Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of a Bloody Past ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Memories of a Bloody Past
Genre: Violence, mistical stuff, demons, AU, language, angst, death (none of the pilot), I'll add more if anymore comes up
Summary: Duo is a nameless demon that was once a heartless murderer of the innocent. Heero is a warrior who is set on making the demon pay for his wicked ways. When he finally confronts the demon, he finds that he has lost his memory. Is this a trick or is something really amist.
Disclaimer: Nanashi is the name I got off a fic. It mean 'No name' or something like that. I want to give the idea to the writer being that that's where I got the idea. I can't remember your name, but you know who you are, hopefully. I don't own Gundam Wing..the plot bunny won't stop biting me. They're pink and rabied, ya know, so don't sue. All you will get is a handful of pocket lent.
Pairings: Haven't of any past 1x2, but I'll keep you updated on that situation.
Feedback: Yes! It fuels me to continue.

A/N: =_=;; The floppy disk ate the chap 5 I had written last night. This isn't as good as the other one, but it's all I can remember off of it.

*....* telepathy
//...// thoughts

Chap 6:

Trowa looked worriedly at his friend. He was curled into a ball on his bed whimpering in his sleep. The lanky boy knew better than to try to wake him up. He still wore the bruise on his cheek from the last time he tried.

Heero tightened around himself.


His voice echoed through the darkness. He could hear his mother calling his name but she was too far away. */

*KIIIILLL......TTHHHEEEMMM!* The youth complied. His slender hand flexed to release his claws. The ghost of his warm cheerful smile formed on his elven features. He bought the daggerlike nails to the thin surface of the window and dragged them down.

The fragile surface screeched under his ministrations. He bought his hands up again and repeat the action.
Heero was starting fall into the worst stages of his nightmare when someone began to shake him. He groan incoherantly and registered that it was Trowa.
"Heero wake up."


"There's something out there." Trowa whispered and tilted his head towards the window. There they saw white lines being etched into the glass but no source as to where they were coming from.

"What is all the--" Catherine paused in the door and took in what was happening. "Boys go hide under the table." She whispered hastily. She quickly shooed the two out of the room.
No sooner had they got into their position under the table, they heard a window creak open. Catherine screamed in surprise..or maybe fear before her frantic footsteps could be heard. Then all went quiet.

Heero and Trowa clung to each other quietly. Neither dare to move. Just then a heavy object fell onto the table and rolled off. Heero moved his hands over the older boy's mouth to keep his desperate scream from being heard.
There laid the blood splattered form of Trowa's mother. Her wide lifeless eyes seemed to be focused on them. Heero held took a deep breath and moved to take a look at his surroundings.

No sooner had he poked his head from under the table, a boy around ten winters appeared out of thin air. Heero froze and stared wide eyed at the other boy.
His cold violet eyes stared blankly into his from under ragged chestnut bangs. His heart shaped face was the void of any and all possible emotions (1).


A/N: ^_^;; Um, how did that cliff hanger get there? Read and Review people.

(1) Now I know this is OOC for Duo but bare with me.
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