Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Melancholy Drunk ❯ The Hangover ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey, I'm back (finally) and ready with the second chapter of Melancholy Drunk. I tried to put a little more than romance in here; like Duo's problems with the war being over. But since that isn't really what this is about, I couldn't put that much in without shifting the focus, so I didn't, and then it just seemed to sit there, like he wasn't really paying enough attention to it, and so I finally said "Screw it," and now it's all good, because I just don't care anymore. Nice, ne? ^_^;

*Anyway*, I know this took me forever, and I said I'd have it posted by the 18th, but by the time I started typing it, I'd read it so many times I could hardly stand to look at it. The only thing that got me started again was my friend, Chibi-Andi, who read it and almost killed me because I didn't have it finished. That boosted my ego a *teensy* bit. Heh heh...mmm. So, that's just about enough rambling from me; now for the DISCLAIMER!!!!

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN **** OR **** OR ****. How's that for you money-grabbers out there? Answer me that!!

Ok, gotta jet, read and review or something!! Ja!

Chapter II

Nnnnngghh...what the hell-ooohh, my God, aaaaahhhhh... Pain...ngh, lots of pain. Shooting through my temples with a frickin' beam cannon is what it's doing. What a way to wake up. I curse whichever god wished this on me as I try to open my eyes. There we go-aah!! I quickly snap them shut again as the light sears through my head. Damn it. What the hell happened to me??

I lie perfectly still as I try to work through what led to me being in my current...situation. It's a wonder I can think at all... Ok, where was I yesterday? No mission; the war's over.


The war's over. That's right, we were all invited to Relena's for a party...but I didn't go. I never turn down a party, but I just wasn't up to being happy. Especially with *her* hanging all over *him*... Right, so I was depressed and I...went to a bar.

I groan as I wish nothing more than the ability to kick myself. That must have been *the* stupidest thing I've ever done...well, besides stealing Deathscythe in the first place, I mean. What, did I think that getting wasted would make it all go away? Ooooh, right now, I have bigger problems.

Like how to get to the bathroom. Quickly.

I open my eyes to slits, blocking as much light as I can. Ok, phase one: complete. Now to get up.

Bringing my hands up, which is much more difficult than it sounds, I manage to push the covers down past my waist, at which point my head decides to split in half. I bite back another groan, knowing tha tit would only echo painfully through my abused skull. After what seems like an eternity, the sharp pain dulls to a mere throbbing ache. I bring my hands up again and slowly...*very* slowly...turn myself over onto my stomach. This doens't cause as much pain as I expected, so I decide to be bold. I heft myself into a sitting position and attempt to stand.

*Big* mistake.

As soon as I'm halfway up, vertigo decides to make an appearance and the room shifts dangerously. This is more than my poor head can take, and I grit my teeth as the floor rushes up to meet me.

My vision blacks and all I can see for a time are bright flashes of light. I clutch at my head, desperately trying to ease the shooting pain.

Eventually I become aware of someone standing over me, but I ignore them. I don't care if it's the Queen of the whole frickin' Universe, I feel like shit, and I am *not* going out of my way to acknowledge them. I grunt to myself as I feel them tug the offending blankets off of me. Ok, so it's not the Queen of the Universe. That narrows my choices down to Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, or Heero. I'm pretty sure Quatre and Trowa said something about going to a theatre with Relena...ugh. So that means it's either Wu or Heero...please let it be Wu-man. I chant this to myself as I open one eye and peek ot at my "rescuer." Damn. It's not Wu.

I open both eyes and squint as light shines into them. Cursing the window silently, I raise a hand to shield some of the light. Heero sees my gesture and jumps up to cover it, glaring at the curtains so hard that I almost take pity on them. I've been in their position before... Wow. You know something's wrong when you can relate to drapery.

Heero's shadow falls across my face as he leans over me, and the world shifts again. Ooooh this is not good. I can tell somethin's about to come back up. Apparently this is obvious to Heero as well, because he hustles me to the connecting bathroom in a way I'm sure he percieves as gentle. Well, however good his intentions, it doesn't help me much, and I barely manage to save Quatre's marble bathroom by diving for the toilet. I'm lost in a chasm of misery for the next few minutes, until my heaves finally stop. Then my nausea is replaced by a screamingly raw and painful throat. How pleasant.

