Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Merging Causes Problems ❯ It's All so Final ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Nine: It's All So Final

Tony Draeger
Tony Draeger

Chapter Nine: It's All So Final

*Wind howled, rain
poured, thunder clapped, and lighting slashed the sky, cutting it into a
thousand and one tiny pieces. Hiiro had made it to the Tower just before the
rain began. He saw the elevator 'Out of Order' sign and decided t take the
stairs up. Slowly climbing them, one by one, he drowned in his misery. Never had
he felt so terrible in his entire life. It was like part of him had been ripped
away and thrown full force into a battle zone. It had holes in it, it was
bleeding, wounded, and there was no one to care for the pain. No one at all. He
climbed on and on, until finally reaching the top of the tower. Walking out
onto the balcony, he let the rain soak his dry clothes, hoping it would numb
both him and the pain. So far it did neither, but maybe it just needed more


She was a woman
with a mission. Ok, given her mission was not to infiltrate some military
operation, or even anything like it, but it was still just as important,
probably even more so than anything else. The only thing that mattered now was
finding Hiiro and setting him straight. Her problem was: where to look? She had
absolutely no idea where he would be. 'But where ever he is, I hope he's
inside, dry and warm and safe.' Just then, she spied where her feet had taken
her without even looking. Tokyo Tower. It would be the perfect place to look
for Hiiro, if he was wandering the streets that is. She ran inside, and then
saw the elevator. Memories flooded back to her: Zoisite bringing her and Darien
here, then causing the floor to fall out beneath them. Sticking them in the
elevator only to try to kill them. The story of Darien's past, being Sailor
Moon and Tuxedo Mask, Endymon and
Serenity, the Silver Crystal... all of the memories all at once. She crumbled
trembling in fear. Dentist, she could deal with. Math tests, she was getting
better. Thunder, well, let's not think of that right now. Ghosts? There weren't
any, right? But the fear of the elevator ride froze her in place.

Serenity... I've been waiting for you Serenity..." Called a soft deep
woman's voice from the shadows.

"Whose, whose
there?" She asked.

"It's me
Serenity, just me."


"It's time
Serenity. It's time."


"For our
final battle. Good versus evil. Light versus dark, day versus night, angel
versus devil, Chaos versus order."

"Chaos versus
order... Chaos!"

Serenity, upstairs to face me." Serena stood despite her memories, despite
her fears. She had said she would not be afraid to fight Chaos to Hiiro, and
Selene so help her, she would keep her word. She found the stairwell and began
to climb.


Hiiro heard the
stairs creaking and knew someone was coming. As the door opened, he turned to
face the new comer. A familiar figure stepped from the shadows into the lighter
light of the sheets of rain.

He asked, not sure if he was sane and seeing the real thing, or hallucinating
and seeing a mirage.

She asked, afraid it could be just a dream, a figment of her imagination.

What did he care. She liked Duo now. He was only this morning's washed out old

Hiiro!" She ran over to him and enveloped him in a huge hug. Though he
didn't return the gesture, she knew he was happy to see her too. "I've
been looking all over for you. I know you saw Duo kiss me, but you've got it
all wrong. I didn't kiss him like he told you I did. All I did was..."

You've grown up so much in the last two months." A cloaked figure
materialized in the sky in front of them.

Said Hiiro. He looked and saw Serena's pained face. She wasn't looking at
Chaos, thought. She was looking at him.

"Hiiro, I
have to say this. I kissed Duo as a thank you for getting my hair out, not
because I like him that way. Hiiro, the second kiss, the one you saw, he kissed
me. I pushed him away and told him I had you. Please Hiiro, believe me. She searched his eyes, trying to find one
shimmer of emotions that would give her hope.

Serenity. We start the final battle now." Chaos through a ball of red at
the two. Serena pushed Hiiro out of the way and grabbed her locket. As she
transformed, Hiiro thought over the words she had said to him. Had he really
just over-reacted? Did he really feel nothing for Duo but friendship? He looked
into her eyes before she stood to battle, and knew what she had said was true.

