Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Her ❯ Wasn't It More? ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own and did not create Gundam Wing. I do not own and did not create any of the characters from Gundam Wing. If I did, I wouldn't be sitting here writing fanfiction, now would I?
Well, chapter 4! I hope you guys like it!
“Do you love me?”
“More than you know could possibly imagine.” Wufei answered. He pulled Meiran close, enjoying the feel of her beside him.
They lay side by side, staring up at the stars together. It was a warm night, and they were spending it in a garden, lying on the grass and enjoying all the scents that floated around them from the flowers.
“Would you have married me, if you knew me first?” Meiran asked. She looked over at her husband in time to see him frown and his eyebrows raise at her question.
“What do you mean?” he asked. Meiran sighed.
“If you and I hadn't had an arranged marriage, and we were just two people, and we had a choice in who we were to love, would you have married me?”
Missing Her
by Riley
Chapter 4
Wasn't It More?
“For a minute there, you imagined I was her, didn't you?” Sally asked.
“Her?” Wufei asked numbly.
“Why would you think that?” Wufei asked, trying to hide the obvious fact that he had, indeed, imagined her standing there instead of Sally.
“You had that wistful look in your eyes.” Sally said. She began to walk over to him. “You know, where they glaze over slightly, as if you're seeing everything in a haze, but they're so alert that it doesn't really make sense. And when you have that look in your eyes, your face softens and suddenly you don't seem so... guarded.” Sally said. She smiled slightly. “When you have that look, you seem more human.”
She noticed the wetness that now came to his eyes.
“I'm sorry.” she said. “I didn't mean to make you cry.”
“I was.” Wufei replied. “Thinking about her.” Sally nodded.
“It's okay to cry you know.” she told him. “If nobody let out their feelings and cried, the world would be full of people who needed therapy.” Wufei chuckled at her comment. That was, of course, the whole point of it.
“It thought it was full of people who needed therapy.” Wufei said. Sally grinned.
“That's true. But it would be worse.”
“The therapists could need it.” Sally replied.
“You have a good point.”
“Of course I do.” Sally said, smiling. Wufei smiled back. “So, you think it's good?”
Sally twirled around once more in her bridesmaid gown for Wufei, letting him get a good, up close look at it. Wufei shook his head, trying his head on what was going on at the moment, and not on memories of his wife.
“Is that a no?” Sally asked.
“No.” Wufei answered. “I mean, yes. I mean...”
Sally laughed.
“I'll take that as a yes.” she said. She walked back over to the dressing room and closed the door. “So, how've you been?” she asked through the door. Wufei sighed.
“The same.”
“Meaning, you still feel like killing Duo most of the time?” Sally asked. Wufei's eye twitched at the mention of his roommate's name. “That's another yes.”
“How is it you seem to know the answers to the questions before I can reply?” Wufei asked.
“Easy. I know you.”
“Then why bother asking?”
“I'm making conversation. Something that, no offense, you're not exactly the best at.” Sally said, coming back out in her usual slacks and a white, button-up shirt.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, Chang Wufei, it's so.” she said, walking and staring up at him. Their faces were mere inches away from each other.
“I know.” she sighed. She took a few steps back and watched the man in front of her. “You do remember, though, what I said. Don't you?”
Wufei nodded and Sally smiled.
“Am I interrupting anything?” Duo asked, opening the door slightly to find the two of them standing there.
“Hello Duo.” Sally greeted. Duo grinned.
“Well, if it isn't the beautiful Sally Po.” Duo greeted. “Trying on your bridesmaid dress I suppose?”
“Just finished.”
“Well, how does it look? Or don't I get to see?” he asked.
“You don't get to see. Of course, if you really want to know, you could always ask Wufei.” Sally told him. “He got a pretty good look at the dress.” Sally said, grinning over at Wufei. Wufei's eyes narrowed.
“Did he now?” Duo asked, turning to look at Wufei. “So, Wuffie, how did the dress look on her?”
“Fine.” Wufei answered through clenched teeth, torn between glaring at Sally and glaring at Duo.
“Just fine?” Duo asked.
