Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Misadventures at the Circus ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Duo walked down the street carrying his one bag flung casually over his shoulder. He paused at irregular intervals to free his braid, which became snagged on the bag no matter what he did. Despite the interruptions, it didn't take him long to reach his destination, a large colorful collection of tents that marked Trowa's home, otherwise known as a circus.

Seeing Duo, Cathrine ran out to greet him. "Hi, you must be Duo, right? I've heard so much about you!" She shook his hand heartily, then dragged him into a tent by the same hand. "Trowa's out shopping right now, but I can get you coffee, if you like!" She smiled, then looked startled. "Oh, I'm sorry, I never even introduced myself! I'm Cathrine Bloom, Trowa's big sister!"

Duo's eyes were wide, a little bowled over by the effusive greeting, but he slowly recovered himself. "Big sis, huh? Tro didn't mention having such a pretty sister." He gave his best flirting grin.

Cathrine blushed slightly. "Oh, of course I'm not. So do you want coffee? A tour? No, never mind, I'll let Trowa give the tour. He's your friend, not me, so I shouldn't be intruding. But I'll show you your room. Follow me!" she said, obviously forgetting about her offer of coffee entirely.

"Um... sure." Duo followed obediently along. 'They don't need Gundams, they just need Tro's sis to talk the Ozzies to death.'

After some walking and some more chatting on Cathrine's part, they reached a small tent. "We set it up just for you!" Cathrine announced, making a flourishing motion with her hand. "It's not much, but I hope you like it. There's a cot, and a lantern, and a little table for any books or writing or whatever you do!"

Duo eyed the bright purple tent and had to grin. He ducked inside and took a peek as he dropped his bag. "It's great. A lot nicer than some places I've been forced to stay. Thanks a lot."

"No trouble at all!" Cathrine smiled at him. She looked behind her, and grinned further. "Hey look, Trowa's here. Hi Trowa! Your friend's here!" she called.

Duo turned with relief and a welcoming grin. "Trowa, my man!"

Trowa smiled in spite of himself. "Hi, Duo. Hi, Cathrine." He looked at Duo. "Do you want coffee, or a tour, or none of the above?"

Duo glanced at Cathrine, then answered quickly, "How about a tour, then coffee?"

"Sounds good. We'll see you later, Cat." Trowa smiled at Cathrine, then walked away, Duo in his footsteps. "So, Duo, anything in particular you want to see first?"

Duo shrugged. "I wouldn't know where to start. I know about circuses by reputation only." He grinned, then poked Trowa. "Tro, why didn't you warn me that your sister could talk even MY ears off?"

Trowa sighed. "I guess I'm just used to it. Well, let's start at the midway. Sound good?"

"The midway? Like with booths and games and strong men and candied apples and cotton candy and stuff?" Duo bounced, very like a small child on Christmas morning.

Trowa raised an eyebrow. "Strong men?" He suppressed a chuckle. "Well, yes, that's what it is. I take it that you're interested." He headed in the direction of the midway.

"You mean you're not interested in strong men?" Duo leered teasingly. "I obviously overrated you, Tro."

"Better than underrating," Trowa said, forcing down the blush that threatened to make itself visible.

Duo opened his mouth to retort, but the words never left his mouth as he caught sight of the midway. Even closed down, it was an impressive sight. "Wow..."

Trowa smiled. "Go wherever. I've seen it all, so you can explore and I'll follow."

"Great!" Duo then dashed from stall to stall, peering in, oohing and ahhing over the colors, and chatting animatedly to the various circus workers who were around. Then he came to a halt, staring at one display. As far as he could tell, it was a test of strength. You hit the target with a hammer as hard as you could, and if you could make the ball rise all the way to the top of the gauge to ring the bell, you won a prize. This wasn't what had caught his attention so much as the large, well-muscled man naked to the waist who had just rung the bell. "Oh, wow..."

The man noticed Duo's exclamation. "Hey kid, you wanna try?" he said, grinning and holding out the hammer as a challenge. "Let's see you do THAT well, hmm?"

Trowa leaned against a pole and watched in amusement. 'Oh, so this guy thinks Duo's small and weak? He's got another think coming.'

