Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Let's See Who Sent This ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Let's See Who Sent This

Well, even you aren't without a bit of common sense. Sure, you're reckless and crazy sometimes - scratch that, most of the time - but you aren't about to get yourself killed by walking into what could be and most probably is a trap. Even if the e-mail isn't signed and there's no return address, there are ways to track it that even the most advanced hackers would probably never learn. Of course, those ways had been part of your soldier training.

So, half an hour later, you're still in front of the computer, scanning the lines of computer code for any useful information and finding mostly junk. You sigh in frustration, thinking that you might just have underestimated the person who sent the message. Having gone through the message pretty thoroughly at least five times and not coming up with anything, you finally decide to give up and quit. However, just before the window closes, you catch sight of one word: Yuy.

"Yuy…" you mutter. "Sounds familiar. Wait a second… wasn't the leader of the colonies called Heero Yuy? Well, since he's been dead for going on twenty-three years, there's no way he could've sent this. Maybe it's someone's idea of a joke… but they've got to be really good at computers if they can stump even me like this. Well, let's see what we find!"

Entering a search for "Yuy," you sit back and twiddle your thumbs as your results come up. Quickly eliminating anything that only mentions the late Heero Yuy, you watch what comes up - and end up with nothing.

"Gaah…" you mutter, slamming your head on the table and resting your head in your arms. "Why is it always me that ends up with the hard job?" A little voice in your head tells you that it's because you're the best at most everything in the base, and you dismiss it quickly. One, because little voices in your head are never a good sign, and two, you're pretty sure you recognize that voice as being your ego.

You sit up again and stretch. "Well, let's look at my options here. Possibility one is that the name was a joke, only put there to throw me off. Possibility two is that it actually means something. If possibility two is the case, then obviously, it's not common knowledge if I couldn't find it with a simple Internet search. Then that leaves me with three more options: one, it's an inside joke, two, it's nowhere on the net, and three, it's so top-secret I couldn't find it. Well, one and two rule out any ideas of trying to find the person that way, so I'll have to go with three. Okay then! Hacking into top-secret sites is my specialty!"

After checking your own database and coming up with virtually nothing, you set out to hack something else interesting: Preventers. Sure, you've already paid them a visit today, but if you find anything useful, you might actually be kind and send them something to get rid of the virus you put in their system. So, doing a quick search for Yuy, you come up with something that you find interesting, and that immediately makes you regret promising to delete the virus you put in their computers.

What comes up as having mentioned the name Yuy at least once are five names: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, and Chang Wufei. After doing a double take at seeing the name "Winner" as having some connection to the guy you're searching for, you get down to business and click on Heero Yuy. What comes up interests you greatly: he's listed as being part of the most elite and high-ranking section of Preventers, despite being only seventeen, like you are. He has close links to the other four that were mentioned before - apparently, they know each other well because of something or another. But what you like the most is to the right of the profile: a picture of none other than Heero Yuy himself. And what do you know, but you recognize him as the boy you met the night before when you blew up the OZ base.

"Well, he wasn't kidding when he said he was against OZ…" you mutter quietly to yourself. "But if he's this important, OZ should probably have something on him. Let's see what they have to say about the matter!" You hack into the OZ systems next, resisting the urge to do considerable damage to their files. Like Doctor Y constantly reminds you, it wouldn't do to remind them that their computers aren't impenetrable, and you'd like to use that advantage for as long as you can. But still, that doesn't stop you from checking stuff out when you need to.

Going to the list of enemies/possible threats to their cause, you pick out the name Heero Yuy, at the very bottom of the list. Clicking on it, you blink as you realize the sheer amount of information they have on the boy, and it doesn't take you long to figure out why.

"Pilot of Gundam 01… self-detonated his Gundam when capture seemed imminent… temporary pilot of the OZ suit Vayeate… also piloted Gundam Epyon at one point… took possession of and was able to control the Gundanium mobile suit Wing ZERO… geez, this guy has quite a history. And he wants to meet me? I'm flattered!" So, chuckling a little at your luck and just how things turned out, you jump out of the seat, humming quietly, and skip off to try a few training sims to work off a bit of your energy.

An hour later, you're considerably calmer and have gone back to thinking level-mindedly - or about as level-mindedly as you get. Returning to the computer, you open up the message again and tap your fingers on the keyboard absently as you read. Well, as is obvious, he still has your ID card, and you don't want to tell Doctor Y you lost it. On the other hand, you have to agree with the OZ reports on one thing - he is dangerous.

Meet him. He's a Gundam pilot, after all, so you know he's against OZ, right? Besides, you want that ID back. - go to page thirty-seven

Be cautious. Heero obviously didn't trust you the last time you two met, so there's no guarantee that he won't hurt you now. Ignore the message. - go to page thirty-eight