatre opened his eyes to watch up at the taller boy, who had long lowered his weapon. His hands were now busy roaming Quatre's body over his clothes.

"I am traveling East.", Quatre gasped, his chest having been exposed to the cool night air, "I go in search of the dragon there."

He was shocked to find that the warmth was gone, the empty cold air now caressing his skin instead of the hands of his visitors. He looked around at the now empty camp, his brows furrowed in confusion. He knew that they had been there, he hadn't imagined them.

"He is traveling to his end."

The voice came from above him, and Quatre looked up to find the chocolate-haired boy cowering in the tree, wide and frightened eyes staring down at him.

"Death has marked him and he goes willingly to him."

Quatre stepped toward the tree he took refuge in and the boy climbed higher, scrambling to stay as far away as possible. He was soon next to the banged boy, who took the smaller one in his arms in a protective manner. Green eyes stared down at Quatre, his face devoid of any expression.

"You foolishly go in search of the dragon?", the boy asked him, Quatre nodding, "Then you wish yourself an early death?"
"I wish to slay the dragon."

The green-eyed boy began to laugh, Quatre frowning at the mocking gesture. He saw nothing funny about what he set out to do. The laughter died slowly, the mysterious boy looking down to Quatre in amusement.

"You are not the first to go searching for him.", he told Quatre, the blond prince eagerly listening, "I have seen many pass through this forest, claiming that he would be the one to slay the beast. All did reach his lair and entered with sword held high, but none emerged victorious or whole for that matter."

He chuckled then, watching in amusement as Quatre's face paled at his words. The prince shook it off, aquamarine eyes looking up defiantly. He would not let his course be swayed by this.....whatever this creature was.

"I will not fail.", he merely retorted, turning away from the two perched in the tree.

He took hold of himself, trying his best to calm his body down. He was still hot and bothered from the brief contact with those two. He ignored the two that were now mockingly laughing at him, tending to the fire that was threatening to die. He heard them move and was astounded to find them now standing on the low branch of another tree that was in front of him.

"Heero and I remember the last human that passed this way.", the banged one began, "He claimed that he wouldn't fail either."
Heero merely nodded, his eyes watching Quatre in mutual interest. As scared as he was by the fact that the human was cursed, he was still attracted. He had a thing for humans as it was.

"Didn't he call himself Death, Trowa?", Heero asked, looking up to his companion, "Said that he was bound to win the battle for that same reason."

"I do remember that.", Trowa agreed, his arm wrapping around Heero, "Too bad he was wrong."

Quatre had tried his best not to listen, but had found himself engrossed in their words. They had come across the great warrior himself? The one that they talked of as a legend? The knight he had only once looked upon four years ago as he left the kingdom in search of glory. His interest was peaked and he looked away from the fire to the two, who seemed to have returned to their earlier activities without the prince. Trowa now sat with his back against the tree, Heero seated in his lap quite comfortably. The two were lip-locked, unaware that Quatre was looking in their direction. Or so it seemed, but Trowa's eyes were soon looking in his direction, the playful gleam informing Quatre that the blond's attention was sought after.

"What happened to him?", Quatre questioned, trying his best not to focus on the two that were now writhing against each other.

Their positions had shifted, Heero laying atop the branch on his back with the banged-boy straddling him, his mouth working over a bare chest in a hungry manner. It was only then did Quatre realize that the two were bare, devoid of any clothing and he had to wonder; had they always been? Heero's muffled cry of pleasure brought his attention back to the two. Trowa's mouth was now latched onto a dusky nipple, ruthlessly teasing with teeth and tongue. One of Heero's hands was buried in auburn locks as the smaller boy bit down on his knuckles of his other to muffle his cries. It was then Quatre began to wonder if he would ever gain an answer to his question.

"Your warrior of legend met his end that day.", Trowa provided, pulling away from Heero for the moment.

The colbat-eyed boy protested weakly, hands reaching up to pull Trowa back down. But the banged creature wasn't to be swayed, his green eyes focused on Quatre with an intensity that made the blond prince shiver unwillingly. He was begin to think these two forest dwellers were devils, unwillingly leading him to them so as to wreak his end upon him before he could face the dragon.

"We watched him enter the cave.", Heero began, rising to pull himself closer to the creature that was obviously his lover, "Trowa and I stood a safe distance, listening to what was going on. At first there was silence, but soon there were screams."

"And then the dragon gave a terrible roar.", Trowa finished for his lover, his arms wrapping around Heero, "And silence followed once again. Your warrior had perished. He didn't stand a chance and neither will you."

Quatre ignored Trowa's ominous words and Heero's laughter, turning away from the two. He would not allow himself to fall tomorrow. He would succeed where many had failed, he would be sure of it. The unmistakable sounds that were soon coming from the tree pulled Quatre's attention to the two once again, his eyes widening at the sight of Heero once again seated in Trowa's lap. Though now he eagerly bounced in the taller boy's lap, head thrown back in pleasure as he rode Trowa's shaft. The green-eyed boy murmured words of encouragement, those lecherous eyes locking onto Quatre, tempting the prince to climb the tree and join them. He turned away quickly, blush reddening his cheeks as he did so. He was amazed how they were able to do that in a tree. Lots of practice he figured as he took to readying his bed roll. Lots and lots of practice.

With his bedroll spread and ready, Quatre buried himself within it. The two were loud he realized, Heero eagerly panting and crying out as Trowa coaxed those cries with words that sent a warmth throughout Quatre's body, which quickly nestled itself in his loins. He would have to ignore it, as much as he wished the two would climb down and include him in their play. His horse trilled in what seemed to be annoyance at the noise and Quatre couldn't help but chuckle. Well at least he wasn't the only one suffering. He let his eyes close in an attempt to go to sleep, though he doubted he'd be getting any tonight, those two were bound to keep him up.


In the morning Quatre was roused by the sounds of Trowa and Heero's coupling. He was shocked that he had fallen asleep at all, those two didn't seem to want to stop. When he was packed and ready, he mounted his horse and was off in the direction of the nearest village. His horse was sold, along with many of the packs he had been seen off with. When he left the town, the only thing he was burdened with was the sword his father had gifted him and a small coin purse that hung from his belt. He was aware that he was being followed and when he glanced over his shoulder, he was greeted by the sight of Trowa and Heero. The two woodland creatures had found him amusing and were now willing to see how he would fare against the great dragon of the East.

