Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Angel ❯ chapter six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Angel

Part six

After one hour, Duo finally had nowhere to go and nothing to do except going to
the attic and listening to Heero and Wufei, since outside it was still raining
heavily and he had no spare clothes. And he didn't want to go outside clad only
in his boxers, since he _knew_ he'd catch a cold for sure.

Suppressing a deep sigh, he climbed up the ladder that led from the second floor
to the chamber under the roof. There were a few low sofas and a small table, a
single candle burning slowly in it's middle. That was the only source of light
up here, if you didn't count the occasional bolts of lightning outside, since no
electricy was working up here.

Duo closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of the rain pounding onto the roof,
before he focussed his attention on Heero and Wufei, who were quietly waiting for
him to join them on the sofas.

They were now sitting in a vague triangle, each of them occupying one sofa, Duo
wrapped in an old blanket that had been lying on his. The silence hung heavy
between them, nobody was quite sure how to begin this talk. Finally Wufei

" You talk. I'll listen, since this concerns me only peripherically. "

Heero and Duo nodded their consent. After a short while of thinking on how to
begin, Heero started speaking.

"Duo, this is about... what happened tonight."

"Something happened tonight?" Receiving a double glare, Duo decided to shut up
and listen.

"Yes, something happened tonight. You were sneaking out, into the forest, and I
followed you to that clearing..."

//Oh shit, he really followed me all the way...// Duo swallowed hard.

"You... followed me all the way...?"


"What... what did you see?"

//I have to know this...//

"I saw you taking out the cotton wool out of your mouth..."

One of Wufei's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he kept his silence.


"And I saw you take off your fake ears, undress and and unravel your hair..."

The second eyebrow followed. Duo swallowed again.

//Oh shit...//

"What else did you see?" he promted the japanese man.

"I ... don't know. I... fainted..."

//Why do you look so relieved, Maxwell?// Wufei thougt, before he said
"And that's how I found him, passed out in the middle of the forest. Now explain

"..." Duo couldn't bring himself to speak one word.


"I... I can't tell you, ancient ones dammit!"

Shouting these word, he thundered down the ladder, the stairs and ran out into
the rain. Wufei and Heero stared at each other, dumbfounded. They had never seen
their friend react like that.

Meanwhile Zechs had run after Duo. Seeing him leaning against a tree, shivering
and crying, he softly embraced him from behind. Duo turned around in his arms and
hid his face in Zechs' broad chest.

They stood like this for what felt like an eternity, then Duo started to hickup.
Zechs picked him up carefully and carried him back into the house. After lying
his young comrade onto the red sofa in the living room, leaving him in Quatre's
gentle care, he stomped up to the attic, intending to tell the Asian boys his

"What the fuck did you do to him?" he demanded to know. They looked at
him like deers caught in headlight.

"We... we don't know... he just snapped and ran..." Wufei stuttered.

"Why would _Duo_ of all people 'snap and run' I wonder?"

"We wanted to know something, he didn't want to tell, so he ran. And since
the matter we _were_ talking about doesn't concern _you_ in the slightest
way, Wind, I guess you should just get your sorry ass downstairs, Wufei and I
need to talk."

Zechs and Wufei stared open-mouthed at their usually silent companion.
swallowing dry, Zechs followed Heeros oh-so-subtle suggestion. Climbing down
the ladder, he heard Wufei's voice:

"_Fake_ ears? Why in the world would he wear _fake_ ears, Yui?"

Shaking his head Zechs decided that he really didn't want to know.

Downstairs, Quatre noted worriedly that a slight fever blush started to colour
his pale American friend.

"Trowa" he said quietly "could you bring me a cold washcloth, please?"

as an afterthought he added

"oh, and try to get some blankets down here, he's freezing."

Trowa did what his lover asked for. They really couldn't have Duo ill. With a
shudder he remembered a time, when Duo had been ill with some kind of infection
that left him coughing, hoarse and with 'the mother of all headaches', as Duo
had complained back then.

//Uh oh, no way Duo's gonna catch a cold... and if I have to warm him personally...//

Trowa thought frantically.

// ill Duo = non-stop-whining Duo = no good//

He returned to Quatre and Duo, bringing the wanted items. He carefully laid two thick
blankets over Duo's shivering form, while Quatre started to wipe the cool washcloth
over their friend's fever-heated skin.

"Oh, Zechs, you are back. Did they tell you what happened?"

"No Quatre, I'm sorry. But after Heero sent me away, I heard them discuss about
_fake_ ears... I really have no clue what's gotten into them... How is he?"

"Just a mild fever, but we want to prevent it from getting worse..." Quatre replied.