I find myself clinging desperately to the toilet for balance as Heero passes me a glass of water. It's so cool and soothing on my poor throat that I almost sigh, before realizing that I don't really have the energy to waste. I do take what little I have left, though, and use the opportunity to observe Heero through half-lidded eyes. Not that there's much to observe in the first place. He's just leaning against the sink, watching me just as expressionlessly as usual. Sometimes I wonder if there's actually anything going on in his head at all, seeing how little emotion he shows. Does he even have emotions at all? Well, if he does, they certainly aren't about me. He's about as responsive as a coffeetable. Relena doesn't seem to have any problems getting him to react, though...

I'm pulled out of my depressive musings as Heero bursts into a whirl of motion. Before I can do much more than blink, he has the bathroom tidied and is working on getting me cleaned up. He apparently thinks my eyes are completely closed, which gives my ego a small boost. Oh yeah, go me! Imagine me doing a little dance here.

My efficiently supressed headache resurfaces with a vengence as he lifts me to my feet and throws my arm over his shoulders and wraps an arm around my waist. This is so embarrassing. Pleasant, but embarrassing. Imagine the great Shinigami reduced to depending on a colleague to carry him ten feet across his room to his bed. How pathetic. Is this what I have to look forward to now that I can't fight? I'll be one of those skanky old men who live in that far, smoky corner of the bar, with my own favorite ripped up, duct-taped stool, and I'll tell the bartender my old war stories everyday until the poor soul can tell them better than me. How appealing.

I wonder if it's as obvious to everyone else what my future will be. It must be, because it's all painstakenly clear to me, and good ol' Perfect Soldier here doesn't miss much. Oh sure, *he* has loads to do now, what with being *Relena's* bodyguard... That spoiled brat is the reason that he looks down on me... I bet he's laughing at me right now. Laughing at poor, pathetic, street-trash Duo. That stupid bastard. We'll just see if I give *him* anything to laugh about, the asshole. He won't see anything less than a soldier in me anymore. Not if I have anything to say about it.

And with this new resolve freshly in mind I grit my teeth and try not to yell as my sensitive head falls down onto the pillow. After a second of delitberate breathing the pain lessens slightly and I'm am able to manage a serene expression. Yes! In your face, Heero Yuy!!

Huh, however uplifting this may be, I decide not to tempt fate any more than I already have, so I keep this small victory to myself, opting instead to feign sleep until he leaves. It's hard not to fidget as he carefully adjusts my blankets and then stands. Just stands there, watching me. Probably gloating. Jerk. Hmm, ok, calm. Keep it looking sleepy, Duo. You can do this. Think...think fluffy bunnies. Yeah, that's it, Quatre cuddling with furry woodland creatures in a peaceful meadow. Oh and butterflies. Can't forget...the butterflies...


Mmm, fluffly Easter drag?!?! I open my eyes slowly, trying to ignore the pounding in my head. Whoa, what a dream. I guess the "furry woodland creatures" were a bit too much for my poor, innocent mind. Hmph.

I should probably get up...I'm guessing it's early afternoon. Or even late afternoon. Gasp. Rebel child.

I slowly drag myself out of bed and hold onto the table for a minute before attempting to walk. No sense in repeating this morning's events. I lean on the wall for support as I make my way down the hall to the stairs. Now here's the real challenge. Somehow I manage to keep most of my weight on the railing, ensuring that I won't fall.

I stagger to the kitchen and blearily peer at Wufei, who immediately jumps up and helps me to a chair. As soon as I am sitting he sets something down in front of me. I am tempted to ignore it, but curiosity gets the best of me onec again and I tilt my head to peer out at it from the sanctuary of my arms. I can see (compliments of a glass cup) that it's a sickening green color and it looks thick enough to chew. I sure hope he doesn't expect me to *ingest* that. How disgusting.

From the way he's pointedly glancing from it to me and back, he does.

I grimace and open my mouth to protest, but he cuts me off with a glare. I sigh and pick it up, peering dubiously at its contents. I raise and eyebrow at him, hoping he'll just forget about the whole thing. No such luck.

"Just drink it, Maxwell."

I sigh again.

