Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memory of a Lost Soldier ❯ CHAPTER 2 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Nako and Sagi had already told Heero and Duo what was going on, and were all in a shuttle on their way to X-18999. They continued on their way to the colony with the back-up of Miss Noin and Sally Po.

Heero lay asleep in his seat. He dreamed about that day that he had jumped that fence and ran out to the hill. Laughing while laying on his back he looked up to see a little girl. She gave him a small yellow flower and ran off after her puppy. Heero looked at the flower in his hand as if trying to understand the gesture that he had recieved from the girl.

Later that night, he destroyed a base on one of his missions. However, he had made a miscalculation and a Leo mobile suit crashed into a building. He watched helplessly for he knew there was nothing he could do. He clenched the wilted flower in his hand feeling angry for allowing himself to make such a mistake. He went back the next day to see the ruins of that building. It began to snow when he noticed a dead puppy to the side of him. He picked it up realizing it was the same puppy the little girl had, the same little girl that gave him the flower. Then, in his dream, he saw Sagi.

`Heero?' she said to him.

`What's going on?'

`How many times must you remember that event?'

`I can't stop thinking about it.'

`That event has left a deep wound in your heart. Heero, will you ever let that wound heal?'

`Whether it heals or not doesn't depend on me. It's not something I can get rid of. It'll haunt me for the rest of my life.'

`Heero please. Let me help you. You've shut me away. Please, open up to me and turst me. It'll be easier for me to protect you as your guardian.'

`What do you mean?'

`Believe in me, like I believe in you.'

The dream ended, and Heero woke up to find Sagi by his side smiling.

"Have faith," she said.

Heero looked at her. She really had been talking to her. Sagi smiled once more at him and sat next to Nako.

"Hey you guys," said Duo. "That little girl is about to make a statement."

On the monitor of the shuttle, Mariemea stood about ready to make her statement.

"We of Colony X-18999," she began, "hereby declare our independence from the Earth's Unified Nation. And at the same time, declare war against the nation. My name is Mariemea Kushrenada. I am the daughter of Treize Kushrenada."

"What? His daughter!" exclaimed Duo.

"It's just as we feared, isn't it Sagi?" asked Nako.

"Yes it is."

"You knew all along?" Duo asked.

"Of course, but we didn't know enough before to confirm anything."


"Remember Adina?"

"Yeah, I remember her. Who could forget the girl that survived from being shot by Heero."

"She has different powers than we do. Being able to sense things about to happen is her specialty."

"We'd better get to the colony and fast," said Heero interupting them. "They're planning to drop the colony onto Earth. We have to get to their control room and disconnect the system."

"All right then, let's go."


Meanwhile, Tila was searching for Quatre. She was given word that he had gone after the disposal block to retrieve the Gundams. She started heading towards the sun increasing her speed with her power. She was traveling so fast that anyone who saw her would think she was a comet or a shooting star. She finally caught up to the shuttle where Quatre was in with the Maganac Corps.

Quatre was inside trying to figure out a detour route to get to the disposal block even faster. They had to reach it before it was too late.

"Rasheed, start the boosters one last time," he said.

"Don't worry Quatre," said a voice, "you'll make it in time."

Quatre spun around to the sound of the voice. There stood Tila in the entrance leaning against the wall.

"Tila? Is that you?"

"I see you remember me. It's been a long time since we've seen eachother so I didn't think you'd recognize me."

"How could I forget the person who saved me from drifting in space in that alliance mobile suit and brought me to a resource satalite that where my sister, Urea, was a doctor? You've guarded me for all this time."

"Yes, and will continue on doing so. That's why I've come. This is a dangerous mission so I've got to come look after you."

"Thanks Tila."

They continued heading towards the sun. Quatre knew that with Tila by his side, he would feel calmer about the situation, and safer.