Duo grinned and sauntered over. He took the hammer and gave the muscles an obvious once over as he drawled, "Well, never tried one of these, and I certainly don't have your... physique, but I'll give it a try." He eyed the target and the setup again. 'Pneumatic... so it's not really how hard I hit it as where... okay, I can do this.' Duo hefted the hammer, wound up for his swing, and struck the dead center of the target. The ball ran up the gauge, and the bell rang out triumphantly at the top. Duo set the head of the hammer on the ground and leaned against it casually, as if it were a walking stick. He wiggled his eyebrows at the man. "Well... look at that..."

The man blinked, then guffawed. "Woah, check it out! The little guy packs power!" He slapped Duo on the back, hard. "That's pretty good!" Obviously, he was avoiding the fact that he'd been equaled by a short little guy, as the man saw Duo to be.

Trowa laughed out loud. He'd known Duo would do well. "Nice going, Richy!" he called out amusedly. "Letting a kid like me best you again. Didn't you learn your lesson the first time?"

Duo grinned. "Tro, you're not telling me that there's all that muscle and no brain, are you?" He eyed the man again and sighed in regret. "What a shame."

The man harumphed and stalked away, annoyed of being made a fool of. Trowa walked over to Duo, and said, "Nice."

Duo laughed and companionably draped an arm over Trowa's shoulder. "Thanks. Now, what else does the circus have to offer, huh?"

Trowa shrugged, noticing Duo's arm on his shoulder more than he wanted to take notice of it. "Up to you." 'Why are you noticing? Why do you care? He's just your friend, right? Just an ally...'

"How about the animals? What kinds have you got? Lions and bears and elephants and stuff?" Duo grinned.

Trowa brightened visibly. "All of those and more!" He headed off the midway and towards the animal cages. "The lions are my favorites, though."

Duo's gaze became unfocused as he thought about the creatures. "There's just something about big cats, isn't there? So strong and lithe and beautiful and dangerous, all at the same time."

"Yeah, they are..." '...just like you...' Trowa blinked. Where had THAT thought come from?! He looked at Duo. Why...? A thought occurred to him, and he smirked. If he kept thinking this way, there must be something going on in his head that he was denying. So why not have some fun? 'In the words of Heero... ninmu ryoukai.'

Duo abruptly came back to earth and returned the smirk. "So... how do you learn to handle something like a lion?"

They reached the cages, and Trowa answered by kneeling and putting his hand in the cage. "Don't do it yet," he warned Duo. A lion came over and purred loudly, rubbing its head against Trowa's hand.

"Oh cool," Duo breathed, as he watched Trowa and the lion interact. It hadn't crossed his mind to get to touch one of the lions. Just seeing them was a treat.

After a few minutes, Trowa stood up and faced Duo. "You can put your hand in, but my hand will have to come in with yours. If you do it alone, she'll bite your hand off. But if she sees it come in with my hand, me being someone she trusts, she'll recognize you as a friend from now until the end of her life. Okay?"

"Okay." Duo approached the cage to stand next to Trowa.

Trowa took Duo's hand in his own, taking care to brush his fingers against the skin a little too long and too delicately. Then he guided both hands into the cage slowly, watching the lion intently.

Duo was too caught up in the wonder of getting to touch a lion to pay more than cursory attention to Trowa's uncharacteristic touch. 'Maybe the lions open him up.' His eyes remained focused on the lion, wide with awe and elation. When the lion approached, sniffed once, then rubbed her head up against his and Trowa's hands, Duo smiled, a wide, open, innocent smile, whispering, "Oh my God, this is just too amazing."

Smiling at Duo's happiness, Trowa let go of Duo's hand and stepped back. "She needed me to reassure her that you're a friend, but really, animals have an extraordinary sense of good and bad. And besides, they can sense fear, which you obviously have none of."

"How could I fear something so beautiful?" Duo kept his eyes locked on the lion, his tone turning caressing as he spoke nearly inaudible nonsense to her while he lightly stroked her fur. "Because you are beautiful. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Sleek and strong and graceful."

Trowa blinked. 'That tone of voice... it's practically a bedroom voice. Why would he use it on an animal like that?' He watched, amused and a little more on the side, as Duo continued to run his fingers through the lion's fur.

When the lion tired of the attention, Duo rocked back on his heels and rose. He turned to Trowa, still smiling, his voice still warm with the tone he'd used for the lion. "Thank you."