“Fine.” Wufei answered, leaving the room. Duo looked back over at Sally.
“The sensitive type?” Duo said, grinning like an idiot. Sally laughed.
“Not exactly.” Sally asked, her depression showing.
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“In the summer grass and trees have grown. Over my roof the branches meet. Birds settle in the leaves. I enjoy my humble place. Ploughing's done, the ground is sown, time to sit and read my book. The narrow deeply-rutted lane means my friends forget to call. Content, I pour the new Spring wine, go out and gather food I've grown. A light rain from the East, blows in on a pleasant breeze. I read the story of King Mu, see pictures of the Hills and Seas. One glance finds all of heaven and earth. What pleasures can compare with these?”
“I can think of one…” Wufei mentioned, smiling.
“Wufei!” Meiran scolded, laughing. Wufei leaned down and kissed her, pulling her into his arms.
“I love you.”
“I love you too…”
“What should we do tonight?” Meiran asked. Wufei looked pensive for a moment.
“What would you like to do?” he asked. Meiran sighed, then laughed.
“I have no idea.”
“Me either.” Wufei replied. Meiran faked pouting.
“Well that's no good. At this rate, we'll spend the entire day and tonight trying to come up with something.” she said.
“Hmmmm....” he murmured, leaning down and kissing her on the lips once more. “We could always stay here.” he gestured to the little place where they lived. Meiran shook her head.
“I have an idea.”
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“WUFFIE!” Duo shouted, chasing him down the hall.
“What?” Wufei asked, ignoring as Duo panted and glared.
“Why were you running?”
“Running? I wasn't running. I was walking.” Wufei insisted. Duo rolled his eyes.
“Whatever. Why?”
“Because, I have somewhere to be.”
“Where would that be?” Duo asked. He stood in front of Wufei, cutting him off.
“Since when is it any of your business what I do?” Wufei snapped.
“Since you've been acting like a bastard for the past few days and it's starting to piss me off!” Duo replied.
“Well, that's too bad.” Wufei said. He tried to sidestep Duo, which didn't work. “Let me by!”
“Not until you tell me what I'm missing here!” Duo replied. Their shouts made everyone in the store stop to stare at them. Quatre, Trowa, and Heero walked over to the hallway which led out the back entrance to where their cars were parked, and watched Wufei and Duo fight.
“What makes you think there's anything to miss?” Wufei growled.
“Because you're being an ass.” Duo replied.
“I am not!”
“Are so!”
“Don't make me hurt you Maxwell.” Wufei threatened.
“Then don't be an idiot.”
“I'm. Not. An. Idiot.”
“Then why are you acting like this?” Duo asked. Wufei glared at him.
“What's going on?” Quatre asked. He looked between the two, taking note of the fairly obvious fury passing between them.
“Wufei's being an ass.” Duo replied.
“I AM NOT!” Wufei screamed.
“Why are you two fighting?” Trowa asked. They didn't answer, only continued to glare at each other as if each wanted to murder the other.
It was an unusual moment. For although the two often fought, and they were known for getting physically violent with each other, this fight was different. This time, they were having an argument in public. Which they almost never did. In reality, Duo and Wufei had a pretty good relationship. It was what Trowa liked to call “tough love”. It was also what Quatre liked to call “insanity”.
“Asshole.” Duo muttered.
Wufei continued to glare and left, slamming the door to the very expensive store behind him, causing the glass to shatter. Duo flinched. That was going to cost them.
“What was that all about?” Quatre asked. Duo was scratching the back of his head sheepishly as the store managed on duty glared at him, taking out a calculator and a pad of paper, adding up exactly how much they now owed the store. Along with, that is, the charges for the wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses.
“Ugh. That went well. Me and my big mouth.” Duo murmured to himself.
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Wufei spent the entire night staring at the ceiling as if it held the answers to the universe within it's ivory colored depths. Which, of course, it didn't. That minor fact didn't stop him from doing it however. In fact, if Wufei had thought about it in any small manner, it might have encouraged him. But he didn't. And he continued to stare.
