Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Misconceptions ❯ I Just Won't Believe It! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I wouldn't need to be writing this!!

I've had this in my head for a while now, so here goes nothing. Language, lemon and sap ahead… don't like it, don't read it.


I Just Won't Believe It!

By Midnight Lover

Duo gathered his Preventer jacket in his hand, looking outside the window of his Jeep watching the rain pour from the near black clouds in the sky before getting out of the car. He was home at last from what had to have been the longest day at the office. Lady Une had forced him to sit through hours of one of Relena's speeches as a stand-in bodyguard because Heero was on a mission somewhere in L1. The after that he'd run into Wufei, literally, causing the Chinese man to spill hot coffee all over himself, granting Duo a day of non-stop bitchery. Now that the day was finally over, he knew it could only get better, even if it was nearly 10 o'clock. Coming home to Hilde always made things better.

He opened the front, pushing his drenched bangs off his face as he stepped inside. "Hilde?" He called out to her. When he received no answer he figured that she was perhaps in the bathroom taking a shower. He pulled off his shoes at the door and hung his jacket on the rack, "Babe?" He called a few minutes later. Still Duo received no answer. Shrugging his shoulders, he figured he'd better make a call to Relena to make sure that Heero was back. He picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Look I have to go Duo's home." He heard Hilde's voice on the line. He went to put the phone down, not wanting to intrude on her conversation but something inside him made him keep the phone to his ear.

"Can I see you tonight?" A male voice responded, a familiar male voice. Duo's eyes widened when he recognized the voice. Heero, his mind growled.

"I'll try. I don't know if I'll be able to meet you." Hilde said.

"I'll pick you up at the corner, 2 a.m." Heero said, "Be there." With that he hung up, followed by Hilde.

Duo put the phone down, his face growing tight with anger and sadness. Was he hearing right? Did Hilde just make plans to meet Heero late at night? He shut his eyes tightly, fighting the hurt at the next question. Was Hilde cheating on him? He balled up his fists at his sides, as he walked into the kitchen. Hilde stood at the stove; spooning mashed potatoes out of a pot and into a serving dish the phone sitting on the counter top as if that's where it was supposed to be.

"Hey Duo!" She beamed, "How was work?"

Duo's face darkened, his eyes cold as he looked at Hilde. "Hey. Work, same old shit." He walked passed her, ignoring her puckered lips waiting for a kiss. "When's dinner going to be ready?"

Hilde pouted when Duo passed her and walked into the dinning room, "In about five minutes, wash up." She said. Her mind told her something was really wrong; Duo always gave her a kiss when he came home, even when he had a bad day. She wondered what it could be, and decided to ask him, "Hon, what's wrong?"

The braided man took a breath, "Nothing. I'm fine" he lied. He didn't know whether or not he wanted to believe the thought that she was playing him; after all he hadn't heard the entire conversation. He blinked; forcing the tears he could feel welling up in the violet depths of his eyes, due to his confusion, back and smiled. Until he could sort out the thoughts and emotions he felt, he was going to pretend everything was normal. Duo turned back to Hilde, "I'm sorry Babe, I had a rough day." He said, walking back into the kitchen. "Forgive me?"

Hilde raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of mood but he still seemed troubled about something. A few seconds ago she was sure that there was something wrong but now his smile seemed to obliterate the thought, deciding no to dwell on it she put her arms on her hips. "Yeah, I forgive you." She replied, "Now where's my kiss?"

Duo pulled her little form against his body, pressing his lips gently against hers and pulling away just as she deepened it. "What's for dinner? I'm starved." He said, changing the subject.

Hilde stood dumbfounded in the kitchen watching Duo let go of her and opened the oven door looking for food. "It'll be done in a minute. Can you please finish setting the table for me?" A moment ago Hilde had the suspicion that Duo was upset, that suspicion changed when he kissed her but now, she was bad to wondering just how bad his day had been. She watched Duo finish setting the plates and utensils on the table, he seemed all right. But then again he would be cheery no matter what. He never let anyone know what was wrong. He hated seeing others upset as well, and his cheery façade usually helped make things better for others, Hilde sighed, maybe even himself. "Duo are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes! I'm fine! I just have a lot on my mind." He glared at her then turned around and faced the dining room. 'Keep your cool Duo, pretend there's nothing wrong until you know for sure.' He scolded himself mentally. Taking a deep breath he turned to Hilde, "I'm really sorry, I've had a really long day and I don't mean to take it out on you. I'm sorry, Babe." He pulled her him to his arms, telling himself it was all okay as he kissed the top of her head and helped her with the rest of dinner.


