Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memory of a Lost Soldier ❯ Chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ok I know I said that I wouldn't be writing this story until I got four more reviews but I'M BORED and I wanted a break from writing my other stories and so this will be the last chapter and conclusion of this story.


Quatre and Trowa soon joined with Noin on Peace Million, later joined by Duo. Soon afterward, Sally Po showed up with Wufei and Heero. Together, they kept their missions to defeat Oz and the White Fang. Adina stopped appearing to Trowa, but she always guided and spoke to him in his mind.

There then came a day when a transmitter frequency came in saying that Oz would destroy a colony if the White Fang didn't hand over the space battle ship Libra that they had stolen from them. Trowa saw that the colony citizens where gathered together in one area. He then was able to make out one of them. It was his sister, Catherine.

"Cathy," he said softly.

'You're worried, aren't you Trowa?' said Adina.


"Who are you talking to Trowa?" asked Quatre.

"Eh he's probably just halucinating," said Duo. "The whole thing about losing his memory has got him crazy."

"You're already insane, and you don't have to be halucinating in order to do it, Maxwell," said Wufei flatly.

"So I'm an apparition then?" Adina then appeared before him in front of all the others. The other pilots noticed this girl suddenly appearing in their ship.

"Adina?" asked Duo and Quatre.

Heero immediately pulled out his gun and fired, thinking she was an enemy. Adina, however, caught the bullet and dropped it on the floor. "Nice try, Heero, but you're not the only one who does impossible things."

"Adina, please go to her and protect her."

"But Trowa, what about you?"

"I'll be fine. Just go, and don't worry about me."


"Please, Adina."

"All right, I'll go." She became a shadow, and left.

"Trowa, who was she?" Heero asked.

"Quatre, Duo. You tell him for me," he said as he left. "There's something I need to take care of."

He went into the mobile suit hanger where Howard was still making the space modifications for Heavyarms. It wasn't ready yet and he needed something fast. Trowa looked as his Gundam then turned his attention towards Wing Zero. That would work.

"Hey!" Howard called. "What are you doing?"

But the Latin pilot paid no attention to him. He took Wing Zero and headed out towards the colony to stop Oz from doing any more harm than it already had inflicted.

Meanwhile, inside the colony, Catherine was with the manager kneeling down beside him after he had gotten hit by one of the Oz soldiers. She had really hoped that Trowa and the other pilots would come for them. A shadow appeared beside her and Adina materialized, unnoticed by others.

"Adina? What are you doing here?"

"Trowa asked me to protect you while he came here."

"You should have stayed with him!"

"Don't you think I protested? He's really concerned for you. I had to do it."

Catherine sighed. "He can be so difficult at times."

"You're telling me."

"Who're you?" the manager asked.

Adina looked at him and said, "A close friend of Trowa's."

The three stood in the crowd. Oz was becoming more and more aggressive to the people. Adina did as Trowa asked her and stood by Catherine. She looked up and saw the Taurus mobile suits surrounding them.

"Catherine, I'll be right back."

"Where're you going?"

"I'm going to try and make a glictch in the Taurus suits' mobile system. It'll by us some time." She was then a shadow and then appeared to one of the mobile suits.

After a while, Adina started not to feel well. Her vision started to blur. She dropped the tool she had in her hand and held her head as she tried to muffle her cries of pain. Why was she feeling this way? It was as if her soul was being tormented. She then realized that Trowa must be in danger. She could sense it. She closed her eyes and could see the battle. Trowa was piloting Wing Zero and was having illusions in the cock-pit and was out of control. Adina sat up and climbed into the cock-pit of a Taurus suit that she hadn't malfunctioned yet. Out of the colony she went, in hopes to find Trowa and prevent him from doing anything that he'd regret later.

She knew that she had made a wrong decision in getting in a mobile suit. First of all, she didn't know exactly how to pilot it. She could have just gotten into Trowa's mind like all those times before. However, that would just confuse him even further. With her speaking in his mind and Wing Zero's cock-pit system telling him to do things otherwise, it would make him suffer too much. She had no other choice than to confront him directly. She kept getting hit by the mobile dolls' firepower. No matter how hard she tried to destroy them, her reaction time wasn't fast enough. Every time she made a shot, she was hit by three. She started bleeding from flying pieces from the cock-pit. Blood gushed from her head and arms. She had to make it to Trowa. She would not give up.

"This time," she said, "I will protect you."


Meanwhile, Trowa kept having illusions that he was killing the people that he cared most. He had shot Catherine and Adina. He cried out trying to get the system out of his mind. He lost control and was about to shoot a mobile doll in front of the colony with the beam cannon. The mobile doll exploded, from Quatre's destroying it. "Trowa! Don't you realize what you could have done? You could have destroyed that entire colony!"

"Get out of my way, Quatre," came an unexpected harsh voice.