"You're quite welcome. Now, want to come see the main tent? That's where we do the actual shows." Trowa looked at Duo questioningly.

"Sure. Lead on." Duo smiled brightly.

Upon reaching the main tent, Trowa pulled back the flap and bowed dramatically. "This way, sir," he said, smirking. He had plans for this part of the tour.

"Oooh..." Duo strolled out and turned in a circle, staring. "I hadn't realized it would be so big."

"Of course, Duo," Trowa remarked dryly from behind him. "We have our shows in a radius of one square inch."

Duo glared. "Okay, okay, so I'm not as suave and debonair as I like to pretend." He ran a hand through his bangs to try to hide his blush.

Trowa pointed at a large, colorful board. "Wanna see what my sister can do?"

"Um... can I ask what her act is first?" Duo eyed the board and its restraints warily.

Grinning, Trowa picked up a knife from a nearby table and twirled it. "Knife-throwing, of course. What else do you think she does, bondage?"

Duo blushed before he pulled up a cocky grin. "I've seen odder things."

Deciding that Duo was going to see Cathrine's act whether he wanted to or not, Trowa cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled, "CATHRINE!"

Cathrine, after a moment, ran in the tent. "Yeah, Trowa? Oh, hi Duo!"

Trowa looked at her. "Cathrine, would you mind doing a demonstration of your knives? Duo can be the so-called target."

"What?!" Duo hissed at Trowa in disbelief. "Are you out of your mind, Tro?!"

"Of course not. She's been doing this for years. Or are you scared?" Trowa's eyes twinkled. Duo couldn't say no now.

"No." Duo raised his head proudly. "But if my braid is harmed in ANY way..." He let his voice trail off into mutters about never expecting to willingly be a target.

Trowa rolled his eyes. "Your braid will be fine. Now, come on." He led Duo to the board and pushed him against it, getting a little closer than he needed to. Hiding his inevitable smirk, he strapped Duo's arms, then his legs, to the board. Leaning forward into Duo's face, he said, "Comfortable?"

Duo swallowed, faintly flushed. "Your worry for my well-being is heart-warming, Tro."

"Is it?" Trowa stepped back and out of the way. "Go ahead, Cathrine."

"You got it!" Cathrine said cheerfully, leaning back and throwing a knife at Duo. It whizzed past his head to sink into the wood, only centimeters from his ear.

Duo's eyes widened, and he forced himself to stand very still, muttering under his breath. "Tro... I'm going to get you for this..."

Trowa just laughed as Duo's figure was slowly but surely outlined by the hilts of knives. "Having fun, Duo?"

"Oh, a blast." His narrowed eyes promised retribution.

Cathrine stood back and grinned. "There you go! All done!"

Trowa snickered. Duo was glaring at him with a promise of death, and Cathrine was definitely having fun. He walked over to the board and unstrapped Duo, making sure to get too close again.

"Well, I'll see you guys later, I have stuff to do," Cathrine said brightly.

"Thanks, Cat!" Trowa called as Cathrine waved and ran out of the tent.

Duo shook out his arms and legs, then advanced with slow menace on Trowa, cracking his knuckles in the process. "So... what do we do now?"

Trowa blinked. "Er... trapeze?" He didn't like the way Duo was walking towards him. 'Yes you do!' No, he didn't.

"Trapeze?" Duo stopped, distracted by the idea of getting to play on the contraption above. "Rock on! Where do I start?"

Trowa held up a finger in a motion to *wait* a moment. He climbed on the safety net, bouncing a few times to test it. Deeming it safe, he motioned towards one of the ladders. "Stand up there and grab the trapeze. Don't fall if you can help it."

Before he was done speaking, Duo was already scrambling up the ladder. His voice floated down, "Shinigami doesn't fall."

Rolling his eyes, Trowa went up the other ladder and grabbed a trapeze. He didn't jump yet, though. He watched Duo. "You go first. Just swing."

Duo, wearing one of his trademark maniacal grins, took firm hold of the trapeze and swung out. "Woo hoo!"

Smiling, Trowa let Duo swing back and forth a few times before he swung out himself, flipping his legs up so that he was hanging by his legs, behind the knees. His bang drooped down, showing his entire face.