After dinner while Duo washed the dishes, Hilde took the phone and called Relena. "Hey 'Lena" She greeted, flopping herself backwards onto the couch kicking her feet in the air as she spoke to her best friend.

"Hey Hilde, how are you?" Relena responded over the phone.

"Well, not that bad. Duo seems to be bugging about something and I was wondering if maybe you know of anything that happened today. God knows he won't tell me jack shit." She looked over the couch at Duo though French doors and the kitchen window as he washed the dishes as if he were the only one in the house. "Something is wrong with him and I'm not sure what it is."

"Sorry Hilde, can't help you there." Relena replied. "How do you know something is wrong?"

Hilde bowed her head, rubbing her temple, "I know Duo." She replied quietly so Duo couldn't hear. "When I saw him tonight when he came home, he seemed different. He wouldn't even kiss me! Duo kisses me no matter what…" She trailed off when she heard the tap stop running and the gurgle of the drain as the water left the sink.

"I see," Relena said, "Well I can't help you there, wish I could. He seemed fine today. Heero was off on a mission and Duo stood in for him as my bodyguard, he was all cheery." Relena didn't know what more to say. There was not much that she could say that would help Hilde with Duo seeing as how she really didn't know what could be wrong.

Understanding Relena's silence, Hilde nodded to herself, "Thanks, you're a great listener 'Lena. I'll just have to figure it out on my own." She saw Duo from the corner of her eye heading for the bay window. "I'll let you go, take care." Relena said her good-byes and hung up, leaving Hilde clinging to the portable phone as if it would give her answers to her questions.

"Who was that?" Duo asked, bringing Hilde from her musings. "Relena?"

Hilde nodded, "Yeah, I just thought I'd give her a all." She put the phone down and sat properly on the couch, facing Duo's back. He seem to have stiffened when she confirmed that it was Relena on the phone, but if he did it was only for a second and Hilde began to doubt that she'd noticed anything.

"I see, did she tell you if Heero came back?" He asked watching the rain hit the window and slide down. "He left for L1 last night, he was supposed to be back tonight, did she tell you anything?" He turned to face her slowly, as he repeated Heero's name to see if it had any effect on her, but she just shook her head.

"No, why? Did you want to talk to him?" She asked, holding out the phone to him. Duo shook his head and pushed her hand away.

"Nah, just wanted to know if she'd said anything." He stretched out his arms, and yawned, "I'm gonna go take a shower then I'm gonna hit the sack, I have to get up early tomorrow." With that he left the room for the bathroom, he knew that she would follow him and the small space of time would give him enough time to push back the fear that Hilde was playing him. She'd never do that, right? He had nothing to worry about. Besides, Heero was too serious and protective of Relena to ever do anything that would hurt her. And he was in no way Hilde's type.

Hilde sat in the empty room for a few moments longer before following Duo into the bathroom. "Mind if I join you?" She asked, peeking her head inside the shower curtains. Duo had his back to her, letting the hot water run down his unbound mid-thigh length chestnut hair. With her breath caught in her throat, she reached out her hand slowly to touch it. No matter how many times she saw him with his hair undone, it still really turned her on. Suddenly Duo turned around and grabbed her wrist, smiling as he pulled her into his arms, with her clothing on. "Duo!! My clothes!" Hilde giggled, she smiled inwardly; perhaps all he needed was a hot shower. Her Duo was back!

Duo laughed and slowly slid the straps of Hilde's red tank top off her shoulders, "Yeah, your cloths, they gotta come off." He whispered nibbling on her shoulder. He undid the buttons of her jeans, sliding them off her body and pulled her further into his arms. "I love you babe." He said once all her clothing was off. "Remember that."

