Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ A Mysterious Letter ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Mysterious Letter

You sigh slightly as you walk back into your base, blowing your bangs out of your eyes in frustration. "Man. That was rather… interesting. Well, at least I can say today wasn't a boring day. Not at all…"

Doctor Y gives you a strange look. "Do you mind telling me what you're talking about? And while you're at it, tell me how the mission went."

You give him a glance as you walk past. "Can't it wait until after I've taken a shower?"

"___________," he says sternly. "I expect you to tell me what went on during your mission, with all the details, along with what else happened to you today that held you up. You should have gotten here half an hour ago. And afterwards, you'll spend the next five hours training."

"Five?!?" you whine. "But I just got back! At least give me something of a break!"

Doctor Y glares at you. "Well, then take your shower and get back to training. We have no idea when OZ will choose to show itself, and you might as well be ready. Your next mission's being planned out as we speak."

You give him your most wide-eyed, innocent look. "But… but…" After a bit of debate, you let a few fake tears slip down your cheeks. "I want to rest! And besides, these missions are so boring if I don't get to kill anyone until the explosion…"

Doctor Y isn't fooled at all by the look on your face. You hadn't really expected it to work; it usually didn't, on strict old geezers like him. "OZ might be prompted to show itself sooner because one of their bases were attacked," he says, going over to a computer and typing some stuff in. "They're being more careful with their security, now that they know that someone's opposing them."

"And a good idea it is, too," you mutter. "The security at that last place was pathetic! I mean, geez, even a ten-year-old could've slipped past them…" Okay, so maybe it was something of an exaggeration, but you knew it was possible. At least, you could've done it when you were ten.

Ignoring you, Doctor Y continues, "Since they know that we've gotten wind of their revival, they might be anxious to do something before their cover is blown when they aren't ready. So, they might be in more of a rush to show themselves, to keep the element of surprise for their first attack. If that's true, then you'll get your MS battles soon enough."

You grin evilly. "Awesome! Hey, have you noticed that every time someone ever cut off a part of a mobile suit or doll, it exploded immediately afterward? I mean, sometimes it's just the arm, and then it goes BOOM! and blows everyone in the vicinity sky-high… well, they all explode except the Gundams. The Gundams are too high-and-mighty and powerful to explode, of course. They never do; instead, the pilots just get really mad and go on a rampage to kill anyone who dared hurt their precious Gundam…" Your opinion of the Gundams and their pilots is slightly mixed: sure, you respect them and all, and also somewhat like them for how they were always thinking of the welfare of the colonies. It just kinda annoys you that they were so… so… superior… to all the other suits you'd seen that there was never a really good one-on-one fight. Well, except for that one time between Wing ZERO and Epyon… you, being you, had videotaped that whole battle and watched it countless times, studying their movements, battle styles, how they used their weapons, and practically anything and everything else that came to mind. That might be part of the reason why you yourself are so eager to really try and pilot a mobile suit… you've never had any real battle experience with MS and MD, but you're pretty darn good at the simulations. Scratch that; you have the record in the base for the fastest time it ever took to beat a hundred mobile dolls, in real life or a sim. Hey, it wasn't your fault if the machines are too darn easy to beat; too slow, too weak, could bring them all down in two minutes flat…

Doctor Y clears his throat, and you suddenly become aware of the fact that you had been spacing out again. "Oh, um… sorry about that… what was it that you were saying?"

"I asked you to tell me what happened on the mission and afterwards?" he demands, obviously annoyed by the fact that you'd totally forgotten what was rule one in standard post-mission protocol.

You roll your eyes. "Yeah, yeah… geez, haven't you heard that patience is a virtue?" Turning away to sit on the computer chair, you tell Doctor Y what happened without bothering to look at him once the whole time. You pause for a moment when you get to the part about the boy you met. You're not sure if you should tell him what happened…

"And afterwards?" Doctor Y asks, clearly knowing that you were hiding something from him.

