Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Her ❯ Missing Her ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own and did not create Gundam Wing, or any of the characters. I do own the story, however, so please leave it alone. Feel free to comment, that's why I posted it here!
Missing Her
“What is that smell?” Wufei asked, wincing at the stench that invading his senses.
“Duo's doing his laundry.” Trowa answered, leaning against the wall beside Wufei's door.
It had been three years since the war had ended, and things were going well. Heero had finally confessed his love for Relena, and the two were happily… well, no one knew what exactly they were doing; only that they seemed to be happy and Heero never seemed to stop talking about how he wanted to take their relationship to the next level. Of course, Heero really didn't talk all that much to begin with, so the others dealt with it rather easily.
They had been sharing a small apartment on L2 for the past year and a half, after they had joined the Preventers and were stationed there. Most days were quiet and peaceful. Of course, there were times like now when things got hectic. It didn't happen often. About every two hours or so.
“That's his laundry?” Quatre asked, popping his head out of his room. “That's horrible!” he exclaimed, trying not to pass out from the strong smell of sour milk coming from the laundry room.
“What's with you guys?” Duo asked, walking out of the laundry and down the hall towards his room.
“Maxwell, you laundry smells like you threw up on it a year ago and let it rot.” Wufei said.
“You're one to speak, Wuffie. When was the last time you washed your clothes?” Duo asked, pouting mockingly as first.
My laundry is not the problem at hand!” Wufei snapped, his eye beginning to twitch.
“It does smell rather bad.” Quatre commented. Trowa nodded, agreeing with the other two. Duo looked between them, from Wufei, to Quatre, to Trowa.
“Where's Heero?” Duo asked. The others looked stumped for a moment.
“Where is Heero?” Quatre asked.
“He's probably running for his life at the stench.” Wufei said. He continued to glare at Duo, pulling a Chinese broad sword out from behind his back and muttering a threat to cut off Duo's braid.
“I saw him and `Lena about an hour ago on the porch out front.” Trowa told his roommates.
“He and `Lena, huh?” Duo asked. “Should've figured.” ……. “Well, let's go see what they're up to!” he said cheerfully, walking towards the front door.
“Maxwell! GET BACK HERE!” Wufei screamed as Duo walked out the house and closed the door. Quatre shook his head. Trowa and Quatre went about their business, typing up reports and such. Wufei, however, did the one thing he should never do. He made sure the others weren't watching, walked over to Duo's door, picked the lock, and walked inside, closing the door gently behind him.
He turned around to find a room that was, in reality, not a room. It was more like the butt end of a black hole, papers and books, clothing and trash, random toys and figurines - all scattered across the floor, here and there. His bed looked as though it hadn't been made, ever. The sheets were wrinkled. There were posters all over the walls. Wufei was not surprised. Something did catch his eye however.
He grimaced as he walked over to Duo's bed in the corner by the window, trying not to step on anything. It was not an easy task.
There, on the table beside his bed, was a wooden frame with a picture in it. He picked it up. It was a picture of Duo, standing in front of the ocean, holding a woman in his arms. He recognized the setting. It was where they had gone on vacation just last year.
What surprised him, however, was the look on Duo's face in the picture. It was the look of perfect happiness. For a moment, Wufei forgot he was in Duo's room. He felt tears sting his eyes as memories of a lost love drifted in from the back of his mind. A long time ago, he had used that face so often that it never seemed to change. A long time ago, before the war. Back when things were simple.
But those days were gone, and his wife had been killed. Now he was left with this life, living with the other pilots and helping people. His heart ached. Choking back the tears that seemed determined to be cried, he set the picture back down and took one last look at the room, before he left and locked the door.
He came out just in time to see Duo, Heero, and Relena walk into the apartment. Heero looked nervous and Duo gave him an encouraging face.
“Quatre! Trowa!” Duo called, noting Wufei standing in the hall already. Quatre and Trowa came out and they all walked into the living room. Quatre kept his eye on Wufei, who seemed unusually quiet and distant.
“We have an announcement.” Heero told them. They all waited expectantly. He squeezed Relena's hand. “We're getting married.”
“Congratulations!” Quatre shouted cheerfully. He walked over and gave Heero and a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Trowa following suit.
“Congratulations.” Wufei said, feeling that he couldn't hold back much longer. He quietly excused himself and walked down the hall to the back door, where he went out and sat on the porch, his head in his hands. He felt the tears slide his cheeks, being unable to stop them. After a few minutes, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Wufei looked up to see Quatre there, a worried look on his face. He sat down next to Wufei.
“Are you okay?” Quatre asked, his concern apparent in his voice. Wufei wiped his face on his sleeve.
“I'm fine.” he mumbled. “I miss her…
A/N: This fic was originally written for GW500 on The challenge was philosophy, and somehow I came up with this. Anyway, I was reading it through and thought I would post it here and see what you guys think. If people like it, maybe I'll write more. Remember to review!!!