Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Must. Not. Destroy. School. ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Must. Not. Destroy. School.

Smoothing down your skirt, you walk into the classroom, actively suppressing rage. Why, why, WHY were you here in the first place? Couldn't Y get anyone else to do this? Instead, you were being forced to stand on the platform in front of about thirty students, half of whom were boys. Half of said boys were currently whistling and catcalling in seeing you in the blouse and short skirt of your school uniform, and you had to resist the urge to threaten them all with a slow and painful death. Oh, what you wouldn't give for your gun at this point… but that wouldn't work at all. If someone found out you had a weapon in this time of peace… well, you could kill them all with an explosive and pretend it was an accident in the chemistry lab… hm, there's a thought.

"Class, this is ________ _________. She's a new student here at our school, just transferred from blah blah blah…" the teacher drones on and on. You resist the urge to roll your eyes; some of those boys are giving you perverted looks, and you give them death-glares that clearly say, "Keep away from me unless you want to be hurt in every way possible." Apparently, they don't get the picture.

Your thoughts drift back to what Doctor Y had told you before; OZ was staying relatively quiet after the attack on the city. You'd managed to get away from the pilots before they even realized you were there, and between the six of you, a good number of OZ soldiers had been killed before they knew what had happened. You hadn't seen the boys during the attack other than that one time, and had no idea how they were doing and even if they were still alive. As for you, you hadn't escaped completely unscathed; a bullet had hit your side, and you'd have quite a hard time explaining it away in the locker room. Luckily, it wasn't that bad, mostly just slightly uncomfortable. If you strained yourself, it would start to ache, which was part of the reason that Y insisted you go to school here, in a completely different country than where the base was. Well, at least you weren't back on the colonies and out of the way if anything else happened on Earth.

You shift slightly, waiting for the teacher to finish his explanation, and glance at the clock in the corner of the room, wondering idly how the heck he managed to fill ten minutes with stuff about you, most of which probably wasn't true anyway. In fact, the last time you remembered actually going to a real school had been during the last war, two years ago, and that was on one of the colonies that had been destroyed… wonder how Y managed to explain that away?

"…yadda yadda yadda. Now, Miss _________, if you could tell us something about yourself?"

You blink, realizing that the whole class's attention is once again focused on you. "Well… um… I'm seventeen. I was born in the colonies, on L6, and I lived there until about two years ago, when I moved to Earth, and… um…"

"What do you like to do?" the teacher prods gently.

You sweatdrop. 'I like to blow up OZ bases in my free time, as well as go on random killing sprees!' Oh yeah, like that would go over well… "Hm… I like to read, watch TV, and beat everyone else at video games." The class laughs - well, at least the boys do. The girls are too busy trying to reclaim their attention to pay attention to you.

"That's nice. Now, will you take a seat in the third row, Miss ________? There's an empty seat next to Takeshi over there…" Inwardly, you groan. Of course you have to get the seat that's surrounded by boys, all of whom are looking in your direction with more than a bit of interest.

You nod and sit down. Immediately, one of the boys leans over to talk to you. You roll your eyes. 'And let the flirting commence!'


Third period, chemistry. Luckily for you, the class is doing a lab today: something about chemical reactions with catalysts that have a different reaction rate, depending on the enzyme. Your job is to find out which enzyme, or combinations of them, speed up the reaction rate the most. Already knowing all this, you lean back in your chair and let your partner do all the work, with you occasionally offering tips. Glancing around the room, you stifle a grin as you spot a small test tube in one of the holders on the teacher's desk. As the first rule that you ever learned for synthesizing explosives, you knew that that chemical, combined with the one you were using for your experiments, would create quite an explosion, that could be delayed by… hm… your gaze falls on one of the extra reactants that's there to confuse you in the experiment. Leaning over, you pick it up, along with the chemical, and sneak a glance over to the teacher's desk, ignoring the confused look your partner's giving you. Now, if you could just sneak over, you could create a blast that could destroy the chemistry lab and get you out of this school… hehehe. Oh wait… that would blow your cover. DARN! And you were so looking forward to having some fun, too…

Sighing and giving up on your plan to cause major damage to the school, you hand the stuff back to your partner and satisfy yourself with telling her to mix a few stuff together… then put a match to it to provide extra energy… and you snicker as she falls back in her chair, shock covering her face as the entire thing bursts into flames in front of her. Seriously, didn't anyone ever tell her that that particular reaction produced alcohol?