"Whoa... Tro, you have a complete face!" Duo giggled as he swung back and forth, his braid swinging out at odd angles that looked a lot like a monkey's tail.

Time to surprise Duo a little. Trowa reached out as Duo came near, reaching out his arms to grab Duo. But he missed a little, and Duo's grip was strong. His arms wrapped around Duo's hips, his legs slid off his trapeze, and his face came up to push against Duo's crotch.

"GAH!" Trowa yelped, holding on for dear life, but only so he wouldn't fall. There was a safety net, true, but it still hurt to fall. He ignored where his face was as best as he could, nevertheless blushing furiously.

Duo started to shake, and it took a long moment for it to become obvious that it was laughter. "Well, well, well... you're the... expert. How do we fix this? I'm not sure if I can hold both of us forever."

Trowa snorted. "Gimme a second. I never said the trapeze was my forte." Watching his abandoned trapeze, he took a chance and pushed off of Duo to fly through the air, just barely grabbing the trapeze with one hand as he flew past it. "There," he said smugly, righting himself and landing back on the platform.

Duo enjoyed another sweep without Trowa's weight pulling him down, then realized he wasn't coming anywhere close to the platform anymore. And his arms were beginning to ache a little. It wasn't exactly a position he was used to holding for extended periods. 'Well, shit.' "Um... Tro?"

Having climbed down the ladder, Trowa looked up at him. "Yeah?" he called up.

"I've got a little problem here."

Trowa pretended not to get it. "Which is?"

"Well... let's see..." Duo paused as if to think about it. "It could be that I'm still on the trapeze which isn't even in the same zip code as the platform anymore, or it could be that my arms are starting to get tired because you've been eating too much."

Trowa glared, then sighed. He climbed on the safety net, and held out his arms. "Let go, then, if you must complain so much."

"Let go?! Now I KNOW you're crazy." Duo shook his head vigorously. "There's gotta be another way."

"No, there isn't another way, unless you want to stay up there. I can bring you food, and you can pee in a bucket if you have good aim," Trowa said dryly.

Duo muttered something extremely rude under his breath while the trapeze swung back and forth in smaller arcs. This was it. With a resigned sigh, he scrunched his eyes shut, and let go.

Trowa saw Duo get closer, and closer... he braced himself for the catch. Unfortunately, he miscalculated where Duo was going to fall. Duo fell with Trowa as a human cushion. They tumbled over with the natural bounce of the net, ending in a sprawled tangle of limbs.

Duo recovered his breath in a remarkably short amount of time, considering the force of the 'oof' that had been forced from him when he landed on Trowa. Now he looked up at Trowa, having ended up on the bottom, and giggled with a coquettish batting of his eyelashes and a falsetto voice, "Oh, Trowa... you caught me and broke my fall, you're my hero!" Duo then proceeded to glomp onto Trowa's neck with no apparent intention of letting go anytime soon.

"Er..." Trowa muttered, trying not to think bad things. He would have struggled, but knew that he didn't really want to.

Duo rolled them over. He grinned down at Trowa and tweaked his nose. "That's what you get for making me let go." Then he rolled off and away before crawling to the edge of the net and climbing down.

Trowa blinked and peeked over the side of the net. "Wanna go back to the midway?" he asked weakly, still highly embarrassed. "There's rides, not just muscle men."

"What if it was the muscle men I was after?" Duo winked.

"Then you're getting rides anyway," Trowa retorted, climbing off the net. "Like the Ferris wheel."

Duo ducked his head to cover his grin, then looked back up through his bangs with a pout. "But Tro..."

"But Tro WHAT?" Trowa asked in exasperation.

Duo quickly switched to a smile. No need to piss off Trowa, not when they were having such a great time just playing. "Nothin'. Let's go check out that Ferris wheel."

Trowa looked faintly relieved, and left the tent, heading back towards the midway. "You've been on one of these before, right?" he asked over his shoulder.

"You're kidding, right? Before becoming a Gundam pilot, I never had the money to waste on something like this." Duo looked momentarily serious, then forced a teasing smile onto his face. "But I'm sure you'll protect me if it's too scary."

