Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memento Mori ❯ Wake Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Memento Mori
Summary: After Endless Waltz, everything seems to return to normal quickly. However after an almost seemingly normal encounter with Heero, Duo realizes the harsh truth of the saying 'things are not always as they seem'.
Kazza: Wow what a way to switch torture.
Heero: Yeah usually you're torturing me.
Kazza: I know…. I feel almost bad.
Duo: You know my legions of fan girls will come to get you for this.
Kazza: Aww don't worry Duo-chan, I <3 you too.
Duo: Yeah I'm so sure…
Kazaa: Ok Ryuiosuke! Hit the disclaimer!
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. This is reality. They belong to their respective owners in the Sotsu Sunrise agency.
Duo: We don't own ourselves??
Heero: Nope.
Chapter One: Wake Up
It had been only 3 days since the Mariemia incident. Things had almost gone back to normal in the short time. The occasional news report would provide some “breaking news” now and then, but over all it was a calm day.
Bree! Bree! Bree!
Bree! Bree! Bree!
And the silence had been shattered. The alarm clock next to bed was going off, and the owner of the clock made no sudden moves to stop it. A hand snuck out from underneath the black blanket and slowly reached the bedside table.
Bree! Bree! Bree!
Bree! Bree! Bree!
The hand tapped the table gently, feeling it, and almost memorizing and starting to remember the touch and feel of the table. Suddenly, the owner realized where their hand was placed, and quickly hit the button on top of the alarm clock.
“Mmmm morning already?” The raspy morning voice from under the covers asked itself. The blanket clad body slowly sat up, and the covers fell. The occupant opened his violet eyes, slowly scanning the room, the light and colors present confirming his thoughts. His long chestnut bangs were hanging in his face, he brought his hand up to scratch his head. He looked over to the alarm clock where there was a small Post-It note. In feminine handwriting it read “Duo, call me. Hilde”
Duo brought his legs over the bed and stretched. “Well, might as well wake up. Things to do, people to meet, places to go.”
Hilde tapped her foot. She had several orders to hand to Duo but once again he had taken his sweet time getting to the yard. She heard the sounds of Duo's car pull up. She watched as Duo got out and walked over to her.
“Heya Hil!” Duo said, waving a hand in the air. Hilde raised her hand.
“Don't `hey' me Duo Maxwell! You're late again. You know how many of these parts people are wanting?” Duo smiled.
“Hey now, no worries.” He grabbed the paper from the clipboard. “I'll look them over as I go meet Heero. The jerk ran into hiding again after the end of the Mariemia incident.”
Hilde raised an eyebrow and frowned. “Duo, is everything okay?” she asked.
“Yeah why wouldn't it be?” Duo looked at her with a smile that agreed with its owner. She opened her mouth to continue. “I'll see ya later Hilde, who knows where he ran off to.”
“Duo, Heero is-” Hilde started to say but Duo was already out of an earshot before she could finish.
As Duo drove, he passed a construction site. A tall fence had been erected around the area and a sign had been posted on it stating who now owned the land and who was building. While Duo stopped at a red light, he noticed a name on the sign and smiled.
“So Quatre's down here huh? I'm going to have to pay a visit.”
“Take me with you then.” A voice said. Duo looked towards his open passenger window and saw a pair of Prussian blue eyes staring back at him.
“Holy shit Heero! What the-“ Duo heard a car horn and noticed the light was green. “Shit hurry and get in.”
Heero did so by swinging in through the open window and Duo quickly took off, before the other drivers decided to take their frustration out on him.
“Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.” Heero said in a `matter of fact' tone.
“Well Jesus, you appear out of nowhere and then you just show up next to my car and ask for a ride.” Duo looked at Heero, who seemed to be the same as usual. He was wearing the green tank top, the denim jeans, denim jacket and the damn brown hiking shoes.
“The turns right here.” Duo sighed as he listened to his comrade and turned onto the street.
“Of course. I know where I'm going. I do live here after all.” Duo said jokingly. He looked at Heero quickly then turned back to the road. “So where are you staying now? It was tricky finding you from the start, and I'm sure you don't stay in one place.”
“I've been around. I'm nearby though.” Duo noticed Heero was looking around the car, in a similar fashion as a little kid looking at his parents' new car.