"I'm not going anywhere. You shouldn't let that system mess with your mind. You're a lot stronger than that!"

Wing Zero held out the beam cannon and pointed it at Sandrock. Quatre gasped as Trowa started to fire.

"No!!! Trowa!!" came a voice. It was Adina in the space Taurus suit. The suit held Wing Zero in an arm-lock. "Trowa, come back to your senses!"

"She's right," said Quatre. "The person you want to protect lives there!"

Wing Zero elbowed the Taurus suit where the cock-pit was. The pound made Adina's head throb and more blood came gushing out. Wing Zero lunged in attack to the Taurus, but was stopped by Sandrock. The two fought while Adina tried to keep conscious. In a last attempt to stop Trowa, she once again held Zero in an arm-lock. This time, she didn't let Zero escape from her grasp. With her body getting more and more weaker, she did the last thing she could think of to save him. She knew she shouldn't do it, but what else could she do? She fell unconscious, and a part of her, in the form of a spirit, left her and went into Trowa's mind. She sent him images of his past. Trowa sat wide-eyed with disbelief of the events he was seeing. Were they real? Was this his life?

"You're right Quatre," he finally said. "The person I want to protect lives there."

"Trowa?" he asked shocked. "You've got your memory back!"

The spirit left his mind and returned to its body. Adina still wouldn't awaken. Trowa turned to see the Taurus suit barely taking hold of Zero.

"What happened?" he asked.

Quatre answered, "Adina used the last of her strength to save you."

"What? No! Adina? Are you all right?" he called. In all his efforts he could not get the girl to awaken. Taking hold of the Taurus suit he said, "Let's head back to Peace Million."

When both arrived back at Peace Million in the mobile suit hangers, they tried to open the Taurus suit's cock-pit, but it was jammed. Because of Zero ramming it earlier, plus the damage it had recieved during battle, the cock-pit got rammed in. They had to take the whole entrance apart to get Adina out. When they finally got in, they saw Adina unconscious in the pilot's seat. Blood gushed from every part of her body. Noin and Sally took hold of the girl and brought her to the medical room.

Trowa stood outside the door along with the others silent. Quatre stood next to him and smiled.

"She'll be all right."

"I don't know Quatre. When I first saw her in that cock-pit and covered with blood, I thought..." his voice trailed off.

"She saved you."

"Just like she promised."

"Hey man," said Duo. "Don't be so hard on yourself. She'll be OK. Hilde was in a similar situation."

"Yeah, but Hilde wasn't fighting for her life like Adina is."

The American looked at the Arabian prince and sighed. He shook his head not knowing what else to say.

Noin then came out of the medical room. "Trowa, she just might make it."

"May I see her?"


Trowa went in the room and saw Sally by Adina's side putting a needle in her veins for a transfusion. Adina's eyes were closed and she was breathing unsteadily. Sally left the room. Trowa heard and watched the indicator slowly sound on the monitor. Bandages were wrapped all around her forehead and arms. He took hold of her hand which felt amazingly cold. Then, very slowly, Adina opened her eyes.

"Adina? Are you all right?"

"...trowa..." she was barely able to speak.

"Thank goodness you're OK."


"Yes, thanks to you. But why? Why did you come risk your life for me? I know that you're my guardian, but I told you to stay with Catherine!"

"..trowa..I." she gasped for air and started coughing.

"No, you better not try to talk."

"..listen to me..I'll talk anyway." She coughed violently.

"Stop it!"

"...the reason why I did that...was see...people do crazy things...when they really care about someone..."


"...I'm so glad...I was able to see you again...with your memory.."

"Hey, it's not good-bye yet!"

"...remember Trowa...I'll" before she could finish she closed her eyes and the monitor sounded that beeeeeeeeep that he had always feared.

"Adina? Adina! Come on wake up!"

Noin and Sally barged in upon hearing Trowa's cries. They pushed him out of the room and tended to doing whatever they could for Adina. Trowa met the other four outside.

"So, how is she?" Heero asked.

Trowa stared at the floor and shook his head.

"I knew that girl was no good," said Wufei.

"Why?" Duo asked.

"Cause she's a woman."

"Same old excuse."

"Cut it out! I don't think Trowa want's to hear your bickering now," Quatre ordered.

Trowa had left the group and looked out the window. He gazed upon the sea of stars as he let the light from them be absorbed in his eyes. They reflected of that same light, of at the moment seemed to be hollow. He looked towards Earth, that blue marble that, he just found out, had been hit by Libra's main cannon. He had gotten word later that Catherine was fine, and he told her about what had happened to Adina. Catherine was deeply saddened because she knew. She knew Adina's feelings for her brother and her brother's feelings for her. She could tell.

