Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind of the Soldier ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 8

Norman stood against the wall in his full uniform. He was looking quite distinguished with the gold chain that ran under his arm, and the medals he had earned pinned upon his breast. He stood there, with a contented smile across his face, observing the reception for the graduates. The men that he knew were here among the rest of them.

He was in Moscow at the moment, in one of the various halls downtown. The walls were decorated with ornate Russian paintings, and golden chandeliers hung from the roof. The floor that Norman stood upon was solid marble. He currently stood with his arms at his side, looking more like he was on guard than having a good time. He felt tense, but tried not to show it among the young populace. From the distance, he saw another uniformed Oz soldier coming towards him. As he approached, he noticed that it was Brooks, holding two glasses.

"Why do you look so tense, Tom?" Brooks asked him. Norman looked back at him and replied.

"I get tense around a lot of people."

"That seems odd. You were once in charge of a lot of people."

"I'm talking about in public like this." Norman retorted. Brooks shrugged his shoulders, and handed Norman one of the glasses, filled with a bubbly liquid.

"I thought I told you I stopped drinking." Norman told Brooks. Brooks smiled a little, and gave a wave of his hand.

"C'mon, Tom, this is champagne. I think it's one of those five hundred dollar bottles of it too." Norman looked at his glass, and then at Brooks again.

"I guess just this once." Brooks gave a bigger smile and patted Norman on the shoulder.

"That's the boy. Have fun around here okay? Maybe you can find a lady to dance with." Brooks turned his back and walked away, leaving Norman alone. Norman stood there, scanning the area. Over in the center of the room, he saw a man in a business suit, talking to some young soldiers. He wondered who that was. He could not see that well from here.

Norman was curious. He took a sip of his drink, then walked in the direction of the man. He stopped about twenty feet away from him, and saw his features. He was a man perhaps in his late forties or early fifties. He had brown hair, slightly graying at the sides, and a brown beard. Norman thought he recognized him from somewhere. Norman was surprised when the man looked straight at him, then walked towards him. The man gave a smile and extended his hand. Norman accepted it, and shook it.

"I take it that you must be Captain Tomas Norman." The man said. "I've heard many things about you. You seem to be one of the prides of the Oz Special Forces."

"That's correct, sir. I apologize, sir, that I seem to not know your name." The man before Norman chuckled.

"Think nothing of it." Said the man cheerfully. "My name is Richard Darlian."

"Darlian? The diplomat?"

"That's right." The man said, still smiling. "You've heard of me?"

"I have, Mr. Darlian. I must say your previous work promoting peace within the colonies was amiable."

"I try to do my best." Darlian said. Darlian paused for a moment, and Norman took another sip of his champagne.

"Are you off on another mission soon, Captain?"


"Really?" Darlian said, wrinkling his brow as he examined Norman. "I hope you realize the consequences of your actions." Norman instantly perked up.

"What?" He asked.

"I know why you've been sent, Captain, and don't think it's entirely noble."

"Nothing is in what I do."

"I understand you've been sent to terminate a Lewis Parker."

"I would like to know-" Norman was cut off as Darlian raised a hand to silence him. Norman decided to let him go on. He had no idea what had worked this seemingly mild man up all of a sudden.

"He was an important friend of mine, many years ago. Now he's nothing more than a rebel you people are sent to clean up."

"I don't like it that much." Norman replied to him. "However, it's a living, and it pays my bills." At this Darlian laughed. It was not a cheerful laugh though, but a laugh of spite.

"You know, Captain, I have access to information within Oz."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"It won't matter anyway. There is no way you can prove it to your superiors, or know about how I do it. I've been watching the movements of Oz for awhile."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Oz will be the cause of another war sometime, a few years into the future." Darlian finished, with a cold smirk across his face. Norman looked at him suspiciously. He had no idea how he could know this. Norman also knew that if Oz ever found out that Darlian knew this intelligence, he would be gone within a few days.

"If you are unwise enough Captain, to carry out your mission, you will be an enemy of my organization Don't expect you're job to be easy. You can trust me on that."

"Is that so?" Norman said. He had let his voice reach a sterner quality. He was starting to become angry with this man.

"I just thought I would leave you with that, Captain. Good day." With that, Darlian turned around and walked towards the exit of the building, with two other men following him. Norman noticed them, and even though there was no evidence, could tell that they were armed.

Norman looked around the room and decided to see if Brooks wanted to go back with him. Norman was now troubled with what the diplomat had revealed to him. Had he some how warned Parker and his army? Or was it an empty threat? Norman hoped it was the latter, the least he could use at this moment was more problems. His life literally seemed to be one thing after another. Norman walked off towards the crowd to find Brooks, his mind busy.