Hilde raised an eyebrow at the last comment, "I love you too Duo, more than anything." She said, leaning forward and kissing him. He had pinned her against the wall and she could barely move but she didn't mind, as long as his thumbs continued rubbing her nipples the way they were now. Her small tongue touched his lower lip; she feared that he breakaway like he had done earlier but when he opened his mouth, letting her in, she smiled and moaned softly feeling his hands begin to slide up and down her thighs inching closer to her center yet staying so far away from it.

That was what he needed to hear, she loved him more than anything, and that was all he needed to know to be satisfied. He loved her too much to doubt her. But just to make sure she knew he planed to show her just how much he loved her. His kissed along her jaw, nibbling on her earlobe before moving down to her neck and shoulder. Her head fell back against the wall moaning as she felt his fingers slip into the folds of her sex and his other hand teased her nipples.

Duo didn't want to stop touching her, but the hot water running down his back brought him back to their present place. The shower. Sure they'd made love in the shower before but tonight wasn't one of those days. He kissed her pink lips gently as he pulled away from her. "Not here babe," He said breathlessly.


With his towel loosely wrapped around his waist Duo slowly lay Hilde down in the center of their bed and lay by her side. His fingers slowly traced the outline of her face, brushing her wet hair back away from her eyes as he listened to her breathing and the rain drops pounding against the window. He gazed down at her soft face, her blue eyes shimmering in the soft light from the street lamps outside, and her pink lips set in a soft pout begging to be kissed. He touched them gently with his fingertips before leaning over to kiss her, lifting her off the bed and onto his lap.

Hilde draped her arms around his neck, deepening their kiss. Duo's hands traveled down her sides, brushing her nipples coming to rest on her thighs. His mouth left hers, leaving a path of wet kisses down her neck to her collarbone. She arched her back against him, brushing her breasts against his hard chest and rubbing her lower body against his rising member. Duo moaned softly against her neck, bringing his mouth down on her breasts. He circled the aureole with his tongue making her nipple into a hardened nub before taking it into his mouth. Hilde lay back on the bed, pulling him down with her, her hand found his cock and began to fondle it, making it rise in her hand.

He sucked in a breath, switching to the other breast, giving it the same treatment as the first. His hands roamed the length of her body; touching every part of her except where she wanted his touch most. He was going to make this last as long as he could. Despite having convinced himself that no matter what Hilde was his and his alone, something unsure deep inside him told him to prove he loved her, and make her not want to be in the arms of another. He'd heard wrong, she wasn't going to go meet Heero later; she was going to fall asleep in his arms and wake up there the next morning.

His fingers ran down the sides of her breasts and down her flat belly, with light feathery touches moving lower on her body. Hilde felt the anticipation of where his fingers would go next in the pit of her stomach and let out a soft moan. Her fingers weaved into his hair, pulling his head back up to her lips. Duo's fingers slowly made their way into her wet folds, finding her clit and grazing it with his fingernail before rubbing circles around it. He smiled against her lips when she moaned softly; taking the opportunity to slid his tongue against hers. Arching against him he slid his fingers into her slick entrance, thrusting them into her and making her cry out beneath him.

His mouth left hers, his lips slowly nipping path down her neck and to her breasts. He kissed each nipple touching the tip of his tongue to each before nestling his face in the valley separating them. His fingers kept their rhythm, pushing into her, bringing her to a small climax as his mouth continued to move lower and lower on her body. He spread her legs further apart, burying his face at the apex of her thighs. His amethyst eyes remained locked with hers as his tongue slowly reached out to touch her wetness. He smiled to himself. 'A night she won't forget. A night that will make her mine forever, no matter what.' The unsure side of his mind dictated.

Hilde's hands clutched the bed sheets beneath her as Duo's tongue and teeth sucked and pulled at her clit, agonizingly slowly, making her writhe above him. His hands came up her sides, in light feathery touches, until he palmed her pale breasts. She said his name pleadingly, as his tongue slid into her then out. Her bright blue eyes remained locked with his, "Duuoo" she breathed. "Please." His thumbs rubbed against her sensitive nipples, and he smiled once more before nodding and assaulting her nether mouth with his tongue and making her cry out his name as she came again.