Heero, Duo, Sagi, and Nako were nearing the colony. It was surrounded by mobile dolls, and it was very difficult to maneuver the shuttle. Just a few shots from those mobile suits and the shuttle would be blown to bits. To prevent that from happening, Sagi and Nako used their powers to form a shield around the shuttle.

"Hey Heero," said Duo, "how's this for some flying maneuvering?"

"I was counting on those skills from the beginning."

"That's satisfying to hear."

"Duo!" shouted Nako. "Stop talking and watch where you're going! Our powers aren't going to last very long!"

"No worries, Nako, I'm on it!" Two mobile dolls were in front of the opening where Duo was heading. He grasped the controls and shouted, "Get out of my way!"

They made it inside the colony with a crash landing, the sound of metal scratching metal piercing their ears. When they finally stopped, Heero and Duo managed to steal a couple of Leo suits and made their way in. They both split up with their guardians staying with them.

Then, out of no where, a dragon's claw emerged from the smoke, missing Heero and destroying another Leo. When the smoke lifted, Sagi and Heero saw Wufei with Nataku.

"I've always wanted to fight you like this," came Wufei's voice.

Heero just glared towards him as Sagi gasped in suprise.

"What?" she asked. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Wufei, please," begged Nataku. "You shouldn't be doing this. He's your ally and you can't be fighting each other when a war's about to break out!"

"Quiet woman!" he shouted.

"Listen here buddy, I have a name, remember? You gave me a name so I suggest you start using it instead of calling me `woman'!"

Wufei paid no attention to her and he lunged at Heero. Of course, with Sagi's help, he was able to deal with his attacks.

"Are you guys doing the right thing?" Wufei asked.

"What?!" Heero snapped.

"I'm asking you, are you guys doing the right thing!!"

Heero growled in frustration. Nataku and Sagi had no choice but to protect them from destroying each other. Wufei needed to see that what he was doing was wrong. Of course, that was never easy for him and even Nataku had trouble getting through to him. Wufei sliced off the left arm of the Leo suit Heero piloted, sparks flying everywhere.

"Wufei, press the self-detonation device!" Heero ordered. Wufei still didn't do a thing. Heero opened the cock-pit and stepped out. "I'll say it again, press the button."

There was an explosion that was from the direction that Duo went. Smoke filled the area where Wufei and Heero were battling. When the smoke lifted, Wufei and Nataku saw that Heero and Sagi had slipped away.


Duo and Nako managed to get by all the defense lines. Then, a door opened and there was a new mobile suit model. It fired at them and Duo ducked behind a corner.

"Man that guy's intense!" he exclaimed. "Hey, I know this. I recognize that style of combat. No doubt! Trowa's in that suit! Well take this!"

"Duo! Stop!" called Nako.

"Tell him to stop!"

"Adina! What's going on?" Nako asked.

"Sorry Nako," she replied with no emotion in her voice.

Trowa stopped firing and the Leo fell back. Both sides stood there watching each other, not knowing who would make the next move.

"Trowa," said Duo, "why have you betrayed us?"

"You got the wrong guy," he said, "I'm not Trowa." Then, he targeted two missiles on Duo's Leo suit.

"Hey!" exclaimed Duo. The two missiles were launched. "So this'll end everything will it?"

There was an explosion and smoke filled the air and down the corridor. When the smoke lifted, he saw Nako forming a shield around him.

"Hey Duo, you all right?"

"Yeah, I guess. Hey, where'd they go?"

"I wonder what's gotten into them."

"Could've taken it a bit easier."

Duo got out of the mobile suit and he and Nako headed towards one of the two giant holes left by the missiles.


At about the same time, Quatre and the others had finally caught up with the disposal block. Quatre stood in an opening with a harpoon-like divice; Tila with him, ready to guide him. As soon as the shuttle was paralell to the satalite, Quatre launched the harpoon and it stuck to the surface of the satalite. He pulled himself with the rope, but then, the shuttle started to pull away from the satalite, causing Quatre to loose his grip and plumet to the it.