It was now late afternoon, and he was drawing closer to the dragon's lair. When he looked over the horizon he could see the mountain where the beast took refuge. He was growing restless and nervous at the same time. With every step he took, he felt the urge to meet his foe grow stronger. What he could do without was the audience that decided to tag along with him. Trowa and Heero were becoming pests. They were also a distraction. With every rest he took, the two saw it as an opportunity for a quick romp. The evil bastards would make sure to do it in Quatre's line of sight, lust filled eyes intently locking with his. He ignored their teasing. He had almost fallen into whatever trap they were laying when they had first encountered, now he was fighting to ignore his body's responses to their presence.

A load roar echoing in the distance stopped him in his tracks, wide eyes looking to the skies. The large shape that was heading toward them had to be the dragon and Quatre looked around to find that he was alone. Trowa and Heero had already taken to hiding themselves. Taking their example, Quatre quickly huddled within the surrounding brush, peeking out to watch as the dragon soared overhead. It was huge, its wings spanning out as it flew to shadow the ground when it passed. Hesitation gripped his heart for the moment. How was he supposed to fight a beast that large? It would be impossible.

"Having second thoughts?"

Trowa's voice pulled him to look beside him, the woodland creature smiling at him mischievously. Heero was right beside the banged older boy, arms wrapped tightly around him in a search for comfort. He was most definitely frightened by the sudden appearance of the dragon and Quatre took comfort in knowing that he wasn't the only one. The dragon roared again, this time the sound loud enough to make the earth tremble. Three set of eyes were looking to the sky, watching as the monster flew back toward its lair. It was now or never, he had seen his enemy so he had some idea of what he was going up against. Quatre pulled himself free of the brush, dusting himself off and tightening the scabbard of his sword to his belt. He heard Trowa and Heero follow his example, the two coming out of hiding as the coast was now clear. He set off again, this time his pace quickened as he was now eager to get this meeting over with.

"You still go?", Trowa asked him, hesitating to follow "Even after the beast revealed itself?"

He wasn't sure if following this cursed human was worth it. After all the beast could just as easily kill him. Trowa happened to value his life. There was no honor in dying in unnecessary battle; it was plain stupidity. Why couldn't these damned humans see that? Quatre was leaving without him and Heero, intent on reaching his final destination as soon as possible. Heero, still attached to his lover turned to look up at Trowa with a questioning gaze.

"Do you think he'd even last one minute?"

Trowa snorted, allowing an arm to wrap loosely around his lover's waist as green eyes continued to watch the Human Prince leave.

"I don't even think he'll make it inside of the cave."

----------------------------------------------------------- -------

Quatre stumbled over the large rocks that adorned the outside of the dragon's lair. He had made it sooner than he thought. The sun was still in the sky, with an hour left before sunset. He would have enough light to see with inside of the cave, so long as the dragon wasn't too deep within. He stopped just before the gaping mouth, looking into the darkness as if expecting the dragon to emerge at his presence. However, nothing happened. He was met only with the howling of the wind blowing throughout the cavernous realm. Perhaps the dragon was sleeping?

There was only one way to find out and Quatre was sure that if the beast was in fact resting, he'd have an advantage. Slowly and quietly drawing his sword, Quatre took a deep breath before he was walking into the cave. His blue eyes searched about the semi-darkness as he entered, finding nothing but rock that both reached for the ceiling and floor of the cave. He was paying much too much attention to the formation of the rocks, so it was to no surprise that he stumbled, falling to the floor. He landed atop something fragile, which instantly cracked under his weight. When he lifted a piece of the broken matter, he gave a shout of disgust as he threw it as far from him as he was able to. He looked down to be greeted with the permanent grin of a skull, scrambling to get away from the macabre decoration that littered the cave floor.

This was a terrible mistake, for all he knew he could easily have his bones join the hundreds (or so it seemed as he looked around) that were already here. He stood at the familiar sound of snapping bones, having already heard it himself. However, it was accompanied by a low rumbling growl, that vibrated throughout the rocks. The dragon was closer than he thought. The rush of warm air that came from behind him caused him to stiffen, a nervous sweat instantly breaking out over his skin. The rush of air came again and Quatre could only figure that it was breath. He didn't need to turn around to know that the dragon was behind him and his body began to tremble at the discovery that it was in danger. He had the choice of fight or flight. The load roar caused Quatre to choose the latter, rushing off deeper into the dark security of the cave.

He knew he was being followed, the creature roaring behind him, rocks crashing to the floor as it brushed against them. He heard the creature take a deep breath and instinct told him to duck behind a stalagmite that was the width of a thick tree trunk. Just as he had found shelter behind it, fire rushed forward on both sides of him, causing him to cry out unwillingly in surprise. Fire. He had forgotten that dragons could breath fire. The cave floor trembled, signaling that the monster's was drawing closer and Quatre decided it was best to leave. He ran from his hiding place, barely escaping the claws that swung for him as he jumped over a large crack in the cave floor. If he hadn't seen it he would have most likely fallen to his end, it looked as if it went down pretty far. He had no time to study it any further, the dragon was still after him. For the moment it stood still, reptilian eyes studying its targeted prey for the moment. Quatre did the same, allowing himself the small pause to watch the dragon in awe. It was beautiful creature as much as it was a horror. Even in the gray dimness of the cave, scales glittered with the barest movements the creature made. It was a shame his father had sent him to kill this dragon. Then again, Quatre was sure that the dragon would emerge the victor.

Without warning the creature sprang forward, mouth yawning open to grab the human in front of it in its jaws. Quatre, though caught unawares, was quick enough. He maneuvered out of the way just in time and years of training allowed him to swing his sword. The blade connected with the creatures muzzle, sparks flying as the metal scraped against impenetrable scales. Pulling away as the creature screeched in discomfort, Quatre watched in wide-eyed in disbelief. How in the hell was he to kill a creature whose hide couldn't be pierced by a blade? He was unable to avoid the tail that snapped in his direction and he grunted in pain as he was hit, his body sailing across the cave to slam into a wall. He crumbled to the floor, his body screaming in pain, breath shortened from the blow. His vision had blurred, having hit his head and at the sound of the creature approaching he looked up to find only a dark blob coming in his direction. He laughed to himself, though it was mixed with a sob.