"Fine. Chaos,
let's rumble." Hiiro watched the two girls go at it. As Chaos was able to
shield herself from attacks, Sailor Moon could not, so she had to dodge. After
a couple of warm up kicks and punches, they began with the magic. Serena used
her tiara, Chaos charred it. Next went the scepter, then the Moon Rod, then the
attacks got really big. Hiiro couldn't see them anymore there was so much dust
and smoke. All he heard were the constant barrages of sounds. Finally, Sailor
Moon's body was thrown through the smog and into the brick wall behind her.

"I told you
before. I am the apocalypse. No one can stop me."

Hiiro heard Serena whisper.

"Hang on
Serena..." he checked her injuries and her pulse. She was beginning to
stand up, but Chaos just knocked her back down.

"What is
this? I thought I killed that stupid Prince of the Earth. Is this his
replacement? Hiiro Yui?"

"I am the
Perfect Soldier. Omea wa koruso." He said, shooting what was left of his
bullets to distract Chaos long enough for Serena to get to her feet and counter
attack her.

Serena stood, her
transformation glowing. Soon she was no longer Sailor Moon, or Sailor Cosmos,
but Princess Serenity. She raised her crystal into the air, and watched as
Chaos turned to face her one last time.

Crystal Power!" Hiiro heard Serena scream out. She looked just like and
angel in that one moment, with her long white dress, golden hair, blue eyes,
gold moon birth mark and white feathered wings. The glow of the crystal above
her made her seem more ethereal. As soon as she cried out her words, Chaos
crumbled, was enveloped by a warm soft white light, and with a final scream,
disappeared into thin air.

Serena saw Chaos
become dust and gave up on the crystal. She let it return to its brooch and
then her knees buckled. She waited for the cement ground to impact her beaten
body hard, but the impact never came. She looked up to see a warm pair of arms
had caught her and blue eyes met hers.

"I'm sorry.
Serena, Serenity, Sailor Moon, koi, aishiteru."

"Oh, Hiiro!
Aishiteru!" She cried out in joy. Using the last bit of strength she had,
she wrapped her petite arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He gently
returned it, adding a kiss at the end. By the time he broke the kiss, she had
fainted, her body returned to the Serena form, and he picked her up and began
carrying her back to the arcade.


"It's past
midnight! Where could they be?" Asked a worried Quatre. He was pacing
around the back room in the arcade. The other three boys were seated on the
floor and on storage supply boxes, as well as Andrew, Rita, and Marie. Sammy
and Mika had gone to bed hours before. All of the people still up in the house
were worried sick about their two friends. Suddenly, the door burst open. In
came Hiiro, Serena passed out in his arms.

"Oh my
goodness! What happened to her?" Asked Rita.

"Chaos. She
battled Chaos tonight."

"She what?
Tonight?" Remarked Wufei


"Is she
alive?" Asked Andrew.

"She used a
lot of magic. She passed out right after she killed Chaos."

"She won?"
Asked Everyone simultaneously.

"Of course.
You expected anything less?" Said Hiiro.

"Did she tell
you how I had no idea hoe you two were an item and how I kissed her, and not
the other way around?" Asked Duo.

Serena's eyelashes fluttered. She opened her eyes and sat up slowly.

better?" Hiiro asked her.

"Sort of.
I'll feel better after a good night's sleep."

"Some of your
injuries are severe. You'll need stitches..." Started Trowa.

They'll be gone by tomorrow night this time. You won't even know I ever fought
in the first place."

"Serena, did
you tell Hiiro about..."

"You need
rest." Said Hiiro, watching Serena yawn, then nod yes to his suggestion.
"Come on. He carried her into the upstairs apartment, where they were all
sleeping, all of the guys following in suit. He lay her on the couch, then
placed a blanket over her. Kissing her forehead, she looked up.

"You're stuck
here now. All of you are. The worlds have been merged for too long, and not
even I can fix them."

"It's ok,
we'll think about it in the morning."

"It's going
to be hard to integrate two dimensions into one, and I'm worried about..."
Hiiro cut her off with a solid kiss on the lips, then lay down beside her on
the floor.

"Like I said.
There's tomorrow to think about these things." He closed his eyes, and
someone turned out the light.

"I guess she
told him and they made up." Said Duo.

Six voices whispered.

Jeesh. And I thought merging was the problem."

The End.