They reached the Ferris wheel. Trowa opened a control box and flipped a few switches to turn it on. It began to spin, the lights flashing dimly in the bright sunlight. Trowa grabbed Duo's arm and pulled him over to the boarding area. Once the wheel stopped, Trowa climbed onto the nearest seat.

Duo climbed in next to him, eyes wide with delight again. "Living here must be like a constant adventure."

The wheel started to turn again, and Trowa smiled. "It was at first, but you get used to it." They rose higher and higher, until they could see everything all around them.

"Oh my..." Duo stared out at the view, unconsciously clinging to Trowa's arm as he surveyed the tents directly below, and the rest of the colony spread out for blocks around them.

Trowa, having seen the view a million times, looked at Duo instead. The sun reflecting off his hair, the smile on his face as the wheel rose higher... he blushed, catching himself staring. 'But you're still staring...'

Duo turned away from the view to focus on Trowa with a smile. "Thank you. This has been the most amazing experience today." He pressed a brief, chaste kiss to Trowa's lips and froze in the middle of leaning back, shocked. His eyes were wide, and he lifted his free hand to touch his lips, as if they tingled.

'He kissed me!' Trowa blinked. As if driven by an ulterior force, he leaned forward, cupping the back of Duo's head and pulling Duo to him, kissing him fiercely.

Duo wrapped one arm around Trowa as he melted into the kiss. 'I never would've thought... with Trowa...'

Trowa put his free arm around Duo's waist, feeling Duo relax. 'He's responding!' his mind cheered. Tentatively, he let his tongue trace Duo's lips in a silent question.

Duo opened his lips without a hesitation, his own tongue venturing out to duel with Trowa's. He tried to wiggle closer, ending up sitting on Trowa's lap.

Moaning slightly into Duo's mouth, Trowa shifted to accept Duo's weight on his lap. He pulled away for air, looking into Duo's eyes. "I..." he said. "Duo..."

"A day of one amazing experience after another, ne, Tro?" Duo smiled through his faintly breathless statement.

Trowa nodded slightly, only then noticing that the Ferris wheel had stopped, leaving them at the boarding platform again. He looked at Duo, who was preventing him from getting off the seat. "Duo...? I can't..." He motioned towards the platform vaguely.

Duo sighed, giving the platform a long look. He didn't want to move. Sitting in Trowa's lap was really a wonderful place to be. But they had to move, either to get the wheel moving again or to go somewhere else. Duo gave a long suffering sigh and climbed off Trowa's lap, rewarding himself with a swift kiss.

Getting up slowly, still in a slight daze, Trowa stepped back onto the platform and looked at Duo, who was slightly flushed. "Anything else you wanna see on this tour?" he asked, not really knowing what else to say.

Duo sauntered over to Trowa with a suggestive sway of his hips. "I was thinkin' it might be nice to see how your knife throwing ability compares."

Trowa blinked a moment, then understanding dawned. He blushed, then let his lips curve into a half smile, half smirk. "Well, I don't have much... practice. But I'll give it a go, if you'd like."

"Oh, I'd love it if you'd give it a try." Duo smiled knowingly, then caught Trowa's hand, pulling him toward the big top.

When they reached the tent, Trowa pushed Duo against the knife board, and kissed him deeply, holding his arms above his head. After awhile, he pulled back, leaned down, and restrained Duo's feet, leaving his arms free... for now.

Duo stared at Trowa with lust in his eyes, his breathing already labored. He then tested the bonds on his feet, and found they weren't going anywhere. That set off a small shiver and Duo immediately reached for Trowa to pull him close again.

Trowa obliged Duo a short kiss, then pulled back. "If you do that again, I might have to bind your arms sooner rather than later." He crossed the floor of the large tent, rummaging in some boxes in the corner, completely abandoning Duo for the time being.

Duo bit back a groan at the thought of being helplessly bound and at Trowa's mercy. He knew without having to think about it that Trowa would never hurt him. And that gave him the ability to let go, let Trowa be in control. The thought was heady, his hands unconsciously rubbing the bulge in his pants in response.

"Just what are you doing?" Trowa said, coming back to the board and pulling Duo's hands away. He pushed Duo's arms to his sides, pulling the restraints snugly around his wrists. "There," he said, eyeing Duo up and down. "That's better."