"I guess I'm not a man after all.", he murmured, another dry laugh escaping his throat, "My death will lift your shame, father. You've gotten what you wished for."

He was unable to stay awake any longer and he let his eyes fall close, succumbing to the darkness that pulled at him. The figure that approached him looked down at the limp body, eyes watching curiously. It had heard the human speak the words and he pondered them. Gently the blond-haired boy was lifted, before he was taken even further into the caverns of the dragon's keep.


The sound of dripping water drew Quatre from his dreamless sleep, aquamarine eyes opening to be greeted with the sight of the glittering roof of the cave. There was light here he realized, his eyes admiring the way the rock entranced him. Something shifted nearby and he was drawn to look beside him, where he could see a bowl filled with water resting on a wooden table. That was when he noticed that he was resting on a bed, buried under a layer of comfortable blankets and furs. He let his eyes travel the expansion of his surroundings. He recognized furniture and his eyebrows raised in wonder. Where was he? There was a fireplace carved into the cave wall, which was currently hosting a fire. Said fire had been given the task of warming a large pot, the contents inside gently bubbling. It was then he caught scent of stew and his stomach growled. The last he had eaten was at the village just before he was on his way to meet the dragon.

The dragon.....he had fought the dragon and survived? He went to sit up, but found his head spinning, causing him to lie back again in hopes that it would stop.

"You shouldn't try to sit up just yet.", a voice said from the other side of him, "You hit your head pretty hard."

His head turned to find the owner of the voice, eyes resting on a figure that sat comfortably on a stuffed chair, his feet propped on an ottoman. His face was buried in a book, hiding it from the young knight. Quatre watched as he continued with his reading, unsure of what to say. He was ready to ask questions. Such as who was this man and why did he take residence in a cave where a dangerous dragon dwelled? Was he the dragon's keeper? Had he saved him from becoming the dragon's next meal? He went to sit up again and the man lowered the book, Quatre gasping. This man was beautiful. Almond-shaped eyes looked in his direction, the onyx orbs familiar to him. He was dressed in white trousers, his blue tunic sleeveless with the neck untied, his hair fell about his face framing it in a way to accentuate his features. He stood then, resting his book down on the arm of the chair and made his way to the bed. Gentle hands pushed Quatre back to lie on the mattress, the prince willingly complying with the silent command.

"You need to rest.", the man informed him, circling the bed to then sit on the opposite side, "Like I said earlier, you hit your head. You might have a concussion."

His hand dipped into the bowl of water, pulling out a cloth and wringing it before it was folded and rested atop Quatre's forehead. The blond knight was speechless, able only to look up at the man who had saved him from his death.

"Thank you.", he muttered with much effort, the man frowning.

"What for?", he asked, arms crossing as he stood from the bed.

"For saving me. I would have surely died if you hadn't come across me. You must be a true warrior to have slain the dragon."

"Who says I've slain the dragon?", the stranger asked with an amused smile.

Quatre frowned in confusion, not quite sure what the man meant.

"You have to had slain it.", he explained, "How else would you have been able to save me?"

The man opened his mouth to speak, but the two were interrupted by the sound of a new voice.

"Wufei, I'm back. Whatever you're cooking smells great and I'm as hungry as. . ."

The words faded and Quatre looked in the direction of where the voice came from, his eyes resting on the figure of another man. He was dressed in black leather trousers and a black vest, his creamy chest exposed. The blond couldn't help but study it further, admiring the visible muscled chest and well toned stomach. He was also aware of the rope of braided hair that fell over his right shoulder and the dead animal slung over his left. The man was simply beautiful from head to toe.

"I didn't know we were expecting company.", the man began, his violet eyes studying the boy on the bed.

It was only then Quatre's eyes traveled to the heart-shaped face. This man was as handsome as his savior and Quatre had to wonder if he had truly died and gone to heaven. Wufei, as the newcomer had called him, left Quatre's side to move closer to the braided man. He quickly divested the man of the game thrown over his left shoulder, smiling in appreciation at the size of the catch.

"Today your hunting went well I see.", Wufei offered with a smile.

His words brought the braided man's attention, who grinned in appreciation at the praise. His arm reached out to take hold of the ebony-haired man and pulled him closer, lips resting against his in a short kiss, both a greeting and a thank you.

"I knew it would please you if I did not come back empty handed."

"Duo, please, we have company."

Duo looked to the bed with a sigh of exasperation. Yes, yes, he had nearly forgotten. He left Wufei's side after stealing another kiss from his lover before he was moving in Quatre's direction. The boy was watching him with wide eyes. Though he wasn't frightened, he most likely shocked by his display of affection. He was aware that in these lands, two men as lovers was not sociably accepted. He sat on the bed, his hand reaching out to remove the compress and dip it into the bowl again.

"So, you came in search of the dragon did you not?"

His question caught Quatre off guard and the boy merely nodded,quickly regretting that decision as his head began to throb. The compress was gently pressed against his forehead and the braided man smiled down at him.

"And you met in battle with said dragon, am I right?"

Quatre went to nod again but thought against it. His throbbing head a reminder of the consequences of that particular movement.

"Yes.", was his simple answer and the man chuckled.

Of course the two had met in battle. The dragon was very territorial; so he had learned the hard way. He looked to his dark-haired companion who busied himself with stirring the pot hanging over the fire place.

"Why do you suppose the dragon took mercy on this brave young warrior?", Duo asked, Wufei stiffening at the question.

Onyx eyes rose to look at his lover, before his shoulders shrugged and he returned his attention to the simmering stew.

"Perhaps the dragon had the faintest hint that this brave young warrior had been sent against his will.", he answered truthfully, Quatre pausing at the words.

Onyx eyes lifted again, this time locking with blue-green, Quatre having the feeling that Wufei knew exactly why the dragon had spared him.

"Perhaps said dragon took pity on a young boy sent to prove his masculinity or fail in the process, therefore ridding his family of the shame he would bring about with his failure."

"Ah yes.", Duo began, looking back to the blond boy, "You must be from the wonderful kingdom of Devonshire."

Quatre, forgetting the pain it caused, nodded again and hated himself for doing so. His head was pounding once again.

"How did you know?", he asked curiously.

Duo scoffed, rising from the bed once the compress was replaced on Quatre's forehead. He moved back to where Wufei was still fussing with the pot, seating himself at the small table and leaning back into the chair.

