Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Her ❯ The Others Arrive ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own and did not create Gundam Wing. I do not own any of the characters in Gundam Wing. I do not own a Trowa Barton plushie… errr… so maybe I do own that one…
Hey guys! Sorry for not getting this up sooner, things have been slightly hectic. I originally started writing this last week, after I finished chapter two. Of course, then I reread it and realized that it was horrible and couldn't be posted. So after spending three days making several attempts to salvage my poor, poor chapter three, I dropped it and decided to rewrite it. Then my mom had her tooth capped and has had a bad couple days, and I hurt my foot, so I've been miserable. Today's the last day of misery though, because it's laundry day. The only clothes I have to wear are a form-fitting, long sleeve t-shirt, and a pair of shorts I'd get grounded for wearing outside the house because they are so short. LOL Oh, and today's my biology midterm, wish me luck! ONTO CHAPTER THREE!!!
It was dawn when Wufei realized that he hadn't slept. At all. In fact, he spent the entire night recapping his life. His past. His present. His thirst for justice. It all lead back to exactly the same thing, the same person.
They say that even in the darkest of times, you can find a light. When things are at their worst, there will always be a way out. There will always be a way to recover. Wufei disagreed. Severely. There never seemed to be a way out. There was only a way into another hole, deeper than the first. His sanity was slipping away at its very seams.
A name that meant something. Not only because it meant justice, but because it had been her name. She had earned it. She died, protecting. She died fighting. Surely, that was worth the title.
Of course, that's all it had been. A title. She had gotten herself killed over a title.
“No… She died saving people's lives…” Wufei reminded himself. Sometimes, though, it felt very different. Though they had not always gotten along, he had loved her. At first, he hadn't wanted it. Marriage was the last thing on his mind. But… that changed. He changed. And he grew to love that girl named Meiran.
And when she had died, he had buried her in the field of flowers. Then he left, and he took Gundam Shenlong with him, with the name Nataku. Yes, he had loved her. He had loved her very much.
Sleep did not seem to come easily to Wufei. Especially not lately, with all the memories resurfacing as Heero and Relena's wedding wormed its way closer and closer. More and more time was being spent on flower arrangements and which church to use. The press was going insane, trying to get coverage and interviews, some small amount of insight. If they could, it would probably be their greatest achievement. No one ever got personal information from Mr. Heero Yuy and Miss Relena Peacecraft. Not since they had started dating. Not since, well, ever.
For the others it was the same. People asking them questions, calling day and night. They were, after all, Heero's roommates. Maybe they could give them some dirt. So far, all they had gotten was a threat of death from him, the lady reporter from channel six was hit on by Duo, Quatre had politely declined any questions, and Trowa… Well, he showed them his knife collection and introduced them to his pet cat, who was more along the lines of a fifty pound wild animal with no reservations about eating meat. That being said, it had been wearing on all of their nerves, and they would be happy as soon as this was over.
Wufei found it incredibly ironic that Heero and Relena were actually getting married. They had all begun a bet as to how long the marriage would last before Heero either jumped out a window or beat his head against a wall until he was in a coma, and how long before Relena decided to give up on pacifism altogether and just murder her soon-to-be husband. They'd had their rough patches. In fact, they had about… nothing in common?
And there lay Wufei, staring blankly up at his ceiling while the voices in his head continued to jabber on and bring back memories, old and new, of times long forgotten or recent.
Two weeks left. Just two weeks. Wufei stood to make two hundred dollars, should they decide to not go through with the wedding. Quatre had glared at each of them and told them that they shouldn't be profiting off of something like this. Then, of course, he had put in a twenty dollar bet that they would live happily ever after. Everybody knew he wouldn't be getting that money back. There's no such thing as happily ever after.
All Wufei had to do was survive the wedding, and all would be well. Easier said than done.
“I'm getting married. I'm getting married. I'm getting married.”
Relena paced back and forth, muttering the same phrase repeatedly as if it were a mantra.
