Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Her ❯ The Morning Before ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own and did not create Gundam Wing, or any of the characters from Gundam Wing. I am not affiliated with Bandai entertainment. I am not a merciless Trowa fangirl... LOL I also don't own Paper Bag, by Anna Nalick.
“Travis…” Sally whispered, barely enough for herself to hear. He lowered her down onto the bed. For a few long moments, they continued.
“Why are you crying?”
Sally moved her hands and touched her cheeks, suddenly feeling the wetness. She frowned and swallowed, trying to control it.
“Sally, what's wrong?”
“I can't do this.”
“I'm sorry Travis, but I can't do this.” Sally said. “The thing is, I'm in love with someone else.”
Yeah, they talk about her
She smiles like she's so tough
She says, “Hey, can you talk a bit louder?
I don't think my heart is broken enough”
Missing Her
by Riley Murphy
Chapter 9
The Morning Before
It was morning, and a very depressed Sally Po was staring at the television, watching the latest episode of God knows what. In truth, she wasn't exactly watching it... it was just there. Sally was basically going catatonic and refused to do anything, in her mind trying to figure out where exactly her life had gone wrong.
It was ironic really. The only man she had ever loved was the one man she would most likely never get. See? Ironic.
Lucrezia Noin, her friend, walked in the door with four five plastic bags in her hand and grinning like a fool. Sally frowned at her.
“Oh God no.” Sally groaned. Lucrezia laughed.
“Oh yes.”
“No. Please no.”
“YES!” Lucrezia shouted, coming over and grabbing Sally by the hand, yanking her up on her feet.
“I don't want to.” Sally moaned. Lucrezia walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, tossing them to Sally.
“The wedding is at six o' clock tonight, and it's only nine!” Lucrezia exclaimed. “That means we still have a little time, and it'll stop you from turning into a zombie.”
“You just want to drag me to the lingerie shop so you can pick out something for when you attempt to seduce Zechs.” Sally accused. Lucrezia frowned.
“Do you honestly think that I would do something like that?” Lucrezia asked. When Sally glared and didn't reply, Lucrezia shrugged and pushed her friend into the bathroom to change.
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Wufei groaned and rolled over....
Now that was odd.... it was abnormally warm.
Wufei opened a sleepy eye, only to find himself lying next to a person. His eyes shot open. What the hell was another person doing in his bed? In his bed, in his room? WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!?
He reached out and rolled the person on their back so he could get a good look at their face - he suddenly had the feeling he shouldn't have had so much to drink last night... and neither should Quatre.... now where were his roommate's clothes when he needed them?
Apparently... they weren't on his body... to say the least. Wufei could only hope that when he looked down at himself, he wouldn't find that he had the same issue.
“Thank God.” Wufei muttered, letting out a sigh of relief. He looked around his room only to find that it was Quatre's. His books were out of place, clothes were thrown about the floor, and that expensive looking vase that usually sat atop his desk next to the picture of his family had been broken, the shattered pieces lying randomly across the floor. Wufei found himself hyperventilating... This was getting complicated.
“Catherine...” Quatre muttered. He reached over and grabbed a hold of Wufei, pulling him down against his nude body. “Catherine..... marry me....” he murmured in his sleep. “Catherine...”
Wufei attempted to move Quatre's arms off of him, but apparently Quatre had a stronger grip than he appeared to. This would have gone better, Wufei imagined, had Quatre not rolled over on top of him, cuddling him closely. It also didn't help when a certain braided baka, recently recovering from a caffeine addiction, peaked his head in slightly to see if Quatre was up yet and where exactly Wufei had wandered off to.
“Holy shit.” Duo mumbled. He inched a little further into the room.
“Duo...” Wufei said in a warning tone.
Quatre jumped awake, his eyes nearly falling out of his head when he looked down at Wufei, clothed but barely, beneath his own naked body.
Let this be a lesson to you, kiddies: alcohol is bad.
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“Let's go here.”
Sally took one look at the store where Lucrezia had lead her and sighed. She knew it.
“You really do want to get something for Zechs, don't you?” Sally asked. Lucrezia grinned.
“I'm going to make that man realize he wants me, or die trying.” Lucrezia told her friend. Sally laughed.
“Well, at the very least, you'll die in stylish lingerie and take him with you.”