"Believe it or not, I'm from Devonshire. Dreadful place for someone such as myself. So many men trying to prove themselves as such and those uninterested in bedding a woman or fighting unnecessarily sent off to their doom."

Quatre's cheeks burned at the words, turning away from Duo's prying eyes. He felt the weight of a second gaze on him and he didn't have to look up to know Wufei was now watching him as well. So Duo was from Devonshire and had shared the same fate as Quatre. How then did he survive the dragon?

"Your face looks familiar.", the braided man stated, Quatre finally looking up, "Too familiar, as if I'd laid eyes on you before."

Having lived in Devonshire Duo most likely had. Quatre was the prince after all and if the way Duo carried himself meant he was a knight or had been, then he most definitely had laid eyes on Quatre.

"What is your name, young master?", Duo inquired his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Quatre.", the blond answered hesitantly.

"The Crown Prince?"

That was Wufei's question and Quatre was shocked that the man even knew who he was. These parts answered to a different king and cared nothing for the West at all.

"You were still a boy when I left.", Duo continued, a smile now gracing his lips, "I remember seeing you on the castle steps, watching me as I was seen off. You looked as if you wanted to follow me."

Quatre's frowned at Duo's words. He had watched him leave? When? The only knight he had ever watched disappear into the distance was....his eyes widened then in recognition.

"You're the one who calls himself Death.", he murmured in awe, rising slowly to a sitting position, "You set out to kill the dragon of your own free will."

"No, people believe that I went of my own free will. I was sent away by your father.", Duo corrected, his tone sour.


"Why else?", Duo snapped, his anger not meant to be directed at the prince.

He mumbled his apology, turning away to stare blankly into space. Wufei, who had been serving their supper, rested a bowl in front of his lover before he made his way to the bed. He held out another bowl for Quatre, the boy silently refusing. He was no longer hungry, his stomach having knotted at the truths Duo's question had roused.

"You must gain your strength.", the sloe-eyed man reasoned, seating himself on the bed, "You fought your best against the dragon, but it weakened you."

Quatre's eyes rose then to connect with Wufei's, before he was accepting the bowl handed to him. How had Wufei managed to save him? Where was the dragon now?

"How did we escape it?"

The sound of a chair scraping across the stone floor brought their attention to Duo, who left his supper and was heading in their direction.

"How did you escape the dragon?", his question changed and Duo smiled down at him.
"The dragon took pity on me.", Duo explained, his hand reaching out to stroke at ebony strands.
"But they said-"

"They?", Wufei questioned, an eyebrow raising, "Don't tell me, you came across those two idiots in the forest?"

"Yes, but. . .what are they?"

"Wood nymphs.", Duo offered, his amusement written on his face, "Annoying little buggers aren't they. Lust-filled creatures too. I'm sure they tried their best to persuade you in joining them."

Quatre's blush aroused a laugh from both of his hosts and he took to eating the stew, trying his best to ignore their laughter. He couldn't ignore however the question gnawing at the back of his mind. How had Duo escaped the dragon and why did he decide to take up residence with a mysterious stranger in said dragon's keep? Trowa and Heero had been sure they had heard Duo perish, then again it would seem those two were known or tall tales.

"I'm curious, what exactly did those two tell you?"

He choked on his supper, not expecting the question. In seconds Wufei was beside him, gently patting his back until he had calmed again. He finally looked up to Duo, who had seated himself at the foot of the bed.

"They said they heard you perish."

Duo snorted and Wufei gave a laugh as Quatre flushed. Had the two been pulling his leg? No, they were certain they had heard right.

"Honestly.", he continued, "They said they heard you screaming and then the dragon gave a roar and everything went silent."

It was Duo's turn to laugh then, joining Wufei who only laughed harder at the words. Quatre was confused, what was so funny about Duo's supposed death?

"Dear boy.", Wufei began, trying to stifle his laughter, "As you can tell Duo never perished."

"I told you the dragon took pity on me.", Duo put in.

"More like took an interest in you.", Wufei corrected.

The two shared a heated gaze that Quatre missed, too occupied with the contents of his bowl.

"Well then what were the screams?", the blond prince finally asked.

"Well, I did fight the dragon.", Duo began, standing to walk closer, "The battle just didn't last long. You see I was able to tame the beast."

"Seduce is more the word.", Wufei commented, a shiver traveling down Quatre's spine.

The words had been said uncomfortably close to Quatre's ear. Well he wouldn't say uncomfortably. Wufei's warm breath felt. . .nice.

"Duo entered my lair ready to conquer, however I was able to lead him astray.", Wufei continued, his lips brushing against Quatre's ear, "And to my bed."

The bowl was taken from suddenly lax fingers and Quatre felt himself relax into Wufei who was now suddenly behind him, hands slowly caressing his arms.

"So Heero and Trowa were right to say they heard screams.", Duo told him with a smile, now seating himself onto the bed.

He drew closer to the prince, whose ear was being teased by teeth and tongue, the young man panting with heavy-lidded eyes looking in the braided knight's direction. The prince had grown up quite handsomely if he did say so himself and Duo couldn't help but draw the boy closer so that he could study him more. Quatre gasped at the sudden action, the blankets shifting and falling away from him. As the cold air hit his skin it was only then he noticed that he was naked.

"I'll admit I'm a very vocal lover.", Duo huskily whispered, his lips brushing over Quatre's.

The boy whimpered and Duo smirked as his lover chuckled at the reaction. They had never expected this to happen, but then again they didn't much mind that it was playing out this way. Duo had been the first and was thought to be the last that the dragon would ever spare. Though it would seem he had caught interest in toying with his prey once again.

Quatre was too busy enjoying the sensation of Wufei's hands teasing him and he gasped as Duo's hands joined in, caressing his sides. So any words the two were saying were somewhat lost to him. Something about the nymphs, but Duo's lips brushing against his took the thought away. He desperately wanted to feel those lips pressed against his.

He would have taken the lead and kissed the braided knight, but Wufei's hands left his arm to travel his torso, nimble fingers brushing sensitive nipples. Quatre's head flew back as he released a breathy moan, arching into the man's touch, wordlessly begging for more. Wufei's chuckle caused him to tremble and soon teeth and tongue were teasing the shell of his ear which left Quatre whimpering. Half-lidded eyes looked to where Duo sat watching, violet eyes darkened with lust as he watched his lover tortuously please the golden-haired prince. He could stand it no longer as Wufei's nimble hands were teasing sensitive nipples, the prince crying out and arching into the touches. He was so deliciously tempting and Duo felt want rising in him again. He'd finally get to taste those lips.