"I hope you know that the only reason I'm doing this is because you're my friend, Fei."

"No you're not. You're going to drink it because if you don't, I will force it *all* down your throat."

"Oh yeah. That too."

He chuckles and I raise the glass to him in a silent toast before squeezing my eyes shut and downing as much of it as I can in once gulp. I nearly choke as a result, but hey, it's almost gone, and Fei is happy, so...mission accomplished, as a certain pig-headed, arrogant, frigid, insensitive someone would say....

"Something you want to talk about, Duo?"

That gets my attention. He *never* calls me Duo. Never. That means he's *really* serious. And that means I have to talk. Wonderful. I sigh again, almost wishing for the old bile-taste in my mouth. That drink sure was nasty....

"Fei, what are you going to do now? Now that we can't fight?"

He echoes my sigh. "I'm not sure. I'll figure something out."

"But what if you can't," I persist. "What can you do when the only things you're good at are stealing and blowing shit up?"

"You're good at things other than that."

Oops. Weren't we talking about Fei?


Wufei sighs and leans forward onto the table, forgetting his newspaper for the moment.

"You can do other things than fight. You're great with kids. You're a talented mechanic. You have an IQ higher than most college professors. You can do anything. Give Shinigami a rest."

I stare miserably at the table in front of me. That's true, of course, but none of it sounds appealing anymore. I just want to....

"If he won't let you go with him, you can always come with me, you know," says Wufei softly.

My head jerks up.

"What?! How did you...."

Fei nods once and leans back in his chair. "You're my friend, Maxwell." A smile tugs at his lips. "It's my job to know stuff like that."

I smile softly at him. "Of course. What did I expect?"

We sit in silence for a minute before he leans forward again.

"So why does he have you so upset?"

I lean forward too, so that we're only about foot apart across the table. It wouldn't do for Heero to overhear this.

"He hates me!" I exclaim softly, continuing before Fei can object. "He's completely in love with Relena-"

"I don't think so, Maxwell."

"-I mean, it's totally obvious. He goes all mushy whenever she's around, and no matter what I do he's like an ice cube!"

"She makes him nervous."


"Did you ever consider that he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions?"

Now that stops me in my tracks.


"He doesn't know how to handle his emotions. So when he feels them, he pushes the cause away because it scares him."

I ponder this for a second.

"But he's such an asshole to me! I swear, he's laughing every time he looks at me. Oh look, there's Duo, the stupid street kid who thought he could pass for a soldier," I mimick.

Wufei's hand shoots out and grabs my shoulder roughly. He holds my eyes with his, which are blazing right now.

"We *do not* think of you like that, Duo. To us you're Duo Maxwell, our friend and fellow pilot. Nothing less," he inists urgently.

He smiles slightly at me. "And if I ever hear him laughing at you, I will personally make sure he never speak another word."

I smile back at him for a second, then return to my previous position, slightly less depressed than before. It's good to have friends who know secret ninja things.

I rest my head in my hands. "I just don't know what his problem is."

I abruptly cut myself off as I see Wufei tense for what must be a whole nano-second. I guess Prince Charming decided to make an appearance. Well, he's definitely going to pick up that we were talking, and he's going to ask about it. So, I have three options. Make that two- lying is out of the question. I don't exactly feel up to running yet, so I do the next best thing- I hide, burying my head in my harms once again. The darkness is actually comforting, once you get used to it.

I can hear him moving around in the kitchen, opening to fridge...probably getting something to drink. Yep, he's pouring something. Hmm. I really need a hobby. Ok, now he's standing...the carton is back in the fridge...I sure hope I don't look as clingy as I feel. I'm so pathetic.

I finally decide to give it up- he isn't doing anything interesting- when his voice rips through the silence, causing me to jump a good ten feet. I am waaaay too tense.

"Nani?" He glares menacingly at us.

I close my eyes, which had somehow come open, and try to burrow even farther into my arms. I do *not* want to talk to him right now...I'm not up to a fistfight yet.

Thankfully, Fei doesn't say anything, allowing my at least a few minutes before Heero blows. I wisely (for once) use this pause to gather my strength around me. I have a feeling I'm going to need it, whether it be for an emotional beatdown...or a physical one. Why can't I be normal and have friends who *don't* threaten to kill me every few minutes?

