Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Angel ❯ chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Angel

Part one

"Phew..." dragging his sore body into a new safehouse, followed
closely by his fellow ex-gundam-pilots, Duo felt like fainting on the
spot. He hadn't been as exhausted as this for ages.

//Shit, if at least this had stayed a solo mission, I would have
stayed one day longer, so nobody would notice me sneaking out tonight.
But with Heero and the others... It'll be a lot more difficult...//

He really and absolutely _had_ to go out and bath in the full moon's
light tonight. He couldn't wait another four weeks for it.

//Che, I'm even too tired to go upstairs, how will I sneak out unno-
ticed? I just hope the others sleep very tight tonight....// he ramb-
led on in his thoughts.

Exhausted he slumped onto the couch in the living-room, and only a
few seconds later the others could tell from his soft snoring that he
was fast asleep.

Trowa, who had sat down in one of the armchairs, suddenly found his
lap being used as Quatre's chosen seat. Not that he minded. He
tenderly wrapped his arms around the one he loved, and soon they were
off to dreamland together.
Wufei positioned himself into a lotus seat and started meditating,
trying to gain some peace of mind. Zechs looked around and grinned.

"Look," he whispered to Heero, "a whole room full of sleeping and
semi-sleeping beauties..."

"Yeah, semi-sleeping. That applies to me and you just perfectly"
Heero yawned. Settling down next to his best friend Duo, he too
succumbed to sleep. Finding no more free space but the floor, Zechs
climbed up to the next level and settled down on a queen-sized bed
he found in the first room.

//Whoa, a chance to sleep peacefully, at last...//

When the church bell of the nearby village stroke ten o'clock, the
only sound were the soft breathing and occasionally snoring of six
sleeping Preventers, who had a very busy month behind them. They had
had to infiltrate different enemy bases, just to discover, that they
were all connected to each other.

Around midnight Heero was startled into awareness. Somebody was mo-
ving in the room. Against the full moons light, he saw the person's
silhouette in front of an open window. Judging the size and form, it
had to be Duo, but why was he sneaking around like this? When they
arrived here, he had looked like a walking corpse, he needed to rest.
Yet here he was, silently climbing out of the window.

As soon as the braided one was outside, moving towards the small
forest behind the house, Heero quietly followed him. He wasn't cu-
rious, oh no. He just had to know what Duo was doing in a forest in
the middle of the night. And he was only a very little bit concerned
about the baka. Who knew what could happen to him in that condition.
For all Heero knew, the idiot could stumble over a tree's root and
break his neck from the fall.

Quietly he sneaked through the forest, always keeping a secure dis-
tance from his friend, so that he wouldn't be spotted. When he
followed the twists and turns of the little path into the forest,
that was actually much bigger than he had originally thought, he
began to wonder about why Duo was so secretive about going out here.

//I don't think he turned into a traitor... he's not that type of
guy,... is he? Duo, what are you hiding?//

Suddenly he stood in front of a clearing. Watching his surroundings,
Heero noticed with growing uneasiness, that this place seemed odd.
Trees like this weren't supposed to grow in a forest in Northern
Europe. They were giants, they reminded him of the pictures of
Mammoth trees he had once seen. Second to that, he couldn't recognise
what kind of trees they were. Some of them seemed almost black,
others had an ivory shimmer on their stem. And the flowers growing
everywhere. Plain beauty all around him.

Pulling his binoculars out of spandex space, he directed his gaze
onto Duo's face. The beautiful young man was fumbling around in his
mouth, and while Heero continued watching, he pulled two pieces of
cotton wool out.

The changes this did to his face... Heero stared dumbfounded at the
now thinner face of Duo Maxwell, whom he thought he knew quite well.
But this, this was a stranger. In the past three years after the
Marimeia incident, Duo had been on the receiving end of quite some
jokes, since he didn't seem to have matured visibly.

But the person standing in the middle of the clearing seemed much
older then the nineteen years he was supposed to be.

//No, not so much older... more like... I don't know... timeless?//

He continued watching, when Duo fumbled at his ears.

//What's going on now?//

Suddenly Duo held two ear-shaped pieces of skin coloured gum in his
hands. Heero stared in wonder at the pointed ears, that were framing
Duo's face. Slowly Duo started to unravel his braid. The soft
chestnut mane reached down to his mid-calves, now that it was un-
bound. The cool light of the full moon above gave it an unearthly
glow. Then Duo started to undress.

Naked, he lay down in the sweet-smelling grass and directed his gaze
to the moon. Heero's mind ran wild.

//What... who... I don't underst... Duo - an elf or something like

Not knowing how to handle this added stress, Heero's brain short-
circuited and the young man fainted. At least, that spared him the
sight of dark-feathered wings, protruding from Duo's back when he
got up again.