Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission at Ruby Base ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is an apology fic for Dark Goddess…I hope you like it.

Title: Mission at Ruby Base

Author: DamnVespa

Category: A little Angsty

Pairings: 2x5

Ratings: PG (??)

Spoilers: None

Warnings: A little beating of Duo but that's it.

Archives: Death and Dragon ml,, Gundam Wing Universe, and my website:

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, but the story is mine.

Duo cursed a blue streak as he was thrown into a dark cell. He immediately took in his surroundings and cursed when he found no way out except the door he came in through. He sat down heavily on the floor and thought about how he got caught.

<<<<<<<<<Flashback Begins>>>>>>>>>>

Duo smiled as he looked down at his black haired lover. Wufei looked so innocent sleeping and Duo loved the times when he woke up before Wufei. He ran his fingers through the soft black strands and sighed. His gazing was interrupted by the beep of the laptop.

Wufei groaned and blinked his tired eyes awake when he heard the beeping. He smiled at his lover and yawned. Duo got up and turned on the laptop. He opened the message and read.

"It's okay Koi. Go back to sleep it's for me."

"No that's fine. I'm up already. What's the mission."

"It's a easy recon job. No big deal. Should be done in four hours. Unfortunately I have to leave ASAP."

Duo then got up and pecked his lover's nose. Wufei smiled and leaned closer for a good morning kiss. They kissed chastely because both had morning breath. Then Duo went off to get dressed and ready to go. He gathered up his equipment he would need and with one last kiss to Wufei was off on the mission.

When he got to the base, it had looked easy enough. There was a nice cliff right next to the base and he could see directly into it. He eased his way up to the edge, making sure there weren't any alarms he might set off and no guards walking by. He looked through the binoculars and focused on the base. He zoomed them in to take a closer look. Thankfully his binoculars where also cameras and he clicked the button and took pictures of the base.

All of a sudden he heard a whine of a mobile suit. He cursed to himself and stood to take off running towards his gundam. Unfortunately the mobile suit found him before he could get to the suit. He held up his hands in defeat and a group of soldiers ran up to him and took him away.

>>>>>>>>>Flashback Ends<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

That's how he ended up in this cell. The door opened and he winced at the light. When his eyes adjusted he made out three guards two with their guns aimed at him and the third coming towards him. He cursed as he realized he couldn't get away. The guard pulled him to his feet and took him down to questioning. Duo hoped that Wufei and the others would come get him soon.

Back at the safe house, Wufei stared out the window worriedly. The other three pilots had arrived and were sitting in the living room. Wufei had informed them of Duo's mission and how he was three hours late in returning.

"He probably ran into some difficulties and couldn't contact us. He will be here by morning. Don't worry so much Wufei" Quatre said.

"I can't help but worry."

Trowa stood behind Wufei and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure he's fine."

"Thank you Barton."

Wufei sighed and stared out the window again.

"If he's not back by morning then we'll search for him."

Wufei blinked at the words and turned to Heero, "Thank you Yuy. That will be fine."

Wufei sighed once more and left the room.

Duo glared at the Oz commander from his chair. They had tied his hands behind his back and then tied him to the chair. He couldn't move much and he cursed inwardly at his predicament. The Oz commander just smirked, "Now, let's begin shall we. Where is your gundam?"

"Somewhere." Duo answered flippantly. He was rewarded with a punch to his stomach. He hunched over in his chair as much as allowed. One of the guards grabbed his hair and pulled lifting Duo's face.

"Where is your gundam?"

"Over the rainbow." He again was punched but this time in the jaw. His head snapped to the left from the blow. He spit out blood onto the floor and grunted but made no other noise.

"Again, where is your gundam?"

"The Emerald City?"

This time there was a punch to his face and gut. The air whooshed out of his lungs and he gulped to get air to his lungs.

"If you won't tell us the beating will only get worse."

"Do you worst." Duo spat in the Oz commanders face.

The Oz commander wiped the spit and blood off his face and smirked, "As you wish."