"Yeah, believe me Zechs, you don't want to experience an ill Duo..."

Trowa added, shuddering. Zechs stared at the silent boy.

//It can't be that bad... can it?//

"That bad?" he had to know. Quatre and Trowa nodded simultaneously.

"Well... why don't we just put him into bed? There are two more free bedrooms."

"Ony two? Then Heero will have to share with either Duo, Wufei or you... Trowa
and I will share, right, Tro?"

A nod was the only affirmative he got. Zechs lifted the blanket-wrapped bundle
called Duo and broght him into one of the free bedrooms, between his and
Wufei's. Trusting Zechs to tuck their friend in properly, Trowa and Quatre
settled down in the last bedroom.

"Finally alone together, ne Tro-chan?"

"Yes, finally. Why don't we get into bed, Angel?"

"Are you tired already?"

"Who was talking about going to sleep?" Trowa mused, his visible green eye
sparkling merrily.

"Oh..." realisation dawned on Quatre. "Sure, let's get into bed..."

Aqua eyes shone hungrily now. Predatorily Quatre stalked to his tall lover. Slender
fingers rose to unbutton Trowa's shirt. Trowa's hands opened Quatres vest and shirt.

"You are definitely wearing too many clothes, little one" he chided Quatre playfully.

The blond Arabian smiled.

" Well, we can always change that, ne?"
They both stood shirtless now, their hands exploring each other's chests.

// Hmm, how I missed that...// both thought simultaneously. Quatre pushed Trowa onto
the bed.

"Pants off, now..." he rasped; Trowa complied. With raw desire, Quatre
kissed his silent Clown.


"What is it, little one?"

"I... think this will be more like just sex than lovemaking... I just missed you too
much... Just take me, onegai..."

Trowa abandoned his thoughts of foreplay. Groping for the lube, he started to get
Quatre's pants down.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"Just hard and fast..."Quatre specified.


//Here goes nothing...//

The unibanged one quickly squeezed some lube onto his finger and carefully
inserted it into Quatres tight entrance. He gently brushed across Quatre's sweet
spot, and the golden-blonde Preventer began thrashing mindlessly. He wanted his
Trowa, and he wanted him _now_. After all, they hadn't seen each other for about
one whole month, and he had missed him terribly.

Trowa added a second, a few minutes later a third finger, wanting to stretch his
beloved, before he would enter him. Quatre's whimpering told him that he was ready.
He pulled his fingers out and lathered his shaft with lubricant. Positioning
himself between Quatre's spread legs, he warned him

"Brace yourself" before entering with one slow motion until he was buried to the
hilt in his lover's tight velvety heat. Then he remained motionless, until Quatre
gave him a signal that he had adusted to the feeling of being filled by his more than
average lover. Trowa started to move.

Quickening his pace, he pounded into his one and only, knowing that he wanted
just this. Quatre moaned in extasy. This was exactly what he wanted, what he
desperately needed....

//it almost seems I have become addicted to this... but this is an addiction I never
want to be cured from...//

He was amazed, that a part of his brain still was able to funcion coherently, when
the rest of it was screaming with pleasure, all nerves humming as if they were
infused with liquid electricy. Together they danced to the oldest rhythm of the world,
spiralling higher, until they were catapulted into the sweet oblivion of the afterglow,
sated and content with their lives.

Heero and Wufei were still in the attic, lying on their sofas. Heero had almost
fallen asleep from the rhythmic squeaking of the bedsprings below, when Wufei
spoke up.

"We should go to bed now, it is late. You will share the room with Duo, I guess?"

"Well, we are used to sharing a room..."

"Well, here it will be not only the room... there is only one very big bed in
every room."

//Share the bed with Duo... after what I have seen in that clearing... kami-
sama... that will be _hard_...//

But he really had no choice, if he didn't want to spend the night in the living-
room again. So he followed Wufei down into the first floor and bid him good

When he opened the door to his and Duo's room, he walked face first into
Zechs' broad chest. Startled he took one step back, as did Zechs.

"Yui, you nearly gave me a heart-attack here..."

"Hn, same to you..."

"So, you gonna share with him?"


"Well, when you go inside, be quiet. His fever just broke and he fell into a more
restful slumber. Try not to wake him up okay?"


//He had a fever?...Why?// no facial expression betrayed his confusion to
Zechs. The platinum-blonde man left to go to bed himself and Heero quietly
undressed. Out of habit he slipped into the bed clothed in nothing but his
pride. Snuggling into his blanket he fell asleep.

About two hours later Duo woke up from the feeling that a stranger was in his