Duo struggled briefly against the restraints, and the lust sharpened in his eyes. "Trowa..." He wasn't even sure what he was asking for, maybe whatever Trowa chose to give him, but he needed something.

Trowa reached into his back pocket, and pulled out a knife. "Yes, Duo?" he asked, tracing the flat part of the blade down Duo's jaw.

"Mmmm." Duo's eyes watched the blade with a measure of appreciation. Speaking in a husky, desire deepened voice, he commented, "Useful things, knives. What're you going to do with that one?"

Giving a slow shrug, Trowa brought the knife down to the collar of Duo's black shirt. "Will you mind if the shirt's destroyed?" he asked, pausing.

Duo shook his head slightly, intent on Trowa.

The sharp blade glided down Duo's shirt, parting fabric and silently snapping threads as it went. Soon the shirt fell into two pieces, exposing Duo's muscled chest. Trowa traced a finger down the pale skin, murmuring unintelligibly.

Duo arched into the touch, his breath catching at the sensation. 'Such a small touch, more, I want more...'

"What do you want, Duo?" Trowa outlined Duo's clothed erection with the hilt of the knife. "What do you want me to do?"

"Touch me." Duo's hips jerked. "Oh, please, touch me."

Trowa bent down and licked one of Duo's nipples gently, teasingly. "Like that?" he asked, returning the minor attention to its counterpart.

Duo groaned. "More."

Closing his mouth over the nipple, Trowa turned his mouth into a living vacuum, sucking and licking with fervor.

"Ngggh... Trowa..." Duo writhed beneath him, tugging helplessly at his bonds.

Trowa gave the same attention to the other, rubbing the back of his hand up and down between Duo's legs.

Duo cried out, moving almost spastically, torn between which sensation to move into more. "Ahhh... Tro..."

Smirking, Trowa pushed his face where his hand had been, nuzzling his head against the bulge. "This is... familiar..." he murmured.

"If I... didn't know any... better, I'd think... you... you did that on purpose, earlier." Duo barely managed to force the sentence past his ragged breathing.

Trowa reached up and unbuttoned the pants. "Actually... it really was an accident," Trowa said sincerely, pulling down the zipper, followed by the actual pants. Slipping his fingers in the elastic waistband of the boxers, Trowa pulled down slowly, exposing Duo's arousal inch by tantalizing inch.

Duo wiggled his hips in frustration with the slow pace. "I never woulda guessed, but you're a tease. Tro the Tease..."

"Only a tease if I don't follow through." Trowa accentuated this statement by lapping up the droplet of moisture that had accumulated at the tip of Duo's cock. "Neh?"

Duo's breath caught. "Then follow through, dammit." His attempt at demanding came out a little more desperate, perhaps due to the fact he was tugging on the bonds again.

"Live to serve." Trowa engulfed Duo in one fluid motion, using the vacuum technique again. He drew back and swirled his tongue around the head, then pushed back down, drawing Duo deep in.

Duo's gasp segued into moaned words, "Holy mother of..." before it tapered off into incoherent noises again.

As he sensed Duo reaching the edge, Trowa pulled back and blinked. "K'so!" He scowled. "I'll be right back, Duo!" He ran out of the tent as fast as he could.

Duo stared after him in disbelief, focusing passion clouded eyes with a few blinks, then jerked as he tried to follow and the restraints continued to hold. "TROWA!"

"Duo?" a voice called from the entrance of the tent. "Trowa's not with you? Want me to find him?" It was Cathrine.

"Um... no Cathrine, that's okay. I'm sure he'll be back in a minute. No rush." Duo called back, trying desperately not to sound panicked.

She poked her head through the flap. "Are you sure, do you want me to-- GAHH!" Her head disappeared, and she ran off, from the sound of it. "Trowaaaaaaa!" she cried. "Duo's... he's... TROWAAAA!" Her voice faded.

"Oh, shit." Duo said with quiet feeling as he sagged against the board.

Trowa ran back in, brandishing a small tube. "I got lube -- what's wrong with Cathrine?"

"She wandered in."

"Great." Trowa pressed his body up against Duo's, kissing him briefly. "Let's worry about it... later." Without warning, he pushed a pre-lubed finger into Duo, swallowing Duo's gasp in a deeper kiss.

