Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of a Bloody Past ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Memories of a Bloody Past
Genre: Violence, mistical stuff, demons, AU, language, angst, death (none of the pilot), I'll add more if anymore comes up
Summary: Duo is a nameless demon that was once a heartless murderer of the innocent. Heero is a warrior who is set on making the demon pay for his wicked ways. When he finally confronts the demon, he finds that he has lost his memory. Is this a trick or is something really amist.
Disclaimer: Nanashi is the name I got off a fic. It mean 'No name' or something like that. I want to give the idea to the writer being that that's where I got the idea. I can't remember your name, but you know who you are, hopefully. I don't own Gundam Wing..the plot bunny won't stop biting me. They're pink and rabied, ya know, so don't sue. All you will get is a handful of pocket lent.
Pairings: Haven't of any past 1x2, but I'll keep you updated on that situation.

A/N: Hello! This is the next chap. I might not update for a while becuase I'm working on my other stuff and 'Fly Away Hearts' is coming to a close. Slowly, but surely. Depending on if someone reviews and tell me if there is anyone out there that likes this story, I'll try to update before school opens back up.

Chapter 8:

Trieze watched the young blonde Guardian's face turn into pure sorrow. His aquamarine eyes shined with unshed tears.

"Shinigami" Was the only word that escaped the 'youth', spoken mournfully soft.
Heero and Trowa pushed themselves a hard as their young bodies could go. They were in the court yard now. They could still hear the stalking footsteps behind him and feel the predatory gaze on their backs.

They skidded through the fronts doors and around a corner. The young brunette was unconsciously taking them to their mother's chambers. He didn't realize this fact until they were outside the door.

"What now?" Trowa asked breathlessly. Heero looked down the hall way then up the hallway. He stared at the door and pushed it open slowly.

"Mother." His mother was standing on the balcony staring down at the rose gardens. He long sliver and chocolate brown hair twisted in the soft breeze. She turned towards her son but didn't say anything.

Heero stared into his mother's red rimmed eyes. They were so sorrowful and pained. One question came to mind. Why? "Mother, what--?"

Before he could finish his question a creamy coloured arm hooked around his mother's neck. Heero started but Amorri's broken voice stopped him. Her voice was hoarse but sweet and loving despite the intense darkness marring her features.

"Jar Aten Neziriff Koko domi asuraf de."

Heero froze. His body felt as if liquid fire was running through his veins while his skin felt on the verge of frostbite. He whimpered softly and fell to his knees. "Mother....why." He rasped.

"Jar Aten Neziriff Koko domi asuraf de." She repeated. "I curse you to only know the pain that I have come to know......"

The young boy cried out as his small body was engolfed by intense pain. He doubled over and pressed his head into the tiled floor. "Mother! Please! I'm Sorry! Please Stop!"

Trowa was at his friend side as fast as he could get there. He looked from the quaking body back to Mistress Amorri. The arm was still wrapped around her neck. Another arm came into view and wrapped around her torso. A clawed hand ghosted over her lenin gown.

Towa growled and yapped at the figure behind his Mistress. The fine white fur on his back stood on end and his icy blue eyes glared hatedly at the intruder. The urge to protect his master over powered his self preservation and he charged forward.

His stubby claws clicked agains the ceramic floor.

The soft breeze grew stonger. It whipped and swirl picking up rose petals in its wake. The petals were swept into the balcony and swired around the room. The clawed hand hovering over Amorri's stomach decended at blinding speed and tore through her skin like paper.

Amorri still stared down at her son unfazed. "Be happy. Live for me. Breath for me. I love you......Heero." With that she closed her eyes as the last breath she had left her. Her lifeless body buckled violently and hit the floor.

Heero watched helplessly as his mother died in front of him. A white blur attacked the assailant standing above her prone body. The last thing he heard was his mother's dieing words as his world went black.


A/N: *sigh* That was short. Uhm read and review, please. Let's just say that that mess Amorri was saying that I said I made up meant 'I curse you to only know the pain that I have come to know......' I need an asprin.
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