Passing period, between fifth and sixth. You wince slightly, holding your side as you walk out of the locker room. "Ow ow ow…" Normally, you love P.E. and would never give up the chance to show someone up at fencing, but it sure loses a heck of a lot of its fun when you're hurt… especially if the stupid teacher insists that you show everyone else how it's done. And then, of course, there was that one guy that was dumb enough to attack you on that side… well, he nearly got his head taken off by your fencing foil. Heh, that'll keep him far, far away for a while.

Chuckling slightly, you walk into your sixth period class, History. Not your favorite subject… resigned to the typical new-student introduction by now, you walk up to the front and wait, looking around curiously as you do so. Over there's the girl you were partnered with for chemistry… the boy whose head you nearly took off, giving you a scared look… and over there's some weird boy with a long brown braid… wait a minute.

You take a closer look at the last boy, who has his back turned to you and is talking with four of his friends, all of whom are lounging around casually on the desks. For a moment, the boy turns around slightly, and you catch a glimpse of his face and gasp out loud. Sparkling cobalt blue eyes… it's none other than Duo Maxwell, and boy does he look hot. As soon as that thought appears, you smack yourself mentally; he may be good-looking, but you're a soldier and there's no trusting anyone in your position. But will someone please tell you just why you can't escape him?

The bell rings, and as they walk to their seats, the teacher comes up and introduces you, asks you about yourself, etc., etc. As soon as he sees you, Duo's eyes light up; it's obvious he recognizes you. And when they hear your name, his four friends, obviously the other Gundam pilots, look up with interest and study you; obviously, he told them about you. Mentally, you're banging your head against every solid object you find; you should've known better than to tell him your name.

To your relief, you have a seat that's about as far from Duo and his friends as it can be. A few minutes later, you're completely absorbed in taking notes and have almost forgotten that they're there… or at least, you do until a hand sneaks into your line of vision and a piece of paper falls on your desk. You glance up, and there he is, his eyes twinkling as he smiles at you. "Hey ________. Just passing out worksheets." You shrug and go back to work, but watch him out of the corner of your eye. He finishes what he was doing and takes his seat, two rows in front of you, and only then do you pick up the packet he gave you. As you do so, a piece of notebook paper falls out, and your eyes narrow. Please don't say it's what you think it is… but it is, of course.

Hey _______,

If you thought you could get away from us that easily, well, you made a big mistake! No one can escape from Shinigami! Even though this is a rather nice coincidence… well, mind telling me what exactly you were doing at that OZ base that one time? And where exactly were you during the attack before? I'm sure you must've been doing something, if you're really fighting against OZ, and I'm sure that crater in the road wasn't created by us… So what do you have to say? The other Gundam pilots wanna hear it too.


Gah… stupid, stupid Duo. Of course he has to ask about this in class, not after school… You glance up and cast a look in his direction. He seems to be paying attention, but he sends a little wave in your direction and you know he's watching you. When the teacher's back is turned, he looks directly at you and mouths, "So what's your answer?" You pick up the note and a pencil and hesitate…

Actually, you drop the pencil and ignore the note - go to page forty-eight

You quickly scribble on the back and lob it back to him, when the teacher's not looking: meet me in the front yard after school, bring your friends if you want - go to page forty-nine

You write on the back of the note: Don't blow my cover or I'll kill you. You toss it back right after you're done writing - go to page fifty