Quatre's moan was muffled as Duo pressed his lips to his, locking them in a kiss of pure heat. A determined tongue was soon coaxing his lips to part and Quatre willingly allowed him entrance. Duo's tongue worked it's way in, slowly and teasingly caressing while Quatre eagerly encouraged him. His tongue pushed against Duo's, the muscles heatedly dragging against each other. A whine escaped the younger man's throat as Duo pulled away, laughing in amusement at the boy's wanton behavior. He gently nipped Quatre's bottom lip, the prince pressing forward and catching him in another kiss.

Wufei watched with hungry eyes as the two finally parted, a hand leaving the boy's chest to gently grip him by he chin. He turned Quatre's head then, leaning forward enough so that his own lips could meet with the prince's, the hand still caressing Quatre's body slowly inching it's way down. Quatre cried out as Wufei's hand ghosted over his arousal, his hips lifting to search for the pressure that he wanted. He was denied it as Wufei's hand was pulled away, the dragon looking to his lover for an explanation.

"Not yet.", Duo told him.

He was then plunging into Quatre's mouth again, the boy eagerly wrapping his arms around him. The prince tasted sweet, tasted of chastity, even though Duo was sure that Quatre was anything but chaste. Now kneeling on the bed, he pulled the boy until he was straddling his lap, Quatre gasping at the feeling of his member brushing against the fabric of Duo's clothes. He pulled away from the kiss to whimper as his hips began to gyrate, his head falling back in pure bliss as he teased himself even further. Duo put an end to that, even though he was enjoying the site of Quatre pleasuring himself. His hands firmly took hold of Quatre's hips, stilling his motion and causing the boy to growl in objection. It was replaced with a squeak of surprise as his backside was pinched, the young prince looking over to pout in Wufei's direction.

"Behave yourself.", Wufei told with a smirk.

Wufei pulled his eyes away from the pouting boy, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist that look much longer. His eyes landed on his lover and he was unable to resist him as well. The heat and want in Duo's eyes saw Wufei moving forward, roughly pulling Duo into a kiss that left Quatre gasping. He was now sandwiched between the two, a position that left his cock rubbing tortuously against Duo and his backside able to feel the trapped arousals of his partners. As the two lovers continued to kiss, Quatre shifted so that his arms were free to move, one reaching behind him to fondle Wufei. He smiled in triumph as the man cried out, pressing himself into Quatre's palm as the boy rubbed his arousal through his pants.

With Wufei much too occupied with what the blond prince was doing to him, he was unable to stay lip-locked with his lover. Duo, though a bit saddened to lose those lips, watched on. That is until his eyes fell closed in pleasure as a hand had now strayed inside of his trousers, wrapping his cock in wonderful heat. He thrust his hips into Quatre's hand, wanting to feel more. Quatre was enjoying himself, enjoying the feeling of having these two men fall under his control. It was short lived however and he gasped as the hand that was fondling Wufei was taken hold of and pulled away.

"Damn your hands, Prince.", Wufei spoke, his voice a bit shaky, "They will be the end of me too quickly this night if I am not careful."

His other hand was pulled from Duo as well, the knight wording his objection but being ignored as his dark-eyed lover pulled the small prince from his lap. Quatre was put to sit at the edge of the bed and Wufei stood in front of him, his eyes gazing down in expectation. Quatre stared back, his eyes asking the question that his mouth could not form. Wufei only smiled, his hands taking to slowly removing his pants and Quatre watched in anticipation as inch by inch Wufei's lower half was revealed. He couldn't help but moan as the man's cock sprang free, red and weeping and aching to be touched.

And touch Wufei did. He grasped his staff, gently squeezing it and suppressing a gasp, before beginning to stroke it. Both the prince and his braided knight watched him, Duo pulling himself free of his vest before he was removing himself of his pants. He knew his lover was voyeuristic, loved to be watched as he pleasured himself or was being pleasured by another and it excited Duo to no end. As Duo let his hand wrap around his own member to pleasure himself, Quatre's eyes were glued to Wufei who was now thrusting gently into the sheath of his palm, whimpering with every thrust.

The blond licked his lips as he looked on, wanting nothing more than to kneel in front of the man and taste him. Wufei seemed to anticipate what the young man wanted and he stopped to move forward, smirking down at the blond who was quick to take hold of his hips. Quatre's hand traveled up and under Wufei's shirt, lifting and then removing it to reveal the muscled torso. He smiled up at the exotic man before he was moving his lips to place wet kisses across Wufei's abdomen. The man groaned at the action, his back arching as nimble fingers ran over his chest, taking hold of his nipples to tease them.

Duo, not the least bit bothered that he wasn't part of the action, was having the time of his life watching his lover and the prince. As one hand slowly stroked himself, the other was caressing his chest, occasionally tweaking a nipple and drawing himself closer to the edge. He let his hands fall to his side, not wanting to end this early into their little game. He'd have to watch the arousing and blissfully erotic site without touching himself. His cock was throbbing for attention, but he had to ignore it. It would get what it was looking for soon enough.

Wufei was unable to handle it any longer and he longed to have his length treated with the same attention Quatre's mouth was now giving his chest. Soft lips wrapped gently about a dusky nub, his teeth and tongue teasing Wufei so that the older man was shamelessly begging for more. He pulled away as Wufei pushed against his shoulder, his lust-darkened eyes looking to the man in confusion. Wufei only smiled, his breath coming in small pants as he gently guided Quatre back until the prince was propped on his elbows.

Quatre wasn't so sure what was to happen with him in this position, but it came clear to him when Wufei was soon straddling him, his cock bobbing inches away from Quatre's face. He smiled up at the man and licked his lips, his right hand rising to take hold of Wufei's member by its base.

"Quatre, please.", Wufei groaned, his hips thrusting into the boy's hold.

Quatre let his eyes continue to watch Wufei's expression as his tongue reached out to brush over the flared head, lapping up the beads of moisture that resided there. He moaned as Wufei's face twisted in sheer pleasure, a cry escaping the man's lips. Quatre was urged to continue, aware that Duo was watching and wanting the braided knight to enjoy watching them. As his tongue continued to bathe Wufei's cock, Quatre let his eyes stare to where Duo sat, watching the knight try his best not to touch himself. He wanted Duo to give in, so it was with a final wicked smile that he placed a very long lick and final lick along the length of Wufei's member.