“Exactly. Now, tell me, how does this look?” Lucrezia asked, picking up a lacy black bra which hid very little, and a matching thong.
“You're really taking this seriously?”
“Lu, why do I get the feeling you're going to cause quite a sensation at this wedding?”
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Quatre rubbed his hair with a towel as he got out of the shower, still red in the face from earlier. He shouldn't have had all that alcohol. His mind was still tracing back through the events, trying to discover why exactly he had woken up naked next to Wufei, who was only wearing his boxers. It made no sense. NO SENSE AT ALL! Not to mention that Duo couldn't stop talking about it.
Duo sure was active for laying off the coffee and being a complete zombie the night before.... Now why did Quatre get the feeling there was something Duo hadn't told them?
Quatre was broken out of his reverie as he passed Heero's room. Surprised to find the door open, seeing as the wedding was mere hours away and Heero ought to be getting ready, he peaked inside. The usually calm and collected Heero Yuy was rocking back and forth, mumbling incoherently, and still in his pajamas. His hair was sticking straight up, as if gelled that way, his clothes were wrinkled, and he had bags under his eyes. Now that wasn't a good sign.
“Heero?” Quatre asked gently. Heero flinched at the sudden sound.
“SHHHHH!” Heero replied, glaring angrily at Quatre. Heero was panting. “I'm hiding.” he whispered.
“Hiding?” Quatre asked. “From what?”
“Everything!” Heero exclaimed. “Zechs, defiantly, but those awful rich women who keep congratulating me! NO MORE FLOWERS!!”
Quatre looked around Heero's room. He did have a large amount of flowers lining the walls. Of course, there were also chocolates and love letters - and Quatre doubted that many of them were written by Relena. It was enough to drive a man insane! Oh wait, it already had.
“Wait, where's Zechs?” Quatre asked. “I haven't seen him all mor-”
“DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME!” Heero shouted, jumping up and covering Quatre's mouth with his hand. Quatre looked critically at Heero. This was very not good. He bit Heero's hand and while Heero pulled it away because he was hurt, yelled.
“You bit me!” Heero yelled.
“What's going on?” Trowa asked, walking into the room. He took one look at Heero and sighed, before running out for a moment. Quatre and Heero watched for a moment, wondering exactly what in the hell Trowa was doing. They sweat dropped when he came back with a notepad and pencil in hand and glasses leaning on the tip of nose.
“Uh, Trowa, I don't think now's a good time to practice for that internship at the APA.” Quatre commented. Trowa glared at Quatre.
“Now, tell me about your childhood.” Trowa commanded. In his mind, Quatre heard Trowa speaking with an accent not unlike Sigmund Freud's.
“I was raised by a man named Odin to be an assassin. I was quite good at it too. Through a twist of fate, I became the perfect soldier and was given Wing Zero.” Heero answered. Trowa nodded.
“I see. So you never really knew your mother?”
Heero shook his head and leaned back on the bed, as if to reminisce.
“She was... a slight woman, and quite content in her simple ways.” Heero began. Quatre rolled his eyes. Trowa simply nodded as he scribbled furiously on his notepad. “I remember back when she used to hold me in her arms and rock me back and forth, singing to me.”
“I see, I see.”
Quatre saw too. There was a quack sitting on Heero's bed, and an even bigger quack sitting in Trowa's chair. Heero began to sing a pathetic, broken voice.
“Out in the sticks. Out in the stickiness. They're chasing round, in stolen ice cream vans.” Heero sang, sobs coming to his voice. Quatre glared at his friend - Heero really had lost his mind.
“I see. And your father?” Trowa asked, interrupting. Heero sniffled.
“He- he was never around. There was always some woman or some mission to do.” Heero confessed.
“Uh huh, I see.” Trowa said. Scribble, scribble, scribble, SNAP! Trowa needed a new pencil.
“Does the fact that you didn't know your parents have to do with anything?” Quatre asked. Trowa and Heero glared at him.
“And the cat?” Trowa asked. Heero groaned and began to sob. “Heero, darling, I know it hurts, but you're going to have to talk about it sometime.”
That made Heero, Trowa, and Quatre's eyes go wide. Darling? There a moment of complete and utter silence as the shock of this situation seeped into their minds, and for what seemed to be a long time the realization that they were acting like complete morons was very apparent.
Then it passed.
