Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Raven ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry for taking so long with the update. You know the usual excuses- classes, work, etc. I also didn't know what I was getting myself into with this whole "plot" thing. They're a lot harder than PWP's. And longer. Much longer.

Standard disclaimers apply (i.e. I don't own any bishies tortured in this fic.)

~ Midnight Raven ~

Chapter 4

When Duo finally woke up, it was because he was hot. He looked at the clock. 9 am. God, he wanted to go back to sleep; it had been after 3 when he had finally gotten to bed, and nearly 4 when his over-active brain had allowed him to sleep.

Wait, he was hot. And it wasn't even the hot part of the day yet. His plan was working perfectly.

He jumped out of bed, grabbed some clothes from his room, and jumped in the shower. At the spray hit his face, he felt a little bit of life returning to his groggy brain. Okay, all he needed now was a cup of caffeine. He got dressed, braided his hair and stumbled down the stairs toward the kitchen.

He downed two and a half cups of coffee. Then, and only then, did he notice Trowa and Heero sitting at the table. "Hey guys!" Duo beamed, making himself some toast. "Ready to get to work?"

Heero snorted, and Trowa glared. Duo groaned. 'It's gonna be another long day.' "Where're Quat and Wu-man?"

"Supplies," Trowa answered tersely.

'Great,' Duo thought. 'That'll give me time to work with Heero before they get back from the store. And by then my secret plan will be in full swing.' "In that case, come on Heero, time to learn to dance!"

The music was blasting, and Duo was dancing and holding out his hand provocatively. The two touched. 'Wow, and nobody interrupted this time.' Duo placed each of Heero's hands on his hips and let the music move him. "Loosen up, Hee-man." He didn't. "That's an order," he smiled and did a half-assed salute.


"Maybe, but you're the one taking lessons form me," he quipped. He broke off and tried to reposition himself. Wrapping Heero's arms around his waist, he spooned up next to him so Heero had to move with him or lose his arms. Snaking an arm around Heero's neck, Duo whispered, "Relax. I promise I won't bite. . . hard."

Those words seemed to make Heero realize just how close his crotch was to Duo's rear. He turned red.

'Oh my God, he's blushing! Heero fucking Yuy is actually blushing. Well, at least now I know I'm getting through to him.'

The song ended. The next song was slower, not enough to lose the beat, just enough to bring a sultry sensuality to the air. Duo let his eyes slip shut, his hands idly tracing patterns on Heero's neck and arm. Heero's head rested in the crook of his neck. Surely this was heaven. 'Wow, this feels sooooo. . . . God, I'm glad my back is toward him.' He wished it would last forever.

The song started to build in intensity, the key getting higher, the tempo increasing. It was close to peaking when Heero pulled away.

'Goddammit! Why'd he stop?'

"Anou. . . ." Wiping his sweaty forehead, Heero asked, "Is it getting hot in here?"

'Now that you mention it. . . . Mwahahahaha.' "Oh, a bit. What's the thermostat set at?" Duo replied as innocently as he could. He may never lie, but avoiding telling the truth was quite another story.

"75, just like always."

"But it's gotta be a billion degrees in here. I'm sure someone probably messed with it." 'Well, it's true, I messed with it.'

"Should I go see?"

Heero gestured for him to proceed and followed him. Of course the thermostat was set for 75.

"Why is it so hot in here?" came the voice of the Chinese pilot. He was standing at the door with two bags of groceries. Behind him was Quatre, also carrying supplies.

"Maybe the air conditioner's on the fritz," Duo suggested.

Heero hrumphed and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like "way to state the obvious." Aloud he said, "We should go check it out."

Duo made a practiced 'not-me' look and then gestured with his eyes at the small blond. He mouthed, "I got to fix them first."

Heero nodded ever so slightly. He grabbed the bags from Wufei, handed them to Duo, and pulled the Chinese pilot toward the attic. Duo listened for a few seconds as Quatre breezed past toward the kitchen. Heero's voice muttered to Wufei, "That baka is up to something."

'Yes, yes I am,' Duo smirked and made way for the kitchen.

Quatre was putting the groceries away, trying desperately to act natural. Trowa was sitting at the table, trying desperately to pretend he was reading a book. And Duo was clutching his stomach, trying desperately not to laugh. 'They're so cute!'

"Uh, guys? I hate to tell ya this, but even though there were problems yesterday, we still have a mission," Duo said cautiously. Both tensed, then pretended they didn't hear him. Duo groaned. 'Where's the thought- bubble with the light bulb when I need it?' He played with his hair for a few seconds. 'There it is!' "Ya know, Quat, Tro over there was really upset that you don't like him."

Quatre started. With a surprised look on his face, he turned to face the green-eyed pilot. "Trowa?" Trowa retreated farther into his book. "Trowa, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I was just flustered, that's all." His big aqua eyes started to tear.

Trowa wasn't looking. 'Damn. Oh well.' "Oh, Quat-man, don't cry!" 'I know you'll hate me for saying that, but, trust me, it's for the best.'

That got Trowa's attention. He looked up into the watery aqua eyes. "Don't cry, Little One."

"Okay, then, you guys are okay, so I'll just leave you to practice." Duo had almost gotten out the door when. . .

"Duo, I-"

"What'sa matter?" he asked the blonde.

"I, um. . . ." Giving up on verbalizing in front of his crush, Quatre grabbed Duo by the wrist and pulled him outside. "Sorry, Duo, but I still don't think that I can. . . practice," he approached the word cautiously, as if it would bite him. Duo looked at him quizzically. "I-I just-I'm not very experienced, and-"

"Quat, is this the part where you tell me you've never been kissed?"

The blonde nodded shyly.

"Don't worry about it-"

"No, Duo, that's not what I mean," he interrupted the braided pilot. "I don't want my first kiss to be something I do for a mission."

'Oh. Uh-oh. What do I do? I can't exactly blame him; I wouldn't want my first to be like that either. So, what do I do? I mean, something tells me that Trowa wouldn't mind giving him a real first kiss. But still. Geez, now I have to be crafty again. Oh, wait! The original plan! I forgot. How'd I do that, it's so freaking hot in here.' "Okay, we'll just work on other things. I'll even chaperone for you."

The Arab seemed to relax a bit at that. Retrieving the uni-banged pilot from the kitchen, Duo shuffled both of them to the living room. They both sat down on the couch. 'Great, now to act like I don't know what I'm doing. This is fun.' "Okay, first you have to. . . ." He flailed his arms around like he knew what they should do, but couldn't find appropriate words. "Aw, hell." He wiped away a bead of sweat and tried to make it look like that had given him an idea. "HEERO!"

A minute later the spandex-clad boy came down the stairs. "What is it Duo?"

"I, um," 'Make it look believable.' "I need your help."

"Fine, I'm sure Wufei can handle the repairs himself. What do you need?"

'Yeah, sure. He's just happy to get away from the attic. It's even hotter than the rest of the house.' "Um, I need to demonstrate something, so I need a practice dummy." Heero looked like he was weighing the options, so Duo piped up with "For the mission."

Like Heero even had a choice at that point.

Okay, done for another chapter. Yay! Next one coming soon. I hope. **glares at Kadril**