Wufei's loud cry drowned out the sound of Duo's groan as his cock disappeared into Quatre's mouth, the young prince eagerly sucking. As Duo watched his lover being pleasured orally by the young prince, he knew for a fact that chaste was definitely not a word that described the boy. He had had a lover before. Duo's hands took to fisting the sheets of the bed as Quatre's head began to bob, trying his best to fight against relieving himself.

Quatre was enjoying himself, his mouth taking Wufei deeper with each bob of his head. He removed his hand from holding Wufei's member to resting on his hips, gently guiding Wufei as the man was now beginning to thrust with Quatre's movement. Wufei's eyes had now fallen shut, his head leaning back as wet heat surrounded his member, enjoying immensely the feeling of Quatre's lips moving over him. He would have loved to let the boy continue at this pace, slow and teasing but he wanted more.
Quatre was shocked momentarily as Wufe's hands tangled themselves in his hair, feeling as his ebony-haired lover was once again thrusting into his mouth. He moaned at the realization that Wufei wanted to take things into his own hands again and he let his right arm returning to propping himself up. Wufei started at a steady pace, his cock slipping in and out in a controlled manner. However, his resolve was broken as Quatre's tongue began to come into play, the boy suckling Wufei's rod and drawing him deeper until the head of Wufei's cock was touching the back of his throat. Then he swallowed and Wufei was unable to restrain himself, roaring in pleasure at the intense feeling.

The sound of the roar caused Quatre to open his eyes in shock, but he was unable to pull away and question. Wufei's grip had tightened in his hair and soon the man was fucking his mouth for all it was worth. The prince could do nothing else but moan, the sound vibrating against Wufei's cock and tripling his pleasure. Duo was still watching the two and was having a hard time from keeping his hands away from his now purple cock. He needed a distraction, something to keep his mind off of it. Without hesitation he was rising from the bed and was soon standing behind his lovers. He watched from behind as Wufei continued to use Quatre's mouth to bring him to his peak, his eyes lowering to Quatre's own neglected member.

With a smile Duo lowered himself to his knees, grateful for the large rug that the bed was positioned over. He couldn't help himself as one of his hands grasped himself, the other reaching out for Quatre. The boy's hips rose at the touch and Duo smirked to himself, leaning forward to pull the head of Quatre's erection into his mouth. The boy cried out, the sound muffled due to his mouth's occupancy of Wufei's cock, which the man was still thrusting into him. As Duo's hand began to stroke him, Quatre whimpered at the slight suction to the most sensitive area of his staff, his body trembling as Duo's tongue ran repeatedly over the slit.

With much reluctance and much to Quatre's disappointment, Duo pulled away. However, he was now much more intent on readying his young prince. Releasing his cock, Duo's hands took hold of Quatre's legs, lifting them onto the bed so that Quatre's feet were planted on the mattress. Duo gave a sound of appreciation as he pushed the boy's legs wider, revealing the small hidden bud of Quatre's opening. His cock twitched in excitement as he did so, wanting nothing more than to plunge in to the boy's smaller body, but he'd have to wait.

His hands took to cupping Quatre's backside underneath him as he let his mouth return to the boy's member, taking it into his mouth with ease. When the head of it nudged the back of his throat, he couldn't help but swallow and Quatre's hips were rising at the feeling, a muffled groan reaching Duo's ear. He didn't hesitate to start moving and soon his head was bobbing in time with Wufei's thrusts. However, he didn't want to stop there. He had finally gotten the chance to taste the young prince and he wanted to taste every last inch of him. Leaving Quatre's cock thoroughly wet, his tongue quested to the heavy sac of Quatre's balls, lavishing them greedily before pulling one into his mouth.

He winced at the sudden painful grip on his hair, but Duo ignored it, continuing his wet worship as he turned his attention to the slight pucker. He licked the cleft of Quatre's ass, enjoying as the boy shivered at the gesture. He repeated it, aware of Wufei's moan as Quatre whimpered. His hands gently parted the boy's globes before his tongue ran over the boy's rosebud. Wufei groaned in loss as Quatre pulled away from his cock to fling his head back with a cry. Duo's tongue was doing such amazing things to a place he had never felt a tongue before and as much as he wanted to suck Wufei, he was far too distracted.
The dark-haired man understood and let himself watch as Quatre writhed beneath him, his face contorted in bliss. He knew exactly what Quatre was feeling, he had had his lover lavish the same pleasure on him and he enjoyed it immensely. Duo's tongue was flicking back and forth over the now twitching bud and as Quatre could no longer hold himself up, he let one of his hands coax Wufei into moving. The man did just that, taking to going behind Quatre and lifting the boy into a near sitting position so that he could rest against his chest.

"Open your eyes.", he gently urged, as Quatre had closed them, "It's fun to watch."

The prince did as was told, feeling Wufei take hold of him under his knees and position him so that his legs were spread wider as they pressed against his chest. Aquamarine eyes looked down to his braided lover who sent him a wink and Quatre whimpered as he watched his lover pleasure him. His scream was torn from his throat as Duo's tongue pushed against him, not yet penetrating but adding delightful pressure.

"So responsive.", Wufei commented with a smile, one hand rising to play with a rosy nub and gaining the loud moan he was looking for, "And quite vocal."

If Quatre had wanted to say anything he couldn't, it was replaced by an even louder scream as Duo's tongue finally pushed past the tight ring of muscle. He could do nothing but writhe and moan as Duo's tongue stretched him, whimpering as the man's hot appendage mimicked what either his or Wufei's shaft would be doing soon enough. Duo himself was in ecstasy, moaning in appreciation at the mere fact that he was bringing pleasure to the young prince. This is what he had been denied for so long, had always wanted and he was going to take advantage of the opportunity.

"Duo, love.", Wufei's voice called to him, "Don't you think he's ready?"

Duo pulled away from Quatre reluctantly, his eyes focused on his sloe-eyed lover with a grin. Leaning over a now panting and somewhat dazed Quatre, he pressed his lips to Wufei's, their tongues clashing in a passionate kiss. Wufei couldn't help but kiss harder, spurred on by the slight taste of Quatre that lingered in his lover's mouth. They finally pulled away, Duo smiling even wider at his lover.