Damn Maxwell. Always bothering other people and interfering in their business. Sleep was coming easily to Wufei. He groaned and sat up in bed, cradling his head in his hands. He walked out of his room and down the hall, only to find Trowa sitting in the living room, staring blankly at the television, hoping to find something to watch.
“Couldn't sleep?” Trowa asked. Wufei sighed.
“You too?”
“Hm.” Trowa replied, nodding. Wufei came over and sat down next to him. “So...”
“What did Duo do this time?” Trowa asked.
“Why do you insist on having these deep conversations with me?” Wufei asked, looking over at Trowa.
“Need a hobby.” Trowa replied simply. Wufei resisted the urge to sweatdrop and watched television. “You're avoiding the question again.”
“I realize that you are in need of a constructive way to spend your time, but do you honestly think that attempting to be my shrink is going to accomplish that absurd goal of yours?” Wufei asked. Trowa shrugged.
“Do you need a shrink?” he replied. Wufei sighed.
“Of course not.”
“Then why bring it up?”
“Because you seem to enjoy interfering in my business, just like that baka Maxwell.” Wufei told him.
“So he was interfering with your business? What business?” Trowa asked. “Do you mean Sally Po?” Wufei's eye twitched. “That was it, wasn't it?”
“If I answer your question, will you drop it?” Wufei asked.
“Then yes, it was about Sally.” Wufei replied. Trowa nodded, understanding.
“So, he was telling you that you shouldn't let Sally get away again. That you're making her miserable. That you'll make yourself miserable in the process. Correct?” Trowa asked.
“I thought you said you would drop the subject?” Wufei growled.
“I lied.”
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“In the summer grass and trees have grown. Over my roof the branches meet. Birds settle in the leaves. I enjoy my humble place. Ploughing's done, the ground is sown, time to sit and read my book. The narrow deeply-rutted lane means my friends forget to call. Content, I pour the new Spring wine, go out and gather food I've grown. A light rain from the East, blows in on a pleasant breeze. I read the story of King Mu, see pictures of the Hills and Seas. One glance finds all of heaven and earth. What pleasures can compare with these?”
“I can think of one…” Wufei mentioned, smiling.
“Wufei!” Meiran scolded, laughing. Wufei leaned down and kissed her, pulling her into his arms.
“I love you.”
“I love you too…”
“What should we do tonight?” Meiran asked. Wufei looked pensive for a moment.
“What would you like to do?” he asked. Meiran sighed, then laughed.
“I have no idea.”
“Me either.” Wufei replied. Meiran faked pouting.
“Well that's no good. At this rate, we'll spend the entire day and tonight trying to come up with something.” she said.
“Hmmmm....” he murmured, leaning down and kissing her on the lips once more. “We could always stay here.” he gestured to the little place where they lived. Meiran shook her head.
“I have an idea.”
“What?” Wufei asked.
“You'll see....”
That night, the two snuck off to Meiran's favorite place. They laid down a blanket on the ground, and made themselves comfortable, staring up at the stars.
“Do you love me?”
“More than you know could possibly imagine.” Wufei answered. He pulled Meiran close, enjoying the feel of her beside him.
They lay side by side, staring up at the stars together. It was a warm night, and they were spending it in a garden, lying on the grass and enjoying all the scents that floated around them from the flowers.
“Would you have married me, if you knew me first?” Meiran asked. She looked over at her husband in time to see him frown and his eyebrows raise at her question.
“What do you mean?” he asked. Meiran sighed.
“If you and I hadn't had an arranged marriage, and we were just two people, and we had a choice in who we were to love, would you have married me?”
“Why are you asking me this?” Wufei asked.
“Because. Please just answer Wufei.” Meiran begged. Wufei sighed.
“Yes, I would.”
Wufei woke from his sleep with a start, gasping for air. Meiran....
A/N: YAY! CHAPTER 4!! It's a bit longer than the others, which I'm really happy about! YAY!!! Okay, so, midterms were great. I kicked ASS!!! GO ME! lol!!! Oooooh... check out my livejournal at for info and updates!!! (or just to spam me) lol!!!