“I'm getting married. I'm getting married. I'm getting married.”
“Relena, are you ready?” Catherine called. Relena stopped pacing momentarily to decide whether or not she was ready for the general public to see her wedding gown. There were two and a half weeks left until her marriage to Heero Yuy, the boy she had been stalking for what seemed like forever. In fact, she could barely remember a time before Heero. Well, most of the time before Heero anyway. “RELENA?”
“I'm ready!” Relena called. She stepped out of the dressing room and let her bridesmaids see her dress. Catherine and Hilde gaped. She was a beauty. Her blond hair was pulled up in a messy bun, with curly pieces falling here and there, her bangs were brushed away from her face, and the long white gown curved in all the right places to be modest, but feminine. “What do you guys think?”
Missing Her
By Riley
Chapter 3
The Others Arrive
“COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Duo shouted happily, jumping up and down. Apparently, he really loved his coffee. Wufei fought to keep from killing him, brutally, as he sipped the hot drink.
“Calm down, Maxwell.” Wufei growled. He glared at Duo, who stuck out his tongue in return.
“Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” Duo taunted.
“Whereas you didn't wake up on yours at all.” Wufei replied. Duo grinned from ear to ear. Okay, he had him there. Duo poured himself a fresh cup of caffeine and sat back down at his desk. For a moment, their office was quiet.
“So did you hear about Sally?” Duo asked. Quatre, Trowa, and Heero groaned. For a moment they thought they might have had a nice, peaceful afternoon. No such luck. Wufei did his best not to react.
“What about Sally?” Wufei asked, trying not to let his curiosity get the better of him.
“She's coming for the wedding.” Duo said mischievously.
“Duo…” Quatre said, his tone a warning.
“What? I was simply saying-”
“Don't push it.” Quatre told him.
“When does she arrive?” Wufei asked.
“She and Lucrezia Noin arrive late this evening.” Trowa answered. Wufei nodded that he understood and went back to work. Duo earned himself a glare from Quatre, who almost never glared at anyone. And this time, they actually got their quiet afternoon. Quatre only wished that the quiet hadn't been unrest.
Around 3:30 PM, Wufei packed up his things to leave as he usually did and hitched a ride with the only other person leaving that early.
“How are you going to take Sally's arrival?” Trowa asked, starting the engine to drive home.
“What do you mean `how am I going to take it'?” Wufei replied. “She and I haven't seen each other in a while, but we're still good friends.” he said truthfully. Trowa watched him out of the corner of his eye.
“Yeah, but you've been…. off… lately.” Trowa said.
“Off, how?” Wufei asked, scrunching his face. Off?
“Sleeping in. Talking in your sleep. Falling asleep at work.”
“So I haven't been able to sleep much at night lately.”
“It's more than that.” Trowa told him. “You're unusually…. distant.”
Wufei frowned. Distant?
“Are you sure you're okay?” Trowa asked. Wufei stared at him as if he were the ghost of Christmas past.
“Of course I'm okay.” Wufei answered.
“You're sure?” Trowa asked.
“Of course.”
“Nothing you want to tell me about?”
“Nothing at all?” Trowa asked.
“Is there something you're fishing for, or are you asking random questions just to piss me off?” Wufei asked, finally. Trowa would have smirked were he not so worried about his friend.
“You're not in love with Relena, are you?” Trowa asked, his face serious. Wufei couldn't help it. He stared at Trowa for a moment before bursting out in laughter. After what seemed like fifteen minutes, he finally stopped struggling to breathe and managed to answer Trowa - if Trowa hadn't figured it out already.
“Of course I'm not in love with Relena.” Wufei answered. “What in the hell made you think I was?”
“I told you. Ever since you heard Heero and Relena are getting married, you've been off.” Trowa replied.
“I've been having trouble sleeping.”
“Okay, so why did you sneak into Duo's room?” Trowa asked. Wufei flinched.
