Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Whatever, You're the One Holding the Gun ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whatever, You're the One Holding the Gun

You sigh. "Sure, why not? You're the one with a weapon aimed at me. But before we go, can you at least do me a favor?"

The boy regards you suspiciously. "What?"

"Can you at least tell me your name?" you ask. "I can't call you 'you' the whole time, you know."

"First, you tell me your name."

You consider that for a moment. "Call me Judy," you say finally, telling him the first name that comes to your mind. No way you're telling him who you really are.

He doesn't look like he believes you, but he gets over it. "Fine. I'm Heero. Heero Yuy." He turns away, putting his gun away but still keeping an eye on you. "It's not my real name either, but it's what people call me."

You smirk. "Okay then, Heero. Shall we get going?"

He nods and starts walking, putting you in front of him and telling you where to go. You occasionally glance behind you; his eyes are on you every time you look, but you get the feeling that he's watching everything around you. You shrug it off and keep walking.

After maybe ten minutes of this and walking in silence, you start to feel uneasy and more than a bit edgy. You hear a branch break loudly behind you as someone steps on it, and you jump a few feet in the air. You turn around to see it's only Heero, who's giving you a strange look, and you scold yourself for being so paranoid. You tell yourself that there's little reason to be nervous, but every one of your instincts is telling you that it's otherwise.

"Oh, Heero, it's only you," you say, laughing a bit, sounding a bit more jittery than you meant to. "I don't know why I did that. I thought it was something else for a moment there-"

You're cut off when he reaches forward, puts an arm around your waist, and pulls you towards him. Random thoughts start flashing through your head, most along the lines of, "What does he think he's doing?!?" Your first thought is to pull back and slap him, but before you have the chance, he pulls your head close to his and hisses in your ear, "I think we're being followed. Just play along for now."

You gasp slightly, then nod and whisper back, "Okay." You rest your head on his shoulder for a second, before he removes his arm from around your waist and pushes you away gently. This time, he allows you to walk beside him, and you can see his eyes darting around and taking in every detail, his hand as close to his gun as he can get it without looking suspicious.

You move your right hand to rest on your belt, also near your gun, trying to look as casual as you can. Now that you're concentrating, you can hear them too: the noises of leaves rattling, smaller twigs breaking, and if you listen close enough, the soft tread of booted feet: more than one of them. You walk on like this for a few more minutes. Just when you think you can't stand the silence any longer, you hear muted noises up ahead and almost stop, but think better of it at the last minute. Instead, you reach over and grab Heero's hand, slipping it into yours. He tenses up slightly, but you sidle up closer to him and whisper, "They've got us surrounded."

He nods, showing that he already knew, and stops, his hand reaching for his gun, all secrecy thrown away. You do the same, turning your back to face his, and rest your hand on your own gun, ready to grab it and pull it out at a moment's notice. You glare into the trees, where you're sure you hear some rustling and yell, "Show yourself!" You sound a lot braver than you feel at the moment; despite having noticed them, you still don't know how many of them there are.

As expected, they emerge from the shadows, silently creeping forward, their own guns out and pointed at you. You and Heero immediately draw out your own weapons. One glance is all you need to tell that they're OZ soldiers. One of them smirks. "Hey, they actually noticed us. Not bad for a couple of kids."

You grin, relaxing slightly. You only count about twenty of them; no problem. "Yeah, I guess we are pretty lucky," you say conversationally. "I mean, normally we would never have noticed you. I guess it's just a weird feeling I've been having."

One of the men glares at you. "Don't give us that. You expect us to believe you? You were the one who blew up our base back there."

Your grin grows wider, as, at the same time, you try to look innocent. "Who, me? Why would I do a thing like that? But then again, people like you don't need or want reasons, do you?" To everyone else's surprise, you put your gun back in its holster. "Don't bother, Heero. I'll take care of them," you say, smirking.

He eyes you warily for a moment, then nods and lowers his gun, but doesn't put it away like you did. You grin cheerily at the guards, then beckon them forward. "Bring it on!"

One of them is actually fool enough to take your challenge. He runs at you, lowering his gun for a moment, and in that split second you jump up and kick him in the chest. He falls back, out cold, and you swing your fist at the head of a second guard and knock him out too before you take out your sword.

The other eighteen guards have by now leveled their guns at you, but you ignore that and dart towards three of them. One slash of the sword and all three are dead on the ground. You hear gunshots and leap up quickly, landing among even more of them and striking them. Within a few moments, there's only about five more of them, so you dash towards them and bring four of them down. The last one fires wildly, aiming at your head, but you dodge at the last second and the bullet flies past your ear. You stab your sword deep into his chest, finishing off the last of your opponents.

You stand up straight, grinning slightly, and put away your sword. "No problem," you remark, more to yourself than to Heero. "That only took about ten seconds. I should try for eight next time."

"Judy," he says coldly behind you, and you turn to see that he has his gun on you again. You raise an eyebrow.

"Heero, haven't we been through this before? And besides, I just saved our butts, and this is the thanks I get?" you ask him, more than a little annoyed.

"Where did you learn how to fight like that?" Heero asks, his tone like ice.

You blink. "My boss-teacher-advisor-instructor-mentor person. I had to know how, of course. Did you think I'd try and invade that base without knowing?"

He gives you a long look, his blue eyes boring into yours. You shift uncomfortably, wondering just how long this staring contest will last, when he finally turns away and put his gun back in its holder. "Let's go," he says, his voice revealing no emotion at all. You sigh and follow him; you'd think he'd be grateful to you for getting you two out of that situation, but now he trusts you even less than he did before, if that's at all possible. He's gotten a lot more suspicious of you, that's for sure, and now you're starting to wonder if you should've run away when you had the chance.

Wait for a good time, then try to escape - go to page eight

Ignore how he's acting and stay with him - go to page nine