“Talk to Relena lately?” Heero instantly stopped poking around the car and looked at Duo.
“No. Why should I?”
Duo laughed to himself a bit. “She likes to hear from you man.”
“You did a great job restoring this. It's a 58 right? Where did you even find the parts?” Heero asked. Duo caught onto the subject change and made a mental note of it.
“I work at a scrap yard, you'd be surprised what you can do with the resources.” Duo reached another red light and stopped the car and looked at Heero again. Heero was staring at a bottle of soda that was pinched between the passenger seat and the center console. “Man, if you're thirsty, knock yourself out. I don't have cooties.”
The light turned green again. Heero was a bit surprised that Duo had caught onto the fact he was thirsty. He grabbed the bottle and noticed the bottle's label had been ripped off. Part of him; the rational part, said don't drink it; but the thirst was too strong. He untwisted the cap and drank its contents. It was surprisingly sweet and really bubbly. He held the bottle away from him and looked at it like it had contained some magic substance. “What is this?”
“Vanilla Coca-Cola.”
“It tastes good.” Duo laughed.
“Hey I caught onto your little subject change. Why won't you talk to Relena?”
Heero sat the bottle back down and looked straight ahead. “She doesn't need to hear from me. She doesn't need me.” Heero said. He noted that the next turn was the parking lot to Quatre's office. Duo turned into the parking lot and pulled into an open spot. He put the car in park. He turned opposite from Heero's direction to make sure he wasn't close enough to the car beside him. He didn't want them opening their door and scratching his Mustang.
“And I suppose I do?” Duo heard the sound of a car door closing and quickly looked over to Heero, only to find him gone. “Huh? Hey wait up!”
Duo opened his door, got out and closed it. He turned around and noticed Heero wasn't anywhere in the parking lot. Duo looked around thinking maybe he had become distracted by something and walked off. “Man, he really needs to learn to wait for others.” Duo mumbled to himself before running towards the office doors.
Paper after paper. Pile after pile. The repetitive motion of signing and sealing was almost enough to push him back on the ZERO system. Quatre looked over and noticed he still had 2 more piles of paper. He heard a knock from the door. He placed his hand on the paper piles to keep the paper from flying up. “Come in. Hi how can I help you?”
“Damn Quatre, you have enough work?” Quatre looked up to see Duo. He instantly lit up.
“Duo! It's so good to see you! How are you?” Quatre said politely.
“I'm good, I'm good. Noticed your construction site a few blocks north of here, so I figured I'd come by and visit. Speaking of which have you seen Heero?” Duo asked.
“Huh? Heero??” Quatre asked.
“Yeah.” Duo looked at Quatre's desk and miraculously found a small hard candy wrapped in bright yellow paper. He grabbed it and motioned to Quatre if it was ok to eat. Quatre, with an odd look on his face, nodded an okay. Duo unwrapped it and popped the candy, hard caramel, into his mouth. “Yeah, he scared the shit out of me. He spotted me on my way here and hitched a ride with me. He disappeared though when we got here. I figured he was already in here, but I `spose not.”
“Duo…you couldn't possibly have given Heero a ride here.” Quatre said, placing his hand on Duo's shoulder. Duo seemed to take offense to being called a liar. “Hilde's right you are acting weird.”
“Hilde!?” Duo stood up. “When did she say that?!”
“This morning. She called me shortly before you came in. She said you were saying you were going to find Heero.”
“And I was, and did in fact. What's so weird about searching out my friend? And what do you mean I couldn't have given Heero a ride?” Duo said angrily.
“Duo, Heero's dead.”
Heero: Wow.
Duo: o_O You got me straight trippin boo.
Kazza: Yep. So R&R puhleeez! I'll have part 2 out soon promise!!
Ryuoisuke: Now I gotta put another disclaimer thanks to you! You made another movie reference!
Heero: I don't care, I didn't get tortured this time ^_^
Duo: I see dead people…
Ryuiosuke: -_-;;;; *puts up another disclaimer*
Disclaimer: Kazza also doesn't own “The sixth sense” or “ Bringing down the house” movie or its movie references.
Kazza: Ok with that out of the way review people! ^_^