Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, this got deleted off, as did In-Between. I'm posting this slowly, so as not to overwhelm people's e-mail inboxes again, like last time… *sweatdrops* Sorry about that. Anyway, enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don't own GW or whatever else may appear here that you recognize. *shrugs*

Chapter One: Mission

The base is literally crawling with guards. You watch as two of them turn the corner on one end of the wall, to be replaced a split second later by two more, turning around the opposite corner. Frowning slightly, you study the ten-foot fence: easy enough to climb over. The only problem would be getting over it without being seen or heard, taking out the guards, and getting them out of sight before the next pair came around: and that left you with maybe twenty seconds, not the easiest task in the world.

You grin. Ah well. You always like a little challenge. The ground between the fence and the closest wall holds absolutely no cover except for a few scruffy bushes near the wall, so you have to run maybe fifty feet and hope the guys didn't yell. Or shoot at you. Or make any sound whatsoever.

You watch the two guards carefully, waiting for exactly the right moment. You sneak up as close to the fence as you possibly can, using the bushes for cover. Once they're about a yard from turning the corner, your brain screams, "Now!" Throwing all caution and stealth to the winds, you spring from your hiding place and bolt towards the fence. By then, the guards have already rounded the corner, and in the precious few seconds before the next pair appear, you reach the fence, grab hold of the wire, and scramble up as fast as you can, trying to make as little noise as possible. As the next two guards come into sight, you reach the top and jump down, wincing slightly as the fence rattles loudly. Oh well, no hope for it now. Might as well just go for it.

"What the-" one of the two starts, but grabbing a throwing knife from a hidden pocket in your tight black suit, you toss it at him and he dies before he can say another word. His partner reacts quickly, turning to see you, but a little too late. A quick punch to the head and he's out like a light. Smirking slightly, you reach down.

"Let me borrow this," you mutter to the guard, and within a few seconds, you're dressed in his uniform. Frowning slightly, you glance down at the guards' bodies, then stow them behind the bushes, arranging them so it would look like they were only sleeping with a casual glance. As the next pair of guards turn the corner, you're already slipping around the opposite side, heading for the entrance.

You study the entrance for a minute: a single guard stands there, along with a few "hidden" cameras. You snort slightly; security here was pathetic.

"And here I was hoping for a challenge," you mutter. You can't just walk up there and knock out the guard; the cameras would let the whole base know you were here. That was where the uniform came in.

You walk up to the guard, glancing around at the base with wide eyes like you were impressed. Ha, yeah right. The man watches you warily the whole time, until you approach him. His hand goes to the pistol at his belt, and he demands, "Who are you? I've never seen you around before."

You give him the most innocent eyes you can manage. "Who, me? I'm sorry. I'm kinda new here, you see, just transferred in from another base…"

The guard relaxes slightly. "Which one?" You gave him the name of one which would probably be your next target, and he nods thoughtfully. "And why should I believe you?"

You hesitate slightly, fidgeting as if you were nervous - all an act, of course. "Well, I have something to tell the colonel, and he probably won't be too happy if he doesn't hear about it from me directly."

He studies you for a moment. "He's in the control room."

You blink. "But I've never been here before… so where exactly is it again?" You know perfectly well where it is, of course, but it was better to act as if you had no idea what you were doing. The guard sighs and gives you directions, and you pretend to be listening. When he's done, you nod and give him the most sweet and innocent smile you can manage - the one that had put many soldiers off their guard and inevitably led to their deaths. "Thank you very much for your help, sir." You wave goodbye to him and skip into the building, laughing a little once he's out of hearing range. You glance around the base: it would be so easy just to go and place the bombs now, but you'd been warned about that.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Begin Flashback~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

You stare at the base plan, tracing the way from the entrance to the control room to the various places where you would put the bombs. "So tell me again why I can't just go in there, stick a couple explosives around the place, get out, and blow it up?"

Your scientist, Doctor Y, appears behind you. "Because, though the security outside may not be a challenge, the inside has enough cameras for them to see every move you make. They'd notice you placing the bombs, and they'd go after you with enough force to capture you."

"So first I go to the control room, knock everyone out, feed the cameras a loop in case anyone else comes in or someone wakes up, and then I rig the place?"

"Yes." Doctor Y nods. "But stealth is the key ingredient here: you must not get caught. You'll have to act like an ordinary OZ soldier the whole time you're in the base."

You pout slightly. "So no going on random killing sprees?"

"No, no killing sprees."

"Oh, sure, take away all my fun…"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Still grumbling about the killing sprees, you head for the control room, where the colonel supposedly is. You hack into the password thing next to the door, causing it to open, then, as an afterthought, change the code to your birthdate. Less chance of being interrupted that way.

The door closes behind you, and you step into the room. One of the men glances at you, then beckons you forward.

"You, there. You were at the door a few minutes ago, weren't you? The colonel's here, so give him your message."

"Sir," you begin, "somehow a few of the colonists have caught wind of the return of OZ. They're not too happy about it. And…"

"And?" the colonel presses.

You can't help but smile slyly. You reach for your gun, level it at his chest, and fire a single shot. As he crumples to the floor, you finish, "And I'm one of them."

Without bothering to put away your gun, you knock out the rest of the people in the room in about five seconds flat. No point in killing them; they'd die when the base exploded anyway.

Slipping into one of the seats, you tape about ten seconds of still hallways and rooms before feeding them as a loop into the camera. That way, if anyone manages to wake up before the base blew up, they'd have no idea where you'd gone.

Done with that part of your mission, you bring up all the important information in their database and hit delete. You smirk as you watched the files disappear from the hard drive. You stand up, grinning, and remark, "Okay, now it's time for the fun part."

You exit the control room, nodding to a soldier you saw as you pass. You can't help but snicker slightly as he tries futilely to enter, cursing as the system rejects his password.

A few minutes later, you've placed all of the bombs right where they should be, and you're heading out. On the way, you pass the control room, where a group of soldiers were now gathered, trying to break down the door. You resist the urge to yell out your birthday to them as you went by, but one of them turns and spots you.

"Hey! That girl over there!" he yells. You turn and recognize the same guy you'd passed when you left the control room. He continues, "She's the one who was in there last, before all this started happening! Get her!"

You sigh in exasperation, debating whether to run and just blow up the base or kill them first. You decide on the latter; your mission was almost complete anyway, and you need to have a little fun. Now all that was left was to decide how to kill them.

You shrug and smile at the soldiers. "Go ahead, attack me. It's your funeral."

You decide against using your gun; you didn't want to waste bullets on these suckers. You grab your sword and drop into a defensive position, watching as the soldiers rushed at you, drawing out their guns. Not wanting them to shoot and draw any more attention to yourself, you dart forward, slashing left and right and knocking the guns out of their hands. When you reach the other side, you spin around quickly and run through them again, attacking anyone who was still standing. By the end of it, all the soldiers were lying on the ground, dead. You sigh, sheath your sword, and turn away. "Hey, I tried to warn you, and it's your own fault you didn't listen…" you mutter.

You jog the rest of the way out of the complex, meeting a different guard at the door than had been there before. Not stopping for small talk, you leave through the gate this time. When you're about half a mile from the base, you stop, turn around, and take out the switch. You press it, and, much to your satisfaction, the base blows up.

"Mission complete," you smirk. "And good riddance." You're about to turn and leave, but a noise behind you stops you in your tracks…

The click of a gun startles you… - go to page two

"Aw, man, we were gonna do that!" someone says… - go to page three