"Quatre watch out!" exclaimed Tila. She raced towards him and went behind him so he would land on her instead of the sharp rock he was headed for. She gasped in pain.

"I've made it safely on the satalite," he informed his comrades. "Take care. Say hi to the goddess of Venus!" He looked to where Tila was laying. "Tila! Hey, are you all right?"

"Sure I am," she said as she struggled to get up. "I have to be, and don't ask why I did that because you know the answer."

He smiled at her because he knew she was right. "All right, I won't."

They made their way inside to the room where the four Gundams were kept.

"It's so hot in here!" Tila exclaimed as she wiped her arm across her face.

"Yeah, it's hotter than a desert in here." Quatre looked towards the Gundams. "So, we meet again."

"Sorry to ruin this Kodak moment, but we don't have a lot of time you know."

"Sorry Tila."

They both went to the control room to change the direction of the disposal block. Once that was done both sighed with relief that they had made it, and that it would finally be getting cooler.


Back at Colony X-18999, Duo and Heero were trying to make their way to the control room. However, everywhere they went, Mariemea's soldiers were guarding the way. The boys managed to get a hold of a few guns and Duo started throwing bombs.

"Hey, let us take care of them," said Sagi as all of them ducked behind a corner.

"How?" Nako asked.

"By using our new power globes."

Heero and Duo shrugged and said they could go a head. Sagi held out her white globe as it started to glow. It then morphed into a mirror. Nako did the same with her yellow globe. She held it out and it morphed into many globes that surrounded her and formed a shield.

Sagi stepped out with her mirror and shouted, "White Reflection!" The mirror glowed, and reflected all shots being fired at them. "Finish the job Nako!"

"Beam Strike!" she shouted. The globes around her shot out beams that finished the last of the remaining troops. They were free to go to the control room.

"Nice work," Duo said as they entered the room. They saw Trowa at one of the computers with Adina by his side. "So, you're on our side after all."

"Of course we are," said Adina. "Why? Have any doubts?" she smiled slyly.

"Some," Duo admitted.

"I could use a hand here," said Trowa. "The codes are kind of hard to break so it would be nice if you could help."

They all sat at one of the computers and started trying to break the codes that will prevent the colony from plumeting to Earth.

"I can't seem to break the final code," Duo said getting frustrated.

"Done," said Heero. "The codes are broken, so there's no need to worry about this colony."

"Hurry up with what you're doing," said Adina. "I can sense more soldiers coming."

"Hey you guys," said Duo, "I've got some mail from Quatre. He's caught up to that disposal block and redirected its course."

"Do me a favor. Tell him to send it to these coordinates," said Heero.


"I'll be picking it up in space. It'll save a lot more time that way."

"Open up the door!" ordered an officer.

"Duo, there's one more favor I'd like to ask you."

"What? All of a sudden you start asking me for favors."

"Hit me, now."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Open up the door or we'll break it down!" the soldiers ordered.

"You don't have much time," said Heero.

"Are right you asked for it," Duo sighed. "I'll give you my very best punch." He drew his fist back, and pulled forward hitting Heero directly on the left side of his jaw. Heero snapped back his head towards Duo with intense look in his eyes, and drove his fist in Duo's stomach. "What? Why...why...why the-"

"It's for your own good," said Heero. "That's one for one." He handed Duo's limp body to Trowa. "He's all yours now." He then lied on the floor pretending to be unconcious.

"We girls better go for now," said Sagi. "Be back soon!" With that, they dissapeared. Just as they did, the door busted open and soldiers stormed in.

"I've already taken care of it," said Trowa as he handed Duo's body to one soldier. "But they've prevented the colony's stability."

Just then, Heero leaped up and bolted at he door. Shots were fired, but he got away safely. The soldiers chased after him as Trowa just stood there and watched on.


~*~Lady Pheonix~*~