Noin and Sally spent the rest of the night in Adina's room. Trowa didn't sleep at all that night. He spent the whole time waiting, sitting outside the door. He had never been worried over something like this so much before. He wondered exactly why he was doing this. He remembered what Adina was trying to tell him before she passed out. She'd him. Even though she didn't say it through, he knew what she'd say. So, why was he waiting? Was it because that he too had the same feelings? He didn't think that this would ever happen to him. But he realized that he did. He prayed that she'd be all right, even though she probably had already died.

"Trowa? You're still here?" Quatre asked. All four pilots were gathered around him. It was early morning. "Didn't you sleep?"

"No," he replied.

"You stayed out here all night?"


"Wow, you're really taking this seriously huh?" asked Duo. "You're really worried. I didn't expect that from you."

Trowa looked at him with emptiness in his eyes and voice. "Neither did I."

"You should go get something to eat," said Heero. "After that you go to bed."

"No, I'm staying here until she gets well."

"You could be waiting here for however long it would take for her to recover!" said Quatre in protest.

"Then I'll stay here for however long it takes."

"It won't do you any good just staying here," said Wufei. "Go rest, because you'll need it for the next battle."

"The next battle, I may not be able to make it," he said looking at the floor.

"What do you mean by that Trowa?" Quatre asked.

"She's always protected me through all my battles. If I go on my own, I may not make it. I almost got killed not long ago, but fortunately I managed to escape death with the cost of my memory. Next time I may not be so lucky."

"Trowa, she'll make it. I know she will. Just go eat and rest up."

Reluctantly, he got up and went to the cafeteria. After eating a bit, he went to his room and rested. He did manage to fall asleep despite all the chaos going through his mind. He dreamed that Adina had died. He was in her room holding her, telling her that everything would be all right. Then, she died in his arms. He woke up with his face dripping with sweat. He wiped a hand across his face and sighed.

"Dammit! I can't take much more of this," he said breathlessly.

"You don't have to anymore."

He looked up and in the shadow in the corner of a room stood a figure. The figure stepped out into the light. Trowa's heart litterally skipped a beet from exictement and relief. It was Adina, and she had made it through alive.


"There's no need for you to be suffering anymore. I am surprised at the great concern that you showed for me. I couldn't believe that you had stayed up all night waiting. No need to worry anymore, everything is all right."

Trowa got up from the bed and took her in his arms and held her close. She was surprised at that movement. She could feel his warm breath against her cheek as he struggled against all the emotional anxieties, confusion, and relief that he felt at the same time as she slowly put her arms around his neck.

"Don't ever do that to me again, you hear? I thought I lost you, forever."

"But you didn't. I'm a strong fighter, and with you in mind, it gives me the strength to keep on living."

They departed and left the room. They found everyone in the lounge. Smiling faces turned towards them as they stepped in.

"I told you she'd make it Trowa," said Quatre.

"Adina's recovery was amazing. For sure we thought that she wasn't going to make it, but she proved us wrong," said Noin.

"You were very lucky," said Sally.

"Yes, and thank you for all you've done to help me," Adina smiled. "Unfortunately, I'll have to leave now."

"Why?" Trowa asked.

"It's my duty to protect you in my other form. I have to carry out that mission." Trowa nodded. "I wish I didn't have to. If it were up to me, I'd stay here."

Adina said good-bye to the other pilots, Noin, and Sally. Then, she and Trowa went to a hallway where on one side there were windows so you could see space. It was this very place that Trowa had looked while waiting for Adina to recover.

"Do you really have to go?" he asked stopping her.

"Unfortunately yes," she said looking at the floor.

"Will I ever see you again?"

"Yes. You'll always see me in your dreams. That's where I shall live. However, there will come a day when I'll be able to come back to you. I'll remain by your side. Will you wait for me?"

"However long it takes, I will wait." They stood gazing at eachother in silence before finally Trowa spoke. "Before you go, what is your real name?"

She looked at the floor, unsure if she should tell him, but the look she saw when she gazed into his deep green eyes reasured her. "My name is Diana."

"Diana. We'll be together again soon."

She smiled at him as tears came to her eyes. She held his face in her hands and kissed him gently. As she did, the tears slowly ran down her face. She drew away from him and said softly, "Remember, that I'll always love you."

"I love you too...Diana."

She brushed the tears away and took her origional shadow form. She then went through the window and out into space. Trowa watched with a hand placed on the window as she left him and ventured into the void.

"Until we meet again," he said softly. Then to his suprise he noticed that there were sparkles floating around him. "What's this? Those sparkles...they're my tears."

Owari? (The End?)


So thus ends the story! Diana's code name can be figured out by rearanging the letters in her real name. Adina=Diana, pretty simple!

If you enjoyed this story keep a look out for the sequel: Return of the Guardians.

~*~Lady Pheonix~*~

Other works by author

The Search for Happiness

Fallen Samurai

The Gundam Pilots Survive "Survivor"

My First Day of High School