You wave your hand vaguely. "Oh, nothing much. I just met an antisocial guy who said he was going to blow up that place. He didn't seem like an OZ soldier, so I just ignored him and walked away." You decided not to mention any of the details, quickly classifying the fact that he a) pulled a gun on you and b) told you to follow him to who-knows-where as unnecessary information. You tend to do that a lot, and it got you in trouble sometimes. Like that one time that you failed to mention to the teacher that the compound in the unmarked container was a very potent and highly illegal sleeping drug? Not a nice sight, to find the whole class out cold on the floor… luckily, it was never traced back to you, so no harm done, right? Well, except that the teacher sought an early retirement and was in therapy the last time you checked…

You sigh, snapping back to the present quickly as you realized that you'd drifted off into your own world again. You give Doctor Y a cheery smile. "I'm going to go take a shower now, if that's all right with you. And unfortunately, for you, I mean, I'm going to take one anyway, even if it isn't. So bye!" You skip out of the room, deliberately breaking all the doctor's procedures and formalities. They're all so boring anyway, and besides, you're too important for him to discard. You're the best soldier in the whole place, and though the others constantly remind you of the fact that there are others better than you out there to try and deflate your ego a little, you always just laugh it off. You claim that the only ones who are your rivals in power are the Gundam pilots, and that you can't wait to meet one and show them what you were made of… oh, now that would be a fight to remember.

After the shower, you head over to the hangar, wanting to see if you could beat your record, or at least teach the others at the base a thing or two about humility. You'd just reached the door when a woman steps out. Smiling smugly, she walks towards you and steers you away from the hangar. "I don't think you should go in there right now, ________," she tells you.

You pout. "Aw, Kage, why not? I think the boys could use a good beating right about now, considering how they think they've gotten so much better in the past few weeks…"

Kage smiles and shakes her head. "Sorry, but right now, the men aren't in there. None of the fully trained soldiers are, in fact. The recruits are practicing with the mobile suits today, and it's a good idea to stay far, far away from the hangar during the first couple days…"

You give her a hopeful look. "Well, maybe then I could teach them a lesson about-"

"Sorry, but no showing off to them," she tells you. "As much as you may want to go in there and show them a couple things about what a teenager eight years younger than them can do, I don't think it would do much for their morale to be beaten by such an innocent-looking girl. It might ruin them psychologically, to be beaten by someone who looks just like a civilian kid."

"Well, at least it would teach them not to judge a book by its cover…" you grumble under your breath, but you leave obediently. "What to do, what to do… I know! Hacking into government databases is always fun! Let's go see what Preventers is up to!" Having decided on your next activity, you skip off to the command room.

After inserting the virus into the Preventers system so that the computer said, "Omae o korosu, you pathetic ningen," every time someone accessed it and "Supercomputers will rule the galaxy!!!" whenever it was shut down, you sigh, leaning back into the chair and staring up at the ceiling. Doctor Y had told you that OZ's computers were strictly off limits for your hacking talents, since you wouldn't want to hurry their attacks, now would you? Well, unless you were a crazy mobile suit pilot, which you were, but that's not the point.

A beep comes from the computer, and you blink, straightening up and looking at the screen. "Hmm… new mail? Interesting. I swear, if it's a junk mail person again, I'll make their computer self-detonate…"

Luckily for the unfortunate spam-mailers, it wasn't. It was, however, addressed to you, first and last name, as well as your soldier number that you received after you had completed your training. Strange, no one other than the people at the base knew that number… ignoring every ounce of common sense that you have, as well as Doctor Y's (stupid and pointless) rules that messages from people you don't know should first be inspected for tracking devices, viruses, and all sorts of good stuff, you open the e-mail.

"_________ __________,

"I am sorry to report that I think you have misplaced something of great importance to yourself. I won't tell you what here. See if you can figure it out for yourself… if you want it back, meet me at Oak Park tomorrow afternoon at 1500 hours."

The e-mail isn't signed. You blink again, looking extremely confused at the new turn of events. "Well, that's interesting… HEY!!! How did this guy know I was here in town? How did he know my name and my e-mail? How did he know my number, anyways?!?" That stuff was supposed to be top-secret, known only to the people in the base… heck, the only places that number is actually mentioned are in the base database and your ID card… "Hey, wait a minute! Where IS my ID card?" You frantically search through your pockets, looking for what was most probably the only non-weapon you carried on you. Finding a hole in your jacket pocket, you sweatdrop and mushroom-sigh a second later. "It's gone!!! Aw, man… hey, the guy who sent that e-mail must have it! I've got to get it back!!"

At this point in time, your brain returns from its extended vacation and announces itself by pointing out that you have no idea who sent the message, so it's a pretty bad idea to just walk into the park with no idea of who you're meeting, how they know that much about you, and what their motives may be for doing so. But then again, you're also known for ignoring your brain and being extremely reckless, and you don't really want to ruin your reputation…

Go meet the person who sent the e-mail - go to page nineteen

Try to find out who sent the message - go to page twenty