“I- I just can't. It's too much.” Heero sobbed. Trowa leaned over and patted Heero on the shoulder. Quatre felt the sudden urge to get very drunk, despite the last night's events. Heero leaned in Trowa's shoulder to sob. Oh yeah, Quatre thought, very, very drunk.
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Wufei threw on his sunglasses and walked out the door to his car. He needed a nice, long drive to clear his mind. A nice, long drive away from that baka...
He sighed as he turned the ignition, pulled out of the driveway, and turned on the air conditioner as he drove down the street. It was then that he pondered how anyone could sigh so long as he just had. He shook his head, shaking the thoughts out of his mind. That wasn't important. What was important was having a nice break before the wedding - the wedding, where he would confront Sally and ask her to marry him.
That was what mattered most. He still loved Meiran, he always would. But he was moving on, and there was a bright, beautiful, caring woman in love with him. It was time to take a chance at life once more. For the first time in years, even with everything that had happened and the sudden rumor that Quatre was gay, Wufei felt ready.
As drove about, headed nowhere in particular, he found himself at the café. It was quiet, and there weren't many customers. Of course, it was still early. It would become more crowded when the businessmen got out for lunch and decided that they needed a large cup of coffee to rejuvenate themselves. He ordered a cup of decaf, an image of Duo's sudden death from the last night making its way into his mind and instilling fear in his heart, and asked for a muffin.
The waitress, a woman with long red hair pulled back from her face and eyes greener than any Wufei had ever seen, winked at him and walked off, swaying her hips. Wufei raised an eyebrow. Now what was that all about? Didn't she know he was a man in love? Didn't the world know that Chang Wufei was no longer available?
....was he ever available to begin with?
“Thanks.” Wufei said when the waitress brought the coffee and muffin. He stared at the people milling about through the wall-sized glass windows, still wearing his sunglasses. It gave the world a surreal note, to see everyone going about their business with a brown tint. It made it especially surrealistic when he saw a very attractive woman with curly brown hair, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, opening the door and walking into the café.
Lucrezia followed her in. They had several bags, mostly from stores Wufei recognized as lingerie shops and various adult stores. Damn Duo - he'd corrupted him! Either they didn't know Wufei, or they were ignoring him. Both were very possible. They walked by him and went to behind him, seeing as it was the only one free. They both ordered espressos and immediately became enthralled in a conversation.
“So, do you think Zechs will like those edible panties I bought?” Lucrezia asked.
Wufei choked on his coffee, and he got the distinct impression Lucrezia had done that on purpose. So, they were observant after all and merely chose to ignore him. Now, how does on approach the situation?
“I dunno. What flavor did you get again?” Sally asked. Wufei choked on his coffee once more at the sound of the grin he heard in Sally's voice.
“Chocolate.” Lucrezia answered.
“I thi-” Sally began, only to be interrupted.
“Can I speak with you?” Wufei asked, turning about quickly and interrupting their conversation.
“Oh, Wufei! How nice to see you!” Lucrezia said. “So, did you grow any balls while you were away?”
In that one moment, Wufei perfected Heero Yuy's death glare.
“Sally, if you please?”
“I'm in the middle of something.” Sally snapped.
“It won't take long.” Wufei pleaded. Sally took one look at Lucrezia and nodded. She stood up and watched as Lucrezia winked after Wufei had turned his back on her.
“What do you want?” Sally asked, getting down to business. Wufei closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, before leaning in and kissing her. Sally's eyes flew wide open in shock as she stared into the man whose lips had connected with hers. What the hell was going on? Sally didn't think about it long, before she began to kiss him back.
It was a kiss that was more intimate than any Sally had ever experienced, and in her quest to get over Wufei, she had experienced a lot. For a long moment, they stood there, minds melding and hearts entangled. It was an out of body experience, more beautiful and sensual than could ever be put into words.
Sally was gasping for air slightly as she pulled back when the kiss finally ended.
“Sally Po, I'm in love with you.”
So much for confronting her later that night, at the wedding. He saw unshed tears come to her eyes.
“Wufei...” she murmured.
No, seriously. Sorry for not getting this up earlier. My brain spazzed while I was on vacation and I'm cramming for second semester finals in biology. Sorry again!! REMEMBER TO REVIEW!!!
GAH! Every time I uploaded this it came out funny, so I had to upload it multiple times….