"Yes, he's ready.", he answered, climbing onto the bed and placing himself beside them, "But what of you, Wufei? I have yet to prepare you."

Wufei's mouth had open to object verbally but he ended up crying out as Duo reached behind him, a single digit entering him. Duo moved his lips closer to his lover's ear, removing his finger so that he could reach under the pillows for a familiar vial. It was filled with oil that he and Wufei used for just these occasions.

"Certainly you didn't believe that we would waste the opportunity to triumph over the dragon, now did you?", Duo questioned, opening the vial and emptying some of the oil in his hand.

His words had been heard by the young prince, who sat up in a hurry, facing the two with wide eyes.

"Dragon?", he asked, looking back and forth between them, "You mean he's the dragon?"

"Yes!", Wufei both cried in pleasure and admitted at the same time.

Duo had returned to pushing his finger deep inside him, the slick digit slowly beginning to move. Wufei was soon begging him for more and he complied. A second finger was quick to follow the first, the dragon whimpering as he was stretched. Quatre didn't let himself be distracted, and he looked to Duo for an explanation. He would not receive one however, for Duo's mouth was too busy suckling and nipping at Wufei's collarbone and chest.

"You've been living here with the dragon all this time?", Quatre continued to interrogate, finding it hard to keep his train of thought.

Wufei, searching for even more penetration from Duo's fingers, had leaned forward on hand and knees. He was currently pushing back onto Duo's hand, making the most delicious sounds to cause Quatre's member to jump in excitement. He heard Duo chuckle and he looked to find the braided knight staring in his direction.

"I'd say he's ready.", Duo told him, beckoning the prince closer.

Quatre move forward, his gasp as Duo pulled him even closer cut short as lips closed over his. He didn't hesitate to part his lips in invitation, allowing Duo's tongue to enter his mouth. Their kiss was interrupted by Wufei's needy whimpers, the dragon's body now slightly trembling as he pushed back against Duo.

Not wanting to prolong Wufei's obvious suffering anymore, Duo pulled his fingers free to pour more oil into his palm. He then positioned Quatre behind the pining dragon, nuzzling the prince's neck affectionately before moving his lips closer to the boy's ear. He gave a wicked smile as Quatre's back arched, the prince crying out from the feeling of Duo's slicked hand taking hold of his length.

"You came here to conquer the dragon, did you not?", he asked him.

Quatre didn't answer him, he was too busy moving his hips with Duo's hand, trying to pick up the pace and get more friction. Duo however would not be swayed and the deliberately slow pace was kept. It wasn't long before Duo was guiding Quatre closer to Wufei, his hand moving the boy's cock so that the head of it teasingly pushed against the slicked entrance.

"Answer my question, Your Highness.", Duo ordered, giving Quatre's length a good squeeze.

"Yes! I came to conquer the dragon."

"Then do so.", was all the knight said, grabbing hold of Quatre's hips and pushing the boy forward.

The prince's shout was outdone by the roar of pleasure that ripped from Wufei as he was entered in one quick thrust, pushed down further until he was resting on his forearms. Qautre was near trembling, settled inside of such wonderful heat and unable to move. Not only did he have to wait for the dragon to adjust after such a harsh penetration, but Duo was holding onto his hips, keeping him in his place. He had never taken another before and he was beginning to realize why the men he had lain with were so wont for being dominate. It felt too damn good.

A pair of whimpers broke free from his lover and the prince and Duo smiled, watching as Quatre tried to thrust forward with Wufei wiggling underneath him for movement. His still slick hand reached behind Quatre, parting the boy's backside and pushing in two fingers without much resistance.

"Oh yes!", Quatre moaned, pushing back onto the questing fingers.

That in turn made him pull out from Wufei, the dragon groaning in appreciation. It started that way, with Duo's hand slowly moving his fingers into Quatre, who was then slowly thrusting into Wufei. A steady rhythm enfolded between the three of them; that is until Duo removed his fingers from Quatre's sheath. Quatre frowned as Duo pulled on his hips, causing him to pull out of Wufei almost completely.

"Duo?", Quatre questioned, as the dragon soon begin to whine and beg for him to move again.

The knight remained silent however, merely positioning himself behind the baffled prince. With Duo's length brushing against his entrance, Quatre gasped, wanting nothing more than to feel the kinght push into him.

"Duo, please.", he begged, trying to push back onto the man's shaft.

"Well since you asked so nicely."

With those words he began to push in, Quatre gasping at the feel of it and Duo groaning as he pushed past the tight ring of muscle. It was so wonderfully tight.

"Oh gods, Quatre.", he whispered, burying himself deeper into the boy's hot sheath.

Quatre only moaned, pushing back as Duo's entire length slowly buried itself inside of him. His attention was pulled to the waiting dragon, who he had nearly forgotten all about. Duo however hadn't forgotten his lover and he drew back from Quatre, enjoying the boy's catch in breath as he did so. Then his hips were snapping forward and Quatre couldn't help but scream. As Duo had thrust into him it had pushed him forward, burying his length inside of the waiting dragon who cried out as well.

"More.", Wufei demanded, writhing beneath the blond haired prince, "Please, go faster."

Duo complied pulling out of Quatre and bring the boy free from Wufei yet again. As he pushed into the prince, the motion pushed Quatre back into Wufei, the dragon crying out. Duo repeated it again, groaning each time he pushed into the boy's body. Quatre was moaning himself, enjoying the feel of being taken as he took the infamous dragon. The realization of just exactly who he was taking fully hit him and he couldn't help himself from thrusting deeper, smiling as Wufei threw his head back to scream. Quatre had managed to find his prostate and was now repeatedly hitting against it with each thrust.

"Yes, Quatre.", Wufei urged, pushing back with each thrust, "More. . .please. Harder."

Quatre's response was cut short by Duo's sudden hard thrust, the boy unable to scream as his own prostate was hit, a bright sparkling of colors flashing before his eyes. He found his voice as Duo began to move, his own sounds mixing with Wufei's as the three moved together on the bed. Duo couldn't believe his fortune of having now not only the dragon but the prince as well. He remembered leaving the gates of the castle and watching Quatre standing on the castle steps to see him off. He had wanted him then and had been refused, but now he had him. His father had unknowingly sent his son to the one man he had tried to keep him from.