Duo kissed his way back up her body, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. His erect member was pressed against her inner thigh, wanting to be embedded in her slick warmth. Hilde's hands slid down Duo's muscled back, grabbing his butt and pushing him into her as his tongue teased hers. With a groan Duo caught the hint and any invisible restraints he had holding him back vanished and with one swift thrust, he slammed his cock into her, reveling in her gasp of pleasure. His mouth fastened itself on her dusky pink nipple as one hand slipped down to stroke her hardened nub as he thrust into her repeatedly.

Hilde's nails raked down Duo's back, and grabbed fists of hair, pulling on it as she arched her back, breathing heavy as he continued to pull nearly completely out of her before filling her to the hilt. Her short dark hair clung to the sides of her sweat-drenched face, as she felt the beginnings of her orgasm build in the pit of her stomach. Duo seemed to sense this and his movements became quicker, wanting to release with her. "Uh, Duooh" she breathed, her own hips driving back to meet his thrusts.

He listened to her breath his name against his shoulder as he sped up his pace again. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and her inner muscles began to tighten around his throbbing hardness. "Un… Hilde…" Duo groaned. Her soft breasts pressed against his hard chest as her body began to spasm beneath him. Her nails dug into the skin of his arms as she thrust back one final time to meet his thrust her legs tightened around his waist pulling him deeper into her as her body clamped down around him and white-hot pleasure seemed to burst from every nerve ending in her body. "Oh… Dddduuuooooo!" she cried out breathlessly.

It was too much for Duo to take when she came hard around him; with one final hard thrust he sent his essence into her. "Uh, Hilde" he grunted, touching his lips to hers. He collapsed against her catching most of his weight on his arms as he did so and dropped his head to the curve of her neck kissing her heated skin gently. Once he caught his breath he leant back and looked down at Hilde's bright blue eyes. "Babe, I love you so much, you know that?"

Hilde nodded, "I know, and I love you too." She tried to kiss him but he stopped her.

He held her face between his big hand; staring directly into her eyes," You're mine Hilde, and I want you to know that." The little devil in the back of his mind told him to say it, and his voice held a colder tone than he'd wanted to have. Hilde nodded her head in his hand, and he let go.

"I know, I know." she said. "I've been yours since that day I gave you the application to Oz, Duo. Yours and only yours forever." She yawned softly, and her eyelids slowly began to close. "Let's go to sleep." She leaned up to kiss him and this time he didn't pull away and kissed her sweetly before rolling off her and pulling the bed sheets over them.

"G'night love." Duo said, folding her small body in his arms. He smiled to himself; her words were a real comfort to him. At least he knew now for sure that she was his. Only his. He kissed the top of her head that lay on his chest, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hilde opened her eyes, as she lay on Duo's chest listening to his shallow breathing. She rolled onto her back, running her hands through her dark hair. 'How the hell am I gonna get out of here to meet Heero?' she asked herself. She thought briefly about the many troubles that would happen if Duo found out she was seeing Heero at odd hours of the night, but disregarded it, knowing Duo, she could safely say that he wouldn't mind too much. Hell, he'd probably even want to show him how it was done. It was pretty typical of Heero to meet late at night; he wouldn't want anyone else to know. But it was all right with her, as long as he held up his end of the bargain when it was over. She glanced over at the clock on the side of the bed; it was a quarter to twelve which meant that in two hours without fail Heero's black BMW would once again be parked at the corner of the street with all the lights but one on. She sighed, and rolled over back against Duo hard chest and nestled against him. Two hours was two hours; she could sleep a little while.


Hilde's watched beeped, it was 1:30am. Yawning, Hilde slowly snaked out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She took a quick shower, and retreated back to the room in a towel, quietly rummaging through her closet for a comfortable pair of jeans and a top. She looked at the clock once more, five minutes left. Her eyes drifted to Duo and she sighed, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay with Duo, but she'd made a promise, and she meant to keep that promise. She yawned again, and pulled back her short hair in two small pigtails before reaching back into the closet for a red gown that she only wore to go dancing. She could see out to the street from the window it was still raining hard and just as expected she saw Heero's car pass by and stop at the corner; she had to go. Hilde went to the bedside, and placed a gentle kiss on Duo's lips. "I love you Duo. I'll be home soon I promise." She whispered before she left, leaving a note saying she was called in to Preventers early.

