Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Angel ❯ chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Angel

Part four

Quatre, Trowa and Zechs went outside, hopped into one of their jeeps and drove
into the village to get some food. Wufei settled down in 'trowa's chair' and
watched the other members of their team sleep. Seeing no dirt on Heero's body
and clothes, he decided that he must have had a weird dream.
Sighing he closed his eyes.

// I must be more exhausted than I thought at first... that I'm seeing
things... ne, Meiran... what a stupid husband you had...//

Something that sounded suspiciously like a sob escaped his throat, but
he was too lost in thought to realize it. He didn't even realize the single tear
that slowly made it's way down his cheek. A soft hand touching his shoulder made
him lash out without thinking and with a lout *clap* his hand connected with
something soft and warm. Startled he opened his eyes. Right in front of him, Duo
stood, holding his already reddening cheek.

"ouch, _that_ was so _totally_ uncalled for!" he pouted, the worry in his eyes
betraying him though. Wufei stared at him, unable even to mutter an apology.

//Oh... Nataku... what... what have I _done_?!? //

Duo looked him square in the eye, reading the inner turmoil Wufei was going through.
He moved his mouth to Wufei's ear and softly whispered:

"It's Okay, it... it was an accident. I'm sorry for disturbing you in your meditation,
but... y'know, I... had this feeling that... maybe... you'd like to to talk about it..."

he uncertainly trailed off. He really didn't know what to say. The silence began to
stretch uncomfortably. Finally Duo gave in.

"Alright, Wu. I won't ... bother... you again."

He slowly rose from his kneeling position and moved to the door that led to the
veranda. When he tried to open it and it didn't move,he twisted the old doorknob
brutally, intending to break the lock. But the lock held. Sighing defeatedly, Duo
opened the window next to the veranda door and climbed through it, then he continued
his path to the wilderness that once had been a cared for garden.

" Oh dear, this place surely has changed, hasn't it, Sakura?"

he asked the old japanese cherry-tree, never knowing that Wufei had climbed through
window as well and was now standing on the veranda, quietly watching him.

Noticing that there was something lying next to his feet, Duo knelt down to
retrieve an old ceramic bowl with the dried up rest of some bubble-sud. Moving a
few more steps, he scooped some water from the brook that gently ran through the
garden into the bowl and stirred the mixture with his finger.

//I wonder if this works//

He then took a small piece of wire from the neverending-pocket of his riding-pants,
twisting it into a loop.

//I wonder what that baka is up to...//

Wufei mused. His unvoiced question was anwered, however, when all around Duo
soap-bubbles were flying in the air, riding the soft summer-breeze, rising
higher, flying farther, until they either popped or were too far away to still
be seen. Fortunately (for Duo), Wufei had lost himself so much in watching the
otherworldly dance of these rainbow-coloured spheres, that he never noticed the
mental exchange between Duo and the ageless phantom of a seemingly young
woman, that had stepped out of the aforementioned Sakura-tree.

"Greetings, sire. How have you been these days?"

"Oh, I've been fine, dear child of my cousin."

"That is a good thing to hear, I will report that to the royal family."

"Do you still have to call your parents that?"

"Yes, just like I still have to call you sire, although you only want me to call
you Azrael."

"Ah, I see. Oh, and it's Duo now. That's my name for the time being... Say hello
to you mum and dad for me, will you?"

With a final nod the spirit of the tree disappeared.


Meanwhile Heero (He had woken at the sound of Wufei's fist connecting with Duo's
cheek.), after finding that the kitchen was as empty as his stomach, began to
rifle through Duo's backpack.

// Sorry Duo, but I'm absolutely sure that there _must_ be something edible among
all this stuff.... No, but coffee, that's at least something...//

He returned to the kitchen and made himself some of that Instant coffee, while
diving deep into his memories of the previous day.

//We arrived. Duo fell asleep. Me too. I wake up when Wufei accidently hit Duo...
_Why_ do I have this feeling there was more to it?//

He had just started drinking when an image struck his mind: Duo, clothed in nothing
but his hair, standing in a clearing of the forest...

//Oh my...// he quickly put his cup onto the kitchen-table, before it could fall
from his suddenly numb fingers. Wonderingly, he looked at his now-shaking hands.

//No, that _must_ have been a dream.... it _must_ .... no way Duo is ....//

"Good morning Yui."

Startled Heero spun, standing almost nose to nose with Wufei.

"G...good morning Wufei. I didn't hear you come in..."

"You were too busy staring at your hands. They are still shaking, by the way.
What shocked you that much? Or are you getting ill?"

Heero _glared_ at his friend.

"I don't _get_ ill."

"Okay, okay, forgive me for daring to think you were human"

Wufei snapped.At those words, Heero paled visibly.

"Yui? I'm sorry, are you alright, you make quite a good impression of being a

These words made Heero pale even more, what made him look a bit vampiric, especially
with this weird gleam in his eyes. The stinging sensation of Wufei slapping him
snapped him out of his daze.

"Wufei, would you accompany me on a walk through that forest?"

He asked, pointing to the forest he and Duo had gone into last night, if it had
_not_ been a dream. And Heero had every intention of finding that out...

"Sure thing, Heero" Wufei smiled.

//Could it be that it was _not_ my imagination running wild tonight?//

When the two of them left the house, Duo's voice called from inside

"Hey flyboys, where are ya going?"

"That is none of your business, Duo." Heero stated calmly.

" Sheesh, alright. Get going, I'm not your keeper after all..."

//If you think you'll find anything, I'll wish you much luck at your search.
You'll find _nothing_ at all, believe me, honey... *snigger*//

Duo watched them disappear into the forest, then returned into the part of the
garden, where two or three centuries ago someone had started to grow some herbs
and other 'health stuff' as he called it. Quietly he began to weed.