It doesn't suprise me much when he slams his glass down and storms past us out the door. I lift my head up and look to Fei, hoping to find some courage or inspiration in his eyes. But no, there's just that look that parents give you when they tell you they "know you'll do the right thing." Thanks a bunch Fei. You couldn't just make this easy and *tell* me what to do. Noo, you had to be honorable and be a "good" friend. Way to go, buddy.

I throw him a thoroughly disgusted look, which he merely smirks at, before I rise slowly and head out the door after Heero. I don't even know why I'm doing this. It's not like it's my fault he's emotionally retarded. Or an asshole. He does nothing but insult me, and here I am, chasing after him like a lost puppy, trying to make everything better. That's not good making for a relationship, according to Oprah. Not good at all.

No, if you want a good friend, look at Fei. He's the best, though you wouldn't think so to look at him. He's got that whole rough exterior thing going on, but when you get past that, he's a really great guy. It's hard to get him to warm up, but once he considers you a friend, he's with you to the last. Extremely loyal, as you might imagine. He's always been there for me when I need someone to talk to. After a tough battle, or a particularly rough encounter with Heero.

I think it's odd how he absolutely could *not* stand me when we first met; I annoyed the hell out of him. He loves it though, I can tell. One day Heero bet me I couldn't leave Fei alone for a day, and he was practically begging me for attention by dinner. Well, not really, but if you knew Fei, you could tell. It was hilarious.

Ah, but enough reminiscing; I think I see Heero. Good thing he didn't run too far; I don't think I would have been able to track him. Jeez, I wonder if he *wanted* to be caught. You don't exactly run to the closest tree in the back yard if you're trying to get away from someone. Ok, I found him; now what?

Ok, well, I should probably...go talk to him. Right, that's it. About what, though? Mmm, maybe... Yeah, that's it! I'll ask him what's wrong. Man, I'm good.

I walk forward, feeling extremely proud of myself, but a little bit nervous too. After all, this could be extremely stressful. I take a deep breath to relax myself. Wouldn't want to get premature wrinkles or anything.


I hear a grunt from the other side of the tree. Well, at least he's not dead.

"Do you want to talk?"

I move around the large oak to stand a few feet in front of Heero, who is crouching down and poking at the ground like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

Heero gives the dirt another vigorous poke. "Talking is highly over rated."

I stagger and fall, landing on my backside as my knees give out. I gape at him for a minute.

"Did you just make a joke?!" I squeak at him.

He lifts his head briefly to shoot me a glare. "No."

I snort. "Of course not."

I roll onto my stomach and rest my chin in my hands. "So what's up?"

He glances up again. "Nothing."

"Bullshit," I state flatly. "Talk."

"What is there to talk about, Duo?"

"Heero," I say, extremely exasperated, "there is something wrong with you! You're uptight, easily irritated, and you've been blowing up at every opportunity. More than usual," I amend after a second's thought.

He drops the stick. "It's none of your business."

"Yes, it *is*," I insist, scooting forward a little. "If you don't tell me I'll...I'll...I'll cry."

He shoots me a disgusted look. "You will not cry, Duo."

I grin. "You wanna bet? These baby-blues have poured out more tears at a moment's notice than you have in your entire life."

"Your eyes aren't blue- they're prussian."

I blink at him. That's kind of precise for an eye he *blushing*??

"Are you ok, Heero?"

"Of course I'm ok," he snaps, and jumps up.

I follow suit. "Why won't you *talk* to me?!"

"Because I can't!" he explodes, a hint of desperation coloring his voice.

"Why not?!" I yell back.

"Because then you would know!"

I blink again, startled, as he mutters "K'so," under his breath and glares angrily at me. "Know what?"

"Nothing." He dips his head and tries to step past me.

I block him, completely fed up and pissed off.

"Heero-" I'm cut off as his head snaps up and his fist connects with my jaw, throwing me backwards.

As I lay on the ground moaning, I feel a feather-light touch on my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Duo," Heero whispers softly.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear his pounding footsteps quickly fading away.

End Chapter II

Well, minna, what did you think? I know I'm bad, but I just *love* cliffhangers...muahahahahaha!!!!! But you can always review and tell me *just* how much you want to kill me...^_^;