It was the next day and Duo still hadn't returned to the safe house. Wufei gathered all the things he would need for an infiltration. Heero was working on finding out where Duo's mission was. When Wufei entered the living room he saw that everyone was dressed and ready to go. All they needed was the information on where Duo was.

Heero typed quickly on his laptop then stopped. He read over the information he found then quickly shut down his computer and stood.

"He's at Ruby Base which is about an hour from here. It's not highly guarded and easily accessible. I'll give you coordinates and the maps of the bases' interior on the way."

They nodded their heads and headed out to their gundams. They powered them up and put in the coordinates the Heero had sent them. While on the way Heero sent them the schematics of the base.

Quatre looked them over then thought of a plan, "Alright Trowa and I will provide distraction at the East side of the base. Wufei and Heero will go in and extract Duo. If Duo can't make it to his gundam then tell us and either Trowa or me will find it and bring it back. Are we all agreed?"

They all nodded their heads and got ready for the upcoming battle.

Duo was once again in his cell. He was on the floor barely conscious. They had worked him over well, he had a broken arm, ribs, and ankle. Every inch of his body hurt from the punches. When he say do your worst they did it. A shrill siren went off and Duo winced at the sound. He blinked open his eyes but could only see out of his left one. His right had swollen shut.

He heard the shuffle of feet as the guards left the door. He thought about trying to escape but he knew he wouldn't get far and besides he hurt to much to move.

He heard the door open and looked at the doorway hoping to see his lover but was disappointed when it turned out to be the Oz Commander.

"It looks like your friends are here. Don't worry they won't find you alive. Time to wipe out an annoying pest."

The commander leveled a gun at Duo's head and Duo's eyes widened then closed. He heard the click of the gun and then a loud bang. He jerked at the sound but he didn't feel any new pain. He opened his eyes and found the Oz commander on the floor dead and Heero standing behind him with a smoking gun.

Wufei then ghosted into the room and checked to make sure the commander was dead. Wufei nodded his head towards Heero then move towards Duo. He gasped as he took in his condition and then scowled, "You just have to tease them don't you."

"If I don't tease them, then what fun would it be?"

Wufei carefully picked Duo up but Duo still winced in pain. He snuggled into the arms as Wufei carried him out of the base. Wufei got them into the cockpit and closed the hatch. He barely heard Heero telling Quatre to collect Deathscythe. His whole attention was on the person in his arms.

He guided his gundam back to the safe house while checking Duo over. Duo slid into unconsciousness as soon as he was in the gundam.

When Wufei landed he noticed the others were there as well. He heard an engine whine and looked up to see Quatre bringing in Deathscythe. Wufei smiled but then looked down at his arms. Once out of the base, Duo looked terrible. Trowa and Quatre helped him get Duo down then when he was down he picked Duo up again and took him straight to the house.

Inside the house, Wufei cleaned up Duo with the help of Heero. Wufei frowned at the extent of the injuries. He cleaned up the bruises and scrapes Duo had gotten while Heero fixed the breaks. It looked like it would take a couple of months for Duo to heal. He sighed again and helped Heero wrap Duo's ribs. Through out it all Duo remained unconscious.

Finally Duo was cleaned and his wounds dressed. Wufei sat by Duo and stroked the long braid. He had been worried and now he was relieved that Duo was fine, well almost. But he would be fine later. When he saw the commander level that gun he froze. Scared out of his mind that he would shoot Duo and his lover would be dead. Just like his wife, another person he couldn't save.

He felt tears prick his eyes but he valiantly held them back. He felt a hand caress his cheek and he gasped as he looked at Duo. One of Duo's eyes was open and looking right at him. Wufei smiled then frowned, "Baka, You could have gotten yourself killed."

"I know. I'm sorry Koi."

Wufei sighed and smiled, "It's alright. Just get better okay."


Then Duo smiled and crooked his finger at Wufei. Wufei's eyebrow rose and he leaned down. As soon as he was close enough Duo leaned up and captured Wufei's lips in a kiss, "Love you Fei."

"I love you, too. Now rest. You'll need your sleep."

Duo grinned and then closed his eyes. Soon he was sleeping peacefully. Wufei carefully slid in with him and held him gently.