Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Music ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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Missing Music

I miss him so much. He's gone. The apartment is so quiet without him in it. Contrary to popular
belief he doesn't talk all the time. Not even most of it. He has a need to entertain for some
reason. I think it's because when he was small he was usually ignored, or left out, so now he's
afraid that we'll forget him somehow.

How we could forget him, I don't know. I'm wandering through the still, silent rooms wishing
for him. He'll walk up behind me and hum, then put his arms around me. He hums or sings a lot,
but he hums before he touches me because we both still have soldiers' reflexes. We've both
gotten black eyes and bruises from unexpected touches.

I feel cold; the silence is getting to me. We had a fight. It was over that stupid music, again. I
don't mind most of it but I really hate that whistle thing, it screeches in my head and sometimes
gives me a headache. But if he'd come back I'd even put up with that. I like most of his music,
even that electronic techno-pop form the early 20th century, he fills silence with motion and noise

He'll turn on the stereo and turn it up until the neighbors complain and I have to answer the door
and explain that he's just come back from a mission and needs the sound. Or he'll turn it down
until even I can hardly hear it, but he knows it's there. He says that sometimes he just can't stand
the silence, it reminds him of L2 where when the streets got quiet trouble was coming big time.
Or sitting in his Gundam waiting for a mission to start.

That stereo is his pride and joy. I think if you weren't a Gundam pilot, you'd have to have a
degree in electronics to work it, it has more lights and switches and buttons than Wing. But I've
figured it out, I'll que up some music just to make the apartment seem more . . . I'm not sure
what. Or maybe I mean less. Less empty. Less lonely. I wish we hadn't had that fight. It was so
stupid, all I have to do is ask him to put on head phones. They're light and comfortable, wireless
of course, I got them for him for his birthday, only the best for my lover. And he'll do it, put
them on with that sheepish expression that makes him look fifteen again.

Damnit, I wish we hadn't had that fight. He's gone and who knows if he'll ever come back. I'll
que up his new music, the file I made for him, and sit here waiting for him. He'll come back, I
know he will, you can't kill Shinigami. I'll sing that Couchette song to him, he gets stupidly
giggly when I do.

"Duo, love, no more missions without me. I can't stand it. Vou lez vou couche avec moi, ne?"