Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind of the Soldier ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 5

The early morning sun shone a ray through the small window into Norman's room. He groaned and slowly raised his head off his pillow. He looked at the digital clock beside his bed. It was 0600 hours. He groaned again and then got up and put his feet on the floor. The floor was cold. It was time for him to get up and start his new assignment. According to what Higgins had told him, a group of private's were graduating from the training academy tomorrow, and Norman's first assignment was to take them on their first run in mobile suits. After this, they were to become part of his squad. He had 10 soldiers that would become PFC's tomorrow, so he had to do his job. He was not thrilled of piloting an Aries again however. Higgins also had told him Brooks and Johnston would be part of it as well, and maybe even Higgins himself.

Norman stumbled out of bed and walked into his small washroom, he washed his face, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He examined himself closely, and thought the sides of his hair were already going gray. He told himself that he was just imagining it. He also observed he had not shaven in awhile, and his face was grizzled. He thought he would leave that there, and grow a beard. Norman took the time to take a quick shower, and changed into the casual Oz uniform, a black vest and pants with the Oz insignia on it. He would not need formal dress.

Norman felt hungry, but decided to wait on it. A moment later he heard a soft knock on the door. He went over, and pressed the button to slide it open. He was then staring into the smiling face of Lindsay Johnston.

"Ready for your big day?" She asked happily.

"Big day?" Norman scoffed. Johnston laughed a little.

"Just thought I'd come by and collect you."

"Thank you for your consideration." Norman said. He was not being entirely sarcastic.

"Shall we get going?" Norman asked. He step out the door and made a gesture that suggested "ladies first". The walked down the hallway, and soon enough Brooks stepped out around the corner. He was obviously waiting for them.

"Good morning!" He called out to Norman. "Sleep well?"

"I'm up at six in the morning. I feel like shit."

"You look like shit. What are you growing there, a beard?" Brooks added.

"Yeah. Got a problem?" Norman asked while glaring at him.

"No. Just commenting on how good you look."

"I didn't need that."

"Yes you did."

"You're acting like a child."

"No I'm not." Johnston started to chuckle at this. Norman figured she was amused seeing them act like asses.

"You're both acting like children!" She added, still laughing.

"Will you shut up please. Brooks?" Norman asked nicely.

"Okay. Christ, I was only trying to cheer the guy up."

"Thank you for your effort. At least you made me feel less tired."

"I sure can work some wonders." Brooks said cheerily. All of them walked out of the barracks and into the sunlight. Norman squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Our people are over by the hangers." Brooks told Norman. Norman had a serious expression on his face. He was currently thinking about how he would conduct himself around rookies like he used to. It had been a long time. He remembered how all of the recruits he trained respected him. He wanted to do this again, but was facing a conflict. He was afraid that he could not make it anymore like he was able to. He had no idea what could happen if he became terrified of the mobile suits. Norman swallowed hard and tried to suppress this thought. They continued walking on.

"Who is their current commander?" Johnston asked.

"A guy by the name of Sergeant Dean Merello. He's a real dick by any standards." Brooks said this with a lot of honesty. They approached the hanger slowly and looked at a suit that stood meters above the ground. Awesome machines, but sometimes cumbersome, Norman thought. Outside there was a line of 10 people standing there. One of them stood in front of the rest. The man had light brown hair, and was young. Norman thought that must be Merello.

"Good morning, sergeant." Brooks called out to him. Merello turned around and looked at them, his eyes uninterested.

"All right, people." He turned back to the small group and looked at them. "This is going to be your new CO, Captain Norman." He turned back towards them with a big frown on his face. To Norman, he looked like a real asshole. Norman stepped towards the line of young faces. Most of them were just kids. Late teens it looked like for most of them. He examined their faces closely to try to read what they were feeling. No doubt, they were not contemplating what they were getting themselves into. Norman felt sorry for them, and knew that some would never make it back home.

"Good Morning everyone, my name is Captain Tomas Norman, now part of the 32 Oz regiment, which you will become full members of. My job is now to become leader of your new squad, along with Lieutenant Brooks, and Sergeant Merello." Norman gave a brief glance in Merello's direction. He seemed to be grinning. He also looked at Johnston, who was standing quietly by Brooks.

"Today, is your final test. You will pilot one of these machines in strict formation for practicing standard maneuvers." Norman swallowed. His throat felt dry. He was feeling rather afraid.

"4 of you will go with Brooks and Merello. The other 5 will come with Me and Johnston here." He pointed in the direction of Johnston, and she smiled.

"That is all I need to say for now, Merello will brief you on our course." Norman saluted the soldiers, and they saluted him back. He turned around towards Brooks and felt a cold breeze on his back. He was sweating again, and seemed to feel deep inside of himself that something was wrong.

"What's wrong Tomas?" Johnston asked him.

"Oh, not feeling too well."

"Is it about the mobile suits?" Norman snapped his head in her direction.

"How did you know?"

"I'm sorry, Tom, but I thought you looked really trouble, so I asked Brooks after you met with him in the bar."

"I see."

"It's nothing to be ashamed about. You see, when I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a soldier. I was sort of a tomboy, I suppose you could say. When I took my test, I was terrified, but I got over it. I was just surprised a veteran like you could be scared of a such a thing, until I found out about what you had been through." Norman stood there and considered Johnston's speech. It sounded like she was concerned for him. That was different.

"I guess it isn't so bad that you know then. Thank you." Norman gave a smile.

"No problem." She smiled back at him. She seemed like a little kid, carefree. Norman walked over to Brooks, who seemed to be admiring the large Aries suit in front of him.

"Hey Jim." Norman said to him as he approached.

"Huh?" Brooks replied. He appeared to be daydreaming.

"What do you equip these things with?"

"Here? Well, probably the same as you remember it. We always make slight modifications though."

"Like what?" Brooks pointed up towards the suit.

"On the right arm now there are dual twenty millimeter automated cannons."

"Basically large machine guns." Norman said.

"Exactly. We still have the LAM systems in the shoulders, though. Ten missiles in each."

"Is there a rocket pack on the right arm still?" Norman asked

"Yeah, there still is." Brooks said, looking up at huge machine before him. To Norman, the thing looked like a giant, manmade mountain, capable of mass destruction, towering over the puny ants below it.

"Twenty millimeter machine guns? That'll tear right through anything metal." Norman commented.

"That's what we're gonna need out there. You never know what you're gonna come across." Brooks replied to him. Norman thought Brooks sure knew his stuff when it came to weapons. Norman stood there for a moment, nervously tapping the butt of his nine millimeter sidearm. Brooks observed this, and commented.

"Take it easy out there. You'll seen there's nothing to be afraid of and get right back into it. Trust me on this. It's like..." Brooks paused for a moment, thinking of the word he wanted to finish with.

"Like riding a bike, I suppose. You just can't forget." Brooks patted Norman on the shoulder and walked back to the row of people.