Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of a Bloody Past ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Memories of a Bloody Past
Genre: Violence, mistical stuff, demons, AU, language, angst, death (none of the pilot), I'll add more if anymore comes up
Summary: Duo is a nameless demon that was once a heartless murderer of the innocent. Heero is a warrior who is set on making the demon pay for his wicked ways. When he finally confronts the demon, he finds that he has lost his memory. Is this a trick or is something really amist.
Disclaimer: Nanashi is the name I got off a fic. It mean 'No name' or something like that. I want to give the idea to the writer being that that's where I got the idea. I can't remember your name, but you know who you are, hopefully. I don't own Gundam Wing..the plot bunny won't stop biting me. They're pink and rabied, ya know, so don't sue. All you will get is a handful of pocket lent.
Pairings: Haven't of any past 1x2, but I'll keep you updated on that situation.
Feedback: Yes! It fuels me to continue.

A/N: Alright! This is the next chap. Two in one day. Am I good or what? ^_~

*....* telepathy
//...// thoughts

Chapter 4:

Amorri (yay! I finally thought of a name!!) was shaken from the terrible nightmare she was having to her son's screams. The knot of fear was like nothing she ever felt before. Quickly throwing off her covers, she made her way to her destressed child.
Heero couldn't help the scream that left his throat. Nor could he help that he inhaled and let out another. That cycled continued until his throat was raw and his voice was hoarse. Not knowing what else to do, he curled into a ball and cried. Where was his mother? Why was he always having those nightmares?

He heard his door creak open. Surely he wasn't dreaming again. He immediately threw himself under his covers. He covered his mouth to keep the fearful whimper from leaving him.

"Heero?" Amorri's eyes fell upon the quaking lump in her son's bed. Her heart ached for her son. //Why now? He is too young for such things.// She lowered herself slowly to the edge of the bed. The frightened boy tensed but couldn't stop shaking. She reached out carefully and pried the covers from over his head. "Heero? Dijiabu ka? (1)"

"Mother?" Heero looked at his mother carefully. She seemed normal.
"Yes, it is me, little one." The young mother smiled lovingly at the youth. She was taken by surprise when the boy launched himself into her arms. She held him tightly as sobs recked through his small body. //Please, Gods, please, not now. He's not ready.//
Trowa watched his friend carefully. There was something different about him. Heero was sitting under an old oak tree while Towa dozed happily in his lap.
"Heero, are you okay?" The wiry boy crouched down beside his friend and gave Towa's ears a quick ruffle. The sleepy wolf pup licked his hand lazily then back to sleep.

"Aa. Just thinking."
"About what?"

"I--Have you ever had a nightmare that felt so real that you thought you were awake?" Trowa took in his friend's face. There was no hint of amusement in the once cheerful face. Just desperate wariness.

"Ie. Can't say that I have." He said slowly. He shook his head and gave Heero a sad smile. "I don't suppose being chased by a pink two headed milk cow trying to force feed you spinach counts?" That earned him a genuine smile from the younger boy.

"You are as strange as they come, Trowa."

"So are you, Hee-san. Will you be coming to visit Catherine and me today?"

"I will have to check with my mother first." Heero relunctantly moved the sleeping pup off his lap and stood. His features were wary again, to Trowa's great disappointment. He didn't like to see the younger boy so preoccupied. The boy's face suddenly lit up and smiled at him warmly. "Would you like to meet my mother?"

"Meet...Mistress Amorri?" Trowa gulped and shook his head. "I'm sure she's busy and--"

"None scense! Come one!" Heero quickly grabbed the tense boy's hand and dragged him into his home.
Trowa was in total awe. He had never seen such a large space before. Everything was shiny and glazed. "WOW. You have wonderful house."

"Yes, but I like your's better."


"Your house has a warm feeling. This place seems so cold sometimes." Heero came to a stop and signaled for the other boy to wait there. He disappeared into the room.
"Mother, I want to introduce you to someone." Heero stared at his mother's back. The scene seemed far too familiar. A ball of fear formed in his chest. "Mother? Dijiabu ka?"

"Jar Aten Nezir......(2)" Heero was ready to run. He remembered those words far too well. He could see the icy stare his mother had on the wall before she turned to him. "Heero? Gomen nasai (3). What were you saying?"

"I--Mother, what's going on?"

Amorri's eyes widened in fear. What had she done. "Heero, I want you to stay with your friend for a little while okay?"


"Please, Heero, just do it."

"Hai." Heero turned to leave hastily. He didn't know was happening but no good possibly come from it.
"Heero?" Trowa followed after his retreating friend. The younger boy didn't answer until they reached his bed chambers. That's when the taller boy noticed that he was shaking violently. "What's wrong Heero?"

"Mother wants me to stay over your house." With that said, Heero began to pack his things.


A/N: I'm trying to work on making these longer. If you like it so far let me know. Your reviews are encouragement.

(1) Dijiabu ka? = Are you okay?

(2) Nope, still don't know what it means. I made it up. I'll make up my mind sooner or later.

(3)Gomen nasai = I am sorry

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