He could feel himself getting closer and he pushed harder and faster. Quatre did the same to Wufei, who was rocking with him, his head thrown back in ecstasy as cries lifted free from his throat. Three sweat slicked bodies continued to move, pushing each other closer to an inevitable end.

"Oh gods.", Wufei whimpered, signaling that he was close.

Reaching forward, Quatre took hold of the dragon's weeping cock, offering to bring the dragon to release. Wufei gladly accepted, thrusting into the hand before pushing back onto the prince's length. As Quatre's hand began to stroke him he could no longer hold back and a load roar escaped him. His back arched as he came, Quatre gasping as Wufei tightened around his shaft. He wanted to come himself but he was stopped short as he was pulled back and out from Wufei.

"Not yet.", Duo whispered to him, before removing himself from Quatre.

Wufei flopped down onto the bed, now spent and satiated. He had only let one other take him before and he was sure that would change. He had enjoyed Quatre pounding into him far more than he thought he would. With drooping eyes, he watched as Duo turned Quatre onto his back, spreading the boy's legs. The knight placed himself between them, violet eyes connecting with aquamarine.

Quatre whimpered in need, spreading his legs wider in invitation as Duo drew himself closer. That was all the knight needed before he was plunging himself into Quatre's tight ass once again, both of them crying out. This time he didn't pause for the boy to adjust. He was thrusting into Quatre almost desperately, the boy only begging him for more and crying out each time Duo struck against his prostate.

Quatre's own hips pushed back as Duo pushed into him, his arms wrapping around the knight's shoulders. It wasn't long before he was begging for more and Duo was more than eager to comply, his hips snapping forward so that he was now pounding into the smaller body beneath his. Wufei watched on with an interested eye, enjoying the sight of his lover now harshly taking the young prince. He recognized Quatre's need for release and he didn't hesitate to move forward, reaching in between the two and grasping onto Quatre's stiff member.

Wufei stroked him only once and that was all the boy needed, his back arching as he gave a keening cry and emptied himself onto both him and Duo, as well as Wufei's hand. He fell back against the bed when he was spent, whimpering with each thrust that Duo gave. The knight was close, but not quite through, with Quatre's sheath milking him even closer. He wanted to make this last longer, wanted to stay buried deep inside the young prince for as long as he could, but he could hold on no longer.

With load cry of his own and a final thrust, he emptied himself deep inside of his newly acquired lover, riding the last waves of his orgasm. Tiredly he fell against Quatre, his head resting atop the prince's shoulder as the two of them tried to catch their breath. Wufei smiled down at them, his lips lowering to place a kiss on the back of Duo's neck. He would never have thought that he'd have found himself two human lovers. He watched as Duo shakily rose, pulling free from Quatre. The two older men smirked at the boy's disappointed moan before they were both snuggling against him, comfortably nestled between the blankets.

"So it's safe to assume that you never perished under the claws of the dreaded dragon.", Quatre began, fighting off a yawn, "And it's also safe to assume that the screams Trowa and Heero heard weren't from battle."

The two men laughed, Duo pulling the young prince closer to him as he smiled at Wufei.

"Your assumption would be correct.", Wufei told the boy, relaxing beside him, "They didn't stay to see whether or not he had truly been defeated, so they never saw Duo emerge from my lair the following day."

Satisfied with his answer, Quatre turned to Duo who was close to dozing off. However, Quatre had a few questions to ask him and he didn't think he could wait for the answers.

"Duo?", he called, gaining the knight's attention.

"What is it, Quatre?", Duo asked, his eyes closing.

Quatre sat up in the bed, the movement coaxing Duo to open his eyes again and look up at the golden-haired prince. Duo had already told him that he hadn't truly left of his own free will and was sent away by the king. Quatre wanted to know why?

"Why did my father send you off?", he questioned, wanting to know the truth, "You were his best knight and a trusted friend. Why would he order you to your end?"

"Why did he send you, his only son. . .only child?", Duo countered.

"He's a fool, that's why.", Wufei provided with a scoff.

Duo merely ignored his lover, his eyes still looking to the curious and patiently waiting blond. Quatre was right, Duo had been the king's best knight and had become a close and trusted friend to His Majesty after he was knighted. However, Duo had found himself in a predicament with the king, one that did not fare well with the monarch at all.

"If your father knew that he was sending you to me, he'd have sent you to your death elsewhere.", Duo told Quatre with a sad smile.

"What are you saying?", Quatre asked, his face frowning in confusion.

"I was sent away so that the prince I so desperately wanted would be out of my reach."

Quatre had remembered watching the knight ride off when he was younger and at age fourteen he hadn't figured out why the man was being sent away. He had thought, later on, that it was because of him. He had heard his parents often talking of it being the best decision in protecting him. Now he understood and he had no idea how to feel.

"Who would have thought your king would send him right into your arms.", Wufei spoke, wrapping his arms about Quatre.

Quatre allowed the ebony-eyed man to pull him down into a lying position, his eyes still locked with Duo's. He smiled as he realized his good fortune. His father had intended to send him off to his death, but instead he had presented Quatre with two wonderful lovers who seemed willing to share all they had and could give with him. Duo returned his smile, moving in so as to place a short kiss to the prince's lips.

"So now that you have conquered the mighty dragon, what do you suppose we do now?", Duo asked, snuggling close to his lovers.

Wufei gave a smile as Quatre yawned, blue eyes falling closed as sleep began to slowly take him.

"For now we sleep.", he answered, readying to fall asleep himself, "In the morning the dragon shall have his turn."

Duo laughed, reaching out to stroke Wufei's cheek. With good nights exchanged, the two took Quatre's example and went to sleep, wrapped within each other's arms.


Ou tside of the cave two wood nymphs stood watching the black yawning mouth of its entrance. They had been listening to the sounds that echoed out and now found that it was quiet. No prince had emerged with a bloodied sword, meaning that the young royal had not been victorious.

"We told him he'd never succeed.", Heero began, looking to Trowa.

The taller nymph shrugged his shoulders before he started off back to the forest, his lover trailing behind him.

"No one conquers the dragon.", Trowa simply stated, before the two disappeared within the trees.

Little did they know. . . .


O.o' Okay, I have no idea where this came from and it wasn't supposed to be this long but there you have it. I hope you liked it and I hope I did a good job. Leave your reviews and I shall be happy and quite content. Thank you. ^_^