The rain seemed to fall even more when she stepped out of the house in her Preventers jacket. She ran to the car and opened the door, not noticing Duo standing at the window watching her get into his best friend's car. "Hey Heero." She said, Heero nodded. "Let's go." Heero started the car again, and they sped down the road, on their way to his flat in uptown Sanc.


"Hilde?" Duo asked into the empty house, he woke up when he heard the shower running but pretended to be sleeping to see what she was going to do. Not really believing what he saw, nor wanting to believe it. He yawned and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. 'Did Hilde just leave with Heero?' He asked himself. He shook his head as he saw the note. "Dear Duo, I'm sorry I can't be here when you get up, I was called into the office early I'll see you there, Love always Hilde." He read. Not wanting to believe that what he'd heard earlier this evening was Hilde making plans to see Heero for a secret rendez-vous, or that Hilde got into a car with Heero at 2am, he pushed it to the back of his mind.

"Hilde loves me. She's not gonna go around behind my back to fuck my fest friend. She wouldn't do that to me." He repeated over and over to himself. "I won't believe it. She loves me and ME alone. She told me that. I just won't believe that she's playing me, not my Hilde. No. I JUST WON'T BELIEVE IT!" he yelled making sure that he believe his own words even if he didn't.

He went back to the bedroom, and hopped back into bed, telling himself that it was all going to be okay, and that Hilde was really at Preventers. He'd see her in a few hours, he was sure of it. Hilde probably had a mission with Heero, yeah that was it. A mission.


Duo walked into HQ at 8am, earlier than normal. His eyes were puffy and tired because he had gotten no sleep after Hilde left. He walked straight into his office, holding the leather jacket in his hand. The lights were off in the office, and Heero's laptop wasn't there, nor was his jacket on the coat hanger. "Heero?" he shrugged and picked up the phone, calling Hilde's desk. The phone rang, and rang and rang, but no one answered. 'Strange' he said to himself, hanging up an calling Quatre.

"Hello?" The blond responded.

"Hey Q-man!" Duo greeted.

"DUO?!" the blond on the other end sounded surprised, "Where are you calling from? The phone says it's an inter office call."

"Where the fuck do you think I'm calling from? I'm right down the goddamn hall!!" Duo growled.

"Are you serious? You're at work! It's eight! Hell Heero isn't even in."

Duo nodded, "So he's not in. Is Hilde?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Fuck." Duo muttered. "Quatre, do you know when they're coming in? Are they on a mission together?"

"Umm, actually, I think Hilde maybe in at about 2 with Heero. And as far as I know, they aren't working together, that didn't work well the last time." Quatre said.

"Oh really? Have either of them been in this morning since about like 2am?"

"Duo, no body comes in at that hour! No I was the first one here. No one is in yet except Lady Une, a few of the temps in the back and us. Why?"

Duo's eyes narrowed and he swallowed hard. "Okay, thanks. No reason. Bye " He hung up the phone and sat back in his seat. "Bitch! She lied to me!" He growled. Taking deep breaths, he put his hands over his eyes. He thought of the lives of the ones who'd be involved should anything be going on, Relena, Heero, Hilde and himself but shook his head, "Nah, I just won't believe it. Heero loves Relena too much to play her, Hilde loves me, and I love her. Besides, Heero and Hilde!? Figure the odds." He smiled to himself though some part of him was still slightly worried about where Hilde was and why she was only coming in at two, WITH HEERO, and also about why she'd chosen to lie about where she was, but at the moment that didn't matter. He didn't want to believe that that part of his gut saying something was wrong was right. For now, he just wouldn't believe it.


To be continued…

Okay, I'm done for the moment. So whatcha think? This is a fic that I'm not too sure that I'll continue. I may just scrap it depending on the response I get. So far I don't think that it's turned out quite like I wanted it to, I think that I need a new muse. The one I have isn't helping me… so it all depends. Please tell me what you think, and don't worry too much about the Duo/Hilde/Heero situation… it all has reasons. Till next time, I'm working on the last chapter to Late One Night and I'm contemplating a yaoi fic… What would you all say to that? Suggestions? Comments?