Duo recovered enough to kiss back, arching as best he could onto the finger. All thoughts of Cathrine or getting caught fled his mind. All he could think about was Trowa. What Trowa was doing to him, how Trowa was making him feel, what Trowa was going to do him. He moaned, his arousal once again urgent.

Adding another finger, Trowa turned to the side and licked Duo's ear. "Do you want this?" he whispered, scissoring his fingers to stretch Duo.

"Mmmm," Duo whimpered softly, "I think this is called leading the witness."

"Can I take that as a yes?"

"Yes! Yes yes yes yes YES!!!" Duo chanted.

Feeling himself grow harder at Duo's desperation, Trowa unzipped his pants and quickly coated himself with the lube. He pushed into Duo, only going in the first centimeter before stopping and smirking. "There. I'm in you. Happy?"

Duo, who had closed his eyes at the first touch, wrenched them open again to give Trowa his best glare. "If you stop now I WILL kill you. After I figure out how to get loose."

Holding his position for a few more seconds, Trowa quickly lost control and pushed in all the way with a rapid thrust. He felt Duo clench around him, and he moaned loudly, grabbing Duo's hips. "Fuck..."

"Yesssss..." Duo hissed. "Fuck me... come on, Tro, do it. You know you want to. Long and hard and forceful. I'm at your mercy, Tro."

"In your predicament, I'd say you are," Trowa agreed breathlessly, before pulling out and slamming back in, making sure to hit Duo's prostate full-force with the thrust.

"Oh, god, YES!" Duo cried out, hands clenching the air, trying to reach for Trowa.

Gripping Duo's hips even tighter, enough to bruise, Trowa increased his speed, pushing Duo back against the wood. "Nnnnnng... Duo..." he forced out through gasps.

Duo gasped for breath, thrusting back as best he could, given the restraints and Trowa's weight. "Tro... oh yes... oh god..."

With his last bit of coherent thought, Trowa reached between them and curled his hand around Duo's cock, synchronizing his pumps with his thrusts. He leaned forward and bit Duo's shoulder, letting the deep copper fluid trickle. "Yes.... ohhh..."

Duo's moans were incoherent, and at the sharp pang of the bite, Duo screamed out Trowa's name as he climaxed.

"DUOOO!" Trowa cried, releasing himself deep within Duo with a final stroke. He collapsed against Duo's heaving chest, spent and shaking.

For a few long moments, neither moved or spoke, then Duo affectionately nuzzled Trowa as best he could.

Trowa broke out of his hazy euphoria, and quickly released Duo's bonds. He pulled Duo away from the board and held him in a tight hug, stroking his back gently.

Duo went nearly limp in Trowa's arms, shivering at the sensation of moving while they were still joined. He hugged Trowa back, quietly revelling in the contact.

"Why...?" Trowa asked softly, wondering how he had gotten into the position he was in. He didn't mind, of course, but why had Duo...?

"Why? Do we really need a reason?" Duo buried his head against Trowa's chest while he gave his own serious thought to the question. Why had he? Because they'd both wanted it, that much was obvious. And because life was short, and a person needed as many of these happy experiences as possible, he supposed.

Trowa shook his head slowly. "No, we don't." He sighed, and held Duo closer. "You still want that coffee? Today's tour is over, I think."

Duo chuckled. "As long as I still get to cuddle, coffee's great."

Pulling out of Duo gently, Trowa smiled and tweaked Duo's nose. "To get you back for earlier. Oh, and what are we going to do about Cat?"

"We? She's your sister, and she wandered in where you'd left me tied up and um... hardly presentable. I think this is YOUR problem," Duo teased with a grin, pulling up his pants.

"I'm looking forward to dealing with it," Trowa said unhappily, rezipping his pants and looking at Duo. "And what are you going to do for a shirt?"

Duo looked at the remains of his shirt and smiled. "I've got another one in my bag. No biggie." He pulled Trowa in for another hug. "And I was teasing about leaving you to deal with your sis alone. Strength in numbers?"

Trowa smiled and hugged Duo back. "Absolutely. Do you take sugar or cream with your coffee?"

"Both, of course. Black might be my favorite color, but I draw the line at black coffee." Duo wrinkled his nose.

"Same here," Trowa said, smiling and pulling Duo into a kiss that tasted better than *any* kind of coffee.