“Temporary insanity?” Wufei pleaded. Trowa nodded. With the gundam pilots, that was always possible. A thought popped into Wufei's head. “How did you know I snuck into Duo's room?”
“You should know by now how paranoid Duo is.” Trowa said. “He fingerprints his doorknob every time he goes in there. Just to make sure.”
Wufei nodded. Duo was paranoid. It was just surprising sometimes how much.
“You haven't answered my question.”
“I'm not in love with Relena.” Wufei said.
“That wasn't the question.” Trowa stated, annoyed. “What's wrong?”
“You never asked that.” Wufei accused. Trowa turned a corner and pulled into their driveway.
“So, now I did.” Trowa said. “HEY!” he yelled after Wufei, he had gotten out of the car and headed inside the house. There was only one thing plaguing his mind: Why did he go into Duo's room?
Sally's plane was set to come in at nine pm. Instead, it arrived more around… three in the morning. She and Lucrezia got to their hotel room around five in the morning. Plus, the ice machine was broken.
They spent the entire morning drinking warm water, when they were awake. They had serious cases of jet lag, and they had been forced to stay up long past when they would've liked to, just to find their own little place to sleep.
They had the next few weeks off to attend Relena's wedding, and perhaps have their own little vacation. As much as they looked forward to Relena's wedding, they were especially looking forward to that vacation bit.
So, it was a pleasant morning the day after the day they arrived, when they had breakfast with Relena and the others.
“Lucrezia!” Relena greeted, hugging the woman who was dating her older brother. Her older brother, who should be the next day. Her older brother who probably had a long streak of death threats lined up for a certain Heero Yuy, who was to marry his sister.
“Relena! Good to see you!” Lucrezia greeted back. Everyone spent the next few moments hugging each other and catching up. Everyone, that is, except for two people in particular.
“Wufei.” Sally nodded, acknowledging he was there and smiling. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see him again. The last time she saw him was before she was stationed somewhere else and he was breaking up with her. Oh wait, she got those two events slightly backwards.
“Hello Sally.” Wufei replied. “How've you been?”
“Fine. You?”
And that seemed to be the extent of their catching up.
Wufei didn't pay much attention to what happened at breakfast. He had his mind on other things. Things that wouldn't let him have his mind on anything else. Things like Sally's arrival, the wedding, Duo's insanity and coffee addiction, and how long his friend would live if Milliardo ever found out that Heero and Relena had slept together before they got married. Of course, he was mostly focused Sally.
So when breakfast was over, which was when everyone was really ready for lunch, except for Duo who had never stopped eating breakfast and was ordering more pancakes, Wufei wondered how he had managed to get through the whole without having to actually speak. Not that he was going to complain.
“So, where are you guys staying?” Relena asked.
“Some strange hotel downtown.” Lucrezia said, laughing.
“Well, I have a kind of… strange request…” Relena said. “I know we don't know each other very well.” she said, looking between Lucrezia and Sally. “But… will you two be my bridesmaids?”
“What do you think?” Merian asked, spinning around in her wedding dress. Wufei raised an eyebrow.
“It's a dress.” he replied. Meiran walked over and smacked him on the head.
“It's not just a dress! It's my wedding dress.” Meiran pouted. “You're so… annoying.”
“Like you're much better.” Wufei replied, scoffing.
“WHAT?!” Meiran shrieked.
“What do you think?”
Wufei looked up to see Sally Po twirling around in her lavender bridesmaid dress.
“Wufei?” she asked again.
“It looks good.” Wufei replied.
“Just good?” Sally asked. Wufei blushed. She chuckled. “That's what I thought. Thank you.”
“You're welcome.” he replied. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror.
“For a brief moment there, you thought I was her, didn't you?”
“Her?” Wufei asked, numbly.
End Chapter 3
A/N: YAY! SEVEN PAGES! YAHOOOOOOO! Plus, my site's up! YAYS! Keep and eye out for chapter four, remember to review. (Hope you liked it!)